Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: KEr3d Signed [Report This]
Date: March 11 2016 9:17 PM Title: Tom's Story

So far, I've been reading non-stop, barraging through 70 chapters in a little under 8 hours. although that doesn't mean I don't ponder these things through several scenarios in my head, I can't always seem to come to a resolution. Heck, I think I just recited the definition of suspense! Great job, man, keep it up! Got me and half of the site hooked.

Author's Response:

Wow, thanks K3red. It is my hope to keep this story engaging enough to keep readers hooked and coming back for more. 70 chapters straight, wicked awesome!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 11 2016 7:20 PM Title: After School Deliberations

Uh-oh! Does this mean Tess might use her grandfather's device on some guy she has the secret hots for? If so, let's just say I'd find that preferable to her dropping the i-bomb.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 11 2016 7:07 PM Title: After School Deliberations

Miss Harwood! Yes! Finally! Now, we just need to get Tom into her hands. (Or other parts of her body. I bet people forgot who she is and how sexy of a teacher she is in this school. Very different from Miss Addison for sure.

Janine is clearly using Tess to get to Tom again. She knows that Tess is easier to steal from than Cassisdy but she needs Tess to get to Tom.

Also, this talk about using a tiny man can be interpreted in 2 ways. First, Janine probably wants Tess to try out Tom for herself and soon, either Tom or Tess feel ashamed and they get separated where Janine shows up and gets Tom. Second, (which I think was Janine's intention) is that she wants Tess to think that Cassisdy is sexually abusing Tom just like what Janine did, so Tess can quickly get Tom out of Cassisdy's hands.

Wait a minute. I don't recall Tess acknowledging Sam playing with Tom. Sure, we (readers) know that Sam played with Tom, but I don't think Tess ever found that out herself.

Oh boy, she's thinking of the shrinking machine. This opens another door which I don't think should be opened. I like the focus on just a tiny Tom. More tinies would be a little too much I think. Besides, only one guy has been mentioned this whole story and that's Tom. (Ok, theres Francis, but that's it.) Unless a girl will be shrunk, I don't see others being shrunk.

I like this free for all of these women having fun with Tom. Just imagine Tom with all these women at once. No guy to share these women with. Now picture yourself as Tom. (Easy for me.) Yep, that's heaven in giantess world. After all this story is Tom's story. He gets all the women to himself. What a dream come true.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 11 2016 6:44 PM Title: Tom's Story

Ancient Relic,

Nice catch. I didn't even know that this story has become that popular to be compared to some of the greats.

What's more amazing is that this story is on both of those top tens and it's not even 1 year old!!! The next youngest one is from 2012! Incredible!

Reviewer: Ancient Relic Signed [Report This]
Date: March 11 2016 6:05 PM Title: After School Deliberations

Seventy chapters later, this story shows no signs of losing steam. In fact, this could just be the beginning, if Tess decides to bring out the shrinker. Keep going, you've hit gold.

Also have you seen the Top Ten Most Read and Top Ten Most Favourited?

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 10 2016 4:37 PM Title: Tom's Story

That teacher is Miss Addison. I'm still waiting for Miss Harwood to make an appearance. :)

Author's Response:

Only time will tell

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 10 2016 1:47 PM Title: Cassidy, Monday

In answer to LT's last question? Yes, he does. And, domineering types (like Whatserface the teacher) obviously hate that! They think carnal pleasure should be a one-way their direction.

Author's Response:

Correct, yes he does.

Reviewer: licktoy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 10 2016 7:27 AM Title: Cassidy, Monday

Whenever she sucks or bites her lower lip things are going to be interesting :-)
What does she have in the store (or drawer) for Tom? 
Will she again loose herself to the passion and forgetting/ignoring Tom for that moment?
Or is she going to be "careful" this time using Tom in a different hole than Mr. Reliable? ;-) 

There are several women trying to get Tom for herself so I think the next time Cassidy will need to be careful and properly hide Tom if she does not want to loose her toy.

I think it would be great if you could be a little bit more descriptive abour Tom's feelings in next chapters too. E.g. in chapter 65 when Cassidy appologizes to Tom, he just says he is ok. But did he like it? Does he like when a giantess uses him for her pleasure? Does he feel a satisfaction after pleasuring the giantess woman? Does he derive his own pleasure from pleasuring her?


Author's Response:

Thanks for the insight, a little more of events from Tom's perspective could be interesting.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 09 2016 9:03 PM Title: Cassidy, Monday

Roflmao X-D

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 09 2016 4:50 PM Title: Cassidy, Monday

"Fishing" is an apt metaphor. I'm reminded of that old joke about a lawyer who goes on vacation to Hawaii, and runs into a man-eating shark while swimming at the beach! But, the shark ultimately refrains from biting him...out of professional courtesy.

Author's Response:

I had heard that one. I like 'What's the difference between a female lawyer and a pit bull?' - lipstick

Reviewer: Ancient Relic Signed [Report This]
Date: March 09 2016 4:21 PM Title: Cassidy, Monday

@Tom: As I'm reading it, Serena wasn't ordered to talk to Cassidy, she knows something's going and is finding out on her own initiative. And Serena is going to fuck Tom at some point. Duggernaut said so by describing Serena's attributes.

Author's Response:

Serena is a determined professional and sensing something amiss is prompting her to investigate the situation further in order to prevent being blindsided. Whether or not she gets a chance at Tom remains to be seen. (:

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 09 2016 3:52 PM Title: Cassidy, Monday

Aw, I was hoping for some part 4 action, haha!

Well, at least they woke up happy. (Did they wake up, or are they just lying in bed after sex?) It feels like the morning.

Where exactly was Tom when Cassidy looked down on him? You said by her hair, but then there is the question about which hair? Head or pubic? Or something else...?

Tom's habitat was on the table, and Serena didn't question it? Did it look like a let's cage or something?

"Unfortunately the wheels of justice...." lol, total bs. She is just excercising her power of a lawyer to appear powerful and intimidate Cassidy.

I'm still wondering what is the point of Serena in this story. Is she like a spy for Lina? But Lina already knows Cassidy's address and that she is nice since she is taking care of Tom and Tess approves. Why send Serena to do some thing that Tess did a few chapters ago? The only point I see where this is going is that Serena will find Tom and they have sex too.

Also, what will Lina's response be when Serena talks about Tom. Will Lina dismiss it, or address it? Will Lina say " give him to me" or something? This can go so many ways.

Did Cassidy really just say Tom to Serena? Really? I mean, she is a lawyer and she is taking notes. I bet she wrote that down and can use it against her later on. Sure, I understand that Cassidy was testing to see if Serena was here for Tom, but couldn't she have chosen her words a bit more carefully?

Janine played it beautifully early on, saying things like "little man" "rodent". I mean she used phrases that were clues to Tom, but didn't give anything away. Cassidy, however, just says Tom. Game over. Her mission was to hide any trace of Tom. Mission failed.

Well, I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Tom was curled up in Cassidy's long head hair. Tom's habitat is a simple container with a makeshift bed, might be innocuous enough to escape detection, might.Serena might be a wildcard that gets tangled up in this, we'll see. Cassidy thought perhaps Serena was aware of Tom, but Serena's response made her backtrack, recognizing her error and trying to minimize the damage. The conversation between Serena and Lina should be entertaining. Part 4 is coming, I just needed a break for Carycomic to replenish his water pitcher. :)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 04 2016 8:54 PM Title: Tom's Story

I'm still wondering how this story got 300 reviews. The premise was just a fantasy I had. Now it had tanscended into this phenomenal story.

I mean, of all Duggernaut's stories, why this one? The one based off a mere request.

Also, I thought I was going to be the only reviewer on this story initially. But this story just keeps attracting attention and a multitude of people have joined in.

Anyway, congrats on the 400 reviews for the first time in any of your stories. This may go to 500, 600, maybe 700 reviews!

Now imagine if I hadn't made that request for this story.... (I can't help but smile.)

Author's Response:

Lol, I tip my hat, this was indeed your request. I am delighted people are following it. There is such a wide spectrum of tastes ion this site making it hard to cater to the masses. I suspect while i have lost readers because of this, i just hope the story is still strong enough to warrant the attention it is getting. It is by far and away my most popular story to date.  

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 04 2016 5:07 PM Title: Back Home, Janine Sunday

HAPPY 400TH REVIEW!!!!!! :-)

Author's Response:

Whew, thanks. Who knew this one was going to take off like it did?

Reviewer: Ancient Relic Signed [Report This]
Date: March 04 2016 4:08 PM Title: Back Home, Janine Sunday

Well, Tess made a mistake. Fortunately, Cassie, as a nurse, may understand the concept of a vulnerable person.

Author's Response:

Did she? Tess is pretty clever in her own right. Cassidy is certainly good natured and means well, but she's not as adept at the games as Tess or Janine. Things are heating back up

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: March 03 2016 7:56 PM Title: Back Home, Janine Sunday

Yeah right Janine, yeah right...Your sister Jessica is the danger, not you, suuuure! For all we know Jessica might be much gentler than any gts so far, Janine on the other hand we know exactly what she'd do if she got her mittens on Tom!

Author's Response:

Lol, because the readers know what depths Janine has explored doesn't necessarily mean the other characters do. Maybe she was telling the truth about Jess? the best prevaricators often mingle in enough truth to be convincing... ;)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 03 2016 7:24 PM Title: Back Home, Janine Sunday

What? Janine is already better? I thought she was going to be stuck in that hospital for a month. Well, now that she is back. The chase for Tom is back!

Damn Jess! I never thought you were this interested in Tom. I mean, yes, you were curious about a tiny man, but you seem desperate now asking all these questions to Janine even when she is not completely better.

Why is Tess so gullible? You know Janine just wants Tom back. I mean, really? An apology? That's it? Tess should've sniffed this lie out from her. Tess should've demanded like a present or something. (I'm not talking about sex.)

And the school is sad for her.... wow. All us readers knows she's like the villiain now, so it's amazing to see them feel sorry for her becuase this students haven't witnessed the brutal carnage that she did with Tom. I would've laughed if some random voice among the crowd just yelled "Is Tom still inside you!?" Janine would freak out, haha.

Janine's like "Just a bump". More like the bump that Tom created while pleasuring her and now she misses that.

Wow, all this mess created becuase of Janine's poor driving. Boy, she did it this time. Now it costs her the chance to get Tom again. We know she will eventually get him back, but now it's going to be challenging.

Let's get back to the sexy action with Cassidy aka Cassexy! I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Tom likey Cassie. Very few at school know about Janine and Tom. could you imagine 20 or 30 of them fighting to gets thier hands on him? 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: March 03 2016 6:41 PM Title: Back Home, Janine Sunday

Awesome chapter, in almost every way/shape/form. For starters? There's Janine's analysis of Jessica. Considering what the former did to Tom (and secretly and unrepentantly _still_ plans to do to him), for her to describe the latter as potentially dangerous is alarming, indeed!

Then, there's the mysterious and sinister phone call Lina made. If it wasn't to her lawyer, Serena (or some version of Paul Drake occasionally employed thereby), then who was ordered to dig up dirt on Cassidy? And what will Lina do with such info?

Furthermore; if Jessica does manage to grab Tom, ahead of her younger sister and mother, where will she flee with him to (ab)use him in private? Her college sorority? A mountain cabin? Maybe even out of the country?

Last, but not least: if the latter, will Jessica try to recruit Serena to her cause, in exchange for some not-so-flagrant dilecto by Tom?

To paraphrase the Platters: "Only youuuuuuuuu...can make our puzzlement light."

My one nitpick with this chapter, though (and this is where the "almost" comes in), is use of the phrase "very unique." As the latter word literally means "one of a kind," then use of the adjective would be meaningless. As there would be nothing similar (let alone, identical) to justify the use of descriptors like "very."

Author's Response:

Thank you for the input and the feedback. Nice use of the Platters. Spot on about the very unique - either it is or it isn't. Brings to mind the term, irregardless...:)

Reviewer: bartek21 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 02 2016 4:49 AM Title: Disciplined

hehe Cassidy vagina is hungry?
Something he feels the vagina Cassidy toma swallow whole and alive?

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review bartek21, my apologies for the late response to your review. By now, you will have seen Cassidy has fed her hungry kitty, :)

Reviewer: licktoy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 01 2016 2:40 PM Title: Disciplined

These are very hot stories. I like them very much. I like if a gentle woman shows her dominant side e.g. when Cassidy used Mr. Reliable and Tom could do nothing about that. In this chapter I liked the moment when he saw the hairbrush and maybe realized how weak and helpless he is :-)

Of course I would not like to influence your story but I would love to see more such moments where Cassidy unleashes/enjoys her power and slowly changes from a gentle woman to a gentle dominant woman who step by step turns her little man into her toy. Training him to live as her pet and slave :-)

I cannot wait how this will continue. Thanks for very nice story.


Author's Response:

Thanks for the review. I am absolutely horrible at responding but am trying to be more conscientious about it. Janine has certainly left a few psychological scars on tom that will probably stay with him for the rest of his life. I attempted to try to create the giantess you mention - gentle to dominant in my story Sophie. Agsain thanks for the review and hope i can contiinue to keep you interested in these characters.

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