Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 08 2016 9:29 PM Title: Tom's Story

Hope this means Tom's mom will show up soon and i do hope she finds Tom.

Author's Response:

There will be some story around Raphaella very very soon...

Reviewer: licktoy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 08 2016 9:27 AM Title: Donatella

What a great surprise this chapter!

So aunt Donatella is a sybarite with strong appetites and she keeps Thomas Sr. for her pleasure :-D.

The smile on her face and the way how she talks to him looks like she is delighted he gave her a reason to punish him. Sounds like she is going to have some fun.

I would definitely love if you continue in this thread. I would like to hear more about her appetites and how she treats Thomas Sr.
(I would wish she is very very very dominant (but not abusive) and Tom Sr. is submissive like his grandson. I can imagine she likes he is very intelligent, gentleman and has style.)

How long is he with her?


Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 07 2016 10:14 PM Title: Donatella

Uh-oh! Sounds like TW-1 has become quite the little masochist during his captivity. Indeed, I often tell anyone who asks (and, more often, even when they don't) that--unlike Major Nelson--I would've VOLUNTEERED to spend life without parole in a birdcage surrounded by harem girls and belly dancers! But, I guess that's just me.

OK! Being serious, now. As overused as this word might be, "brilliant" is the only way I can think of to describe this latest plot twist. Tom's namesake grandfather was captured by his mother's horny sister?! I truly did not see that coming. I'd privately assumed he was in some top-secret government lab. "Protective custody" granted by the same Feds for whom he might've developed the shrink ray (as, say, a forensically undetectable weapon for "terminations with extreme prejudice").

This is one of those rare instances I'm glad I guessed wrong.

Author's Response:

I too think I may also volunteered. From the outset I had Tom Sr a victim of his own invention and falling into the Hans of whoever found they only thing I vacillated about was who. The sister of Tom's mother provided my an opportunity to tie this up. It is good to veer from expectation and surprise once in a while. Talk about assisted care living...

Reviewer: mercs2 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 07 2016 9:36 PM Title: Tom's Story

Do you recognize how crazy it is that this story has been viewed 607k times!?

Author's Response:

Hi mercs2 thank for the review. It is absolutely amazing this story has garnered so much attention. I am most certainly humbled by its reception and only hope it continues to entertain.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 07 2016 8:04 PM Title: Donatella

Wowowowowwo! I mean, did that just happen?!

I have never ever ever seen this coming! It's so weird yet so hot!

I mean, you tied up this loose end in a way I never would have imagined!

So basically Tom's Aunt has his grandpa as a pet. (So Donatella is Tom wentworth sr's niece.)

Why is Donatella into that mature guys? I have no idea but hey, I like mature women. Just not that old. I prefer the 30-40 range. She likes the 50-60 range.

She keeps the grandpa as a pet? Does he still have stamina? How is he still charming? Haha!

Man, I wish this happened with Miss Harwood. Keep Tom as her teacher's pet for many years.

Duggrnaut, did you plan this grandpa thing for months? Becuase it makes perfect sense why he can't reply that often.

Wow, Tom's aunt is in modeling? These tense must run in the family. I wish Donatella found me instead of Tom's grandpa. Being kept as her pet doesn't sound so bad.

Also, she was going to punish him. Boy, that sounds awesome! While this chapter was random, I needed this.

If Tom thought he was living the life, he has no idea! Haha! Tom's grandpa is living the dream! A high 20s girl got him and she is a model!

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Hi Tom yep I had Tom Sr fall prey from the the get go though I did wrestle with who I wanted to have find him. There is no biological relation between Tom Sr and donatella. She is the sister of his daughter in law.she was one of the people who helped Janine originally get into modelling though even she was unaware of the family connection to Tom.  Right in the first chapter I state tom's mother was also a model so it runs in the family. I wonder what would happen if he choked down a viagra would it make his whole body stiff?

Reviewer: AprilJoinerWeb Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 07 2016 7:41 PM Title: Tom's Story

Well this changes everything :O You should have something crazy happen to Tom at the end of chapter 100

Author's Response:

Talk about elder abuse... while I recognize this chapter doesn't necessarily meld well with the remainder of the story I thought it added a nice little twist. As for chapter 100 ( how crazy is that?) I'm not sure yet how to make it stand out.

Reviewer: licktoy Signed [Report This]
Date: June 06 2016 9:08 AM Title: Tom's Story

I mean, so far, every woman owned Tom only one day/night or max few days. So on one side we could see various female personalities but on the other side there was not a chance to explore them deeper. I mean all females got just a little taste of Tom but did not have a chance to further explore their fantasies - they just scratched the surface :-).

So I was thinking it could be interesting if the environment settles a bit and Cassidy and Katie could evolve in their dominant roles and Tom could become their submissive eager little slave.
Just imagine, if Cassidy and Katie just started to scratch the surface what could it be if they can continue and take full advantage of Tom? ;-)

I think other character who would be nice to explore is Lina. However I see many disruptive aspects there - especially her daughter Janine. Maybe if Janine somehow realizes she does not have to be abusive - after all Tom is submissive and enjoys to be dominated and also he was always attracted by her. So there is no point to be abusive in order to use him her way. But I am afraid this is a strong part of her personality which cannot be changed so easily.

So I am curious how the mother will affect the direction of the story. She will need to excuse Tom in the school but I guess she will not want to announce he shrank. Probably she will want some female authority to take care of her son so that he is safe. Maybe Cassidy, Katie, Lina and mother could meet all together and decide what is the best for Tom and how to take care of him and how to share him, so that little one gets what he needs :-)


Author's Response:

There a still so many options available. The katie Cassidy dynamic is intestine and you're right he does seem to chamge hands quite frequently so... 

Author's Response:

There a still so many options available. The katie Cassidy dynamic is intestine and you're right he does seem to chamge hands quite frequently so... 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: June 05 2016 8:14 AM Title: Tom's Story

@ LT: I would rather he finally experience Jessica Lindholm or Serena At-Law! But, that--as they say--is just me.


Author's Response:

I think it's about time Tom and Jessica meet face to...hmm we'll I guess I'lljust have to figure that out  ;)

Reviewer: licktoy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 05 2016 12:08 AM Title: Three Way

Although I did not comment recently I love how the story continues and I am very curious what comes next.

I would love to see Cassidy and Katie will step-by-step increase their superiority and dominance over Tom. Using him for pleasure, making fun of him, teasing and denying his orgasms, making him feel helpless and ignoring his whimpering and squirming. Turning him into their little obedient servant too and punishing him if he displeases them. More dominant and demanding they will be more aroused and satisfied he will be - maybe Tom could experience sub-space?


Author's Response:

The impending arrival of Tom's mother is the confounding factor. We will see whether of not these two have the opportunity to play with him again...

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: June 04 2016 8:50 PM Title: Tom's Story

@TomSpeedy: You almost sound like your spoofing SOUND OF MUSIC.

"These are a few of my favorite things..." ;-D

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2016 8:28 PM Title: Three Way

Loved it! I wish I was Tom so bad! You had them play with Tom with about everything, boobs, ass, mouth, vagina, navel, all my favorite things!

One thing I liked was the random "Thomas" that Miss Harwood said. It was special becuase we all know that he caused that and I bet Katie is difficult to please and Tom did it!

The dialogue is great, could've had more but the action was too good this chapter. Even the giggles made me anxious as Tom did.

Well, Cassidy for sure is knowledgable as Katie of sex. They work great together and in unison. The tag team phrase was a good way to illustrate this.

Wow! Lost count of giantess orgasms? Awesome! Lucky Tom. I don't even know what can top this!

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:


Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2016 6:06 PM Title: Three Way

Just one question: is that "buffeted" as in "Jimmy Buffet"...or "free buffet?"

Author's Response:


Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 02 2016 12:32 AM Title: Two Giant Birds, One Little Tom

Once again, your threesome game is off the charts, and we didn't even see anything below the belt yet! That's how good it was!

These two ladies are great and arguably were Tom's favorite women. Katie continues to impress with her sexiness and Cassidy is just the same, expressing continuous sexy moves on Tom.

These ladies have been intimate before. Must be interesting to add Tom to their mix. I bet they are the kinky ones and have had many ideas that they want to try out.

Man, Tom is so lucky! These two women must be gorgeous, both around 27 and they got rocking bodies from yoga. (Tom should join them in yoga. Giantess yoga. Tom trapped inside tight yoga pants!)

Well, the good news is that the fun doesn't end yet! I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 01 2016 6:53 PM Title: Two Giant Birds, One Little Tom

Yay! I'm first in line, again. That being said; please, don't get me wrong. This chapter definitely deserves an even half-dozen gold stars! Never mind just five. Even so, the cliff-hanger still felt like the straight line to a dirty riddle. As in:

How many giantesses does take to screw a shrunken dim-bulb named Tom?

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 28 2016 4:19 PM Title: Near Miss (double meaning intended)

She's still willing to share him with Cassidy after giving him a case of...Band-aids?


Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 28 2016 4:19 PM Title: Near Miss (double meaning intended)

Seriously, though: isn't keeping him restrained like that kind of a double-edged sword? For instance, if Jessica is keeping Cassidy's place under surveillance and sneaks inside after Katie...

Well, I'm sure you catch my drift.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 28 2016 11:21 AM Title: Near Miss (double meaning intended)

That was so hot! I think this bandaid bondage is now my favorite choice. Also, the groin and head were exposed?!! Perfect! I was wondering if she was going to out him inside her. That would be the dream.

The dialogue was fantastic! She asks him if he likes it and she uses her teacher voice. I also, like how Tom kept on saying she was his favorite teacher and that he wanted to look at her and do anything with her.

Now Miss Harwood knows how much Tom wants her and by restrianing him, it gives her control of him. It makes him desire her even more becuase the wait is killing him.

Oh boy the date. Katie makes Cassidy look like a little girl. It took a few chapter for Cassidy to get into it. First chapter for Katie and she has him all tied up and inside her. I could picture Katie saying "Cassidy, you have to try this"... And so on. Miss Harwood defiantely has experience and Tom will be more attracted to her.

Keep Tom tied up like this! I love this position.

I really, really, really can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: licktoy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 28 2016 6:37 AM Title: Tom

Nice chapter! I liked that ignoring aspect - when after using him the whole day she just dropped him down trapped inside her soiled panties and not even looking at him she told him to stay before leaving the room - that was a very nice moment demonstrating how dominant and superior she must feel.

Also Tom likes to be dominated. However he must still learn to be respectful and obedient. E.g. his previous unauthorized ejaculation inside her panties and now he was told to stay but he left the room and almost got injured (or maybe even killed) causing possibly also big troubles to Katie and Cassidy. Also his thinking about himself like an alpha male does not indicate he feels submissive.

His attitude and behavior is in contrary with Katie's dominance so I am curious how she is going to deal with that. I think she should reaffirm her authority by an appropriate punishment. However after the punishment I would love to see Tom feels submissive and honestly regrets his behavior. And then she will give him a chance to show his regret and obtain the forgiveness ;-). After that she can say "good boy" and everything would be ok again :-).

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 26 2016 1:56 PM Title: Tom's Story

Well, I for once got so scared this time. Why? Well Duggernaut was uploading a bunch of other stories and also, like the chapter before this one, Duggernaut said that "he was conflicted" and didn't know where to go with this story since I kept insisting that Miss Harwood keeps him, but another reviewer said that they wanted Tom's mom involved.

So I thought this meant that Duggernaut was going to make some changes. Then I see this chapter and it felt so real that I couldn't tell if this was the end or not. Then Duggrnaut answers my review "it's been a good run" and I go bananas thinking that this is the end at the other stories are taking over.

Now that I see your most recent reply, I guess I can relax knowing that there is more in store for Tom. You got me good, but it's the rise of your new stories that good me worried.

Let's say Tom did hurt by her foot and survives. Katie picks up Tom, takes him to Cassidy, she nurses him, and they have fun.

But I hope this happens instead: Tom dodges the foot completely and as she walks past him, he gets a view of her gorgeous backside. Then she walks back toward her bed and Tom follows. She notices the empty panties, scans the floor, and finds Tom staring at her from behind. She declares him a peeper and "punishes" Tom.

Yeah, Tom survived much worse. If he gets hurt here, well that just seems silly. I mean of all things, a foot. Now I see how I overreacted so fast.

Well I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 26 2016 6:18 AM Title: Tom

@ Tom Speedy (while imitating Fred Rogers of MR. ROGERS' NEIGHBORHOOD):

Can you say "malicious mischief?"

I knew you couldn't. Mr. Duggernaut was just messing with your head!

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