Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 16 2015 2:31 PM Title: Monday Afterschool Delight

This ring and chain just showed Tom that he is just a mere slave to Janine as she can do what she wants with him.

This chain could be used in many ways. She could just lift and lower Tom to any place on her. She can let him fall inside her, and take him out. Then let him fall, and take him out. Then again and again.

She could also use the chain to 'chain' him up to some place in her room so he doesn't escape.
Of course, if she doesn't want him to escape, she can just carry him inside her. She will always feel him so no need to use a chain.

Not sure what else she can do with a chain and collar besides humiliate him. I prefer him taped up and gagged instead of being chained. That way Tom is more helpless and the tape won't get in the way of some activities like a long chain.

The chain is a great symbolic way of breaking Tom down. Now he looks at Janine as an evil sexy cruel goddess and wonder if there is anyone or any hope that can save him.

This stuff is getting intense. I like it.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Don't worry, Janine is still playing, trying to figure out what she wants to do next - wait for the hairbrush scene :-O

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 16 2015 10:06 AM Title: Monday Afterschool Delight

Well, Tom is now finding out just why such adolescent feelings are called "crushes."

The ones having them feel "crushed" when their affections aren't reciprocated (which is often the rule rather than the exception).

Author's Response:

Too very true,, unrequited love or objectified obsession, lethal mix.

Reviewer: unknown1 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 15 2015 12:06 AM Title: Monday Morning, Detention

gets very good

Author's Response:

Thank you for taking the time to read this story and provide a review, hope I can continue to keep you entertained

Reviewer: sarashrunk Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 14 2015 3:05 PM Title: Monday Morning, Detention





Author's Response:

Thanks for the thumbs up, :)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 13 2015 11:05 PM Title: Monday Morning, Detention

Damn, Janine is sexy!

The way she took Tess's hand and brought it down to her underwear was amazing. I didn't even expect Tom to be there.

Also, the way that Janine said "where he wants to be" just made me cheer. It's true, he wants to be there. I wish I was Tom. The girl of your dreams keeping you in her panties. Wow!

And yes Tess, Tom does want to be there. No need to rescue him. Just enjoy the show that Janine is giving you.

Wow! How attractive is Janine? She can even lure Tess? Now that's seduction at its finest. Seduction to get what you want. However, I'm not sure what Janine wants to do with Tess. This is not one of those stories where Janine could shrink Tess. However, Janine can convince Tess to stop worrying about Tom. I think that's Janine's reason.

That kiss was just a tease. Janine is just sending an invitation to a second party. And this time it's private. 1 on 1 with a special tiny guest. I would feel a bit weird if Tess got intimate with Tom, so I do wonder where is this going.

Janine wants to share Tom? No way! I thought she wanted Tom for herself. Perhaps it's just a way to get Tess off her back. I'm not sure. I just hope Janine knows what she is doing becuase I don't want her to lose Tom to Tess. I like Tom as Janine's pet, or even Karolina's pet. But Tess, hmm, I wonder what Janine has in mind.

I love Miss Addison's reaction. And also Janine's reply was fantastic. It made it so awkward that Miss Addison didn't want to talk to them anymore.

Great stuff. I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Janine is damn sexy, and the queen of manipulation, she's just finding her groove, or at least Tom is...

Reviewer: takuoni Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 13 2015 8:45 PM Title: Monday Morning, Detention

Amazing !  Janine is so hungry for sexy times.

The threesome is such a good idea, it has to happen !

(And the best way for Tess to take his brother back)

Author's Response:

Janine is flush with adolescent hormones, poor girl is a slave to her own body chemsitry, she...just...can'!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 13 2015 7:19 PM Title: Monday Morning, Detention

So, "lesbian" clear about this: Tess is about to come out of the proverbial closet?

Author's Response:

Teenaged confusion and angst, uncertainly and indecision marked by a fledgling need for autonomy, not necessarily a resident of Sapphos

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 13 2015 6:15 PM Title: Monday Morning, Detention


Looks like Tom's in a BIG problem!


Author's Response:

Big but still very tight, oh my

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 11 2015 3:34 PM Title: Sunday Evening

The prefect definition of sexy and cruel! That is how Tom views Janine.

I love this combination because while Tom gets aroused by Janine and her seductive behaviour, he becomes more willing to do what she pleases even though it is downright cruel. He is mentally battling his emotions whether these situations are sexy, or horrible. Its up to him to decide.

Its funny. I was watching some clips with women dripping hot wax on their partners and it just looks painful. So with that background, it helped me picture that scene as the wax landed on Tom.

In addition, I enjoy how you describe the anus closing around his neck. The fact that he cant move his limbs that much, and she has control on his body just by squeezing her cheeks is just awesome.

I think that her ass is the best place to keep Tom for Janine. For Karoline, its the front of her panties. Both of these places keep hidden from view and bring these women pleasure. Also, they know where Tom is at all times and no one has any idea that he is there.

Janine is sexy and cruel. Her ass is sexy and cruel. (For a tiny guy like Tom). Being inside an ass is hell and thats what I imagine Tom to be in. So I like where this is going.

Hot chapter 10/10.

I cant wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Hey Tom,

You asked for sexy and cruel, ;). Soon it will be Karolina's turn, we'll see what kind of ginatess she will be

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 11 2015 9:14 AM Title: Sunday Evening

That candle wax scene reminds me of something similar from an early Daryl Hannah film co-starring Edward Albert and Valerie Quennesen.

Author's Response:

Summer Lovers - Daryl Hannah played Carly Featherstone (I didn't see it, I looked it up :P)

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: August 11 2015 5:41 AM Title: Sunday Evening

Okay its really bad, Tess needs to break in and get Tom out pronto!

Author's Response:

He certainly is out of his element, butt...

Reviewer: takuoni Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: August 09 2015 12:23 AM Title: Tom's Story

Poor Tom, if he listened his sister last night that would never happend.

If Karoline is kind enough, maybe she will let him get back to Tess :)

Author's Response:

Well shall see how poor Tom fares in the next few chapters...

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 08 2015 3:38 PM Title: Sunday Morning

Seeing as how Janine regards him to have been a birthday gift, I don't see Tom being given back to Tess, at all.

Author's Response:

Only time shall tell...

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: August 08 2015 1:05 PM Title: Tom's Story

Even though it is my request, I like to review it as if I dont know what to expect. I cant really explain it. It just seems more fun like that.

Also, my predictions when I say "I want to see" or "I hope to see" are like mini suggestions.

So far the story is beyond my expectations since I pictured it to be quite simple. However, by including many details and more characters and plot, the story feels more well rounded and on its way to a masterpiece!

This is probably that one story that when I say "I cant wait for the next chapter!", I really really cant wait. Im just that excited.

And as always, I cant wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Thanks alot Tom, i appreciate it, after all this was your orignial idea and I'm glad it has exceeded your expectations. :)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 08 2015 12:54 PM Title: Sunday Morning

Loving the detail! Most giantess stories dont even consider food, or hunger as necessary to be included, so Im glad you put it in this chapter.

I have always liked the 'tiny guy is cold, so lets warm him up with something from my body." The tiny man then embraces the warmth despite where it came from, and its sexy becuase we know the guy doesnt like being warmed up like that.

Janine going for a drive? Is this because of what Tess asked? Seems like it. Perhaps Janinie left Tom in her room, so Tom wont try to get Tess's attention.

I wonder what will happen to Tom while Janine is away. This could be a perfect transition for Karolina! While Janine is away, Karolina is here to play! In addition, Tom said that Karolina is a MILF. Tom could focus on loving Karolina now that Janine has be different than he expected.

Karolina could act like Sophie from your other story and become gentle yet horny. Also, she should maintain her control on him. She can lure him to trust him by using sweet talk, and then take advantage of Tom while he becomes dependent on her.

What I like about this chapter, is that its not that predictable. Sure Janine left, but we dont know what she is going to do. Tom is left alone but we dont know what he will do. The next chapter feels so open that anything can happen, and I hope Karolina shows up. She might give Tom a glimmer of hope.

I cant wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Janine got a brand new car for her birthday, not quite as cool as a little man, but it is only proper she show her appreciation to her parents for the gift. Karolina is still a few chapters away, but I won't let you down ;)

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: August 08 2015 10:08 AM Title: Tom's Story

Guess Tom will be so over Janine by now!

Author's Response:

Torn between the danger and the satisfaction, almost like being married, oh wait, was that my outside voice?

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 07 2015 9:21 AM Title: Tess

Can you say "Top-secret Federal facility," Tess?

Insert X-FILES theme, here.

Author's Response:

"There is no such facility," says the faceless man half concealed in the shadows, tendrils of smoke crawling off the end of his cigarette as he fades back into the gloom,

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: August 06 2015 9:00 PM Title: Tom's Story

Tom's grandfather suffered the same fate, does that mean the process is irreversible? If so, then Tess better run over to Janine's place immediately! Tom needs saving.

Author's Response:

Will be looking into the grandfather stuff but only on the periphery. the well gets deeper.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 06 2015 7:09 PM Title: Tess

Whoa! So this must be the twist that you were adding to this story! A shrunken grandfather as well?!! Hmm. Does this mean that Tess's grandpa is under the care of some women at a nursing home? That could be interesting, unless it's just speculation from Tess.

So Tess wants answers and decides that the best way is to spend time with Janine and secretly get some answers without Janine knowing. It would be funny if Tom was "with Janine" when Tess talks to her.

Also, if Tess does in fact spot Tom, she might think that Tom is enjoying himself, and won't bother taking him. Perhaps she wont see Tom's fear in his eyes and instead sees joy. Surely, then Tess will let Janine keep Tom. (I hope Tess doesn't take Tom back.)

I wonder why the grandpa was so worried and said it was urgent. Is there a side effect to the shrinking or is the shrinking part that makes it urgent. I hope it's just the shrinking that got her grandpa worried.

Don't worry Tess, Tom will definatley survive in Janine's house. Besides, what could go wrong in a house with two lovely women such as Janine and Karolina? Nothing, becuase this story is about to have its fun!

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 06 2015 5:35 PM Title: Tess


Lovin' the suspense!

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