Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: December 17 2015 8:05 PM Title: Tom's Story

Never mind my previous post. I envisioned digestion to be a much faster process.

Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 17 2015 7:58 PM Title: Lazarus

Awesome, I figured she swalowed him but did not know what reaction she would have, panic or calm and casual and I must say I love how she reacted!

The amount of time Tom spent in her stomach was minscule, way to short to cause any damage, it takes 45 minutes for stomach acids to reach the ph level necessary to start breaking down food.

I suspect Lina will now be suspicious about Janines behavior so it wasnt a total victory for Janine, she will need to be very careful going forward.

One thing she shouldnt have to worry about anymore is Tom acting out, I think her swallowing him triggered an even darker side to Janine, she is the true badass here.

Well done, Duggernaut!

Author's Response:

Thanks Maximus, I think this chapter has certainly taken the smirk off Tom's face and redefined his situation. Janine's swallowing of him did open her mind to new possibilities.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 17 2015 12:13 AM Title: Lazarus

Whaaaat? He was in her esophagus and then her stomach for the entire time when she went to the bathroom?

She had time to respond to Lina, show her a hand full of spit, and go "hastily" to the bathroom all while Tom is inside her?

Seems a bit superficial. Either Tom immediately went into her stomach and something acidic may have affected him. It wouldn't dissolve him right away, but he should have at least a somewhat major injury. Or, he puts up a struggle in her esophagus that she chokes up and couldn't even speak to her mother. Seemed like he went straight down immediately. And in that case, it's like a good 15 seconds in her stomach which is a lot.

Sure, I guess I'm a bit after these minor details, but I envisioned a totally different scenario. I thought that Janine would've been forced to vomit him up right there by the front door and have no time to go to that bathroom to cough him up. By looking at the last chapter, it seemed like Janine would either reveal Tom in her mouth, or keep him in her stomach for good. I found this vomiting him up later in the bathroom sequence some bs.

Also, remember when Tom pleasured Lina to a point where she was moaning in front of Janine? Well, couldn't Tom do that again right before they hugged? I feel like he could've made Janine expose her captive by some stimulation on his part.

Well, it was still an entertaining chapter no doubt. Janine showing no signs of a weakness and Tom is running out of options.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 16 2015 8:26 PM Title: Lazarus

Well I can safely say that Janine is the most dangerous girl that Tom has encountered so far. She's a complete sociopath, devoid of any empathy or care for anyone else but herself and her own fun...Dangerous to the nth degree, Tom would be better off with anyone else at this point! I'm still wondering how this guy is sane after all he's been through!

Author's Response:

Tom is pretty resilient, but this latest round has certainly make him take the situation more seriously.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 16 2015 7:31 PM Title: Lazarus

As my parents (the Foxwoods gambling addicts) might say: "Long shots almost never pay off. And this was definitely WAY outside the 'almost' category."

Reviewer: Vyse Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 16 2015 7:09 PM Title: Lazarus

My goodness, Tom is really on thin ice now. He better focus on pleasing Janine to the best of his ability for the immediate future. The dark turn this story has taken is great, very well written. You can feel Tom's fear right now.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 12 2015 5:15 PM Title: Janine

I really really like where this is going. Tom is a freaking badass.

This twitch that we all witness is a sign that he was faking the whole damn time. I bet after all that time with giantesses has given him time to learn some new skills.

Like two chapters ago, Tom was already making a plan to escape. We never knew how, but this time, he is using Janine to get out. It looks like he is going to make Janine choke right there on the stairs and only her mother will see this becuase Francis is in the car.

Janine will probably say that she is choking on something and won't give Lina a hint that it's Tom. Or Janine immediately coughs up Tom, and Lina sees a slobbered Tom get spit out. Lina takes Tom, Janine goes with Francis and Janine's whole plan backfires with Francine taking Janine out of the house instead of Lina. Freaking perfect idea Tom!

I doubt Janine will let Tom go all the way down to her stomach. She wants Tom more than anyone else. She sacrificed so much to get him. Now is she going to let him die, heck no. She would rather embarras herself by vomiting in front of her mother than let Tom die inside her.

I can picture it. Tom twitches, she swallows, Janine's eyes light up like deer in headlights. Lina is thinking "wtf up with her now." Then Tom pops out of Janine's mouth. Lina is shocked. Then awkward silence. Janine decides if she should put Tom back in her panties. Lina then demands for Tom and threatens for almost killing him.

Then we have 3 endings, I believe. Then either Janine runs away to the car with Tom, and Lina chases her. Or Lina gets the best of Janine and convinces Janine to hand Tom over. Or, some deal happens where they schedule times to have their own fun with Tom.

It's a cliffhanger, but we know something big is going to happen next chapter. Let's see what happens. I really, really, really can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: December 12 2015 4:51 PM Title: Tom's Story


I think I was too early becuase I saw you updated "Michaels story" and the "Nefarious Nine". I reviewed those probably like minutes after you posted them. Then I went offline becuase "Tom's Story" wasn't posted yet, so I didn't check again last night.

Now I see that you did post Tom's Story yesterday and I was too quick to recheck the most recent page. Well, now I know.


I enjoy reviewing first becuase that way others can reply to my review after they read the story since I tend to break down the chapter. Part of me just doesn't want to be late to the party.

Author's Response:

And I added another chapter (5) to the nefarious nine after you reviewed chapter 4 :)

Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 11 2015 10:21 PM Title: Janine

Yes! Swallowed! Now my only question is what does Janine do now? Panic and rush past her mother to the bathroom and vomit him up? Shrug her shoulders and get into daddys car? Starts feeling sick and vomits him up once they reach their destination? Guess he wasn't faking!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 11 2015 8:31 PM Title: Janine

Oh, shitsky! Now, he really _will be_ kaput! :-(

But, at least I got to be first reviewer, for once. :-)

Author's Response:

I updated twice yesterday and I think I might have deked TomSpeedy out letting you get the first shot at the review, :0

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 09 2015 10:45 PM Title: Aftermath Saturday

This chapter was weird, like the writing style changed a bit and I thought someone else wrote it. Either way, I liked it.

I like how you took it slow this chapter and made Tom just think for a second. Usually I'm all in favor of nonstop action, but his thoughts about his position and escape bring up many more possibilities for the future which I always enjoy.

When he describes being trapped in Jane's panty drawer, I thought it was cool that he remembered that it was her that made him began this journey.

I also liked his analysis of each giantess. Janine and Sam want to cruelly play with him, Lina, gently play, but Tess just wanted to keep him safe. I admire that way of Tom thinking so much that it feels almost unlike me. I like how he said that he couldn't trust Lina because she had her own agenda. It made me wonder if Lina is going to keep Tom with her at all costs and might even be 'controlling' like her daughter so she can keep Tom. Everyone getting naughty and dark. I like it.

I think Janine is jealous of Tess's beauty. Think about it. Tom is fancied by girls and women, and Tess has had her own marvelous looks. It must be the genes and Janine wants Tom not just for herself, but probably to make Tess feel bad too.

Always lacy panties, haha.

I don't think calling out for Francis would help. Janine would be like "this kid fucked your wife, so I'm punishing him". Then Francis might even agree or suggest some cruel torture methods. Tom should only call out for Lina or Tess.

Sure we know Janine is a genius. Lina is smart, as well as Tess. Tess is not an idiot and so is Tom. That's right, they are all freaking smart and outplaying each other. My point is that Tom is probably faking all this to make Janine concerned for him. He is probably a gymnast or contortionist of some sort. Nonetheless, I think this is a all an act created from Tom's brilliancy. This is the plan to escape, now it's time to execute it.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 09 2015 9:43 PM Title: Aftermath Saturday

Oh well, if anything is broken, just duct tape it and and shove him down her panties so she can get on with her plan ;)


I like how such a simple act of pressing her hand down him could have such a devastating effect when all she was trying to do was imobilize him. Wonder if that will make her feel bad or awaken even something darker in her. My money is on the later.


Also wonder if you plan on anything sinister between Sam and Tom, little forshadowing there maybe? Would be an interesting twist, everyone thinking Janine is the threat but turns out Sam is the wolf in sheeps clothing.


Great work!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: December 09 2015 8:20 PM Title: Aftermath Saturday

Uh-oh! Tom ist kaput? :-(

*Insert "Taps" recording, here.*

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 09 2015 7:15 PM Title: Aftermath Saturday

So did she kill him? I don't think so or this story would end here, but if she hurt him badly maybe she'll treat him a little better from now on? Ah who am I kidding, I doubt Janine is gonna have any character development, she's too spoiled and seems to care so little about anyone else. More likely, she'll just toss him into a trash can and get on with her day. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the next chapter, it looks like this story just got a little more interesting! I was getting tired of the "pass the dildo boy to the next girl" scenario you had going on, so I'm glad for a bit of a mixup!

Reviewer: takuoni Signed [Report This]
Date: December 08 2015 10:36 AM Title: Backdoor Man

Nice !

But I hope Tom will find a new way to contact his sister, she must be really worried

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 05 2015 7:32 PM Title: Backdoor Man

Janine strikes me as the kind of hussy brazen enough to walk naked in front of everybody BUT her parents! ;-)

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: December 05 2015 4:55 PM Title: Backdoor Man

Damn! Shes ruthless! Toms gonna be a dead man at this rate!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: December 05 2015 3:55 PM Title: Tom's Story

@Carycomic, I hope the maid doesn't get Tom. I like the dynamic duo of Janine and Lina as the main giantesses of Tom.

Besides, if the maid was there, Janine wouldn't be walking naked around the house.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 05 2015 1:39 PM Title: Backdoor Man

Poor Tom! I wonder if he's beginning to feel Ms. Addison was gentler by comparison, yet? Ah, well. Maybe he'll think Janine was being gentle if he gets abducted by someone even nastier than her! *

*I only say that because I have a bad feeling that, while Janine is getting something to eat, Tom is going to be "maid" off with, yet again.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 05 2015 12:51 PM Title: Backdoor Man

Wow, Tom went in all 3 holes this chapter! I think that's a first to happen all at once.

She "started over" by reinserting him into her vagina, and then took it to the next step by putting him inside her ass.

Her ass definately was well described as if struggled to open itself for Tom. I like how you described it like an animal ready to devour Tom. It had its own responses and did not want to open up for the large dildo.

For some reason, I don't think Janine enjoyed it as much as I would've expected. I think it was too tight for her, or perhaps painful. Her only pleasure seems to be just the thought of Tom in her ass. Maybe, next time she should just insert Tom inside her without the dildo so she won't feel much pain.

Good description with the "legs snapping". You know it's a big one when that happens.

Haha, she just straight up peed on him. I have to remember that this a giantess piss, so it must be like the force of a waterfall.

Another great chapter. I think this is a good sequence of erotic torture to have Tom endure. Janine says it's enough this time. Tom better hope she is right.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

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