Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: Maximus Signed [Report This]
Date: January 30 2016 6:36 PM Title: Tess

Duggernaut, forgot to comment on your post about getting too involved. Its not. I like how you keep us guessing, never knowing if a character you introduce will play a big part or just misdirection. 


And its always curious to see what kind of Giantess they will be, like Jessica, most interested in her ;)

Really, the only 2 people to have Tom so far has been Lina and Janine. Sam played with him once, Addison had him briefly and now Cassidy. Doesnt seem to involved to me. I think the two main antagonists will continue to be Lina and Janine with 2 wild cards, Sam and Jessica, whom may surprise us. I don't think Cassidy is going to have an ongoing part in the story, just a hunch.


Author's Response:

Thanks for the input Maximus. My only intent is to try and keep this story engaging enough that readers enjoys reading it. i know in another of my stories, it exploded with characters and got all hazy and difficult to write.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 30 2016 5:14 PM Title: Tess

Wow, another update!

Since Tess already has the address and knows that Cassidy is a good person, why is Lina still doing this detective work? Is she doing something that is irrelevant to Cassidy or what? I'm curious about her intentions.

Why did Tess frown when she saw Cassidy? So what if she's beautiful? I don't get why it made her frown.

Tom said that some of his bruises were from Janine. Where did the other bruises come from? Miss Addison, the accident? I'm curious about that as well.

I'm pretty sure Tom wants to stay with Cassidy becuase she seems gentle like Lina, and as a bonus, there is no threat like Janine nearby.

Jessica really wants to see Tom. She's the only women who hasn't seen Tom yet. (Funny, how no men in this story saw Tom yet. I'd like to keep it this way.)

Will Cassidy be next on the Tom's to do list? Will Tom be Cassidy's next patient? Seems like we will find out soon.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 30 2016 1:35 PM Title: Tess

Really love how you wrote the parts with Cassidy, adds a touch of realism to the story. Now you can get into how things unfold with Tom and Cassidy in a realistic manner after putting Toms family at ease. What that entails is anyones guess but looking forward to it! 


Although, not sure how long he will be with Cassidy, looks like Lina is planning a little kidnapping of her own, ha, little, get it get it.


And Jessica wants in on it now too! Find out what kind of giantess she is, quite the family they are :)


Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: January 29 2016 10:02 PM Title: Tom's Story


If it's too involved, just work with all the characters you have right now.

Make some deeper relations in more intimate ways.

One of my favorite things you write about are when one women has a tiny and someone else is unaware that the tiny is with them. Remember Sophie hiding Ted's son from Ted? That was awesome. Maybe something similar like that can happen with Lina/Janine hiding Tom while they talk to Raphaella.

You could have Tom join Cassidy on an adventure while she works on patients. After a long day at the hospital, Tom can cheer her up.

Janine and Lina could make some sort of deal where they share Tom and exchange him after every few days.

Cassidy could be Tom's personal nurse if he gets hurt or if Janine does something crazy.

We could have 3somes, but it feels weird putting two women of different ages and experience together with Tom.

Tess could visit once in a while and eventually let Lina take care of him.

After Janine admitting to all her faults, maybe she will treat Tom less cruelly if she gets Tom back again.

I loved the beginning parts where Janine takes Tom to school with her. I mentioned Cassidy taking Tom to work with her, and perhaps Lina could take Tom with her places as well. (Vacation maybe?)

There are many possibilities left to create. We don't need more characters to make it interesting. I'd say it's the sexy fun that makes it interesting. That's why many people want the "giantess action" becuase it's the sex and naughty stuff that we are into.

We got the characters, so let's have some fun.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 29 2016 9:22 PM Title: Phoning Home

It's probably a good thing that Tom had that phone call with his mother. I mean, it seems like she was already planning/thinking of visiting her kids, so it's better that Tom got a head's up.


I do wonder what her reaction will. Who knows?  It might be a blessing in disguised for Tom. She does seem to love and care for her son, i think Tess might have given her too little credit in thinking she'd let him be a experimented on. 

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: January 29 2016 12:18 PM Title: Tom's Story

I just couldn't resist saying that I was first. It feels somewhat satisfying to address it.

As for Raphaella, I'm not that familiar with Italian women, but I was surprised by the name becuase it's new to me.

Author's Response:

I think you mentioned ninja turtle during one of your first reviews. :P 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 29 2016 10:27 AM Title: Phoning Home

And, while there may not be many American woman named "Raphaella," the Italian version of the name (with two f's) has been around a long time. For example: Raffaella Carra (Italian singer/actress/hostess); Raffaella DiLaurentis (movie-producing daughter of the legendary Dino); and Raffaella Modugno (former "Miss Curvy Italy!").

Author's Response:

Thanks for the information. I chose the ph as opposed to ff just because.  We learn early Tom's mother is indeed Italian . Good job. Raphaella Spence is out of the UK. 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: January 29 2016 10:18 AM Title: Phoning Home

Hence, the adverb "retroactively," Tom.


Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 29 2016 3:00 AM Title: Phoning Home

Now, as promised, my review post chapter fix.

First of all, Raphaella? I never heard of a woman named that. It's like they combined Raphael and Cinderella to make Raphaella.

Second, how did Raphaella's name pop up on Cassexy's phone? Shouldn't a number pop up instead?

Third, the way his mom keeps calling Tom a baby and tiny, I bet is making Cassisdy feel like she is taking care of a little baby. Trying to get him food, comfort, can't do anything on his own, and so on.

Next, is this whole mom incident necessary? The dilemmas and problems just keep piling up. A character gets introduced like every 3 chapters now. I envisioned this story to be just Tom, Janine and Lina. Now we got Tess's roommate, Miss Addison, the grandpa, Francis, Jessica, Cassidy, and now Tom's mom.

Now it feels like the "Adventures of Tom" with his many giantesses. He is just getting passed from one woman to the next. I wonder when it will return to the Lindholm house and Tom has to deal with the Janine/Lina duet. I miss that. Hopefully, Cassexy is the key for a reunion.

Since Raphaella mentioned having protection, does this imply that they are going to have some fun in the next few chapters? I hope so, even Tom's mom approves! Tom is 18 and Cassidy is 27. Boy, Tom keeps getting lucky.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Hmm. Perhaps I am over complicating this story. It was mentioned a while ago and maybe it's time. Not sure. It was my intent to try and keep this interesting but if it's getting too involved... 

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: January 29 2016 2:35 AM Title: Phoning Home


Ha! Actually I was first this time, but Duggernaut had an issue where 2 chapters of chapter 58 were posted, and when he solved it, my review was deleted along with it.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 28 2016 7:56 PM Title: Phoning Home

"I wonder how I screwed them up?"

Sigmund Freud would probably venture the opinion that, due to all the impulsive trouble he had gotten himself into, recently, Tom subconsciously decided to reach out to his mother for help. Not too far-fetched as armchair theories go, I must admit.

"A boy's best friend...," and all that jazz.

P.S.---Nice to see I'm retroactively first reviewer of this chapter. :-)

Author's Response:

I don't know why it doubled up on my update. Weird. I think Freud might have a lot to say about some of the underlying psychological underpinnings in Tom's view of the world and how he interacts. I'm sure he could publish a treatise on psychosexual fixation in regards to some of the elements of the story. 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 25 2016 9:27 PM Title: Jess

The proof is in the pudding, Jess.

Or, rather, in putting Tom into your own nether-portions. ;-D

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 25 2016 6:17 PM Title: Jess

First of all, this is the funniest chapter in the entire story. I kept smiling and laughing, then smiling again until it hurt a bit. The secret is out, everyone knows about Tom and it's hilarious watching this all enfold.

Second, I'm kinda surprised that you brought Jess back in, but I should've know that whenever you mention a character, they become a key role in a story later on. Still waiting in Miss Harwood to show up. :)

Janine doesn't even seem to regret anything as Tess told the story. I would love to hear the uncensored version that Janine has experienced with Tom. That should get some great reactions from Jess.

Jessica is now Jess. Now that's gonna confuse me soon since Tess is already a common name in this story. I wonder if Jess will now get some time with Tom since she now knows about him.

I admire how this chapter was setup. The way Jess was trying to put the pieces together takes skill becuase you have to exclude stuff that the rest of the characters already know.

Man, Lina felt embarrassed the whole time. It's like Jess had respect for her and then it just dropped as soon as Jess found out that Lina had sex with Tess's brother. Also, Lina's explanation was awesome. "It's Tom, there's se thing special about him" as if she recommends Jess to have a go with Tom to figure it out herself.

This chapter also felt like a showdown. Everyone is on the same page and everyone knows what each person did with Tom. I wish each lady shares their story of what they did with Tom. Sexy story time!

I really, really like this chapter. Even though, there was no sexual fun, this chapter was fun to read.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

I wonder if Selene would make a good first name for Miss Harwood? Hmm...

Reviewer: sarashrunk Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 23 2016 3:56 AM Title: Tom

Very good!

Cassie should change his mind and stay with tone. May punish him in some way.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review who knows what Cassidy may or may not have in store for Tom. 

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: January 20 2016 10:28 PM Title: Tom's Story

I did some thinking and I realized that Tom is probably thinking that Tess is still looking for him when he disappeared from her dorm.

Janine never let Tom communicate to Tess so this was actually his first chance, and this message actually is Tom's way of telling Tess that he is all right since his disappearance.

Now I see why Tom didn't mention the car crash. He is just letting Tess know about his location, his health, and who is taking care of him. Just the important stuff was sent in that message.

Got it.

Author's Response:


Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: January 20 2016 10:21 PM Title: Tom's Story

Well, in my ch. 51 review, I had 3 possibilities and only the 1st one was that Janine wasn't going to crash and it was just a scare. My other two involved her being injured becuase of a crash.

Author's Response:

I think presenting a variety of possibilities actually helps relay to me a number of threads some of which I had not considered. I love that you are invested in the story and that it has not become too one dimensional. I know several chapters back there was some discussion on how this story was losing depth.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 20 2016 9:57 PM Title: Tom

Dear Tom: you also thought--in your ch. 51 review--that there wouldn't be any car crash, at all. ;-)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 20 2016 7:32 PM Title: Tom

Cassidy seems super nice. She is even nicer than Lina which I could now believe thanks to Lina getting deceptive lady chapter.

This chapter felt just like Michael's story. The fact that Tom asked Cassidy to call Tess reminded me of the scene where Michael wanted Madison to call Lucie. Only difference is that Cassidy is nice enough to grant Tom's wish.

One thing that felt off. Tom's message didn't include the car crash. It's almost like he knows that Tess is aware of the crash. We, the readers are aware of it, but Tom has no idea that Tess knows about it.

When Cassidy asked Tom about Janine's underpants, I was anxious to hear Tom describe his whole experience. It could give Cassidy some fun ideas becuase I encourage the idea of Tom having fun with Cassidy. However, I think this gentleness will make Cassidy the new Lina, and Lina will become more agressive and controlling.

Nurse angle....Yes! We could have some nurse/patient roleplay with Cassidy taking care of Tom by "keeping him safe" by putting him in some comfy tight places. I like Tom's thoughts about this situation.

The phone buzzed, she swiped the screen, then she frowned. She frowned not when she immediately looks at her phone, but only after she swipes her phone. Perhaps she got hacked, and she might punish Tom. Probably not, but I think Lina had something to do with this cliffhanger.

Good stuff, I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: January 20 2016 7:15 PM Title: Tom


I don't even know my siblings' phone numbers either becuase I just click on their names when I call them. I don't think the accident had anything to do with it. He probably just put in the number a long time ago and now Tom just clicks on the Tess button now.

Author's Response:

Lol it's funny the reason I presented it this way was because I couldn't remember my brother's number

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 20 2016 6:03 PM Title: Tom

Well, so far/so good!

Cassie really does seem nice and, therefore, a credit to her calling. Which, in turn, makes me all the more eager for a more detailed description of her. As, thus far, all any of us know for certain about her appearance is that she's pretty!*

As to Tom's memory of his sister's cellphone number being a little fuzzy? All too plausible after a car accident. So, I give you two thumbs' up for that bit of realism. But, that cliff-hanging frown has me worried. Did Cassie's caller ID register the name of whatever private detective agency Janine's flunky is using? Or was it something even more sinister?

You may touch-down dance in the knowledge that you've well and truly stumped me, as to what comes next.

*Of course, given that she's an ER nurse, it stands to reason that her hair would quite naturally be camouflaged by either her blue surgical cap, or the more conventional white one.

Author's Response:

The caller ID did indeed register some information Cassie was not expecting. I consider it a compliment that there enough potentialities that the story has not become too predictable, though I will hold off on the Ickey Shuffle for now. 


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