Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: bartek21 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 01 2016 4:53 AM Title: Disciplined

More please!

Author's Response:

As long as people keep reading it, there will be more

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 29 2016 9:02 PM Title: Disciplined

Wow! Part 3? I'm impressed. Usually you would jump to the next scene, but this time you extended this sexy scene. I approve highly of this. Also, I bet everyone enjoys it too.

Interesting to see Tom get scared of a hairbrush. Makes me wonder what other items will make Tom scared.

Cassidy seriously has the sexiness that I have been waiting all this time for. Lina is gentle sexy, Janine is cruel sexy, and Cassidy is naughty sexy. My favorite.

Perhaps we can get a part 4? Or is that too much? Haha.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 29 2016 5:50 PM Title: Disciplined

Can't review. Got to drink some ice water.

*Sound of refrigerator door opening.*

OK! Who forgot to refill the f-----g pitcher?!

Reviewer: Ancient Relic Signed [Report This]
Date: February 29 2016 3:01 PM Title: Tom and Cassidy, Aftermath

Tom is definitely your most compelling character. Even at three inches tall, he's as irrepressible as ever and holds such power over women 24 times taller than he is. This last bit with Cassidy has been a delightful transformation, from innocent and unsure what to do, to equal partner in the eroticism.

Not that I expect their affair to remain undisturbed. Tom has charmed a lot of women, and they could well be fighting over a three inch man soon. Janine, Lina, Jessica and Serena when they really understand what's going on.


So how long until somebody decides to figure out exactly how Tom shrunk, and try to acquire a shrinker for their own use?

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 26 2016 9:01 PM Title: Tom and Cassidy, Aftermath

@Gadgetmawombo: it's Cassidy Lane! Daniel Cassidy is the birth identity of the DC super anti-hero called Blue Devil.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 26 2016 8:59 PM Title: Tom and Cassidy, Aftermath

Uhm! Excuse me a second.

*Sound of ice water being guzzled down.*

AAAAAAAAAAH! Never thought I'd be grateful for brain-freeze. Now, where was I? Oh, yes! Your latest installment. Very erotic, I have to admit. In fact, with Cassidy, Tom seems to have met his match with regard to dominant sexual teasing. But, I don't think she's going to have the (ahem!) upper hand, for long. Any more than she'll continue to vicariously have it from me. I, for one, am out from under her spell!

Spank---uh, thank you for hearing me out.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 26 2016 7:34 PM Title: Tom and Cassidy, Aftermath

Duggernaut, this is what you do best. You take a girl and make her confident and have fun while also teasing a tiny man.

You did it with Selena, you did it with Sophie, and now you are doing it with Cassidy. All these girls were having fun with their tiny and the best part is that they would tease the tiny, give them a taste of what is to come. Even describing in words what they will do is awesome. You kinda did it with Lina and I hope she gets some kinky ideas along the way.

Hmm. Cassidy is playing the sexy school girl who needs to be punished. I would love to see some sexy nurse action, but I don't think that will happen since Tom has fully recovered already.

Well, Tom just taught me that there is a space of air above her vagina and below the cervix. I never knew that. That's probably why many tiny men fear of going inside pussies. They, like me, didn't know that they can breathe back there.

If our worlds does develop shrinking in the future, it gives me confidence that now I can venture inside a vagina knowing that there's a airfilled-heaven at the end of it.

For a second there, I was hoping that Tom can stay inside there for a bit longer. He can do some exploring and learn what's back there. Well, at least in the next vagina he visits, he can try to go back there again.

Cassidy is now my second favorite giantess behind Lina. Even though Cassidy had the most erotic scene, I'm still giving Lina the edge becuase of how sexy it was to hide him from Janine.

Cassidy and Tom make a great pair. If they had closer ages, they could probably be together like a couple. But, since Tom is still shrunken, the fantasy continues.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 26 2016 6:09 PM Title: Tom and Cassidy, Aftermath

Danny Cassidy is so hot! She's definitely my new favorite, before it was Janines mom Lina, I think was her name? Anyway, Tom won the lottery with this one! She's a skilled nurse, sexy, passionate, kind, caring, and even bubbly, all at the same time! She's amazing! But knowing his luck, I doubt he's gonna have this kind of luck for long...

Reviewer: Shiron66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 25 2016 8:30 PM Title: Cassidy Unleashed

oh I always forgot to rating heres a 10

Author's Response:

Thank you x10

Reviewer: Shiron66 Signed [Report This]
Date: February 25 2016 3:23 PM Title: Cassidy Unleashed

Wow, just hope Tom is okay in there, (then suddenly someone ring her doorbell and Cassidy didn't have time to check if Tom is okay in there, then she quickly clean herself and goes see how is the one that ring her doorbell, and Tom is just unconscious inside her vagina.) "I can dream with that", Well I hope you continue this great story and also I hope the little Tom still interact with older womens like Cassidy, Miss Addison and Lina.

Author's Response:

I highly doubt miss Addison will have another chance at him but Lina? I don't think we're quite finished with her yet :)

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 23 2016 7:49 AM Title: Cassidy Unleashed

Nice haiku, bartek. :-)

Reviewer: bartek21 Signed [Report This]
Date: February 23 2016 4:49 AM Title: Cassidy Unleashed

I can only say great!
Please  more !!

Tom is alive and well in a safe place just asleep.

It is still deep inside Cassidy.

not quickly go out tom.

cassidy will be able to hear the tom and tom cassidy.

Author's Response:

Not quite done yet between Cassidy and Tom. Talk about cozy though...

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 22 2016 7:44 PM Title: Cassidy Unleashed

Dare I say it?

Yes, I do.

"Who else wants peasant under glass?"

Author's Response:

Glass jaw?

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 22 2016 7:36 PM Title: Cassidy Unleashed

Super hot chapter!

You know I always loved entrapment usually with a woman trapping a man inside her panties, but this time, Cassidy trapped Tom inside her literally by used a glass dildo like a gate to lock Tom inside.

Still, why would she need that dildo if Tom was that "amazing". I figured that he was enough. However, I love how you included this dildo here becuase I never thought of this idea before. I mean, she basically sealed Tom inside herself during that orgasm.

What happened to Tom? Most likely he crashed into that dildo during her orgasm and got knocked out. I bet he didn't expect that coming. Heck, he might even be dissapointed that she thought he wasn't enough.

Next, I love the chapter title. However, I was expecting some power hungry sex drive or something. Instead of a powerful orgasm, I thought she was going to fuck Tom's brains out. (Actually I think she did. I take that back now.)

Next chapter, I bet Cassidy will play "sexy nurse" while Tom plays the "horny patient" and then we can have round 3! Hehe!

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Tom was deliberately teasing her until she couldn't stand it anymore and took it to the next level. 

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: February 22 2016 7:18 PM Title: Tom's Story

Totally agree with shiron's comment.

Reviewer: Shiron66 Signed [Report This]
Date: February 20 2016 8:10 AM Title: Cassidy and Tom

Oh my god! I loved the chapter 64! I really loved how Cassidy help the little Tom get into her vagina, and after her climax Tom asked her if she wanted to do again and she nodded yes! I really love when the young Tom use himself like a sex toy for the pleasure of the older womens! I really hope when they do that again, Tom ask Cassidy if he can stay inside her vagina for a long period and Cassidy with a happy and pleasure smile without answering him, she just shove him back deep in her and let he stay in there for like a really long time. keep the good work on! I Really love this story!

Reviewer: bartek21 Signed [Report This]
Date: February 18 2016 1:19 PM Title: Cassidy and Tom

something I feel that the 2nd round I'll be a surprise for toma and Cassidy.
I will not be a third person incursion or injury toma

Author's Response:

Thaks for the review Bartek21, Tom seems to have a knack for getting into situations, so it should be interesting to see what happens next!

Reviewer: The Lurkmeister Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 18 2016 10:18 AM Title: Cassidy and Tom

This story is amazing! I can't wait to see what happens to Tom next.

Author's Response:

Thanks Lurkmeister, i appreciate the review. Time to heat things up!

Reviewer: GTS33 Signed [Report This]
Date: February 18 2016 7:13 AM Title: Tom's Story

Love it. Stories like these are great especially when the characters are so well developed. I can't wait to see Tom in Round 2 xD

If it's criticism you want then here's mine: Try not to get repetitive and keep writing so descriptively, as it really does make the story more enjoyable to us readers.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review GTS33. I appreciate this input regarding too many descriptors, I will keep it in mind for future chapters. Round two will take things to another level. :)

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 17 2016 7:53 PM Title: Cassidy and Tom


Oh, "cum" on!*

*I know; I know. Groaner City. But, this pun was the most irresistible, yet!

Author's Response:

Ouch, I prefer, "Lather, rinse, repeat!" - I have another story in the works using that exact reference, teehee

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