Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 29 2015 2:08 PM Title: Confrontation

Haha, Tess checked Janine pretty good, but not good enough. If we know Janine, he is probably in the back of her underwear, inside her vagina, or even inside her asshole.

I still think it is Janine. She is just straight up lying so the accusations don't go to her. Also, it makes Tess less likely to suspect Janine of taking him.

What ever happened to Tom, we at least know Janine is responsible whether she took him or not. (I'm pretty sure she did.)

This Tatiana thing is just a hoax for us to believe that there are more possibilities. Janine's plan is too clever. She went in, got Tom, got Titiana to get her access, and now Tom is hidden.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Muwahaha I know you cant wait, next chapter will answer what happened to Tom, 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 28 2015 7:56 PM Title: Confrontation

Supposition #1: Tatiana, being the daughter of a Russian Mob boss, would probably have access to all sorts of ex-KGB surveillance experts. And, if she was secretly obsessed with him even before he shrank, she might've had those same experts bug his family's home! Hence, she wouldn't have had to accidentally find him on the bathroom floor (or overhear him and Sam through an overly convenient air duct) to know of his new existence.

Supposition #2: Lina has sent Marta to bring him back to her. But, the latter will wind up double-crossing the former.

Sorry for the relapse into Tomspeedyitis.

Author's Response:

Attempting to extrapoloate potential avenues of the story are good, it helps me understand how well I'm leading the people reading or in some cases it allows me to see alternative possibilities I had not previously considered. However, nope to both, :P

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed [Report This]
Date: October 28 2015 7:15 PM Title: Confrontation

Plot twists be like...

Author's Response:

Keep you guessing.

Reviewer: Alman01 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: October 28 2015 6:57 PM Title: Confrontation

Still going strong with this story mate! Very good, and an ominous mysterious twist which will probably get resolved in the following chapter writen in Tom's pov. Unless his abductor's wearing a mask or acts 'off screen' with him for a bit before the identity is revealed : d


Quite a mystery as to who could've found Tom and abudcted him like that. Were there any hints in earlier chapters to who this character might be and if they know about Tom?

Author's Response:

Hmm, no overt clues per se. Here's my guess, - Colonel Mustard, in the library, with the candlesitck, joking! Next chapter will be the reveal, I promise

Reviewer: cxwaves Signed [Report This]
Date: October 28 2015 6:12 PM Title: Confrontation

SO it HAS to be an Ex-Girlfriend or something!

Author's Response:

Or something, :D

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 28 2015 5:29 PM Title: Ground Rules

Couldn't be Janine; too soon and too obvious.

Author's Response:

That would be too obvious - which would make it unexpected!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 28 2015 5:26 PM Title: Janine - Wednesday

I still say that Tatiana will find him, first.

Author's Response:


Reviewer: sarashrunk Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 28 2015 3:14 PM Title: Ground Rules

Very good!!!


Author's Response:

Thank you

Reviewer: I for incredible Signed [Report This]
Date: October 27 2015 9:54 AM Title: Ground Rules

Oh oh! Janine is trouble indeed. Will Tess be able to save him???

Author's Response:

Only time will tell, and yes Janine is trouble with a capital T

Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 26 2015 8:33 PM Title: Ground Rules

Just getting caught up on this, lots of good things happening! First off, loved the scene between Sam and Tom, one of my favorite scenarios is when the giantess gets lost in her passions with no regard for the tiny, steamy stuff! One of the best stories ever was the Plague with an epic scene where a tiny is found in the girls locker room where he is whisked away to the giantesses home where he perishes in the throws of passion. Obviously you couldnt go that far with Tom or no more story, lol but good job none the less!


Next Janine is a devilishly clever, Professor Moriarty inteligence indeed! Im not entirely sure who opened the box though, for some reason I am thinking Tanitia, could she have been in the bathroom and overheard Tess's conversation with Tom? But then why would Tom be afraid of her, he usually looks forward to new encounters? Maybe just something about her expression that sent chills down his spine, sometimes you just know you are in danger. Cant wait to find out if its Janine or someone eise!



Author's Response:

Thanks, i know you're pulling strongly for the Janine angle to teach Tom a little humility. As for Tatiana, nope. Next chapter will answer the question of who opened the box! :)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: October 26 2015 3:59 PM Title: Tom's Story

Hey man,

Just wanted to say congrats on your first story with 200 reviews!

Author's Response:

Woot, thanks Tom, lets see where this little story takes us eh?

Reviewer: cxwaves Signed [Report This]
Date: October 26 2015 3:27 PM Title: Ground Rules

You HAVE to implent that hot candle wax torture you implied in one of the earlier chapters pleaseeee. Tom needs some serious punishment for "leaving" his handsome Goddess. ;)

Author's Response:

Lol, Tom is definitely going to experience some new things very very shortly, :)

Reviewer: cxwaves Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 26 2015 3:25 PM Title: Ground Rules

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Janine <33 Trouble <333

Got the biggest boner already lmao


Author's Response:

Lol, time to set the night afire, :)

Reviewer: takuoni Signed [Report This]
Date: October 26 2015 5:23 AM Title: Ground Rules

Pls tell me it's a plot twist and it won't be Janine :D

Author's Response:

Maybe, maybe not

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 25 2015 2:17 PM Title: Ground Rules

Ok, now this is funny. I was expecting this long term situation with Sam and Tess, especially when they lay down the ground rules like the group meeting just started.

However, Janine just shows up and takes him. I mean, already?!!! Ha, I didn't expect it to be that fast but alright, Janine has always been sexier than both Sam and Tess and if being with Janine means a chance to get to Lina, then I'm all for it.

Good point about Tom's fears of Sam and how her sexual attitude reminded him of Janine. Initially, that was the effect I wanted Lina to give Tom, but I guess Tom saw her approach as gentle. First thing Sam did was insert him inside her. Definatley sounds like Janine, so it makes sense.

At the end, you might as well should've wrote Janine. I mean, who else would it be that gives him "a whole world of trouble". Yep. That's Janine. Then again, the use of pronouns does give a little more of a suspense feeling.

The most interesting part of this chapter is that these "ground rules" don't want Tom to wander around. When Tom is found to be absent, Tess and Sam will immediately think he wandered off. Janine couldn't have found a better opportunity. It was as if she was listening to the conversation earlier. Tess and Sam won't even think that Janine took Tom and they won't even look for him there, therefore eliminating them interferring with Tom's situation.

Janine had such a struggle getting Tom from Lina but an easy time getting him from Tess and Sam. This tells me how smart the Lindholm family is and how sophisticated they are at being creative.
Boy, how will Tom escape from these two ever again. Cleverness chart: Janine>Lina>Tom>Sam>Tess. Dont get me wrong. Tess is clever, but I feel like everyone has used Tess or done something behind her back. Janine used Tess to get Tom, Lina used Tess to hide Tom, Tom used Tess to get to Janine, and Sam used Tess to get Tom. Poor Tess. She's going to explode in rage when she comes back to her room.

Now, we look on ahead and wonder what in the world Janine has in store for Tom. First off, she told him that she wanted him in the ass. Feels like that's going to be a gauruntee now. Secondly, Janine never wants Tom to escape this time, so her prison choice for Tom may not be a simple glass this time.

Things have changed drastically, and I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Next chapter, MIND BENDER!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: October 25 2015 1:54 PM Title: Tom's Story

Wow, all of chapters 33-35 reviews got deleted. Even my "bend my mind review got deleted".

I can't really repost my review because of its length and detail, both my review of the Janine chapter was mostly criticism of how she knows too much.

Such as: Tess and Sam's schedules. And Tess's bathroom sharing roommate. Not sure how Janine knows that so well. I love her confidence in her plan though.

Author's Response:

Remember Janine is like Professor Moriarty clever, scary, plus remember she is friends with Tatiana, Astrid, Sam, and Tess, so no surprise about the shared bathroom, :)

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: October 25 2015 9:44 AM Title: Ground Rules

Wow, Janine found him quickly! Question is, when will Tom's condition be reversed? If, at all? 

Author's Response:

Janine is like a circling great white shark with the scent of blood in her nostrils, relentless. Time just got away from Tom

Reviewer: Alethia1000 Signed [Report This]
Date: October 24 2015 7:09 PM Title: Tom's Story

Hello! You seen at Tom.s Story when put double chapter 33 andchapter 34 is absent? 

Author's Response:

Thanks for bringing the glitch to my attention. Unfortunately when fixing it I also deleted some reviews. To those who wrote and lost those reviews my apologies such was not my intent. Please feel free to repost that would be great. I also realize this is not new material though my fix has put this story back atop the most recent list. Thanks for your patience.

Reviewer: Northgate Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 24 2015 1:38 PM Title: Tom's Story

This story continues to entertain after 30 chapters and going strong.  I did find the Janine chapters the most "interesting" as you never knew what the limit was to her games with Tom.  Now she has had time to fantasize about him and I can't imagine what she might do if she gets her hands on him again.  Maybe she'll perfect her harness for him so she can wear him under her garments and keep him "safe". Whatever, I'm sure it will be good.

Keep it going and thank you!


Author's Response:

Thanks, FYI even Janine doesn't know her limits :O

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: October 21 2015 9:18 PM Title: Tom's Story

My mind is ready. :)

Author's Response:

It will happen in a few chapters, we'll see if you can wait that long... ;)

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