Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: June 30 2016 4:39 PM Title: Tom's Story

I also hope we see miss Addison one last time. 

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 30 2016 4:38 PM Title: Tess

I can't blame Tess and by the sound of it, neither can Cassidy. Tom is constantly in danger and he clearly can't take care of himself. 

Hell, even Lina couldn't put up much of an argument with Tom in the state he currently is. I can't tell of Lina is worried about Tom's health though. 

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: June 29 2016 10:25 PM Title: Tom's Story

Raphaella seems to determinedto be stopped. Honestly, i hope Tom and his mother do reunite. I want to see her mommying and fussing over the small boy.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 29 2016 6:23 AM Title: Girl, You’ll Be a Woman Soon

I think Lina is finally going to have tell Serena Atlaw the truth (the whole truth, and nothing but...) in order to keep Tom and his mother from getting prematurely reunited.

Author's Response:

Seems like things are moving in that direction 

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: June 27 2016 8:58 PM Title: Tom's Story

@TomSpeedy : That's if Tom is well enough for a round two though. 

Author's Response:

Come on it's Tom...

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 27 2016 8:57 PM Title: Girl, You’ll Be a Woman Soon

Sounds like Lina didn't know how bad things were between Tom and Janine. I mean, i think she knew Janine was rough, but not that rough. 

Author's Response:

Eye opening to say the least...

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 27 2016 7:57 PM Title: Girl, You’ll Be a Woman Soon

Another nicely poignant interlude.

How do you do it, dude? :-)

Author's Response:

Thank you. I wanted Janine to be more than a horny sadistic energizer bunny

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 27 2016 5:38 PM Title: Girl, You’ll Be a Woman Soon

While I'm not a fan of these back to back weepy chapters, I kinda liked this one over the previous one.

I enjoyed the conversation about how Janine used Tom. I was wondering if Lina was going to tell Janine about her experience, you know, to share ideas. Like when Lina was doing sit-ups, she had Tom inside her the whole time.

Part of me still feels that Janine is acting, just so Lina feels the need to comfort her and let her guard down. I still have a little grudge that Janine still has bits of evil in her.

Good point. Lina has to hide Janine while Raphaella shows up. Haha! I wonder how that will work. (Isn't Lina rich enough to afford few nights at a hotel for Janine? I think that can work.)

I bet if Lina didn't show up to Cassidy's place, Miss Harwood would be there instead. Then we can have round 2! But since Lina is driving there, that means that another conversation has to take place.

Lina and Cassidy. What a lovely combination. In fact, these 2 women were the nicest of the bunch. They treated Tom nicely and communicated fairly.

I think Tom knows Lina is careful and will be ok with her holding him. I don't about Cassidy though. I think Cassidy will be all over Lina thinking, "why are you here!!!!" and reject her like Jessica and Janine. But in the end, it's Tom's choice.

I wodner what Lina is going to do over at Cassidy's. She can't really take Tom. Cassidy is the nurse and he still needs healing. What is Lina going to talk about? Apologizing for Jessica and the deal? Well, she can apologize, but the deal is off. No way will Cassidy negotiate with a Lindholm again.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Time to come at this from a different angle.  To say Cassidy is leary is an understatement. Things are moving quickly now :)

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 26 2016 5:46 PM Title: Tom's Story

Looks like things have become far more complicated for Lina. 

Author's Response:

Absolutely but Lina is still very much in the game...

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 25 2016 8:06 AM Title: Lina

All I can say is...nice job of finally humanizing Janine. It makes me think that there might still be hope for Jessica. Unless, of course, she does something even more stupid!*

*Like, say, running back to her college sorority (Tom and all).

Author's Response:

Maybe if she hadn't dropped him he would already be on his way to Omega Pi. ;)

Reviewer: geeman Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 24 2016 11:30 PM Title: Lina

Wow, so it looks like Janine is having some actual character development! I never expected character developmemt much less of Janine in a story like this.

Author's Response:

Hopefully it adds to the flavor of the story.  Now the million dollar question is it real or just another scheme? :)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 24 2016 8:53 PM Title: Lina

Man, this chapter felt depressing. It was just them reflecting on what happened in the previous chapter.

I thought this reflecting about that "accident" would be a simple:

(Lina watched as her daughters arrived home with glum faces. She could tell that things didn't go as planned. She talked to both of them and learned about how this incident has jeapordized her reunion with Tom. With Raphaella a problem enough, things just keep going south. Lina called Cassidy and apologized for everything. Lina tried another approach, but was rejected just as Raphaella couldn't be convinced also. Lina decided it was time to call Tess. She couldn't wait any longer.)

That could be the 1st half of the chapter, then we catch up to Cassidy and Tom.

I just didn't expect so much sadness in one chapter. Now I feel sad. Well, I guess all the good stories have some moments like this.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Character building... :(

Reviewer: Chaos_Jeff Signed [Report This]
Date: June 24 2016 5:00 PM Title: Tom's Story

God Jessica and Janine keep blaming eachother, yet they are both as bad as eachother


I would like to see some sort of 1 on 1 interaction with Jessica and Tom because Jessica was right, It's not fair, her sister, mom, and the nurse all had him, so she should too.

Author's Response:

Lol sibling rivalry at its finest. We'll see if jessica gets her shot. Not sure yet. Thanks for the review 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 20 2016 7:57 PM Title: Tom's Story

Well, at least we can both agree that only Time will tell which one of us is right. Seeing as how Duggernaut won't! :P

Can I have a "Lol! Amen?"

Author's Response:

It will definitely be one of those things, except maybe not quite as it might contain elements of that other thing without engaging too many snippets from the first thing trying not to obfuscate it with threads from those other things. i hope this helps paint the direction I'm currently inclined to follow. :D

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 20 2016 7:55 PM Title: Catlike Reflexes

Wow! I thought this chapter was never going to come. Last chapter I believe was on Wednesday. I know I shouldn't even bother criticizing on the rare you upload, but I just got worried when I saw nothing the last few days.

Ok, now let's get back to the chapter.

As soon as I saw the title, I thought, yay, he is saved. (Of course.) but then u threw in a twist. You actually had Janine miss the catch and Tom goes spiraling out of control and into the floor. That fruit metaphor was very effective. Made me shiver at what was left of Tom.

I totally agree with Geeman. Janine is no better than Jessica. Like what does Janine know about being careful and concerned for others? Jessica just showed how messed up the Lindholms truly are. (Except Lina. She is still a sexy gentle Milf.)

So how will this recovery affect the story? I hope Cassidy does some super healing thing where she discovers that Tom's body heals at a faster rate than a regular sized person.

Cassidy could also take advantage of this situation. She can have Tom make a full recovery but fake it to everyone and say that he still is injured. That way she can have Tom all to herself. (And Katie of course.)

Lina is going to be pissed now that her plan to get Tom has another dilemma. I wonder if Lina is still allowed to see Tom after all that. (I'm sure Tom approves.)

Wow, never seen Cassidy erupt like that before. She really cares for Tom. However, I'm still thinking she thought "my sex toy got hurt!" Instead of "Tom for hurt!". Well, we know Miss Harwood would've thought sexy toy > Tom. Haha!

Maybe Miss Harwood has this skin perfecting cream that she uses for her flawless body and let's Tom have some to heal him up. (I know it's a stupid idea, but hey, shrinking works, so why not this. )

Part of me feels like this is a great way to focus on certain characters over others. Now Janine and Jessica are out of the picture, which means more time with Cassidy! Hooray!

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Been pretty busy with school wrapping up and work and stuff so updates were put on hold. this twist at least didn't leave you hanging at the end with the "Is tom dead?" notion again. Trying to keep it interesting without replicating story elements too many times. How many times have i told you, never ever ever count Janine out. Most everybody intensley dislikes her because she is ruthless in her use of tom. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: June 20 2016 6:54 PM Title: Tom's Story

@Carycomic: I don't know, Raphaella is her sister and Tom is her nephew. I'm not sure she would help Janine. 


Author's Response:

Don't know for sure... :)

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 20 2016 6:18 PM Title: Catlike Reflexes

Masterfully poignant installment.

Author's Response:

Thank you ever so much good sir

Reviewer: geeman Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 20 2016 5:28 PM Title: Catlike Reflexes

How can Janine criticize her sister after all she's done? She almost swallowed the poor guy on purpose just to see what it'd feel like! She's a horrible person just like her sister if not worse! Anyway, I think Tom should stay far the he'll away from Janine or any of her kin if he knows what's good for him! Maybe Janine has had an epiphany about what a shitty person she is but if I was Tom I wouldn't risk it! Pretty much every girl in this series has been rough with him too, this guy has limits no matter how cocky he gets!

Author's Response:

Thanks for the read and review geeman! It's like the pot calling the kettle black, right? The only one who hasn't mistreated Tom was Tess, ALL the rest of them to some degree have exploited his stature to varying degree, to which Janine has been by far the most domineering (and maybe Miss Wingnut Addison and her collection of fairy figurines!). We'll explore some of the recent character displays in the next few chapters as thing countdown to the arrival of tom's mother. 

Reviewer: AprilJoinerWeb Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 20 2016 5:16 PM Title: Tom's Story

Brilliant job with the emotions! The descriptive writing was extremely thorough and very engaging. I could practically feel the spoiled attitude of Jessica and the teary-eyed sorrow of Janine jumping off the page!

Author's Response:

Thank you! I was hoping it came across as readable and too overly cheesy.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: June 17 2016 8:52 PM Title: Baby, I’d Fall For You…

@Hec: unless Grandpa W knuckles under to Tia Donatella. Then, she and Lina could conspire against Mama W. together!

P.S.---I'm the 601st reviewer!! How about that? Another landmark for Duggernaut. :-)

Author's Response:

Interesting concept...

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