Date: January 25 2017 7:54 PM Title: Chapter 1
Still one of the best stories here! Hope you will return to this one!
Date: August 02 2015 10:54 AM Title: Chapter 2
Wow, that's phenomenal.
Date: July 28 2015 9:24 AM Title: Chapter 2
This is SO well written, I can't believe there are so few comments!
Date: July 25 2015 7:56 PM Title: Chapter 1
This is awesome! I love how Jocelyn treats her and totally disagree with the other reviewer, the dialogue is great! So belittleing, I love it.2 chapters and I didn't even realize there was no real physical dominance, all verbal, well done! Can't wait for more of this.
Date: July 25 2015 5:57 PM Title: Chapter 1
Joecyln (sp? X_X) is Amazing.
Date: July 25 2015 5:40 PM Title: Chapter 1
I think that the chatter between the two, while finely written and definitely not awkward, is a little unrealistic. It just plays out like two characters who behave completely inhuman, literally just fetish objects.
I would probably bump the story up to a 4/5 if it had beautiful descriptions, or if the non-dialogue interactions had depth, but really the main attraction seems to be the dialogue and nothing else, so I think it's fairest to rate it based on the quality of that.