Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: August 24 2015 9:12 PM Title: Tom's Story

That review took so long that it timed out, and I had to login again and copy and paste it back.

Long reviews are a good sign. It means that it was a great chapter.

Author's Response:

Thanks tom, glad I still have your attention and am still following the path you set down

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 24 2015 8:58 PM Title: Tom's Escape

Oh Boy! It's getting interesting!

Finally Tom escapes Janine's clutches and he winds up in what I think is arguably the best place in the house. Her mother's room is a safe zone! A perfect spot to rest and not fear Janine getting near him once in a while.

It felt like Janine knew that Tom was in Karolina's room. The way she called Tom out, it made me wonder if she checked all the rooms, I mean, this is a big house right? There's probably a bunch of rooms in that hallway.

One thing that I think is key, is that Karolina caught Janine in her room. Imagine if she sees Janine back there again.....she won't! If Janine left before her mother came, then there is a chance that Janine may sneak in the room. Now if she sneaks inside, her mother will be even more pissed off. Perfect!

Now begs the question whether Tom decides to escape, or think that Karolina is the better option.

I pick Karolina. Why? Well, who else does run for help? Tess? Yeah right. Janine will make sure of it. However, Janine can't make sure that Karolina can't help Tom. Otherwise, Janine will be caught guilty if her mom questions her behaviour. Janine won't risk it and will leave her mother alone. Tom can't escape because of all the dangers outside their house including bugs. His best chance is with Karolina, and I think he doesn't mind that at all.

In addition, Tom now finds Karolina attractive. He doesn't find Janine attractive anymore. He has fear when he looks at her. Now the feels that he used to have for Janine, are now placed on Karolina. Also, I bet Karolina looks like another Janine with better curves in all the sexy places.

When a girl decides that she wants to tie you up and stick you inside her ass, well no matter how sexy that sounds, it's probably what hell is with a giantess.

Good move by Tom to escape. I bet Karolina can't be any worse than Janine. It even shows in their behaviour. Janine can get guy she wants, but she can only have one tiny man, and she wants to get all the pleasure she can, because she is use to being able to get away with things. Even when she talks to Tess, she has leverage so she can do anything she wants. However, Karolina is elegant. The way she disrobed, the master bedroom, the way she told her daughter to follow the rules and not force her out. Karolina makes things equal and is the only person who can stop Janine from getting everything she wants. Since Karolina can stop Janine, Janine on the other and cannot stop her mother. Meaning that if Karolina gets Tom and the two have an arguement over who gets him, my money is on Karolina.

Karolina is going for a bath. Tom is hiding and peeking. You something good is about to happen. Will she find him, will Tom get an unaware moment? How will this next scene develop?

Will Karolina slowly walk out of the bathroom toward her bed and Tom stares so much that he trips and squeaks? Or will Tom get stuck somewhere and Karolina sees him and she gets a clever idea? Man I can't wait!

I wonder if she's thinking about her husband and wondering how long it's been since she had someone .....her pleasure. I can picture Karolina being this gentle and sexy giantess. She should be in control, after all, she is the lady of the house. She runs this place. A person serving her would relieve her of some stress. She might even be horny, and I think Tom would be glad to serve her.......for some time. :)

A fantastic transition chapter, from one giantess to the next, in a very entertaining segment where Karolina basically is telling Janine, "this is my territory, everything on it is mine" then she pauses "including your cute friend over there".

We can say that Janine doesn't think that her mother knows about Tom, but when she does, Janine is done for. Tom will be "rescued" and Jane might be punished. I say "might be" because Karolina might keep Tom as a secret if she finds him. Or she could just blurt it out to Janine that she has Tom. Janine can't get Tom from her mother the way that Tess couldn't get Tom from Janine. A great cycle. Tom gets handed from powerful woman to even more powerful.

I really, really, really can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Wow big review, but you got a pretty good grasp to what's coming down. Next step, phase two

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: August 24 2015 7:03 PM Title: Tom's Story

Tom bought himself time , at least until Karolina finds him or she leaves the room. 

Author's Response:

For now...

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: August 24 2015 4:51 PM Title: Tom's Escape

I think you meant to say that Karolina "grabbed a couple" (presumably soap chips). Other than that, this chapter was flawless. The escape sequence being especially white-knucklish!

Author's Response:

Thanks for the heads up, fixed, nice catch!

Reviewer: sarashrunk Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 21 2015 3:13 PM Title: Freak on a Leash


Continue good work

I'm anxious

what Tess going to do?

Author's Response:

Thanks, soon there will a chapter for Tess

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 21 2015 2:40 PM Title: Freak on a Leash

Does this mean Tom and Janine are now engaged? Because, she certainly wasn't giving him the "brush-off!"

Author's Response:

She was just helping hi 'brush-up' on his cunning linguistic skills, ;)

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 21 2015 1:03 PM Title: Freak on a Leash

1. Wow. Really interesting sex scene (if it could be called that).

2. I am kind of hoping that he gets rescued, but Janine seems sexy.

3. Is Tess a lesbian?

4. I'm guessing that Janine is though.

Author's Response:

Janine is damn sexy, no Tess is not a full on lesbian, but she might be curious, Janine is Janine :P

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 21 2015 8:57 AM Title: Freak on a Leash

Great descriptions! I was easily able to picture Tom tied up to that brush.

Good choice of material; a ribbon. To me, it represents the gift that Tess gave to Janine.

Janine wraps up the gift, ready to give it to something else, her vagina. It accepted the gift. Soon, the gift will be passed on to her ass. Gotta love gift exchanges.

Doesn't she have a dildo? I mean, why use a brush? Lol. Her mother probably thought something was up. Then again, letting your mother see a dildo is probably worse.

Speaking of her mother, Karolina. She knows something isn't right. You know what, maybe she even heard Janine moan from the hallway. I wouldn't be surprised to see Karolina "investigating" the situation. (I know it's bound to happen. I just enjoy predicting stuff.)

Janine- "But first, you need a bath". (Only scrubs Tom's face.) Haha!

The whole point of going to the bathroom was for Janine to relieve herself. That "bath" did nothing except scare the crap out of Tom, especially when he saw the Toilet. That cruel Janine.....she is awesome!

Another sexy chapter! And I can't wait for the next one!

Author's Response:

Time to tranistion to Karolina. Eighteen years old, she doesn't have a dildo yet, well, she's got a little tom though

Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 19 2015 8:25 PM Title: Tess

Nice twist, wonder how good a freind Sam is? Will she try to make Tess a pet? Maybe pair up with Janine? Or will Tess shrink Sam to keep her grandfathers secret?


Can't wait to see what Janine has planed for Tom next!

Author's Response:

*wringing his hands together* muwahaha new depths for Janine, well maybe for Tom...

Reviewer: Northgate Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 18 2015 8:50 PM Title: Tom's Story

I waited a while to review but after the last chapter I couldn't wait any lomger.  I love the idea of Tom getting everything he wanted but it didn't quite turn out the way he thought it would.  Great stoytelling so far.  Janine is a twitsed bitch  and I can't' wait to see what she has planned for him next.  Please keep going.  Thanks.

Author's Response:

I appreciate the read and review thanks for taking the time. Janine certainly is developing an appetite unfortunately for Tom or formate I guess depending on perspective. Next chapter steps it up some hope you enjoy! 

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 18 2015 5:29 PM Title: Tess

Well Tess screwed up. She let her emotions get to her.

Unlike her usual self, Tess was able to conceal her emotions around people. When she was hiding Tom in the party, she hid her worry if someone would see Tom. Then as she was looking for Tom, she used her earring as a decoy and no one read any fear on her facial expressions.

Tess played it beautifully, and now all of a sudden, she just let all her frustration out and Sam, as a true friend wants to help her solve Tess's "problem".

If Tess kept this to herself, Sam wouldn't be involved. And it's a shame becuase now Sam can ruin Tess's approach on Janine.

This is similar to the story "Sophie" becuase Sophie and Olivia had to eliminate the evidence. Here, Sam is an ally at the moment, but now she is also evidence. I wonder if Sam is a worthy partner for Tess and is she ready to help Tess.

Tess's grandfather wants less people to know about it becuase of what is at stake if authorities know about his equipment. He does not want it confiscated so he keeps his email as vague as possible and is secretly giving Tess clues and ways that Tess can get the info she needs. Her grandpa doesn't want to give her answers directly and is using a third party to help her.

I really, really, hope Tess doesn't take back Tom. Sure, Tom doesn't like what Janine is doing to him, but would be rather be with anyone else? Probably not. I hope somehow Tess decides to leave Tom to Janine and let her decide his fate.

Tess even said that if Tom likes to be in her panties, then so be it. Yes! I want that to happen. Tom loves to be in her panties! Maybe not by force, it is considered an honor to be in your crush's panties. In addition, the fact that she wants Tom to please her makes Tom more attracted to her.

I wonder how Tess is going to talk to Tom alone, especially when Janine has complete control over him. Also, I wonder if Janine will force Tom to say that he enjoys living with her. Tess is smart, she won't back down easily. However, Janine is wicked clever as well. Who will claim Tom? (I hope it's Janine!)

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Thanks Tom you've always been very insightful in your reviews and I appreciate you taking the time to read my words and share your impressions. On a number of occasions your sage wisdom has helped me share a superior story. Thanks 

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: August 18 2015 5:06 PM Title: Tom's Story

There are writers that update a story once a week. There are writers who update a story every other day. Then you have people like Duggernaut who update 6 stories every other day.

There should be a top ten for most consistent updating authors or something.

Author's Response:

I didn't realize my updates were out of the ordinary. I could slow down...just messing

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 18 2015 11:27 AM Title: Tom's Story

Yeah, I was wondering the same thing as @Nostory's review below me. How are you so fast at updating. Every 1-2 days there's a nw chapter out! How?!

Author's Response:

Red Bull just kidding just trying to share my stories and hope people enjoys. :)

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: August 18 2015 8:28 AM Title: Tom's Story

I got to ask though, how do you update so quickly and not for this story but all of your stories? You're so prolific that it amazes me. 

Author's Response:

Lol 20 words per minute stories come in bursts and then I just dole them out. Sometimes I go too fast and miss some things. Great reviewers help keep me on track, my thanks to them :)

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: August 18 2015 7:41 AM Title: Tess

I can only hope Tess knows what she is doing or Tom will be stuck with Janine until she crushes him by accident. 

Author's Response:

I thinking it's like butterfly wings once touched will Tom figure it out before Janine does damage he won't be able to walk away from? Will Tess be there to catch him before he falls? Thanks for the read and review :)

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 18 2015 7:21 AM Title: Tess

Another update!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 18 2015 6:33 AM Title: Tess

Sorry, Grandpa Wentworth. But, Samira most _definitely_ needed to know. After all; Tom can't be rescued from his current predicament with a simple, single-handed snatch-and-grab! ;-)

Seriously, though; I love it when these stories half-seriously include a little spy-fi action. Thanks for doing that!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 17 2015 7:17 PM Title: Monday Afterschool Delight

"Be careful what you wish for..."

You know, come to think of it? That'd make a great title for my next story!

Author's Response:

Absolutely. For anyone reading this review be sure to check out Carycomic's 'BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR' it's an excellent read!

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 17 2015 2:35 PM Title: Monday Afterschool Delight

Tom's a pet. Wonder what Tess would think if she read this.

Author's Response:

Be careful what you wish for... :P

Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 16 2015 7:48 PM Title: Monday Afterschool Delight

This story is fantastic, Janine is such a sexy giantess, love her attitude and treatment of Tom. One small critique, I think Tom would have been a little worse for wear after spending all day in her panties, would have liked to seen some descriptions about that as well as his time spent in there and being orgasmed on repeatedly. But you've already churned out 15 chapters and written a ton so I get why you may not have wanted to do that, lol.


Just being greedy because this story rocks!

Author's Response:

Thanks for taking the time to read the story and give it a review. I appreciate your input and have tried to make up for overlooking all day in the panties and being baby fresh. I sometimes get ahead of myself and miss some of the minutia that gives the story the extra pop. Thanks keeping me on my toes!

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