Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: June 17 2016 8:08 PM Title: Tom's Story

Hey Duggernaut.....600 reviews!!!!!!

Another milestone after another.

So many quality characters and it's amazing how they are all connected to the story.

Looking forward to Katie and Cassidy round 2 with Tom.

Author's Response:

I know! Crazy right?

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: June 17 2016 8:07 PM Title: Tom's Story

Welcome to giantes world Hyperdrain!

Author's Response:

Echo the sentiment!

Reviewer: Hyperdrain Signed [Report This]
Date: June 17 2016 6:53 PM Title: Baby, I’d Fall For You…

Hey, just wanted to comment on the fact that this story has gone far past the scope of the description, as the party has long since been forgetten.  Not a huge problem or anything, you may just want to update it.  Been reading since this story being about 5 chapters, and I've all but forgotten about the party at the beginning, and the description makes it seems as though the story will take place mostly at a girls only party, not the adventure it has become.  Great story though, and congrats on chapter 100 from a first-time commenter.

Author's Response:

Your right, this story has evolved far passed the party and developed a life all its own. Thanks for the reviews and the heads up! 

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: June 17 2016 6:22 PM Title: Tom's Story

@Carycomic I don't think she'd go that far and she can't shrink people anyway. Otherwise she wouldn't obsess over Tom, since she could just shrink some other guy.

Author's Response:

ZAP! Instant shrunken plaything, except, well Tom is Tom and there is something about him  :D

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: June 17 2016 5:03 PM Title: Baby, I’d Fall For You…

Shrink-napping Elle is still the only alternative I can see.

Author's Response:

Only if momma knows about the device in the basement...

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: June 17 2016 10:20 AM Title: Tom's Story


Good point, I did forget about Tess's intentions. You are right that if Lina and Tess do talk it over, they probably won't agree.

Hmm. I think Lina will still fix this. I just don't know how.

Author's Response:


Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: June 17 2016 1:39 AM Title: Tom's Story

@TomSpeedy: You forget that Tess wants Raphaella to find Tom and she was planning on telling her the truth. So why would Tess help Lina, when Tess herself has said she thinks Tom would be safer with their mother Raphaella? 


Tess and Lina have vastly different and incompatible goals here.  Tess wants her brother safely with their mother, Lina wants custody of the boy. 


They are not going to help each other on this.

Author's Response:

Excellent counterpoint, ;)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: June 16 2016 10:30 PM Title: Tom's Story

@Hector and @Carycomic

I think Tess will contact Lina after her mistake in her text. Then together, they will create some false alibi to convince Raphaella that Tom is ok.

I don't think Lina will do anything to keep Raphaella physically contained, but rather try changing her mind about her son. After all, Lina's strength is her wordplay and negotiations. I think she will be ready the next time she talks to Raphaella. And this time, Tess will help her.

Author's Response:

So many different ways to go...  :D

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: June 16 2016 9:48 PM Title: Tom's Story

Except kidnapping Raphaella would only make things worse for Lina, especially since it would be mighty suspicious if Raphaella and Tom were missing. 


Lina is smarter than that.

Author's Response:

Lina is very clever. Maybe just a straight up hit? nope, too messy. 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 16 2016 8:19 PM Title: Baby, I’d Fall For You…

My point precisely, Hec, How is Lina going to keep Elle from instituting a police manhunt after a week of no word from Tom? Especially, if she wants to find out what Tess meant by "small?" Short of Lina getting her hands on Grandpa Wentworth's shrink ray, there's no feasible way to keep Elle a virtual prisoner in the Lindholm residence. Ergo; abduction of Elle en route to same

Author's Response:

Interesting discussion, tee hee

Reviewer: licktoy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 16 2016 6:58 PM Title: Baby, I’d Fall For You…

Congratulation to chapter 100!

Jessica is a childish and kind of stupid girl. I really do not like such personalities in real world. Being shrunk I would dislike them even more :-)

I hope Tom is not injured. And if yes then nurse Cassidy can take care of him :-).

Lina is not very good in lying. So I am curious what Tom's mother is going to do once she realizes her trick. I am also curious what she does when she sees her son is shrunk - will she call her sister Donatella and ask for a help? 


Author's Response:

Thanks! This one went further than I thought it might. We shall see Tom's fate soon enough...  Hmm, i wonder why the author gave us a brief glimpse of Donatella?

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: June 16 2016 12:26 PM Title: Tom's Story

@Carycomic She doesn't need to hijack Raphaella's limo or anything like that. Lina got her to stay at her place, remember?  

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 16 2016 12:06 PM Title: Baby, I’d Fall For You…

I'm so happy Raphaella is finally getting involved. I guess Lina underestimated her love for her son. 

Also, it seems like she'll learn about Tom's condition sooner than Lina wanted.

Author's Response:

So many moving parts, you know soemthing has to spin out of control somewhere, just not sure yet,what or who...

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 15 2016 8:32 PM Title: Baby, I’d Fall For You…

First off: CONGRATULATIONS! One hundred chapters? I honestly don't think anybody else has posted triple-digit chapters here, before. So, in that regard, you are definitely a precedent-setter.

Secondly: I kind of had a hunch Jessica wouldn't be able to contain herself. But, at least, you avoided (or, is it merely delayed?) his being spirited away to a college sorority house. Now, don't get me wrong! When a gts-author does it right, that kind of story setting can be downright delightful!! But, even I have to admit, that particular cliche' can be overdone.

Next: I loved how Lina outsmarted, herself! No mother is more possessive than one who was born and raised in Italy. And being the grandson of an Abruzzese matriarch, from the village of Toricelli, I know whereof I speak. So, it looks like Lina is going to have arrange something more drastic. Like, maybe, the carjacking of a certain rented limo (Mama Wentworth and all)!

Last, but not least? I hope Janine has played enough softball that she can make a fast-diving catch of Our Little Hero.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 15 2016 6:45 PM Title: Baby, I’d Fall For You…

Here it is. The legendary chapter 100!

What I was impressed about was the length of this chapter. Hoping to see longer chapters in the future. I don't expect it, but I would be glad to see that.

Yeah. You are right. I was one of those people expecting some super sexy showdown but it turns out that it was actually a "who gets Tom" showdown.

Wow, this chapter made me agree with licktoy's review. Jessica does seem childish. It's like she found that toy that she never wants to let go. (Insert "Let it go" song.)

I didn't expect Jessica to be that desperate to hold Tom. She seems almost crazy. At first, she was asking for permission to touch him, then all of a sudden, bam! She grabs him with no regard for Tom's life!

I thought you are going to describe Jessica beautifully but instead you downplayed her by instead complimenting Janine as she stands next to Jessica. Was this to make us like Janine again? If yes, it worked. Despite Jessica's age, she lacks the maturity that her younger sister has.

So Tom is airborne falling to the ground. The next desperate person is Janine so I imagine that she will catch him. Then Cassidy sees Tom in Janine's hand and is worried that Janine may take Tom away. Then, to Cassidy's surprise, Janine hands back Tom to Cassidy. I'm guessing Jessica will be too scared to do anything realizing that she almost killed Tom. Might even apologize a bunch of times. Expecting a lot of sorrys.

Are Donatella and Raphella supposed to be based of the ninja turtles? Lol, I can't believe I never noticed that before.

Seriously Lina? You are trying to separate a mother to her son. Not as easy as you thought, huh? And that story was so bizarre anyway. Btw, I miss the Lina that was one step ahead of everyone.

Now Tom's mom is coming soon. Oh boy. And Tess, you got some explaining to do. Also, Tess, just say that "small" was a typo. Just take that word out and it's a normal text. No biggie. Yet she screws up by not answering. Just txt her now Tess, says its a typo! It's not too late!

Speaking of typos. I thought "je nes sais quoi" was a typo. I have never, ever heard that word (or phrase?) in my life. Had to look it up to understand it.

Well, deep chapter. I can't wait for the next one!

Reviewer: Ancient Relic Signed [Report This]
Date: June 15 2016 6:13 PM Title: Baby, I’d Fall For You…

Congratulations on 100 chapters! There's still enough life left in this story that it could go on for another hundred. And enough plots - we've got each Lindholm's scheming, Cassidy and Miss Harwood using their new toy, Tess was thinking about using the shrinker earlier, Raphaella is about to get involved, Donatella and Tom the Elder, Serena started to build a case to possess Tom, and there's probably something I forgot. It's been a marvellously fun adventure, though, so keep it going.

Reviewer: licktoy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 12 2016 2:34 PM Title: Wednesday Morning

I just can't wait for the anniversary chapter 100!

I am really not sure about Jessica. She is kind of childish which turns me off. But maybe we will be surprised.

Author's Response:

I know right! While I would like for chapter 100 to be epic...Two points of view two cliffhangers. Hmm in the end it will be up to the reader's whether or not it lived up to the billing. 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 11 2016 6:12 PM Title: Wednesday Morning

I can't wait to read the next chapter. I bet Jessica is going to be wider-eyed than an anime character. Bwa-hahahaha!


Author's Response:

Yep next chapter. O.O

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: June 11 2016 3:43 PM Title: Tom's Story

As @AprilJoinerWeb said, next chapter is chapter 100, and I can't help but wonder what you have in store.

Author's Response:

While I would love to tell you it is everything you would hope for. .. nope dual cliffhanger.  

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 11 2016 11:33 AM Title: Wednesday Morning

I'm at this point where Janine just fell off the excitement list. As Tom waits for Janine, I think his time with Cassidy and Miss Harwood showed him what real women like to do with him, and not teenage girls like Janine.

I think I am more interested in Jessica and her reaction. Does she know who Tom is? Does she know how attractive he is? Will he fall under the same spell as her mother and sister?

Then there is tonight. Wow, your writing made last night feel like it was a one time thing becuase you had so much detail and had 2 chapters describing that night. Now we get round 2!

I love how they say that they will get creative and use some toys. The only thing that I feel hesitant to judge on is how the toy will be used. Everytime, it is the same thing, Tom gets tied to it and it goes inside a woman. While that is awesome, it's getting a bit repetitive.

Maybe a threesome with a toy will be better than I think. Perhaps there is a double sided dildo and Tom can be inside both women at the same time.

I think they should get like gummy bears and tease Tom by playing with the gummy bears beforehand. They can lick it, chew, and even shove it inside them.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

You're so close to where I was going to go with this threesome but alas next chapter chapter 100 will not be that installment. Sorry. Doesn't mean I won't unless it a little later though Muwahaha 

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