Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 17 2016 6:19 PM Title: Cassidy and Tom

Yes!!!! This is what I was waiting for!

And the best part?! Round 2!! Adding more fuel to the fire! Keep her hungry for more! We know Tom wants it too.

I still don't know if Cassidy is gentle or cruel because she did like nothing this chapter. Perhaps she can take over next time.

I'm loving these last few chapters! I can't wait for the next one!

Author's Response:

Round 2 will be much more telling about the nature of Cassidy as a giantess, plus there will a reflective chapter involving Janine and some of her thoughts.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: February 15 2016 8:03 PM Title: Home for the Holidays

I have to admit, TS, that would be less cliche' than Jessica introducing him to her sorority (assuming she belongs to one). Maybe less erotic, too! But, definitely less cliche'.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: February 15 2016 11:29 AM Title: Tom's Story


"Tom please sign this plea deal stating that you are guilty of all charges and that you will be sentenced to worshipping giantess women for the rest of your life".

The dream!

Author's Response:

Sentenced to doing time in the hole...

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 14 2016 9:51 PM Title: Janine and Serena

A lady lawyer, now???!

God help Tom.

Author's Response:

Even God might not want to meddle with that

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 14 2016 4:25 PM Title: Janine and Serena

What's with all these curious people all of a sudden? Jessica and Serena are acting like the same person.

Serena reminds me of the mermaid from some movie I watched. That's all I think of when I read the name.

So Lina asked Serena for a personal request to go after Cassidy? I'm not too familiar with how the law works but I don't think there is any need for all tie since Cassidy seems like a nice person willing to hand Tom over.

Since Serena likes to keep things confidential, then perhaps Janine should tell her about Tom. That way another hot woman can have fun with Tom. I'm sure Janine doesn't want to involve Tom becuase she wants him all to herself.

Interesting chapter, but I still wonder about the introduction of more characters. Nonetheless, Serena seems awesome, and I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Might just be some window dressing to keep you guessing, or it might play a significant role in the immediate future, not sure yet, haven't figured out what I want to do with them yet...

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: February 11 2016 6:27 AM Title: One Thing Leads to Another

In the immortal words of William Fakespeare: "To be, or not be, stereotypical? That is the question. Whether 'tis nobler, in Little Tom's lascivious mind, to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous sexploitation? Or, by opposing them, get in a sea of trouble?"

Or, to more succinctly paraphrase the late, great Karl Malden: "What will you do, Duggernaut? What WILL you do?"

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 10 2016 10:34 PM Title: One Thing Leads to Another

Don't resist! Let it happen! Keep the stereotype and let Tom have his way! (After all it's his story.)

But seriously, this is like a once in a life time opportunity for Cassie, so she should take it while she still has him. It's not like she is going to get Tom again. (Will she?)

I'm loving the clumsiness that started all this. You could have also make a scene where she throws him high up so he can dive into the popcorn bowl, and Cassie lets him bounce off her greasy hand, but she angles it too far and he goes sliding down her body and into her panties.

In other words, silly stuff with tiny Tom can be kinky in the end.

Also, Lina is probably going to punish Cassie for some reason since she has all her info so Cassie better take advantage and have fun with Tom.

They can play hospital. Sexy nurse walks in and takes care of Tom. Tom requires some "ass"istance and Cassie happily provides it for him.

Yeah, forget the movie. Just go straight to the bedroom. That's where all the fun is.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 10 2016 9:17 PM Title: One Thing Leads to Another

Resist! RESIST! Break the stereotype and don't let him have his way.

So glad I'm first reviewer, again. ;-)

Reviewer: Shiron66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 09 2016 12:29 PM Title: Mi Casa et Su Casa

I'm loving where this story is going, I hope the nurse shove the little Tom in her vagina like Lina did, but let him inside there for a long time, since Tom didn't injured himself when he was inside Lina's vagina

Author's Response:

Thank you for the review and the input. Cassidy's second round with Tom might be more aligned with your thoughts...:)

Reviewer: Maximus Signed [Report This]
Date: February 07 2016 9:25 PM Title: Tom's Story

@Cary, there is very little of it, you could just close your eyes during those parts because Im sure you would LOVE the rest of it. ;)


But back to Jessica, I'll be happy even if its just her that gets a hold of Tom for a little one on one fun. I want to know what kind of giantess she is!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: February 06 2016 6:47 PM Title: Mi Casa et Su Casa

I haven't read "Michael's Story," Max. And, frankly, I'm never likely to as I'm unalterably opposed to representation of the I-word in giantess stories Or, at least, depiction of it among mere mortals!

That being said, I have no way to confirm or dispute your assessment. Therefore, only the next chapter will answer our respective questions with any satisfaction.

Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 06 2016 12:42 PM Title: Mi Casa et Su Casa

I like Cassidy, nice character, I guess this means Ill have to endure some gentle action though, lol, can't always be rough I suppose :)


I have to concur with Cary, wonder if there will be some sorority action coming soon, Jess definitely wants him, whisked away to college perhaps. Not sure though, might parallel Michaels story too much. 


Great stuff!


Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 05 2016 10:31 PM Title: Mi Casa et Su Casa

While I like Carycomic's idea, I have seen people write about that movie way too many times now.

I like the Wonder Woman/atom combo. Also, the cat woman, shrunken robin or batman one. Even something like monsters vs aliens has some good stuff there.

I bet the movie scene won't even be covered that much. I bet it's what happens after the movie that we should look forward to.

I was thinking that Cassie falls asleep and Tom goes exploring. Cassidy pretends to be asleep as Tom pleasures her. Cassexy struggles to contain her excitement, but conceals it enough so Tom won't notice. Tom then gets out of Cassidy's pants and sleeps next to her. Cassidy falls asleep too.

Cassie wakes up and wonders where Tom is. She feels something between her legs and under her butt and thinks that Tom is naughty and decided to sleep under her. She reaches down and pulls out the tv remote. She laughs at herself and clears her eyes to look for Tom again.

She notices Tom next to her and he looks back st her smiling. He states that he can much better than a remote. Cassidy tells him that she knows what he did to her last night. Tom nervously chuckles and suggests that the remote gave her some interesting dreams. Cassidy denies such dreams and confirms Tom's deeds the night before by taking a long shift of him. She smiles a big smile, and Tom flashed his grin back at her.

Cassidy grabs Tom and takes him upstairs. She lets Tom pleasure her and decides to take him to work with her since Tom is feeling better.

Tom couldn't agree more, and the two have a lovely day.

That's my prediction.

Also, I still don't get why Tess smiled about suggesting Jess. I'm not sure why it's going to bring a smile to Tess's face. It still excites me though.

In addition, I agree with Tom. If I'm dating an 18 yr old and I hear about an older sister, I'm thinking if she is hot too. Typical Tom right now.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 05 2016 8:38 PM Title: Mi Casa et Su Casa

A move night, huh? They could make it a vintage sci-fi double bill. The original ATTACK OF THE FIFTY FOOT WOMAN. Followed by THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN!

Seriously, though: the only thing nicer than being first reviewer for this chapter is your--thus far--infallible posting of new chapters, in general. Bravo!!!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 04 2016 4:04 PM Title: Ruffled Feathers

I saw you post Nefarious Nine and I assumed that that was the only story you uploaded yesterday. Turns out all 4 were uploaded. Now I'm late to the party.

I'm still not exactly sure what happened during this chapter that we already didn't know.

A few chapters back, Lina asked for Cassidy's personal information. It's no surprise that Lina has it. I'm just surprised that that was the cliffhanger of the chapter. Is it a cliffhanger? I thought we already knew that.

What good does Cassidy's Lane's info do for Lina? Cassidy is nice enough that she can return Tom. Even Tess knows Cassidy's adress which means she is open to let them see Tom. I'm sure if Lina just wants Tom, she could just ask.

Also, we know Jess is curious about Tom. Lina just gave her more reasons to want Tom. Mostly sexual reasons and she talks like some prophecy witch. Inner goddess? I did not expect Lina to say all this stuff. I was expecting more like "Tom made me fall in love again ever since I set my eyes on Francis" or something touching like that.

The spiritual talk isn't really the best idea to convince a college aged daughter about something.

Yeah, it looks like Jess will have some time with Tom. I doubt he will be taken with her to college. Tom belongs in this town with Tess, Janine, and Lina.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Hi Tom, I got called away after the Nefarious 9 post and couldnt get back til later. This chapter was about tying up some ends and presenting Tom in a new light as the catalyst for awakening desire, hunger, power, etc. Jess is certainly getting the urge to find out for herself what all the fuss is about. It has yet to written, but it will unfold as it is meant to...

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 04 2016 12:43 PM Title: Ruffled Feathers

Hoo-boy! Over-cliched or not,Tom may wind up meeting Jessica's sorortiy sisters, yet! :-(

Author's Response:

A forest fire can start with a single match match...

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: February 03 2016 10:32 PM Title: Ruffled Feathers

Yikes, Lina isn't as pacifist as I once thought, my impression of her has changed a lot with this chapter, I can kind of see where Janine gets it from, although I doubt she's as heartless as her daughter...

Author's Response:

Lina is definitely capable, but bound by a morality and scruples Janine has yet to develop. What might she have been like at eighteen?

Reviewer: Maximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 03 2016 10:00 PM Title: Ruffled Feathers

Ok, that whole conversation had me cringing, I mean, I'm not a mother and don't have a daughter but that seemed just a little too cavalier. But, then again, the Lindholm family isn't a normal family. ;)


I like how curious Jessica is getting, wonder what her inner Goddess is!


Clever of Lina explaining the problems that Tess will encounter trying to house her brother but one thing she doesn't know about is the grandfather and the possibility of Tom being regrown. What lengths will Lina go to then if she learns of that possibility. She's developed quite an obsession with little Tom. 


Author's Response:

The Lindholm's are certainly not your average run of the mill bunch. If Lina finds out there may be a possibility of restoration for Tom, will she become more aggressive in her desire? We shall see...

Reviewer: BigJames Signed [Report This]
Date: February 01 2016 10:24 PM Title: Tom's Story

Really excited about mom showing up, looking forward to some mother son interactions


Author's Response:

Thanks for taking the time to share a review. Not sure yet whether I"ll take this story down that mother/son road, but who knows, sometimes the story writes itself. 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 30 2016 6:39 PM Title: Tess

Who knows Tess? If it's "new and novel" enough, maybe even your brother's speedy namesake will love it! ;-)

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