Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: January 09 2016 12:39 AM Title: Tom's Story

@Duggernaut: I thought as much, especially since Addison decided to inform Tess after Janine too Tom again. I am curious how that conversation went. 


And yes, i am a fan of Tom and Lina together. They really seem to enjoy each others company. Though Addison was fun too in her own way, especially because of her attitude and vocabulary. 

Author's Response:

Lina was a nice match for Tom as their relationship developed. Miss Addison was bull dozed by Janine but Lina is another matter altogether 

Reviewer: bartek21 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 08 2016 8:54 AM Title: 911

I think that no one knows where tom is


please more

Author's Response:


Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: January 08 2016 7:49 AM Title: 911

If it turns out he _was_ found by a nurse, let us not forget who was the _very first_ to make that guess. back in the reviews of chapter 51? ;-)

Author's Response:

Duly noted.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: January 08 2016 5:13 AM Title: Tom's Story


I'm glad I'm not the only rooting for Lina to find Tom.


You may be on to something. Perhaps a nurse or whomever put the catheter inside Janine has accidentally pushed Tom further inside Janine's vagina so deep that she can't even feel him inside her. The catheter may have even knocked Tom unconscious and if he doesn't move then Janine can't notice his presence as easily.

In addition, Janine's critical condition results in her feeling all sorts of things on her body such as pains and wires attached to her. Furthermore, when Janine called out Tom, maybe it was directed toward Lina to check her vagina. Sure, that may sound weird and risky, but I bet Janine just wants to know if Tom is alive and letting Lina know wouldn't be that bad.

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: January 08 2016 1:36 AM Title: Tom's Story

I have a question about miss Addison. Would she have threatened to kill Tom had it been Tessa that confronted her instead of Janine.  I mean since Tess would have probably not turned the the discussion hostile(unless she thinks Addison has harmed Tom) and wouldn't have blackmailed her (which seemed to be what made Addison make that threat). 


Because i got the impression things only escalated because of Janine.

Author's Response:

Janine deliberately bulldozed Miss Addison into a corner to establish dominance. Tess would have tried to either use a more diplomatic approach or clandestine avenue. The discussion would certainly have been different between Tess and the teacher, probably without blackmail or death threats.

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 08 2016 1:28 AM Title: Tom's Story

Looks like karma got Janine. Unfortunately, it seems Tom might have become collateral damage. 


Still, i'm hopping this leads to a reunion with Lina at least.

Author's Response:

TomSpeedy is in the same corner and right now Tom's fate is unknown, but never lose hope, anything could happen!

Reviewer: Alethia1000 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 07 2016 10:31 PM Title: 911

I think Tom must be in Janine's vagina. 

Author's Response:

Very Clever thought considering the narrative was directly everyone to think externally. I'm not saying that's where he is or isn't, but I do appreciate the the ingenuity of the thinking, ;)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 07 2016 9:16 PM Title: 911

I don't think Jessica has Tom, becuase that seems way too predictable. The fact that she was with Janine when she woke up, and also goes to the restroom before meeting with Dad.

Then again, she just nonchalantly says Tom as if she doesn't have him. However, when Lina told her that Tom is a boy from school, I bet Jessica connected the dots and went to the restroom with an unknown little boy she found. Despite all these clues, Duggernaut likes surprises and I think he wants us to pick Jessica.

When Lina showed up, I was going to claim it was her, but then she started thinking about Tom's whereabouts and that eliminated her from these choices.

My guess would be some nurse who put the catheter inside Janine. She probably put it inside and felt something tug it, therefore finding Tom.

I don't think Tom is dying by the car remains. That would seem unlikely and the main characters would probably not find him.

I almost forgot, but where did Jessica come from? I thought Janine was an only child but you actually did a great job hiding her. I wouldn't mind Jessica taking Tom, but I still prefer Lina above all.

Now Tess is coming too? It's going to be a mass character party soon. Every single person will be at this hospital and it feels like something big is about to happen.

I might do a later review becuase there is much to speculate. Either way, I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

I know you are a big Lina fan, and yes everyone who knows seems to be gathering to try and find our wayward little protagonist before something awful happens. Funny, no one yet has suggested he might snuck out of Janine's bed on his own and is hiding in the room somewhere, could be, secretly spying on all the Lindholm women all at once. Tom is a sneaky little rascal after all, :)

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: January 07 2016 8:49 PM Title: 911

Tom has been getting tossed around like a rag doll in this story hasn't he? I'm wondering if it's possible a nurse found him in Janine's panties or something and snatched him away. I guess the posibilities of where he could be at this point are limitless! But I hope this guy catches a break, really ANYONE that he ends up with who's a semi-decent person will be better than Janine. Despite being a beauty and all, she treated him horribly (probably the worse of anyone so far), of that theres no arguing...

Author's Response:

Tom has been the author of a fair portion of his misfortune, getting in over his head, literally and proverbially. We shall see what direction his fortunes take very shortly. Janine is a force of nature, much like a cyclone, awe inspiring to look at, but suck the wind right out of your lungs if you get too close!

Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 07 2016 8:16 PM Title: 911

Hmm, was hoping there was no accident even know I knew there would be. Its always sad when Janine loses control of Tom :)


I was going to suspect a nurse may have Tom, and perhaps one does but not sure if you can keep introducing new people who want nothing more to kidnap Tom for themselves. 


Likewise, dont think Jessica has him or if she does, I dont see you having her whisking him away to her dorm, to close to Michaels story being passed around as a plaything. Of course, would not complain, can never have too much of that!


So perhaps Tom is still in the car? Dangerous predicament if true.


Eagerly await the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Lol, you've made no secret you are in Janine's corner as she methodically goes after and gets what she wants. There are parallels between the two stories for sure, however the sibling relationship is WAY different. Tom has an ally, Michael, well, hmm, hopefully he has a happy place...

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 07 2016 7:34 PM Title: 911

Whoa! I'm 301st? Yay me!!

Seriously, though : This was a suitably dramatic cliff-hanger, in so many ways. Especially the plot twist of introducing a college-age older sister for Janine! This raises the possibility of Jessica finding Tom before anyone else. And, perhaps, keeping that discovery to herself until she gets back to her college with him!

Of course, I realize that high school-age shrunken man winding up with a nymphomaniacal sorority is kind of an over-used cliche' on this website. But, given your positive track record, so far, I've no doubt you'll be able to put a unique spin on such a gimmick.

I eagerly await the next chapter, as I get my booster shot of anti-Tomspeedyitis vaccine. ;-D

Author's Response:

Sooo many different options avaiable to try and redirect this story. I do think the sorority might be a little too cliche, but another beautiful woman can help get people looking in other places, maybe, or maybe not.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: January 05 2016 10:52 PM Title: Tom's Story

Congrats on 300 reviews!

Author's Response:

Wow 300 is awesome. I just hope to keep the story engaging enough to keep it enjoyable for all those who have taken the time to invest in this tale.

Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 05 2016 9:26 PM Title: Tess

Haha, thats harsh after the cliff hanger you left us with :)


I understand why though and am most curious about Harrison, something doesn't sit right with him.


Seems Miss Addison will throw a wrench in Janines well laid plans. Crossing Janine does not seem like a good career move.


Speaking of Janine, hope she is as adept at driving that sports car as she is cunning.

Author's Response:

That's why I apologized in the preface. Bad career move? Bad all the way around to cross that girl. There will be more from Harrison but not for a few chapters. Next chapter will be a Janine chapter.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: January 05 2016 11:42 AM Title: Tess

Postscript: I'm not disappointed with the non-gts interlude. It merely (but delightfully) heightens the suspense!

Welcome home, btw. :-)

Author's Response:

Thank you for the reception and the feedback. 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 05 2016 11:40 AM Title: Tess

It would seem Miss Addison is about to employ that old battlefield adage: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

[Contrary to popular belief, that phrase was NOT coined by the writers of "Aliens vs. Predator!"]

Author's Response:


Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 04 2016 11:55 PM Title: Tess

First of all, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. It's feels good to say that again. Long time since you last posted.

Second, that authors note made me laugh. Not becuase I expected something like this to happen this chapter but becuase even you yourself knew that people might be dissapointed with this chapter.

Ok, this chapter wasn't that bad becuase the entry of Miss Addison definately makes it a worthwhile cliffhanger. Other than that, when I saw the paragraph title of Tess, I admit I was hoping for some hospital action instead. (Unless they didn't crash. Ugh! Ur cliffhangers are just too good!)

Man, Miss Addison feels so 2015, like that was a while ago since we saw her. I bet she is just going to flat out tell Tess that Janine has Tom. I don't think Miss Addison is like the other women who are curious about how Tom shrank and all that. I think Miss Addison learned her lesson of stealing Tom and may even apololigize for it.

I think this whole "search for the cure/grandpa" thing is getting pointless, becuase I don't see where it can go after this. It might be better to just accept the fact that Tom is shrunk and what's done is done. That way, the giantess stuff can keep on rolling.

While part of me wants to know why Miss Addison is visiting Tess, I still prefer reading about Janine driving over 100 mph in her sports car with Tom igniting her from the inside of her underwear.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Hey Tom yeah I figured after the break of a couple weeks people would want to know about Janine but I needed to establish interaction between miss Addison and Tess for the chapter that will follow this one. Probably in another day or two.l then we see what if anything happened to Janine. Harrison Kinsley's name appears in another story of mine, but we'll get back to that later. Cheers

Reviewer: Vyse Signed starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: December 23 2015 3:13 PM Title: That Awkward Father Daughter Conversation

Hmmm, if they crash this might be the best chance Tom has to get away. This opens up a world of possibilities, can't wait for the next chapter.

Author's Response:

It certainly does allow for a multitude of possibilites, who knows? 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 22 2015 7:36 AM Title: That Awkward Father Daughter Conversation

Will Janine have an accident? Will Tom be miraculously thrown clear? Or will they both wind up in the hospital? With Tom being confiscated by some sex-starved nurse? Or, even worse (for certain other readers): will he be found among Janine's personal effects by the Lindholm's housekeeper?

All these questions (among others) to be answered, by the author, after the start of the New Year. Until then?

Merry Xmas to all, and to all a good day. :-)

Author's Response:

Hey Carycomic, there exists a plethora of possible directions to take this story, and you are absolutely right, there does seem to be a dividing liune for those who have invested in this tale, should be interesting. Happy holidays!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 21 2015 9:42 PM Title: That Awkward Father Daughter Conversation

Haha, this conversation is only awkward with Janine using all these giantess references.

"Guys ur age wanna get in ur pants". Janine must have been laughing inside her head.

I don't think this loss of control will make her crash. Nah, I think it's just a scare.

Or.... Janine gets injured, goes to the hospital. Nurses then strip her clothes and when an X-ray goes thru, they find Tom. That would be interesting to see. Janine probably wakes up thinking about Tom instead of her own well being. Lol.

Or...Janine gets injured. Lina gets a call to arrive at the hospital, then when the nurses leave, Lina sticks her hand in the unconscious Janine and finds Tom.

So many possibilities!

This cliffhanger seems like it can go in multiple directions. I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

So many possible things could happen. What if they don't crash? What if they do and there is a female paramedic, so many ways to go...

Reviewer: sarashrunk Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 19 2015 1:56 PM Title: Lazarus


Tom should die ingested and digested by someone, showing every part of digestion.

Author's Response:

Janine thought about it, and in the end, maybe thats the way he'll go, not sure yet, this story is still unfolding for me as well.

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