Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 11 2015 5:59 PM Title: Tess

"...Tess didn't get HIS brother back?"

Does Takuoni know something, about your upcoming chapters, that we don't?

Author's Response:

Um,no. Tess is definitely all girl.

Reviewer: takuoni Signed [Report This]
Date: September 10 2015 10:55 PM Title: Tess

Too bad Tess didn t get his brother back...

but hey he is very lucky anyway

Author's Response:

Not sure yet if Tess will get her brother back or if she does, in what condition.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 10 2015 6:54 AM Title: Tess

And, with all due respect to Maximus, Tom might find Lina too much woman for him, even at normal-size!

So, there. :P

Author's Response:

Quite possibly, from a girl to a woman who has the experience of life to teach the naive Tom in ways he never could have imagined, we shall see how the dynamic shifts now that mother is involved and has access to resources far beyond Janine.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 09 2015 10:41 PM Title: Tess

Let's just make something clear to everyone. Tom wants to spend time with a woman while he is tiny. That's why he left Tess, initially it was because of Janine, but that didn't work out the way he wanted. However, he rolls the dice again with Lina and this time gets his wish and his dream come true. This love that he is feeling now is why he left Tess and I don't see any reason for him to want to return to Tess as long as he is with Lina.

This is who Tom prefers: Lina>Tess>Sam>Janine.

The reason why I put Sam after Tess was because Sam has that same hunger in her eyes that Janine has. I'm not sure how horny she could be compared to Janine, but I'm sure Janine is breaking records for her cruelty so she is last in Tom's choice.

Lina wants someone to give her pleasure and someone to brighten her day. Tom provides the answer to both of her problems and Tom happily accepts his current position. We can see that in the last chapter when he opened his arms to Lina as she picked him up before bed.

Back to this chapter: Wow. You did a great job involving every main character into one chapter and no one suspected Lina to have Tom. You would think that after Tess saw Janine orgasm with Tom in the school hallway, that maybe when Lina paused on the stairs it was because of Tom. Then again, I love this little secret that Lina is holding from everyone. I don't want anyone else to know, yet.

I also am really appreciating how you are handling the Tess situation. I thought she would jeapordize the whole thing, but actually, Tess makes it more interesting and as you said, more realistic. They don't even believe that Lina could keep Tom hidden as well so they trust her, making her not a suspect. Perfect. After this visit, Tess and Sam are probably thinking that it probably wasn't actually Janine holding Tom hostage but rather he got lost or even worse. I'm sure Tess will return again, but now she has a lot to think about for the time being.

Same thing with Janine, she is pondering the same question. Where the hell is Tom? Is he in that closet that she locked up, did he die, did he leave the house, did her mom find him, is he living off scraps in the kitchen? So many possibilities. After all, Tom managed to escape from Janine. There's no doubt that Janine is probably thinking that Tom has found another way to live.

You want to know what the best part is? Karolina knows it all. Yep, she knows why she really paused on the stairs, she knows why Tess was there, and most of all, she knows why Janine is upset, and she is proud of it. I love her.

We need some perspective of Tom soon. Maybe some one on one action with Lina. This is great. The way she kept him in her panties during that whole episode and she managed to keep her composure just enough to convince the girls that there was nothing suspicious going on. I want a behind the scenes in that and I also wonder if Tom was even awake during that whole time? Or was he just moving in his sleep? Either way sounds hot. It's like a stealth mission, that's also very erotic.

Things are spicing up, I love it! I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

As long as I'm still on track for your original request, I'm glad you are enjoying.

Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 09 2015 8:25 PM Title: Tess

Apparenty giantesslover missed the fact that Tom is enjoying his time with Lina and doing this willingly. Lina is the complete opposite of Janine and although his time with Lina has been titilating, I can't wait for Janine to get him back, because unlike carycomic, I find theres no such thing as too much of a devilish girl *weg*

Author's Response:

And Janine is oh so devilish, :)

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 09 2015 5:54 PM Title: Tess

WTF? I thought that Lina was on Tom's side. This just keeps getting worse and worse. (For Tom. Not your story.)

Author's Response:

Tom is completely willing participant, Lina's is much more gentle than Janine

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 09 2015 5:18 PM Title: Tess

I kind of had a hunch that Tom would want to spend all the next day "in bed." And, he probably required little (if any) encouragement from Lina!

Either that; or, she's decided to "adopt" him...against his will.

Author's Response:

Again I'll reference your story about wishing :) from frying pan to slow cooker!

Reviewer: sarashrunk Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 07 2015 4:03 PM Title: Pushing the Envelope


Eager to continue.

Karolina could turn in bed during night. Fart would be cool. Forget Tom in panties.

Reviewer: Lolwat111 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 05 2015 10:32 AM Title: Tom's Story

Thanks a lot,like a loot!
I can wait man but please dont forget it at the end,i really like your stories.

Reviewer: wisecrack3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 04 2015 7:12 PM Title: Sunday Morning

anal vore

Author's Response:

Unlikely with Lina but should Janine get her hands back on him it's a virtual guarantee! She is none too happy with tiny Tom 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 04 2015 1:01 PM Title: Pushing the Envelope

Make up your own "eating" puns, here.

Reviewer: Lolwat111 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 04 2015 7:24 AM Title: Tom's Story


Very nice stories with detailed descriptions and emotions which i like to see a lot along with teenage bratty girls terms.

I know many people enjoy your stories already and i feel like im gonna get flamed to death cuz of feet hate but would you mind writing a long story filled with cruel teenage girls,stinky cheesey,feet,enslavement,converse/sneakers,toejam etc...Some people like me in here like nasty stuff on this website,i tried to write my own story but ended up failing cuz my main language isnt english.I hope you take dont turn down my request and write a foot oriented story.Please man,your writing is just brilliant,i wish i could spin events like you could do.

Thank you,


Author's Response:

Thanks for reading. Although not my cup of tea  I will see if I can't come up with a story with those parameters but please bear in mind it will take some time before i put anything out as I currently have several 'active' stories on the go and all I ask is for some patience as I bring some of those to resolution. 

Reviewer: Slacker28 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 04 2015 5:05 AM Title: Tom's Story

This is nice, I always like the gentle giantess.  If you want Tom to sleep with his giantess then I recomend the story Close on this sight the last 2 chapters.  It is just more intement in my opinion.  Let me know if he is going to do this sort of thing with his sister because it is kind of implied in it.  This is just recomended have fun writing your story.

Author's Response:

Thank you for taking the time to review. The original request for this story came from TomSpeedy who asked for the daughter to be like Janine and the mother to be gentle. I think I would prefer gentle well most of the time :)

Reviewer: Slacker28 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 04 2015 5:05 AM Title: Tom's Story

This is nice, I always like the gentle giantess.  If you want Tom to sleep with his giantess then I recomend the story Close on this sight the last 2 chapters.  It is just more intement in my opinion.  Let me know if he is going to do this sort of thing with his sister because it is kind of implied in it.  This is just recomended have fun writing your story.

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: September 04 2015 2:24 AM Title: Tom's Story

After so much shit, finally Tom gets his break with Lina. 

Author's Response:

And then makes it sexual... he has both the libido and wisdom of a teenager :)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 04 2015 1:07 AM Title: Pushing the Envelope

Wow! Just wow! This is by far the best chapter in the story in my opinion! That was hot! I did not expect them to be so intimate right away, but damn. That was incredible.

I think Karoline has now become the sexiest giantess in this story. I know it's only 1 chapter, but wow, look what happened in just this chapter: Tom licked, pleasured, then they had sex, then a bath, then he got food, then he got to sleep with her, literally, in her panties! Fantastic!

Now imagine 5 or more chapters of this....I can't! It's like a dream come true. I hope it never ends. I have a feeling that everyone will prefer Karolina soon, becuase we just saw a glimpse of her. Janine is that giantess you like to read about, but don't want to experience in real life. Karolina on the other hand seems gentle enough, and in real life, you want to spend time with this giantess.

Soda pop to red wine. Haha.

I just realized something. Janine never had feelings for Tom. She just saw him as a toy. She never said that he was cute, handsome, or gave him a compliment, really. When Tom pleasures Karolina, she is like "ah that's it", but with Janine, she is like "don't stop or I will crush you!"

Janine is creaking sexy, but I think Tom needs a breather. Tom wanted to fulfil his dream, shrink himself and spend time with a tiny. It looks like he is finally able to fulfill it with Karolina. And the best part is that Karolina is on the same page as him.

Well, I don't think Janine can steal Tom during the night, haha. Karolina has got him tucked away in what I believe is the best spot to put him in. It gives both of them pleasure and hides him from Janine. Could there be a better solution? Nope. And that's why I love this relationship. I look forward to more. 22 chapters and it has come! Totally worth it!

I really, really, really, really, can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

You are absolutely right there is a huge difference between mother and daughter (as you requested) and how they interact with Tom.Janine will be like the terminator she won't just quit and will Lina always have him close enough to keep him safe?

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: September 04 2015 12:47 AM Title: Tom's Story

Am I the only reviewer rooting for Karolina to keep Tom? Everyone seems to want Janine, Sam or Tess. No love for Karolina.

I think everyone loves those characters a lot but they haven't seen much of Karolina to like her compared to the girls. I think after these next few chapters, hopefully Karolina does things to Tom that will make everyone root for her.

Duggernaut, your writing is too good that every character you write about gets some love from everyone.

Now I'm putting my faith in Karolina to be the star character, so I can't wait to see what she has in store.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the praise Tom there are several incredibly talented writers on this site who's stories help me elevate my own.

Reviewer: dood07 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 04 2015 12:40 AM Title: Tom's Story

Okay.. First of all, I want you to excuse me if I make grammatical mistakes, because I am French :)

I just wanted to add a new review to your awesome story.

I've read it all in only two days, I swear it was so interesting !! I swallowed it, litterally ! I enjoyed it so much.

You've got to know that usually I'm not fond of mean/violent stuff, and I'm more about feet that anything else, but... Wow ! Even if your story didn't contain I like most, you succeeded in make me love everything about it ! The shrinking is quick to happen, and the way his sister acts with him... This really gets me crazy you know... *~*
The interactions with Janine are really interesting considering the direction of the story, but I have got to admit that I only wait one thing, it is that his sister gets him back :3 I know she seems to like more and more strange things about him, but I hope she won't lose her mind and stay careful with him.
Lina seems lonely in her life, and I'm affraid she will maybe just want to keep the little guy for herself, and this isn't a good thing at all :S Plus Tess's friend, Sam, seems also very interested in the little guy.
Added to what their grandfather told them via email, I'm wondering if the device not only shrinks the subject, but makes him also absolutely irresistible ! This is true, look at it this way : All the girls who've been in contact with the "andsome little guy" seem to fall under his charm... Really strange...

Anyway, even if my review is short, I just want to let you know that I'm really enjoying so much !! Your work is awesome, and the universe you created is completely wonderful... I'm just waiting so much the reunion of the sister and the brother... *~*

P.S.: I saw that the story has been last updated yesterday, amazing !! I hope you'll continue to add more chapters, really your work is magnificient.. Thank you for sharing it with us :3

I'm in love with Tess.

Author's Response:

Thank you for taking the time to read this story and share your praise. Not sure yet how or if Tom and Tess will be reunited but we will see :)

Reviewer: wisecrack3 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 03 2015 11:51 PM Title: Back at the School


Reviewer: wisecrack3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 03 2015 11:35 PM Title: Home for the Holidays

human dildo, vore, and anall 4 days :D

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