Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 07 2015 5:35 PM Title: The Enchanted Forest

WHOA!!!! I guess it's true.

"Still waters..." and all that jazz!

Author's Response:

Still waters run, in her case very deep with a turbulent undertow 

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 07 2015 4:58 PM Title: The Enchanted Forest

You know what the weirdest thing about this chapter was? I felt exactly as Tom did.

I didn't want to rub her feet. Not my thing. I agree, I just wanted a crack at her pussy. If he is also thinking what I'm thinking, he knows that if he pleases her good in her pussy, then she might be nice to him.

Then she did use him against her pussy, and like Janine and Sam, she brutally abused him. And what makes this interesting is that these women are taking the thing he loves (pussy) and making it a miserable place for him.

This is good, becuase I don't think Tom even likes Miss Addison, just pleasing women. However, Miss Addison is taking the one thing he likes and making it less enjoyable. After all she is disciplining him.

Next, I like what you did about her pinching Tom's penis. She emphasizes that it's not about him, and it's about her.

It sounds like some sort of giantess sexual slavery. Although it sounds erotic, it seems scary in Tom's case, becuase he has no idea is he will ever be rescued. While in possession of any of the past ladies, he had hope to be moved somewhere else.

Remember when I said I fancy giantess teachers, well, Miss Addison is now kind of a turn off. At first, she sounded exciting, now it seems like just a bad experience in general.

Perhaps, you wanted me to feel unattracted to her, just like how Tom is probably reconsidering his thoughts as well.

I think this is finally the woman that everyone has always wanted. The one who can wipe the smile off Tom's face. I think this is the one. His charms don't work on her, he can't escape on the lid, she brutally abuses him like Janine, he is already bleeding, she won't let him have pleasure. Yep, it's like Tess hired this woman to straighten Tom out. Lol.

Really, good stuff. I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

I know for many readers Miss Addison is not perhaps what they want but I did need a foil. Some have indicated Tom is too comfortable in his situation. First Janine then Lina then Sam now Miss Addison each different. I think you're right that people want him back in Janine’s clutches and all I can say is have patience. I have tried to depict her as unwavering in her resolve to get him as well as demonstrating a very clever mind to achieve this goal. Patience. :)

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 05 2015 9:36 PM Title: Tom - Thursday

"Days and weeks to come?" Uh-oh! That's definitely not good! It means she does NOT intend to return him, to Tess, anytime soon.

Or, at least, not until he's been brainwashed worse than the Manchurian Candidate.

Author's Response:

I was thinking maybe a little Clockwork Orange :0

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 05 2015 9:27 PM Title: Tess & Sam

LOL! Charlie's Angels meet Sherlock Holmes, these three. A great chapter, full of very plausible character development!

Author's Response:

Thank you. Like Nancy Drew except gigantic and in a couple of cases, with ulterior motives

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 05 2015 8:00 PM Title: Tom - Thursday

These are my first impressions of the last 2 chapters. I will have a more detailed review later.

No way that Tess and Sam could've figure out that the music got some ones attention and also guessed Miss Addison just like that. Seems very unlikely.

Jane figured it out with Tatiana's help. Now she knows. Is she going to blackmail Miss Addison? Seems like it.

Miss Addison is beyond creepy now. She took him home, and looks like she is about to conduct experiments or some shit. Might even be a dominatrix. She is crazy now.

Miss Harwood seems like a future giantess in this story. Perhaps Tom can get a visit from her? I want them to meet. Miss Addison doesn't seem as sexy as I would've hoped for.

That's all I got for now. I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Miss Harwood is exactly what you want her to be achingly hot still young and full of so much knowledge she could share. Whether or not she gets a Crack at Tom remains to be seen. Undecided at this time.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: November 05 2015 7:35 PM Title: Unexpected Company

Did you just add 2 chapters at once? I'm impressed amongst everything else you managed.

Author's Response:

Yes 2 chapters to try and get to the showdown sooner before I lose reader interest 

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: November 04 2015 4:23 PM Title: Tom's Story

Scratch that part about more characters. I think we reached a good number at the moment and each one needs their fair time to play with Tom.

They need time to build a reputation so that the readers will like them. Everyone likes Janine becuase of how much time she spent with Tom, and also how she made a promise to shove him in her ass, leaving us with excitement to look forward to.

In addition to Tom's constant happiness. People want to see Tom punished, and Janine suits that as well. Two birds, one Janine who can solve both issues.

I fancy women in control, dominant ones that don't ask permission to Tom. I liked Lina's gentleness, but her being patient and asking Tom kinda felt slow and bugged me a bit. Sure it was nice, but it wasn't exactly sexy until Lina decided to take control which was what she did the very last night.

Perhaps, Miss Addison is the adult version of Janine. Another woman who doesn't give a shit about Tom's charm and wants to enjoy Tom's body for her own pleasure. This might actually work, becuase of how you said that she was unmoved by Tom and also that she will "discipline" him.

In addition, people like the student/teacher relationship and maybe we can insert that "tutoring session" or "private lessons" themes in here. I could see Miss Addison as a cruel teacher, maybe giving what the readers were hoping for.

I don't know how clever Miss Addison is, but hopefully since she is older, her experience will allow her to use some techniques that Janine has never thought of.

I recommend one of the characters to say a list of possible things that they will do to Tom. Things that are extremely sexy or cruel. Things that make Tom shiver in excitement or fear. (She might not do all the things, but it makes readers exciting thinking. That she might do it.) Then, in reviews, people can list what they want.

Hope this helps.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: November 04 2015 3:51 PM Title: Tom's Story

People like sexy stuff. That's what Janine brought to the table. Lina had some of it, but it only lasted for a bit, and it seemed as though her actions were rushed becuase she had to hide Tom from Janine.

What made Janine sexy was her confidence and not showing any fear of anyone discovering her with Tom. She even let Tess feel her up and felt Tom stuck in her panties. Janine wasn't ashamed, she was proud that she did that and she enjoyed it in front of Tess.

That's what all the other giantesses are missing. The same type of sexual appeal that Janine had. Sam was heading in the right direction, but she had her fun only once, and now no one cares about her.

We feel for Tess, but since she is his sister, we don't expect sexual action there. But her character feels more important than Lina and is second to Janine as the most interesting giantess.

I'm not sure where you are going with this Miss Addison thing in how it connects to the story, but I will surely enjo her time with Tom. Perhaps, Janine or Lina have some sort of connection to Miss Addison.

Next up, the addition of characters. First, there's Tom and Tess. We know Janine is the target, so we expect a change. Then, (well, probably only I expected this), Lina gets hold of Tom. Her addition was good and it brought the gentleness back to the story and made Tom's dream come true. Then with Sam, we expected revenge from Sam to Tom. But after like 3 chapters, he is already gone to a new character which makes people feel disappointed, not becuase Tom is captured, but becuase it was not Janine.

I think this story might need more characters, becuase we don't want to settle too long on one person. Tom has to adjust and the best way is change. If he stays with one character, it becomes less interesting.

If you want to see a complicated multi character story, read Duggernaut's "Contract". It makes all his other stories more enjoyable. So to me, this story doesn't feel long at all.

Janine has built a rep that makes everyone wishing Tom could go back to her.

I also like how you keep making Tom use "his charm" to get women. If it worked for all these years in school, then why not now. I don't see why he should change it.

I want Tom to get back to Lina, but I approve of this teacher thing.

Nice third party scene. The old "if you didn't do it, and I didn't do it, then who did?" Scene. Love it. And Miss Addison was defiantely not expected.

With most stories, the middle always seems bad becuase the beginning was very strong and attractive and was like an advertisement. These awkward middle parts get settled in the end which makes the end more satisfying.

Good stuff, I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Max333 Signed [Report This]
Date: November 04 2015 1:29 PM Title: Tom's Story

Hi there. 

I must admit, I do share the point of view of Cameron here. It's getting too long, and everytime we do think Janine will get him back, something happens, and he just gets away with everything he does so far.

I understand that the teacher will now show a bit of dominance, but there's now too many characters whereas lots of them deserved our attention, and didn't get it, or not enough, because there's always someone else coming to get Tom away. 

Can't wait for you to get our Janine back ! Or even Sam, or Tess, I don't know. Whatever you want :)


Anyway, despite what I just said, your writing is still really enjoyable. Please do keep up !

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review I really appreciate your input. At this point all I can say is have a little faith and let it develop because in a few chapters shit and fan come together 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 03 2015 7:02 AM Title: Tom's Story

See "Carrie's Science Project" @ Giantess City Index (Shrunken Man Stories).

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: November 03 2015 2:23 AM Title: Tom's Story

@Carycomic, I'm not familiar with this "Tiny Dan's Zavia Tavar Lahrenger".

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 02 2015 9:23 PM Title: Unexpected Company

@ Tom Speedy: I think Ms. Addison is going to prove the hottest disciplinarian since Tiny Dan's Zavia Tavar Lahrenger.


Reviewer: Cameron99 Signed [Report This]
Date: November 02 2015 8:44 PM Title: Tom's Story

Sorry, jolt on bus made me accidentally hit submit.


Bang youheads main character feels fear and feels like more of a real person wheras Tom doesn't feel remotely real and feels totally fake now, which along with all the threads going on is drawing me away from this story.


Sorry if this review upset you, I did my best not to be rude and to be constructive. I'm just not one to really hold back my true thoughts

Author's Response:

Thank for the review and taking time to share your thoughts and feelings. I am somewhat dismayed that I have taken what gad been an enjoyable story for you and moved it in a direction that has left you dissatisfied. Many other reviewers have commented on how one dimensional Tom is and the ease with which he seems to manipulate the females he encounters (except perhaps Janine). The introduction of the teacher is to provide an opportunity to enhance Tom's character by putting him in the hands of someone unmoved by his slick words. Her motivation to take him will be revealed and it is not my intent to leave him with this character indefinitely though it could happen I suppose. I thoroughly appreciate that you've invested in this story and shared your disappointment straight from the hip. I hope I am able to restore the vitality of this tale that captivated your attention early on. Thanks.

I am almost ready to release another story following a similar foundation but much less forgiving. Gypsy Ire  - Michael's Story

Reviewer: Cameron99 Signed [Report This]
Date: November 02 2015 8:41 PM Title: Tom's Story

This is my favorite story currently on the site, and I must admit I'm not particularly keen on.the newest chapter, and it may begin to finally make my interest wane after 30+ chapters. Personally have no interest in the teacher twist. The idea doesn't appeal to me sexually or from an enjoyment perspective. With Tess, Janine, Sam and Lina, and the backseat stuff about fixing Tom's size its just one moving part too many. 

Additionally I feel like there's a lack of character development with Tom. He's too much of a silver tongued devil, you'd think after essentially torture at Janine's hands he wouldn't be so quick to make almost every single line of dialogue hitting on every giant woman he meets. You'd assume he'd actually be more wanting to get fixed. 


I just kind of feel like the story has stagnated and is drawing out and adding yet another character taking Tom is counter productive to flow.


I am liking Bang your head much more right now as the main charay

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: November 02 2015 7:16 PM Title: Tom's Story

Lemme guess, this and the next chapter will bend my mind.

I say this because a giantess teacher has always been arguably my greatest fantasy.

The way, they have control over students and can "teach them a lesson" just sounds so sexy when you connect them together. Not to mention "detention" "tutoring" "after school help" "remedial lessons" "private lessons". So many examples where a giantess teacher can have her fun with a student alone.

Not just that, but when a teacher teaches and has a tiny pleasuring her and no one else can realize it just thrills me.

Miss Addison may have to close her "office hours" to students so she can have some more time with Tom.

My next question is how does Tom escape her? I mean, after Lina, Miss Addison seems like the next best giantess. I want her to teach Tom Anatomy 101 to him. So many possibilities! But for his escape, I'm not sure Tom can, especially since he underestimated her I the beginning. I think Tess or Janine have to get the hint soon. My guess is that Janine figures it out first.

But let's get the "disciplining" started!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 02 2015 7:06 PM Title: Unexpected Company

First of all, what just happened?

That was my reaction when Miss Addison decided to show up. I mean, of all people, her? Yes, I have always wanted a teacher to find him, but wow, this is defiantly a surprise.

You said "dragging him down to the office and exposing the situation to the headmistress" twice near the middle of the chapter.

Addison is a great name. Glad you chose it.

I just want everyone to know that Miss Addison is the teacher that scolded Tess and Janine earlier in the story. She is not a random teacher.

I think it's funny how Miss Addison was able to connect the dots and figure out that Tom is a naughty boy.

The vocabulary is strong in Miss Addison. Gives off a nice "well educated" background about her.

Wow, so she just put him in there and trapped him? Im already liking her. I doubt she would pass Lina's sexual demeanor, but let's hope she is in the same league as Ms. Mackenzie!

Oh boy, I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 02 2015 5:58 PM Title: Unexpected Company

OK! Congratulations; you fooled me. No way I could've anticipated one of his teachers. Let alone, a disciplinarian for whom Tom's imminent lessons in "order" will be as much forbidden pleasure as empowering punishment.

Reviewer: Slacker28 Signed [Report This]
Date: November 02 2015 5:19 PM Title: Tom's Story

At this point Tess is going to put Tom inside of herself just to keep him safe rather than sex.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 29 2015 8:27 PM Title: Confrontation

Then, it's got to be Astrid.

Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 29 2015 6:37 PM Title: Confrontation

Hmmm, not Tanitia you say. Maybe Tomspeedy guessed it, hes up Janines bum, heehee.

It was somedody who scared him, obvious choice is Janine but I think you are going to make us wait a little longer for Janine. Tell you this, if its not Janine, I think Tom is in even more danger than if it was.

Author's Response:

Another possibility no one has really thrown out there is maybe Janine swallowed him... :O

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