Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: stargate1990 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 06 2015 2:00 PM Title: Janine

Finally got to reviewing this.  Loved this chapter, wonderful how she found him and did all that!  hopefully there will be some sex toy or anal stuff.  Looking forward to a little more play here, what kind of situtaion will he awake too.  I am also looking forward to tess reaction to her brother situation when she is told.  Hopefully janine sticks to thinking tess gave him to her.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review, just srtarting to get into the meat of this story, we'll see how it develops

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: August 05 2015 11:27 AM Title: Janine

P.S.---I would've preferred giving a more elaborate review. But, I can't possibly improve on TomSpeedy's analysis.

Author's Response:

No worries, :)

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 05 2015 11:24 AM Title: Janine

"Come, Tom."

A pun worthy of Colin Mochrie. SUPER-LOL!

Reviewer: Shrinkstoryfan Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 05 2015 11:01 AM Title: Janine

Once again you've out done yourself! :)

I hope this is leading to another great panty scene and maybe some awesome interaction in the butt area..


Keep up the awesome work and look forwards to the next updates to all your stories..I;ve been hoping the book gets updated and the house keeper and the Russian thug have some more interaction too..

Author's Response:

There is an amazing panty scene coming up in a couple of chapters, at least I think so, however, my opinion is probably subjective :P

Reviewer: giantessfan9 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 05 2015 12:41 AM Title: Janine

I loved so of it. Please sir, may I have some more?

Author's Response:

Why certainly, :)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: August 04 2015 9:13 PM Title: Janine

Wow! Did you read my mind?!!! This is exactly how I envisioned Janine to act, and it was even sooner than I expected, meaning the good parts are about to get started! :)

I love Tom's reaction to Janine's behaviour: fear. The fact that he can't resist makes it even sexier! He was so distracted by her beauty that he didn't realized of the worst that can happen.

Saliva water boarding? Now that's some next level torture right there! Soon, I can picture Janine tying Tom up with tape, dental floss, string, something to make him stay with her.

Janine probably is also thinking that it's alright to treat Tom this way. After all, he was spying on her, got a peek at her while being naked, and that fact that he has a crush on her makes her think that her acts are sexy in his eyes.

I was pictured Janine to be this girl that closely resembled "Lily" from "The contract". Sexy girl with evil tactics. In addition, I picture Karoline to be somewhat like "Sophie" from the story "Sophie". Sexy woman who horny and gentle. So far, Janine is exactly what I expected, in fact, I think she was beyond my expectations. I hope Karoline exceeds them too.

Well, Tom got his wish. He had sex with Janine. Not what he expected, but I bet it was defiantely worth the experience. The question is how long he can last with Janine being this abusive. Part of me never wants it to end. It's entertaining to read. Maybe some butt action from Janine could be nice. It suits her cruel demeanor.

I really like how you handled the Tess situation. You wrapped it all up quite nicely with Janine's last statement this chapter. If Janine sends Tess that text, then Tess will assume that Tom has got his wish and she won't bother on retrieving him back! Janine is going to say 'best present ever'. I think the best present for any giantess in any story is a tiny man taped to the inside of a pair of panties. That's my opinion, since the girl/woman then knows where to keep that man, and they will know that their present won't leave them.

We know Janine will want to keep this present for a while. She is going to have some fun. Tom.....might....have some fun. For a while. Soon, what he thinks is sexy, is instead going to be scary.

So far the best chapter in this story! I can't wait for the next one!

Author's Response:

Glad you approve Tom, after all this one is the one you requested, :)

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 04 2015 7:55 PM Title: Janine

There goes the happy ending I was hoping for. But then again, i can't help but like this a bit more. Excited for what's to come!

Author's Response:

She got a happy ending

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 01 2015 4:14 PM Title: Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory

Two words: UH-OH!

Author's Response:

Um yeah this could be a long night.

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: August 01 2015 1:25 PM Title: Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory

Love the erotic-ness! Can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Things heat up next chapter. I think creating a little foreplay can help get the story smoldering some. Thanks for the review 

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 01 2015 11:40 AM Title: Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory

My heart is pounding as well! Unaware just has this sneaky, sexy and dangerous feeling that makes every move seem like a thrill.

Tom may be clever, but I think his lust for Janine is distracting him from his survival instincts.

Rarely does my heart rate increase while reading a story without sexual content. I have a feeling that that's about to change soon.

I can't for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Hey Tom glad you're still along for the ride. It's about to get crazy...

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: August 01 2015 9:10 AM Title: Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory

And that Tom, is when she finds out a tiny man has been fondling her in her sleep! I would run if I were you.


By the way this: She was lying on her side, back to him, strands of her long unkempt golden hair strewn about the landscape, her weight creating a gravity well in the soft mattress

Gravity well is a very unique way to describe the scene. I like it. 

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review. I appreciate the comments it helps me develop my writing voice. I thought defining her weight in those terms would convey a sense of size. My thanks for the recognition of it :)

Reviewer: sarashrunk Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: August 01 2015 5:06 AM Title: Tess


But few emotions ... More tone in danger

Boobs, Ass, Fart

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review. I'm trying to found the emotional gravitas in the current of danger. There will be more bobs perhaps some assistance upcoming 

Reviewer: takuoni Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: July 31 2015 12:44 AM Title: Tom's Story

I love the relation between Tom and his sister. She help him to realise his fantasy and really care for him. I hope she ll get back him soon.

Author's Response:

Thanks for taking time to write a review. I'm still not sure where I want the relationship between Tess and Tom to go but we'll see. 

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: July 31 2015 12:33 AM Title: Tom's Story

Wow, deep stuff from Janine but Tess is going to get caught up now that she can't find Tom. How Janine will react to seeing shrunken Tom will be fun.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 30 2015 8:09 PM Title: Tess

I'm not sure if Tom is smarter than Tess. And that's impressive if that's true.

Tess is already brilliant. She played that lost eating decoy very well. She also did a good job on making Karolina and her maids stop looking on the ground by stating that she found the earring. Perfect execution!

Janine not into older men. She's already looking for a partner and feels awkward when thinking about Aedin. Perhaps Tom can fill that void.

So the party is finally over! Tom is alone with Janine, Karolina and their maids. (I hope their maids were only their for the party. Wouldn't want them becoming a distraction for Tom. Unless you got something in mind.)

I can't wait to see who finds Tom first. Will it be his lovely girlfriend Janine, or the sexy MILF Karolina? I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 30 2015 6:09 PM Title: Tess

Loved it. Keep it coming!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 30 2015 5:44 PM Title: Tess

If only Tess had just lowered herself to thinking like him. But, now, it's Janine who's most likely to find him, first. And, it remains to be seen whether she'll be flattered...or Tom will be flattened.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 30 2015 12:59 PM Title: The Adventures of Tom

So, if he starves to death as a result of waiting to see Janine au naturel, at least he'll die happy?

That must be why the Heaven of Giantess World is so _over-crowded_ with happy shrunken men playing harps.

Author's Response:

Playing harps amidst the crushed, mangled, digested, dismembered, eviscerated. Starving might not be that bad :S

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: July 29 2015 6:53 PM Title: Tom's Story

Soon Tom will be discovered and all sorts of sexy things will happen! :)

Author's Response:

Soon :)

Reviewer: brett533 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 29 2015 2:50 PM Title: The Adventures of Tom

Awesome so far cant waite for him to be discovered. Also when will the contract be updated?

Author's Response:

Hey Brett533, thanks for the feedback on this story. I'm hoping to upate the Contract within the next few days! (The one I'm spinning my gears on right now is the companion story for the Contract-The Book :S)

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