Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: wisecrack3 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 03 2015 11:35 PM Title: Home for the Holidays

human dildo, vore, and anall 4 days :D

Reviewer: Northgate Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 02 2015 6:23 PM Title: Tom's Story

Just wanted to jump in and add my contuned support for the author.  Simply put great story.  Please continue.  I love it.

Now I also want to comment on the specifics of the story at this point although now that I read previous comments I see I'm not the only one on many of these points.  I guess great minds think alike or maybe it's small minds!

It kills me that Tom can't learn a lesson from his time with Janine.  He meets Karolina and instead of playing the pity card, he tells her he watched her naked and that she looks like a Godess.  What is he thinking?!?

I see this going three ways, all which are good.  1. Fun and games with Karolina - maybe gentle or maybe mother like daughter.  Maybe she'll design a necklace that will actually work.  2. She reunites Tom back with his sister but then we will have the curious Sam who we all know can't wait to get her hands on little Tom.  3. Karolina gives Tom back to Janine.  This one gets my vote!  After all Karolina is the overindulgent mom who got a mainstream rock band to play at her daughter's birthday party.  She isn't going to deny Janine her favorite little plaything.  All three choices are good and I can't wait to see where this goes next. 



Author's Response:

Thank you very much for your continued support. Tom is still young and blinded by his libido which means pussy. You make some astute observations and your ideas all have potential but let's us not discount another possibility - the existence of Marta the housekeeper she may yet play a more significant role...maybe :)

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 02 2015 11:11 AM Title: Karolina

You forgot the rest of that quote (to Alman) from "Amok Time."

"It is not logical! But, it is still often...true."

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: September 01 2015 12:25 PM Title: Tom's Story

Congrats on reaching 100 reviews on a story!

Author's Response:

Thanks Tom it is due to a fair number of people taking the time to support the story (your story my words) and share a review yourself incised thanks to everyone!

Reviewer: Alman01 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: September 01 2015 3:56 AM Title: Karolina

Well it's sure nice to see Tom get a brief reprive from his earlier days of 'torment' 
Though I reckon he seems very much like a self-destructive protagonist, exposing himself like that but more importantly, refusing or denying a phone-call to his sister to come rescue him Xd

Eventually he or Lina is gonna go one action to far leading to circumstances where that Phone-call home may no longer be an option for him xD

Author's Response:

Hindsight is 20/20 and sometimes the wanting is better than the having...sometimes

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: August 31 2015 9:26 PM Title: Tom's Story

Awww, Karolina and Tom sitting in a tree! 

Author's Response:

Um yeah its about to take a turn seeing as she is the tree :P

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 31 2015 8:41 PM Title: Karolina

i'm afraid Maximus and I will have to agree to permanently disagree. All of us readers, here, have an inner masochist we embrace to varying degrees. Otherwise, we wouldn't read these stories in the first place! But, there is _undeniably_ such a thing as too much of a good thing. And, that includes masochism!

Hence, to paraphrase Sean Connery at the end of HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER: "Sometimes, a little gentle giantess-interaction, every now and then, is a healthy thing."

And, to quote his favorite aphorism in THE UNTOUCHABLES: "Here endeth the lesson."

Author's Response:

"He pulls out a knife you pull put a gun. He put one of yours in the hospital you put one of his in the morgue. It's the Chicago way of doing business."

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 31 2015 8:37 PM Title: Karolina



I love it! Nice and slow and the best part was the mention of her husband! We all know what's coming soon.

I rarely say this, but I don't want any super sexy stuff in the next chapter with Karoline (panties) (nipple play) (mouth play). I prefer more talk with Karolina. Let's develop this relationship a bit more. We could have cleavage, a kiss, and perhaps some sexy talk, and then in the later chapters she can escalate it a bit.

I agree that Tom should be passed back to Janine, but not yet! Maybe after 8 chapters of Karolina! Man, her words are just seductive even though the dialogue is not sexual at all.

So you went with the Karolina doing her own thing and Tom getting her attention. I like it, especial Lina's response.

Oh yeah, good move by nicknaming her to Lina. It rolls off my tongue better. Lina is easier to type than Karolina anyway. (I bet that's why u changed it.) Ha!

Peeping Tom! Beautiful! I didn't even expect that! Good one.

We start off sexy and gentle and finish off sexy and sort of gentle. (Of course we expect Karolina to get naughty soon, as she realizes what is in her possession).

I feel happy...............yep. I don't know why. The sexy stuff hasnt arrived but I just feel good about this chapter. That's the power of Karolina.

I really can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Told you :P I'm not done yet 

Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 31 2015 7:43 PM Title: Karolina

Knew that was going to happen, was hoping it wouldn't and that Janine would get him back first but figured you'd have interaction between Lina and him. Not my cup of tea, I hate gentle but still very well written.


I'll just have to hope Janine is clever enough to get him back! Curious to see where you go with this, still have something cooking with Sam too I think.

Author's Response:

Janine is very clever and now motivated. We'll see if Sam gets a shot to play with tiny Tom.

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 31 2015 6:35 PM Title: Karolina

Yay for Tom!

Author's Response:

For now...the eye of the storm

Reviewer: aaron Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 31 2015 5:11 PM Title: Karolina

That was very well written and, in my opinion, exactly what Tom needed. Lina seems very understanding and wasn't mad he saw her change but seemed to take his compliments in stride. I really hope that we see more of her in future chapters. Even though I think she's neglected by her husband I don't think she'll abuse Tom sexually for her own gain, at least not with him all bruised up. How he fell asleep was very sweet and actually didn't seem sexual at all even though he is currently sleeping on her giant tits. The 'worst' thing I see her doing is pleasuring herself while he's asleep. At any rate I'm really interested to see what Lina has in store for Tom.


Author's Response:

Thanks for the feedback on the writing Tom is the author of his own circumstances so we'll see how things develop between Lina and Tom as he embraces his new situation.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 29 2015 10:50 PM Title: Tess

Perhaps, if Tess were to pretend she was coming out of the closet (with regard to Janine's implied bisexuality), it might lull the latter into a false sense of security. Long enough for Sam and Tess to drag her into a real closet...

...and strip search her!*

*This message brought to you by Off The Wall Suggestions, Inc. Providing unwanted advice since August of 2015.

Author's Response:

Always good to have options and sometimes off the wall is right in the mark ;)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 29 2015 9:42 PM Title: Tess

Hold on a second! There is no way that Sam just thought of that! That lightbulb stuff was some bs, I mean, that idea seemed to be like 1 in a million and she guessed it? Seems a bit unrealistic, but I will let it slide.

Trying to catch Janine? Hmm. That requires strategic planning, or a bit of luck.

These girls think that Tom still lives in underpants? (I think panties is a sexier word). Well, I think Tom should be placed in another set next chapter! :)

Sam reminds me of Sophie, especially when she described the feeling of a tiny in her bra and panties. She sure enjoys the thought. We know Tess does also, when she was on that airplane ride.

Even though I like this Tess investigation, I've been aching for Tom's next scene, especially with Karolina. There are so many ways to execute this chapter.

She can find him, ask what is he doing and stuff, then wonder if he was spying on her, and that could easily lead to a "you enjoyed the show" kinda thing and things will escalate fast.

She can walk around the room as Tom tries to avoid her, but Marolina keeps reaching for stuff that Tom is on and one by one, Tom dodges her, but eventually is caught.

She can walk toward the bed, and look at the mirror while she is posing. Tom gets distracted and walks toward the edge of the bed. Karolina suddenly sits down completely naked on the bed. She decides to put some panties on and Tom gets stuck in them.

She could also sit on the bed on Tom and suddenly get up wondering what she sat on. Then after seeing Tom, she wonders if he is ok and wants to take care of him.

She can also spot him and wonder what it feels like to have a tiny man under her control. She first asks if he wants it, and soon decides it's for the best that she will protect him if he agrees to please her.

She can find him, ask him about her daughters actions and gets aroused by each idea that Tom describes that he went through. Then Karolina decides to do some of this stuff in her own special way.

She can spot him and ask what happened. After learning about Janine's cruelty, she decides to hide Tom in some special spots that Janine will never even think of reaching into to get Tom.

Just some ideas in case you were still wondering on what to do. I'm pretty sure you have already decided, but just in case. (It's a really fun chapter to think about. Many things can happen!)

I really, really, really can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Karolina is the next chapter :)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 27 2015 8:48 PM Title: Janine

I agree with Carycomic, Janine is a freaking genius!

For most, if not almost all giantess stories, when a giantess looks for a tiny man, I always had an idea that if a giantess checks a spot in a room, the tiny could just run over to the place that has already been checked. That way, the giantess won't likely check back there again.

The way she taped up the door was a smart idea. This is her house, so she knows how to use it to her advantage. If Tom was in there, and knowing Janine, she probably would've locked him in there.

But then Tom has to think. Is it better to starve to death, or stay with Janine? Hmm, I think this is a tough choice, becuase that way Tom doesn't have to suffer much with Janine, and can spend a week in the office by himself which might sound better to him. Then again, with Janine, you have another chance of escaping. (Personally, I would chose Janine because her punishments are super sexy and redefines the meaning of sexy and cruel.) Tom probably would've came out and went with Janine rather than starve to death.

I hope Janine doesn't find Tom right away. Tom needs a breather. Sure, she can find him later, but after some time. In the meantime, I bet Janine will come up with some clever twists to put on Tom.

What interested me the most was when Janine was pondering what might happen if her mother found Tom. Of course that got my attention. Janine said 2 things. First is that Tom would recall his last and Karolina might say that he might have started it. I hope that is the case, becuase then she will think that he might enjoy some things that Karolina might do. :) Also, Janine thought that Karolina would give Tom back to his family, which I hope never happens. However, Janine never thought of her mother keeping Tom to herself and hiding him from Janine. Janine has never considered the possibility of her mom having some fun with young guy. (I guess that's what family members think. They never expected a member to do something sexy.)

Totally forgot their was a housekeeper. I hope Tom doesn't get in her hands right away. Would love to see Karolina have a turn, or at least as many turns that Janine have. I mean, Janine did like 8 things to Tom. She kissed him, locked him up, taped him to a brush, inserted him inside her, put him in her panties, kept him in there for an entire school day, orgasmed on him, put a chain, collar on him, and probably a lot more stuff that I forgot. I can't wait to see what kinky ideas that Karolina has!

I really, really, can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

It's coming Tom ;)

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 27 2015 6:46 PM Title: Janine

Oh fuck. I am dying to know what happens next!

Author's Response:

Shit is about to get real

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 27 2015 6:10 PM Title: Janine

This girl has the smarts of Sherlock Holmes. Or, should I say "Prof. Moriarty?"

Author's Response:

Elementary my dear Watson

Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 25 2015 8:18 PM Title: Tom's Story

Just caught up on last two chapters, love that Janine! Great scene with the hairbrush. So want her to keep Tom to herself, hope she can snatch him away before Karolina gets out of the showwer, Janines been rough on Tom when shes not even angry with him, would love to see wht she does to him while mad *weg*

Author's Response:

Twists and turns, but we'll see where our little hero winds up - hopefully he doesn't get stepped on :-O

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 25 2015 1:44 PM Title: Tom's Escape

Something tells me Karolina will having a nice catch of her own, pretty soon.

Author's Response:

Sweet Caroline doot doot do, good times never seemed so good - to quote Mr. Diamond

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: August 25 2015 1:43 PM Title: Freak on a Leash

@Duggernaut: GOOD ONE! :-)

Author's Response:

Thank you :)

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 25 2015 12:23 PM Title: Tom's Escape

Ooh. Someone's mad.

Author's Response:

As a wet hen, who also happen to be as big as an apartment building

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