Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 09 2016 7:46 PM Title: What Did You Do Over Lunch Hour?

So, he's going to spend "gamore" time in her nether-portions? I wonder if Tom is going to regard that as a mixed blessing?

Author's Response:

Pike a stewed prune or tom-ato!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 09 2016 6:08 PM Title: What Did You Do Over Lunch Hour?

Well, the pen and rubber bands meant that he was being tied up after all. I was expecting some fancy device, but in the end, she just wanted to tie him up.

All those pieces being removed from the pen was just so nothing falls off when it's inside Miss Harwood's vagina! That's all! I thought there was some special thing she was going to put in the tube or something. Haha! Boy, I was overthinking this.

While I was at first dissapointed by a simple tie up, I was amazed at this chapter for another thing: dialogue.

You wrote so many things for Miss Harwood to say, that I agree with Tom, this stuff is arousing! Especially when she talks about Janine, Tatiana, and Samira. It shows how much Katie knows about Tom's gazing and it also means that she probably knows how much he has been staring at her too!

Then near the end, she says that this is her classroom and that Tom belongs to Miss Harwood, I almost melted. That was fantastic! It might mean little to other people, but it's this sense of authority that gets me going from Miss Harwood.

I just realized something. This is the first time a giantess left Tom inside her vagina with him being tied to something. All the previous times, a hairbrush, the dildos, Tom was taken back out after the fun. But this time, Miss Harwood just leaves him there, inside her vagina, all tied up! Beautiful! It's like lunch time detention!

When Katie put Tom on Janine's seat, I thought this was going to be a transition chapter, where Janine gets Tom again. While Janine is very sexy, I don't think anyone can top Miss Harwood right now. I mean, her authority, her dominance, her control, so mesmerizing! I wish I was Tom!

One thing you forgot to mention was did she insert him headfirst or feet first?

You told me in a previous review that she wasn't done with Tom and her panties. So now I'm curious as to why she put them in her drawer. Was that just to prove that yeah, she doesn't wear panties while she teaches, or so feels confident? I don't know.

This chapter had the perfect balance of dialogue and action. Took Tom out, tied him up. Talked about the girls, used Janine's desk, said he belonged to Katie in the classroom, inserted him inside her. Amazing!

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Sorry to disappoint in regards to the pen and elastics. Nothing fiendishly clever on my part. Other than that I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: May 07 2016 9:09 AM Title: Tom's Story

Hmm. A clear plastic tube about 5 inches long.....and I still can't figure out what it is for.

Now I'm excited. Probably becuase this is becuase this next thing will be very creative.

Is it hollow so he can put his dick inside it? Hollow for Katie to put it in his mouth and force him to drink stuff from it? Hollow becuase ....well honestly, I don't know.

I'm hoping this becomes another mind bender because my mind is bending just to find this hollow tube's purpose.

And I still can't find a use for the rubber bands. It has to be to tie him up right?

Man, this is like some giantess puzzle. But it's fun thinking about this. I like cliff hangers like this, especially since I have no idea what is going to happen becuase these clues don't help me get the big picture.

Man, I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: licktoy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 06 2016 9:46 AM Title: Back to School

Great chapter!

I like how Tom realizes that while all males lust for Miss Harwood he is in a completely opposite situation - she lusts after him. And actually not only that. She lusts for him so much she turned him into her little sex slave and uses him the most intimate way whenever and however she wants - and what more could a submissive male ask for? ;-)

The toilet scene where she rubs her juices over his face is very hot. It demonstrates how much control she has over him. She knows this slightly humiliating / torturing gesture is a treat for her little submissive slave which just arouses him and increases so his desire for her. Pleased then with the result she smiles and gently strokes his little bulge :-)

I also like very much she intends to control his orgasms. When he tries to rub his hips against her stroking finger she withdraws and says “If you’re a good boy, maybe I will let you release,” - that was an excellent moment. Controlling his orgasms greatly increases her power over him and provides new possibilities to dominate him. E.g. few days without orgasm will make him very docile and very eager to please her - I would love if you somehow incorporate this aspect into the story. (Maybe a miniature chastity device could be made for Tom in some future chapter.)

And finally I am very very very curious about that upcoming one-on-one quality time. I am kind of scary for Tom (but at the same time kind of excited) for what that pencil tube and the band are going to be used. The fact she created the tube means she wants to put something through that. Some liquid?

I really cannot wait how this continues.


Author's Response:

So many possibilities. I guess we shall see soon enough. I do plan to show more of miss Harwoods comfort with assuming a dominant position shortly

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: May 05 2016 1:47 AM Title: Tom's Story

I'm probably overthinking this pen device that Katie is making, but I just want to make a good guess about the next chapter, but I have no idea what she is doing with the pen.

And I have no idea what the rubber bands are for. Only idea I can think of is using the rubber bands to tie Tom to the pen.

Of course, rubber bands are one of my favorite giantess materials, following tape and string.

I really want to get some clues on what she is making and if I can understand what is going on this chapter, then I can make a better assumption.

Author's Response:

Hey Tom at the non writing end of a Bic disposable pen it a small plastic plug or stopper that is difficult to remove. When the refill or ink tube and writing ball and this stopper are removed Miss Harwood is left with a clear hollow plastic tube about 5 inches in length. Hope that helps.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: May 05 2016 1:42 AM Title: Tom's Story

In response to your response to my review:

So for the fabric, there is no head, neck or shoulders peeping out of the pocket? His whole body is below the opening of the pocket?

So Tom is staring and feeling her parts through the fabric, no actual contact? Man, that must be blurry for him. If his whole body is in that snug fabric, it reminds me of a Vacbed. (Don't ask me how I learned about that. Lol.)

Also, I had to look up what a pen stopped was. I learned that it was a fancy thing attached to the cap of the pen. However, I don't think Bic pens have this type of stopper and if it did, Miss Harwood already removed the cap.

In addition, when the pushpin punctures the tube, you mean the refill tube or the plastic tube of the pen itself?

Lastly, you mentioned the pushpin puncturing the stopper. Now I'm wondering what is this "stopper" you are talking about.


Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 04 2016 7:08 PM Title: Back to School

Like I said before: a sexual Frankenstein monster.

Author's Response:


Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 04 2016 5:37 PM Title: Back to School

Another super hot chapter! Arguable another one of the hottest chapters on this story!

I always had this dream of a sexy teacher using me for her pleasure in her panties and there was nothing I could do about it. Tom is living the dream!

Wow! Love the part when you mentioned all these guys trying to hit on Miss Harwood but she denies them and Tom is the one pleasuring her. Of all men, it's Tom! That must make him feel special.

Good metaphor of the lioness and the lambs. She wants to be in control of her relationship and all these guys want to be the one having their way with her. However, she is the one having her way with Tom which suites her perfectly.

When Tess thanked Kate for "caring" about Tom, I laughed. Yep, she is caring for him really good.

One thing I think I need to clear up is how is this pouch in her panties. Can you describe the position again more clearly? I'm picturing like a shirt pocket that is holding him like bed sheets on a bed. Also, how high is this fabric to Tom's body. All the way up to his neck? His chest? I'm still unsure about his position.

Another thing I wonder is what exactly happened in the 2nd to last paragraph? ("And neatly the refill"?) ("Punctured the stopper and the other end of the tube"?) Could you clarify these two parts?

Lastly, is he being tied up to a pen now? I hope not. I love Tom's position right where it is now. I want him to stay there forever, and even after school. Will he get detention? Is this next one on one thing going to be detention?

So many questions! I want to know the answers right now, I'm so excited!

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Thanks for the heads up Tom, i fixed those thing you mentioned. The sheer tight elastic fabric completely covers him. Like the pocket you mention, but super snug. Hope that helps. As far as the panties prison goes, have faith, this day is not done. :)

Reviewer: White Wolf Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 04 2016 5:15 PM Title: Tom's Story

Coming from someone who doesn't dig shrink or abuse/domination stories, I nevertheless find yours well written and gripping.  The characters are nuanced, the plot is interesting and filled with twists that don't feel contrived, and the pacing is excellent. 

If only one or two of the leading ladies actually cared for Tom's enjoyment and pleasure as well as their own, as well as a bit more focus on his experiences, it would be one of my all time favorites.  Of course, I completely understand that those themes are simply not what is intended here, and that the focus is more on the ladies themselves with Tom featuring more as a (witty and charismatic) prop.  This is absolutely no condemnation of your story, because it does what it's intended to do incredibly well.

I look forward to all future installments (except those with Janine)  No offense intended, the abuse themes just aren't my thing. 

Great work!


Author's Response:

Hi White Wolf, thank you for your feedback, I greatly appreciate it. I have found the whole power corrupts theme to be fairly prevalent in many of my stories, though you make a very valid point in suggesting we actually find someone who is above debasing him or loses herself to the power. I had intended for Cassidy to represent that but even with that character, the size inequality has been influencing their 'relationship'. I too have stumbled across stories where the writing is great though the subject material is not quite my inclination. :)

Reviewer: Shiron66 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 04 2016 8:07 AM Title: Lindholm Ladies

I'm loving where this is story going, I love how all those older woman wants to keep the tiny Tom and treat him like a sexual toy for their pleasure.

Reviewer: licktoy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 30 2016 10:49 PM Title: Lindholm Ladies

Although I cannot wait how Tom is doing in Katie's panties I am glad you came with this "bridging" chapter. I hope Tom will stay with Katie and Cassidy for some time.

I am very very curious what you meant by your feedback on my previous comment:

"I like the idea of the fabric better than stitching his limbs in place, you see why in an upcoming chapter, there's things she can do that wouldn't otherwise be able to if he was part of her underwear... :)"

Especially what are those things which otherwise would not be possible :-).


Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 30 2016 1:33 PM Title: Lindholm Ladies

Man, first of all, glad the site is back. In the meantime, I looked up Tom's story on the web that didn't involve giantes world, and I was surprised by the results.

Duggernaut, many people have recommended this story on blogs, people are chatting about this story in forums, and people even have fan art of the giantesses in this story!

I never realized how big this story was but its like taking over the giantess universe.

Back to this chapter:

I was hoping that school was in session for Tom this chapter. Instead, we got some interesting Lindholm talk.

Calm down Jessica, Lina already warned you that he might not be with Cassidy. She freaks out like Cassidy is holding him hostage. Haha!

Haha, "I'm sure that Tom is safe". Man, do they have any idea! Yeah, she is just with the sweet Miss Harwood. She may be sweet on the outside, but she has an inner sexual volcano inside her.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

I had not thought this little tale to have found traction beyond this site. I did look online myself after reading your review and found a single reference in a blog some months ago. I would be very keen on seeing other people interpretation of these characters if you could post a link with what you have uncovered that would be great. Thanks.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 30 2016 11:40 AM Title: Lindholm Ladies

Hey! The site's back up. The check must've finally arrived through the mail. So, once again, I'm first to review a chapter.

For starters? I didn't expect an interlude involving a visit to Cassidy's place by all three Lindholms. Nice touch! Given the ulterior motive for the job offer, it makes Katie's taking Little Tom back to school (the way she did) a mixed blessing in disguise. Even if he and Ms. Harwood don't know it, yet!

Secondly; I hope Katie doesn't have to substitute-teach any phys-ed classes while Little Tom is with her. Because, otherwise, I can just see him falling out, on to the floor of the locker room, and being found by Tatiana (who I wouldn't be surprised at turning out to be a Russian Mob princess).

In summation: I literally can't wait for chapter 89! :-)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: April 28 2016 8:10 PM Title: Tom's Story

When I said sew to her underwear, I didn't mean like the needle goes through his arms or legs or anything.

What I meant was 4 little strings from her panties are looped around his wrists and ankles holding his spread eagle.

Imagine that you are tied up to a bed and your limbs are pointing to a bed post. Like the rope tied to you is also tied to the bed post. Imagine the bed as a pair of panties.

Also, he wouldn't be exactly stuck forever to her panties. Just 4 little snips of some scissors on the little strings will set him free.

While the little pocket in Miss Harwood's panties is great, I think the spread eagle position would've made his genitals and head more exposed.

Well, if you already understood what I meant by being sewn into her panties, then ignore this post.

If I changed your perception of it, then I hope it helps.

Reviewer: licktoy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 27 2016 9:32 AM Title: Tuesday Morning

Another very nice chapter!

I like you wrote Tom's mind is inhabited by his gorgeous teacher and then later on he had an erection which she noticed - that was a nice moment. Whether he wants it or not he likes how she treats him ;-) 
And she can smile how her little pet just gets aroused as a response to all of that - it would not take long to have him craving to serve her even more :-)

The drying scene ending with "Good boy" was very nice too.

I liked very much the idea with the sheer translucent fabric. It was very nice and a creative surprise. I find it more erotic and sophisticated than just sewing his limbs. Also it seems quite practical. If she needs she can easily remove him and then put him back right away.

I would really love if you can reveal more of their emotions. She could talk to him a bit more. E.g. teasing him like "Somebody is excited to be my little pet.", "My ass needs an attention.", "Would you like to be my ass-candy ?" ;-),  "Beg me to .... ", etc.

Thanks for such great story I am really looking forward for the next chapter.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the props. I like the idea of the fabric better than stitching his limbs in place, you see why in an upcoming chapter, there's things she can do that wouldn't otherwise be able to if he was part of her underwear... :)

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 26 2016 8:01 PM Title: Tuesday Morning

Never has the phrase "Be careful what you wish for..." ever been more comprehensible to someone than it must be to Tom, right at this moment.

Author's Response:

I was thinking perhaps whne Janine had him tethered to her little toy as her bottom was descending down over him, that thought may have occurred to him, kind of like, "Hmm, I might not have thought this one through carefully enough..."

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 26 2016 5:52 PM Title: Tuesday Morning

That was amazing. I love her confidence and the way she smiles at everything she does.

I prefer that he was tied to her panties with like 4 pieces of thread on his wrists and ankles instead, but this is still freaking sexy.

I think she needs to talk seductlively to Tom. Like "you will be down there all day".

You do a great job with her thoughts and Tom's thoughts.

Man, water boarding?!! I never even thought of this sexy position to be that torturous! It makes sense, don't get me wrong. I have always thought that position was the dream. Now you got me thinking otherwise. :(

Is this gusset thing secure? He says its tight, but I imagine that he would be more secure if his limbs were literally tied to her panties. I have this feeling he may fall out. (But I don't want him to.)

I have this crazy idea. What if she teaches sex Ed? Wouldn't that be something. She is teaching about sex and reproductive organs all while Tom is getting a hands on experience of it. Or a biology lesson would be ok too.

I would love it if she kept him in her panties all day and perhaps changed into some tight yoga pants for her yoga excercises. Who knows, that's probably going to happen since Cassidy takes yoga too. Imagine Katie doing the splits while Tom is stuck there! Amazing!

In the classroom, I hope Miss Harwood crosses her legs a lot. She can feel him struggling down there and will enjoy it. That should keep Miss Harwood really happy knowing he is "safe" down there.

So many idea! I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

I wanted her to be self assured and aware of how her presences affects others and fills her with a confidence that makes her emile. I think we all know he will be there for the duration of the school day, more or lessw, but it's the night that may hold some interest with Katie and Cassidy. We'll see...

Reviewer: licktoy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 26 2016 12:02 AM Title: Finish What You Started

I like Katie's dominant attitude. She knows what she wants and she will get it. She makes very clear to Tom it is HER pleasure what matters and that she will have him her way i.e. she will dominate him. Which must be so delightful for natural submissive like Tom - being helpless and under the control of dominant woman using him for her delight :-) 

Same like in previous chapters I like very much small creative details like 'come hither beckoning motioning with the index finger' :-) I also like very much the idea with cocooning him into her used panties which she explicitly searched in her laundry hamper - this was a very nice moment :-)

It would be really great if you could be more descriptive about emotions. Revealing so she gets also a mental satisfaction from things she is doing to Tom. E.g. if she talks to him a teasing way and then enjoying his reactions.

I am really looking forward for the next chapter. Her sewing project will allow Tom to cuddle as he wished :-D.


Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: April 25 2016 10:16 AM Title: Tom's Story

Technically the monster has no name, but ok.

Author's Response:

You are correct sir! Yes!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 25 2016 7:14 AM Title: Finish What You Started

@Hector: Nope! His monstrous namesake.*

*I know the conflation is technically incorrect. But, I wanted to save myself some typist's cramp. ;-)

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