Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 15 2015 7:25 PM Title: Sam and Tom

Janines the only one in control of this little bugger, to everyone else he's like 007, charms the shit out of them.


I didnt even realize he was still naked, yeah, should get him some clothes, lol. In other sibling stories, the sexual tension is established early and you understand it to be that way, in this story though, youve creeated a real life rrelationship between sister and brother and it just comes across as weird. I know you had that scene between Tess and Janine but i took that as more sexual tension between the two of them and not Tess and Tom.


Looking forward to Tom meeting Miss Karma!

Author's Response:

I wanted to avoid the typical hot sister stereotype and develop a more true to life and honest dynamic thanks for noticing. Ton is certainly a smooth little operator but he will soon find all of his gifts may be of little use. :)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 15 2015 4:12 PM Title: Sam and Tom

For some reason, I didn't like Tom's cocky behaviour with Lina. However, I find it amusing with Sam and Tess. Watching Sam and Tess get all tense makes it more fun to read.

I agree that they need to wipe that smile off Tom's face, but no I actually like that smile. It keeps him going and makes it more entertaining and the punishments he receives more justifiable. Tom is also instigating all the sexy stuff, and we all want to read about that so I think it's best to let Tom keep it up, for now.

Tess was gone for 5 minutes? Wtf was that? Did she just go to the bathroom and found what she needed? Like, the conversation felt so short between Sam and Tom. (Rereading the chapter makes it feel even shorter.)

At least we know that Sam is into some crazy stuff. Man, I wish Lina had those thoughts. I would love to read about Lina's dreams. I thought she was too busy to even think about her love with Tom that her experience with him, wasn't that powerful. It was soothing to Tom, but I felt that she didn't have that same passion as Sam and Janine.

I think the most obvious solution is for Tess to let Sam take hold of Tom. Sam could play with him and even take him to school. Tess is playing the working mom role like she is juggling multiple activities at once. Sam could lighten that load and carry that burden that is Tom.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Remember this is your story and I've got an inclination of where to take this that will bend your mind. ;-)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: October 15 2015 4:01 PM Title: Sam and Tom

I'm with Carycomic, that was hilarious!

Author's Response:

Cocky cocky Tom. Pride goeth before the fall

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 15 2015 12:31 PM Title: Sam and Tom

"Want to see the helicopter?"


Author's Response:


Reviewer: Peterparker Signed [Report This]
Date: October 15 2015 11:01 AM Title: Tom's Story

I also hope that this story is FAR from over:)

Author's Response:

There are still some plot twists coming but not sure how long this tale will be. We shall see

Reviewer: Peterparker Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 15 2015 10:47 AM Title: Tom's Story

I think Tess or someone should fart on him.. Either when he is trapped in the box with it or disposed in the back of her panties!! Farting teaches the tinies a lesson lol!! But so far so good! Add more booty and it will be an 11/10 lol I LOVE this story!! Add that ass gas hahaha

Author's Response:

I know you are a true dedicant to ass and gas. There will but play coming and I've another story in the works called Nasty as a request. The title says it all. Just going to wrap up a few stories before publishing anything new though.

Reviewer: cxwaves Signed [Report This]
Date: October 14 2015 6:09 PM Title: Tom's Story

Seriously. Someone finally needs to wipe that smirk of Tom's face.


Author's Response:

Lol, as i commented in another review, karma can be a bitch - a gigantic one.

Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 13 2015 7:21 PM Title: Tess

Ok, Tom needs to be hurt, hes a smug bastard and a creeper. Looks like Sam is just going to give into him too, although she did have darker thoughts. I dont see her doing anything bad though because of her friendship with Tess.

Author's Response:

He is a bit of a perv in need of a serious comeuppance, don't worry though, karma can be a bitch

Reviewer: takuoni Signed [Report This]
Date: October 13 2015 12:13 AM Title: Tess

Tess is really pissed off, but she still love her brother.

Maybe he could help to release all this stress... if you know what i mean :-)

Author's Response:

Lol, I think I get your drift, but she will need to simmer down before doing anything rash

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: October 12 2015 11:50 PM Title: Tom's Story

Ha, so Tom was inside after all. He certainly wasted no time in sexing up Sam right away, no shame at all!

Author's Response:

Tom is like a raging hormone, or as he would say, "Living the dream," and eventually some dreams can spiral out of control and become a nightmare.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 12 2015 9:03 PM Title: Tess

Duggernaut, I have a feeling that you forgot to even let us know that Tom was in the case last chapter. I think as you read the reviews, you were probably surprised at what everyone was talking about. Then you decided, hey, I did leave that part open to discussion, and it's distracting them.

Maybe I'm just used to your style, but after the first time I read it, I felt certain that Tom was in the case. It felt clear. Usually you leave clues that make me question whether something happened or not. However, if you did intend on creating doubt about the case, then bravo, because this was the best one yet.

Back to Tess. So Tess emotionally wants to beat the shit out of him, but physically she can't, because of sibling love. Sam on the other hand, doesn't care, he is a pervert and gets what is coming to him.

Careful Tom, she could be Janine 2.0. While Sam gets roughly 30 minutes with Tom, we will see what type of giantess she will be. I think it's fair to say she won't be as gentle as Lina and won't be as cruel as Janine. However, I think she is closer to Janine than to Lina.

I wonder how long Tess will keep Tom. Will Sam take him to class? What if a sexy teacher gets him!!!?? (I swear, if that teacher's name was Ms. Mackenzie, my heart would melt. I mean, it just connects beautifully with "Bang your head". That could be interesting.)

We also have to wonder if Janine knows, does she? Who is this Francis guy? When will he leave?

Then we have to wonder about Tom. Does Tom escape? Will he stick with Sam because of her sexual play? What will Tess do with Tom because we know sexy stuff won't happen between them.

So many burning questions that I want answers too! I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

You are absolutely right, in my mind Tom was in the cqase the whole time but as i started going through the reviews, I was like, hey that would make for an interesting turn, but I've got a couple of twists of my own coming up pretty quickly, so...

Different school than Bang Your Head, though that school is the same as Anna's Awakening :O - Francis is Janine's daddy and we don't know how long he will be around or what Janine said to get him to come home, yet.

For every answer another question :)

Reviewer: gtslove Signed [Report This]
Date: October 12 2015 6:53 PM Title: Tess

Woah! Made an account to comment on this chapter. Great chapter and I love sam!

Author's Response:

Thanks a lot, yep, Sam is definitely a sexy girl!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 12 2015 6:48 PM Title: Tess

Next chapter?

"Wham! Bam! Thank you, Sam!"

Author's Response:

More or less, but don't mess with Tess

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed [Report This]
Date: October 12 2015 9:55 AM Title: Hand Off

Oops. I meant to type Tess, but guess I accidently wrote Sam. And that, my friends, is why you don't go through life with 5 hours of sleep a day.

Author's Response:

"All work and no play makes Homer go something, something, something,"

"Go crazy?"

"Don't mind if i do!"

Reviewer: Alman01 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: October 11 2015 7:04 PM Title: Hand Off

Alright, still going strong this one is. Very good. I must say I did kinda enjoy Lina asserting her dominance over Tom when he tried his same old anticts again at the end of the last chapter. Sometimes a cocky tiny guy has to remember his position even with gentle giantesses xD


Also this was a good chapter. Though I wanna go on record here and see if I'm gonna be right or not:  Tom isn't in that eye-glass container.

Nope, I'm pretty sure that somehow during the hour interval after the phone-call, Jannie probably swiped Tom from his hiding spot. Maybe did some switcharoo? : d
I'll have to wait and see xD 

Author's Response:

And now the new chapter reveals the answer...

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: October 11 2015 6:22 AM Title: Hand Off

@Giantesslover: that was Tom's sister Tess who met Lina at the rendezvous. Not Samir.

Author's Response:

Thanks for clarifying for giantesslover Samira is Tess's roomy.

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 10 2015 6:37 AM Title: Hand Off

Oh fuck. Sam is definitely pissed right now, but I do feel that Tom had it coming.

Great chapter as usual.

Author's Response:

Tess is unhappy conversely Samira may be excited by the prospect of Tom's return - if he is indeed in the case

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 09 2015 12:14 PM Title: Tom's Story

Wow! I got to give credit to stargate for pointing out that there is a chance that Tom could not be in the case.

I never even thought of that! Good catch.

Now everyone is thinking about the case too. Haha.

I agree, I hope he is not in there too. Janine and Lina have built up quite a reputation to be great hosts of Tom so any of them would be great over Tess and Sam.

This case issue opens up so many possibilities! Is Tom in Lina's purse? Is Tom in the house still? Did Tom just hide in Lina's room? Did Tom jump into Lina's cleavage and she doesn't know?

Basically, every woman will be disappointed except Janine that Tom did NOT got to Tess. Sam wants her plaything, Tess wants her brother, and Lina wants him to stay away for a bit. Janine is the only one who benefits if Tom never left.

Duggernaut, if he wasn't in that case, then you fooled me big time. That would be the last thing I expected until I read Stargates review. Another thumbs up.

Now I really, really, can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Lol the uncertainty is helping spark conversation which is good. Consensus seems to generally be against Tom actually returning to Tess. Time will tell :)

Reviewer: cxwaves Signed [Report This]
Date: October 09 2015 12:01 PM Title: Tom's Story

Please don't let him be in that case.

Please let Janine have him !


Author's Response:

Never ever ever count Janine out ;)

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: October 09 2015 9:55 AM Title: Tom's Story

Plot twist: Tom is not inside. 

Author's Response:

A few reviewers seem inclined to think perhaps he is not. We shall see.

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