Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 24 2016 6:56 PM Title: Janine

@TomSpeedy: Janine could be wearing high heels.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 24 2016 6:55 PM Title: Janine

Yes, Janine, by all means; control your inner volcano. After all, there's nothing worse than premature eruption!

[Oh, come on. You had to know SOMEONE was going to use that joke!]

Seriously, though: Janine maybe underestimating her older sister. If she's anything like the other two Lindholm women, she's probably better at scheming than most non-Lindholms give her credit for. By that I mean, adept at luring others into a false sense of security. Of course, only the next chapter will answer that question, yay or nay. So, I'll see you at chapter 76.*

* "That's the spirit!" ;-)

Reviewer: Ancient Relic Signed [Report This]
Date: March 24 2016 5:40 PM Title: Janine

Right now I think Lina's the most likely to win. If Serena does figure out how to give her legal custody of Tom, then I'm not sure what the others can do to fight that. That would also force Tom's mother to become aware of the situation, as she'd have to find out that she no longer has legal custody of her own son.

Author's Response:

So many possibilities...  ;)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 24 2016 5:34 PM Title: Janine

I don't know why, but I just don't like how the younger Janine is taller than Jess and Lina. I feel like Lina should be the tallest and Jess should be next. I guess I just like older women to be taller, I guess.

Janine seriously thinks that Tom wants him becuase of that wink? Haha! I bet Tom's wink was more of a "Hey beautiful, remember me? Yeah, enjoy looking at me while you can princess." I'm pretty sure Tom doesn't want to go back with Janine. If she does get her hands on him, I bet Tom will fear for his life.

By healing, does that mean a part 5 of Cassidy vs Tom is coming up? Some healing from the pretty nurse always helps.

I'm really curious about Lina's thoughts on getting Tom back. We got a lot from Cassidy, Janine and Jess, but I want to know about Lina's strategy and how she will play with Tom.

If Tom is just going to stay with Cassidy, maybe a certain teacher can, let's say, pick him up and give him some private lessons. Hehe, since he won't be going to school for sometime. Unless, Cassidy hires some teacher to take Tom to school and that teacher can hide him you know where and give him detention everyday.

Ok, I just can't stop thinking of Miss Harwood. She is bound to make appearance soon, and I just can't help thinking about it.

While we wait for that, I prefect part 5 of fun is coming up next.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

We already know Tom is drawn to Janine. In the first chapter he states it's his destiny to wind up in her panties. There is certainly a bond there destructive as it may be. Eben if the wink was intended to tease he was sending her a message. The question is how does Cass feel about it?

Reviewer: licktoy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 24 2016 4:52 AM Title: Tom's Story

@Hector: I think Tom is not a masochist having pleasure from a physical pain. However I think he has a submissive site. It means he likes to be helpless and used by women for their sexual gratification.
If he is owned by a sensual dominant woman who would gently press his submissive buttons he could love to be a tiny slave boy serving his goddess.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: March 23 2016 7:18 AM Title: Cassidy's Apartment

@TomSpeedy: Only in the strictest masochistic sense, though.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 22 2016 5:16 PM Title: Tom's Story


I see where you are coming from and that Tom has had some painful experiences with multiple women.

However, I believe that Tom is one of this guys that gains pleasure from some pain here and there. Here is an example he said last chapter:
(Tess smiled wryly, “I appreciate your offer, really I do, but for how long? I can’t keep covering Tom’s absence from school. I think your initial thought of telling our mother might be the best way to go,” she ventured.

Shaking his head, he would rather be tied to Janine’s hairbrush again.)


Here, Tom decides between staying with his mother or being tied to Janine's hairbrush and chooses the hairbrush. Yes, telling his mom is the right thing to do, but it looks like Tom really, realllly doesn't want to be with his mom.

Also, while Janine has been the cruelest, he had some moments where he couldn't help but be mesmerized by her beauty while she tortured him. It was only Miss Addison whom Tom actually disliked becuase he personally didn't like her.

One thing you also could have mentioned was that Tess's roommate was becoming a little scary to Tom becuase she reminded him of Janine.

As for Lina, her "sinister motives" seems kinda hot in my book because she wants to own Tom and I bet Tom kinda likes that idea as well.

Lastly, Tom said he preferred the hairbrush over his mother. That's a powerful statement becuase the hairbrush was one of the worst things he experienced with. If he thinks the hairbrush is better than his mother, perhaps the whole experience was pleasant after all.

Author's Response:

There have been positive and negative attributes to each of his encounters.  So far the pros outweigh the cons otherwise he wouldn't keep pushing the envelope. Miss Addison use of him almost made him toe the line. Almost.

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: March 22 2016 4:46 PM Title: Tom's Story

@TomSpeedy: How has thongs been pleasant for?  He's been hurt by several of these women, especially Janine, it's why Tess wants to inform their mother and she's right to want to tell her.


The only people Tom has had mutually pleasant time with has been Cassidy and Tess's room mate. Technically Janine's mom, but now it seems she has sinister motives.

Author's Response:

You're right in that Tess’s conern for Tom is what'd prompting her to tell their mother. Tom's self destructive behavior is making it harder for her to keep him safe. At some point there has been some pleasure in each of his encunter but by the same token there has also been elements of pain. 

Reviewer: licktoy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 22 2016 4:37 PM Title: Cassidy's Apartment

I think they will not be able to hide it in front of mom. The school will contact her anyway asking why Tom is not in the school - especially Miss Addison who knows about Tom may try to revenge and contact Tom's mom asking why he is not in the school ;-)

Janine was always the most creative to get Tom. So I am curious what is her cunning plan to relief her 'physical ache of want between her thighs' :-)

Btw: it is admirable performance from you to be able to write two excellent stories in parallel. Thanks.


Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 22 2016 4:08 PM Title: Tom's Story

I think Tess only wants to tell their mother becuase she is tired of looking and chasing after Tom.

She believes that watching out for Tom is too much of a burden and wants to share that responsibility for their mother.

Tom just thinks that their mother will like keep him in a box metaphorically, and not let him out of her sight.

Also, his experiences as a tiny have actually been pleasant. Having sex with like 5 women, most of them hot (except Miss Addison) and he enjoys it. (Except some parts with Janine). I bet Tom would rather be sexually abused by multiple women than forced to stay by his mother.

However, his mind may not be so clear because he is currently in Cassidy's possession and just thinking about his future in her apartment may influence his judgement on this topic.

Janine doesn't want to say anything becuase she knows that whatever she says will be judged critically by Tom and Tess since they know what she did to him. Janine right now is just using her physical beauty to lure Tom to her as she did in the very beginning of the story. She knows she is hot and will use it to her advantage.

Cassidy seems to be the only one who has actually had sex with Tom nonstop with no interruptions. When Janine had Tom, Tess bothered her, when Lina had Tom, Janine bothered her, when Tess's roommate had Tom, Tess bothered her, and when Miss Addsion had Tom, Janine bothered her.

Sure, you could say the lawyer bothered Cassidy, but all she did was delay some sex. After the lawyer left, the two love birds went back at it again like nothing happened. That's why it feels like Cassidy truly experience Tom like no other character. I'm hoping some other characters (Miss Harwood) can have Tom for extended periods of fun as well.

I mean this story has everything. The hot sister, the hot classmate, the hot sister's roommate, the hot milf of your girlfriend, the strict horny teacher and the hot nurse.

You see the one thing wrong with this picture? Yeah, the teacher isn't hot and I think this story needs to redeem itself by having a new teacher that is hot to replace Miss Addsion. I'm telling you, Miss Harwood is the next big thing. She will fit that role nicely and soon Tom will have sex with basically everyone you can find on his porn history.

This next chapter will show which direction the story is heading in. I just hope it's heading in the direction I like.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 22 2016 3:49 PM Title: Tom's Story


No worries. I'm ok with it.

I was just surprised that it was similar to what I wrote, so I just had to point that out.

Anyways, glad we both agree on the same idea.

Reviewer: licktoy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 22 2016 3:39 PM Title: Tom's Story

@TomSpeedy: Basicaly I have reused your sentence because I liked your idea. That is why I started my sentence with 'there is really ..' - I was refering to your idea. Maybe I should be more explicit saying 'there is really something sexy on TomSpeedy idea ...'.

I hope it is ok for you.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 22 2016 10:49 AM Title: Cassidy's Apartment

I might have guessed this, in an earlier review. But, I think Janine will try to bribe Cassidy into coming to work for Tom's "private" nurse. As for Mrs. Wentworth's alleged over-protectiveness? Tom might not be exaggerating, all that much. When it comes to injured only sons, some mothers can over-compensate faster than Donald Trump can say "George W. Bush _bought_ his first term as President!"

By the same token, Tess might not be exaggerating, either, when she claims that Mrs. Wentworth might make her the scapegoat. Indeed, Tess seems to be thinking like her mother, already! What with her half-serious consideration of betraying her brother's blind faith in her for his own "good." *

*I won't say "trust" as way too many people mistakenly think those two words are synonymous. Whereas, in truth, "faith" is what's offered automatically, if not unconditionally. While trust, like respect, has to be _earned_ before it's given.

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 22 2016 10:06 AM Title: Cassidy's Apartment

That makes sense, though the way he was refusing to let his mother know made it seem like he didn't like her, but i'm guessing that's not the case, he just wants his freedom.

Anyway, i do hope Tess tells their mother, especially since people are already planning on taking him away and they probably will need her help and i get the feeling their mother can come up with a better cover story for Tom's "absence".

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 22 2016 1:46 AM Title: Cassidy's Apartment

Tom not wanting his mother to find out is starting to seem illogical at this point, especially since he probably would be safer then her. 


Plus their mother is a scientist, for all he knows she could probably find a way to reverse his condition if he knew.

Author's Response:

There is presumably no safer place for Tom. Tess knows it Cassidy knows it and even Tom knows it. But Tom also knows if he is with her all of the adventures he has been having will be at an end which is why he is protesting so strongly against it. Despite some of what hes been through he still wamts to play while waiting to get restored. Tom's mother is an Italian fashion model and his father is a businessman.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 21 2016 7:19 PM Title: Cassidy's Apartment

Does this mean that Janine is going to bribe Cassidy for Tom?

I just can't see Cassidy giving Tom away like that. Cassidy is even jealous and taking money from her makes Cassidy look even worse. I don't think it will work out.

Yes, please don't tell their mother. The story is already so complicated.

Enough discussions and lets get to part 5. :)

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

  1. Janine wants Tom and she is exploring ways to make it happen. Can Cass be bribed?  Not sure. If Tom is still with Cassidy in the next few chapters there may yet be a part 5

Reviewer: Shiron66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 21 2016 5:28 PM Title: Cassidy's Apartment

Man! I just loved chapter 71, how Cassidy was on control of Tom and use him in a dominant but gentle way and Tom like it, like he was born to be her sex toy for all life, seriously Cassidy deserve to have Tom only for herself for now on, hope Tom stay for like a month or two "or even more time" in Cassidy's apartament so they can have fun all day like in the chapter 71 or chapter 65 when she shove him all the way in her vagina, I just hope Janine don't steal Tom from Cassidy, is not that I don't like Janine...but it's just that Tom and Cassidy are the best combination in my opinion ^^

Author's Response:

The consensus session to suggest Cassidy is the best fit for Tom but there are still others with am interest in having him. Should be interesting when things start heating up

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: March 19 2016 2:34 PM Title: Tom's Story


Your review looks like what I said.

TomSpeedy- Also, there is something sexy about the thought of Lina "owning" Tom.

Licktoy- There is really something sexy about the idea Lina legally "owns" Tom.

It just surprised me that it's like almost the same sentence. Glad to know someone else thinks that idea is sexy.

Reviewer: bartek21 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 19 2016 1:18 PM Title: Serena and Lina

please more

Author's Response:

As you wish

Reviewer: licktoy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 19 2016 9:36 AM Title: Serena and Lina

There is really something sexy about the idea Lina legally "owns" Tom.
Although it will be difficult since Tom has relatives (sister and mother). But who knows ;-).

Author's Response:

Guardianship may be possible but you're right Tom's immediate family may have something to say about it. Hence the lawyer ;)

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