Reviews For The Flip Side
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Reviewer: Bianca Signed starstar [Report This]
Date: December 29 2015 11:50 AM Title: Chapter 1

Reminds me of Land of tne Giants. You have a nuce easy writing style but the first chapter was s bit confusing for me.  Overall, a very good story.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 28 2015 12:47 AM Title: Chapter 8

Amazing story, I'm so ashamed I haven't found this until now. The whole dynamic with people who were once tiny and powerless all of a sudden being huge and powerful is really interesting! I can't wait for more of this! And this chapter in particular was really good, it shows that giants perhaps have too much power for their own good and that it's much more difficult to be gentle, it takes training and patience, and if they aren't careful someone they loved could end up dead.

Author's Response:

Thanks a lot. I wouldn't be too ashamed though. This is the first time I've posted it here on Giantess World.

Now that I think about it, the Veronica and her people are the first actual giants. All the people in the shrinker underground were just playing at being giants.

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: December 26 2015 9:42 AM Title: Chapter 6

Loved it, I hope Vicky can find a place that'll accept her. Can't she be shrunk down? Same way they did to her when she was normal sized?

Author's Response:

Well, currently only the bad guys have the shrinking technology. The people who were rescuing the little people were focusing on a growing prosses to restoring them to normal size.

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: December 25 2015 9:31 PM Title: Chapter 5

Very interesting, please continue!

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: December 25 2015 7:12 AM Title: Chapter 4

I like this, the concept of shrunken people living as giants as a form of rehab after being shrunk is cool!

Author's Response:

Thanks a lot. Though it's not really therapy, more like a happy accident. ^_^

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