Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: September 24 2015 7:36 PM Title: Tom's Story

I agree with both Shrinkstoryfan and Cameron.

First, panty entrapment is also my favorite thing to read about I honestly find that more exciting that insertion itself.

Second, I agree that this is also my favorite story on this site. (For obvious reasons.) :) yeah, I think Janine, will get Tom soon, but not yet. It's Lina's fun time. However, when Janine does get him back, I'm pretty sure I would love to see some anal insertion.

Author's Response:

Patience Tom, this story is about to twist, just make sure your seatbelt is properly fastened, :)

Reviewer: Cameron99 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 24 2015 6:56 PM Title: Tom's Story

Easily this is hands down my favorite story going on the site since you seem to be done with The Book, which I was really into. Admittedly I'm not as into it with the Mom as I'm not as attracted to older women but it is still great.I do hope for three things in the future. One, I do want to see Janine get him back and see what she'd do. Two, I'd love to see a good foot worship chapter, though that doesn't seem to be much your thing so I wouldn't be upset if it isn't included. And three, my most desired thing is a legitimate anal insertion chapter, as that is my favorite thing period, and you've teased if a few times. I'd rather that be with Janine, or even his sister, but would still love to see it with the mother if that's your plan, just want to see that become a large focus, him fully shoved up there

Author's Response:

Hi Cameron99, while i am not done with the book, I am certainly at an impasse, I am in the process of ripping it apart and putting it back together, minus the Harald thread and the awakening of Freya. Anal insertion may be coming sooner than later (I just included it in my story Fan girls, and there was an episode of an overnight stay in Double Dog Dare) - thing is, in this story, it probably wont be with either Lina or Janine (well not the first time) :-O

Reviewer: Shrinkstoryfan Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 24 2015 6:29 PM Title: Tom

Thank you!!!! Tom is right where he should be while she jogs,,I'm a big fan of the panty entrapment :)  Can't wait for the next update to this story..

Author's Response:

Panty entrapment is awesome :)

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 24 2015 4:43 PM Title: Tom

For some reason, this chapter has reminded me of the rock & roll classic, "Insatiable."


Author's Response:

When you mentioned insatiable my mind went Marilyn Chambers, my bad

Reviewer: Alman01 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 21 2015 6:28 AM Title: Misdirection

Alright! That explanation/coverup was spectacularly clever! :)
Lucky for Tom that Lina's such a quick thinker, otherwise his daft idea to hide and squirm in her panties  of all places would have been totally screwed xD

Of course I'm still waiting for Lina to become an impediment to Tom's ambitions, once he finally gets bored of playing around with her and starts missing home etc.
It wouldnt' surprise me if Lina becomes clingy enough to not wanna let Tom go home so easily ^_^; 

Author's Response:

Thanks for the read review and praise on how to throw Janine off the trail. I wanted everyone to think oh oh jigs up and pull a quick one. That said the dynamic in the house is about to change.

Reviewer: sarashrunk Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 20 2015 1:30 PM Title: Misdirection

Very good!

- Lina could have crushed Tom inadvertently stuck to a folder, it would be funny.

- Tom fainted breathless.

- Tom be fine, and Lina torture him in some way.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the props yeah wouldn't that have put a quick end to the story if Lina had crushed him with her vagina

Reviewer: Shrinkstoryfan Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 20 2015 5:09 AM Title: Misdirection

Another Great chapter!!! I do have to wonder if Lina is going to actually go jogging with Tom in his current position? That would be pretty epic if I do say so myself but how ever this pans out I'm sure you won't disappoint.. You haven't so far :)

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review I will endeavor to not disappoint; )

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: September 19 2015 9:57 PM Title: Lina

Correction, Max. He wanted to BE PRESENT FOR HER BIRTHDAY. NOT A BIRTHDAY PRESENT! Janine was simply and deliberately misinterpreting.

"That's my theory and I'm stickin' to it."

Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 19 2015 7:58 PM Title: Misdirection

Damn it, thought Lina was going to relent. This is where Janine should have been keeping Tom at all times, why the heck did she ever bother putting him in a glass. I almost want Janine to swallow Tom like she thought about for running away on her like this. 


Cary, if Tom didnt want to be a present, shouldnt have been in Janines room on her birthday molesting her breast. ;)

Author's Response:

Hang in there don't count Janine out yet she's not one to relent.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 19 2015 4:29 PM Title: Misdirection

@Tom Speedy:

Oh, catfight scenes can be sexy, too! But, even they should be done in order to avoid unintended yawns.

Too much of a good thing, and all that jazz.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: September 19 2015 3:59 PM Title: Tom's Story

@carycomic, Oh you meant something sexual was going to happen in this chapter.

Nevermind about the cat fight thought.

Author's Response:


Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: September 19 2015 3:56 PM Title: Tom's Story

@Carycomic, anything but talk?

I thought for sure at least a discussion, argument, or debate would happen.

I didn't expect like a cat fight if that's what you mean.

I discarded any thought about a physical fight because this is a mother/daughter situation.

Well that's what I thought at the end of chapter 24.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 19 2015 11:28 AM Title: Misdirection

@TomSpeedy: I thought sure this chapter was going to be ANYTHING but talk.

If you know what I mean. ;-)

Obviously, we were both wrong. Still it's kind of refreshing when both of those clichés can be deftly (I've ALWAYS wanted to use that word!) avoided.

Author's Response:

Very adroit use of deftly nicely done. Glad I was able to provide a fresh infusion to avoid the suspected mother and daughter union. 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 19 2015 11:23 AM Title: Misdirection

Maybe Tom wised up, at the last second. Realizing that even Janine isn't that egocentrically short-sighted that she would fail to put 2+2, together.

Author's Response:

Tom is am adolescent boy driven by impulse that circumvents logic and act on his baser instincts 

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 19 2015 10:44 AM Title: Misdirection

Wow! I just can't believe that happened. I thought this chapter was going to be the "talk" chapter where they discuss who gets Tom and stuff. (I'm glad that didn't happen.

Only a good writer like yourself could pull this off.
I was 100% sure that Janine figured it out, but then you used some sort of misdirection thing that totally made Lina more crafty improving her rep and my approval of her. I didn't like how Lina was always so revealing about her time with Tom and how Janine knew how to keep it a secret like she was the expert. Lina should be the expert. And this just proved it.

Basically Lina just pulled the "you think he's in there? Well, here take a look" move. Lina couldn't tell Janine he want there, she had to show her so she could believe. "Seeing is believing."

I thought for sure Janine knew that her mom had Tom. Well, she thought that if did have Tom, he would be in her panties in front of her crotch. What Janine didn't know is that how deep Tom was in her vagina.

Janine was looking for a bulge, usually something she would see on herself as she would carry Tom in her panties. Lina exploited that thought by proving "hey, he's not in where you think he is". And Janine believed her. We also can't forget that Lina's pussy is probably much bigger than Janine's so it could hide Tom more easily that Janine could.

When Lina said "well you can help me then" and Janine said "help". That's when I bet things were turning around. See, when Janine heard that, she was thinking that her mother wanted help with orgasming with Tom and Janine was thinking "well this is weird." Then Lina exposed her crotch to Janine, making an effort to give Janine as much evidence as she needs to deny that Tom was never inside her. It also erases that deep inhale on the end of the last chapter.

Good move by Lina to use "Janine's school time" to make excuses over what she does while she is gone. Janine can't prove that wrong, she has no idea. Also, she can't deny her mother is beautiful so the workout makes sense.

Thank you Tom for not blowing this shit up. However, he practically blew it and Lina had to save his ass, literally. She just saved him from going back to Janine. I bet that toilet scene at the end is a sign for punishment. After all, he should be after that stunt he just pulled off. I think it's time for Lina to have a little more control over Tom. He wouldn't mind, because it's much better than serving Janine.

Haha, now Janine is playing to lying game to cover her interruption and curiosity. She was wondering about seeing the doctor. I have to give credit to her, the excuse is not bad. Both these women are playing their sneaky sides perfectly and this was a good clash.

Another good move by Karolina was once she figured out that Janine fell for her excuse, she decided to punish Janine with her own excuse. She used her sickness as a means to go outside the house and leave her with some privacy with Tom. Hmm. I would love to see a jogging scene with Lina and Tom. We know it's essential that Lina take Tom with her since Janine is going to search her mother's room.

Ok, so Janine believes that Tom is not on Lina's person. Now she is going to check her mother's room. When she discovers that Tom is not in her room, and not on Lina's person, then Janine probably would stop questioning Lina about Tom. At least for some time. Surely it will give Lina enough time to play with Tom until Janine gets suspicious again.

What a turnaround chapter! I thought Tom was caught. He should be punished now, but it's all good in the end.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Hey Tom glad you're surprised. I definitely wanted to keep you off balance. Don't count literary Tom out yet (this story or the other) it is about to take a turn but you'll have to wait and see where this goes. As always thank you for your enthusiasm and support hope you're still delighting in this tale.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 17 2015 12:38 PM Title: Lina

Actually, Max, Tom was an overly pushy party-crasher. Janine merely _assumed_ he was Tess' birthday gift to her. And, you know what they say about erroneous assumptions! ;-)

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: September 16 2015 1:56 PM Title: Tom's Story

Oh Janine, now you know what it is like to have something forcefully taken from you. 

Author's Response:

Just fuel to keep her motivated sort of an okay let's regroup and refocus to capture the prize. We shall see

Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 15 2015 9:39 PM Title: Lina

Lina is a bit of a hypocrite, after giving Janine that speach about respecting each others boundaries, here she is lying to her daughters face and stealing soemthing that belongs to her, yes "belongs", he was her birthday present. 


Wonder what the resolution will be though, will Lina relent and give him back, will they share or will Lina flat out refuse. Cant wait to find out!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 15 2015 8:32 PM Title: Lina

Wow! Lina is on the verge of having what was referred to, in Dean Martin's "Matt Helm" movies, as a real B.I.G.O. (Bureau of International Government and Organization). And, in front of her own daughter, yet!

Looks like chapter 25 will be featuring a shrunken man-age a trois. ;-)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 15 2015 7:48 PM Title: Lina

Wow, that was sexy!

One thing I didn't expect was Janine to find out so soon. (It felt soon to me.)

Wtf was Tom doing? It seemed like he wanted to get Janine's attention. The question is why. Did he want to show Janine that he found someone? Did he want to brag to Janine that he is happy and she is not? I'm not sure what was Tom's intentions, but it felt like he pleasured Lina a little too much. That conversation with Janine was like 10 seconds! I'm sure Tom could've waited, especially since he was in his favorite spot.

You did a great job describing Lina's activity in the bed. She locked the door, lied on her back and pulled the elastic to reveal Tom. I just loved that sequence of action!

Darn it Janine! Why did you have to interrupt the best part! Such an impatient girl. Man she is desperate to have Tom back.

Now these two have to have a long talk after this. Boy, what did Tom end up creating. I think Linda will punish him for this. Now that part I can't wait! But for this long talk, it can go in many directions. For the future of this story, I would like to see a back and forth action between the two as they both have their way with Tom. Janine may be cunning, but Karolina has the control. I can't for this debate! I'm rooting for Karolina!

I can't wait for the next chapter!

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