Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 09 2016 3:50 PM Title: Four's a Crowd

Haha! Imagine if Miss Harwood walks in shouting, "Tom, you ready to fuck?" And then she stops as soon as she sees Tess. That would be so embarrassing.

I agree with Tess, it's interesting to see all these women spread their legs for Tom. Then again, I'm glad they opened their legs for Tom, it's what he wanted anyway. Remember what Janine said. "He wants to be there."

Now that Tess left, maybe some foreplay could happen next. Yeah, I'm just getting ahead of myself, but I bet Tom would salivate seeing both Katie and Cassidy back again.

I love how even when Katie is talking about responsibility, she still has this attitude of having fun with Tom. Was it mutual? Actually, I don't think it was, but since Tom couldn't do anything about it the experience made it arousing for him.

I love it when Miss Harwood is talking, and even thinking. Her ideas are what I treasure and I can read essays about her all day. Love it when she dreams about Tom bound to her all day.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 09 2016 3:19 PM Title: Four's a Crowd

Tess might claim she's alright. But, she's got to be feeling the tension. Like someone buried up to their neck on the beach...just below the high tide mark!

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 09 2016 3:02 PM Title: Four's a Crowd

Miss Hardwood isn't very truthful, didn't Tom get stuck in her vagina at one point and almost suffocated?  Still, at least Miss Hardwood is more understanding than Lina.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 06 2016 7:36 PM Title: Ulterior

Ah, yes! The moment that I've truly dreaded more than the arrival of Tom's mother. The involvement of...

The Lady Lawyer! :-O

Author's Response:

Lol, heretofore and forthwith, abiding by the requirements and strictures of the aforementioned article contained in sub paragraph four pursuant to clause three.....ARGGGH! legal speak!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 06 2016 4:40 PM Title: Ulterior

There we go! Lina is still the clever one in this situation. She had control over the entire conversation. She succeeded in convincing Tess to hold off the text and even scheduled a time for Tess to bring Tom to Lina's house.

We have seen Lina mention Serena a few times before. At first, she wanted all of Cassidy's info which still doesn't make sense to me becuase she didn't seem to do anything with it. Now they will talk again, and I'm sure it's about Tom and his mother instead.

I think the moment when Tom disagreed with Lina was what convinced Tess that Lina was trully on her side. However, I think Lina said this just to get on Tess's side.

Since Tom is sleeping and resting, will he be somewhat recovered for a fun time part 2 with Katie and Cassidy, or is it too soon? I know Tom isn't 100%, but I wonder how long until he is fine enough to handle them.

I bet when Lina gets Tom on Friday, they are going to have some fun before Raphaella shows up. Who knows? Maybe Tom is pleasing Lina while she picks up Raphaella. Wouldn't that be fun.

Serena Hall hasn't done anything and I think that alone makes this cliffhanger not as exciting as your usual cliffhangers.

I wonder who gets the next chapter? Lina and Serena or Cassidy and Tom? I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

More talk next chapter, but soon Tom, soon

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 01 2016 9:32 PM Title: Tom's Story

@Tom Speedy: like I said; she's mature enough to control it better than Jessica.

Reviewer: Chaos_Jeff Signed [Report This]
Date: July 01 2016 11:56 AM Title: Tom's Story

We need some Jessica on Tom time because Jessica had less then a chapter with him

Author's Response:

Unlikely given the way things are moving, but never say never right? :)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: July 01 2016 10:40 AM Title: Tom's Story


While Lina is probably obsessed with Tom as does Jesica, I don't fear for Tom when he is with Lina. Jessicsa could be a problem since she doesn't seem to consider Tom's feelings and prioritized her own desire above Tom's. However, with Lina, she at least cares for his well being, and is the gentlest giantess so far besides Tess.

I think if Lina just told Raphaella that she is "taking care" of Tom and that is why she is staying at Lina's house, then Raphaella will approve of Tom with Lina. Maybe Raphela will thank Lina for watching out for Tom and then asks Lina to promise her that she won't let Tom get lost. Lina smiles back and agrees.

Or, Lina just nonchalantly tells Raphaella that she is using Tom as a sex toy, and Tom enjoys it and wants to stay with her. Then Raphaella will be like approve as long as he is safe and behaving. Lina agrees and tells her that Tom has been behaving beautifully. Rapahella concludes with a thank you and hugs Lina. Raphaella tells her that she has a business trip and wanted to make sure that Tom was in good hands. (Ok, that won't happen, but just imagine!)

Author's Response:

The meeting between Lina and Raphaella could be very very interesting in so many different way. I haven't plotted any of that out yet :-/

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 01 2016 7:58 AM Title: Tess

@ Hector: Not so much a bad "guy" as a devious anti-heroine. After all; let's not forget the peculiar line of research she asked Serena to conduct. She didn't do that out of concern for Ella's maternal instincts! I'm unalterably convinced that she's just as obsessed as ever with having Tom purely as a combination pet and living sex toy. Just as obsessed as Jessica, in fact! But, mature enough to control it, better.

"That's my theory, and I'm stickin' to it." :-)

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: July 01 2016 2:17 AM Title: Tom's Story

@TomSpeedy: I don't know, i think Raphaella and Lina could work something out. I mean, as long as Tom isn't badly hurt, it's always possible that Raphaella would let Tom have his fun. 

Though they would have to keep the Jessica incident to themselves. 

Author's Response:

And some of Janine's less than mutually rewarding antics...

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: July 01 2016 12:22 AM Title: Tom's Story


Yeah, I'm sure Raphaella is super nice. I was just joking of the plot twist. Raphaella goes to great lengths to take care of her kids. We see that in the first few chapters when she sees them during the holidays. Now it's been a while and I'm sure she misses them. She probably has gifts for Tom and Tess too.

Yes, Tess is making the right decision by telling mom, but I fear that Raphella will have all these safety precautions for Tom and not let him out of the house. I think the part that Tom is thinking about is when his mom gets him, then what? I'm sure it's safer to live with his mom, but I bet he is going to miss all this "fun" that he is having.

I don't think Raphella is going to leave Tom with Cassidy, Lina or any other woman. I think she will take Tom herself and give out all these restrictions preventing him from messing around which is what Tom thrives in.

Let's say Raphaella takes Tom. Will Tom escape? Will someone steal him? Will Tess change her mind and take Tom away from mom?

Hmm. Another thing I just remembered is that Raphaella will be living in Lina's house. Maybe Lina planned this so she can see Tom while Raphaella has him. Oh boy, Jessica is probably still there too.

As I'm writing this review, I feel like Raphaella spending time with Tom won't be so bad becuase she won't take Tom out of the picture. They are with Lina, and anything can happen with her around.

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: June 30 2016 11:06 PM Title: Tom's Story

@TomSeedy And Tom clearly doesn't know what he's saying, or he wouldn't be as beat up as he is now. Even Cassidy said Tom is in pretty bad shape. 


Even Cassidy is agreeing with Tess in this chapter. 

Author's Response:

More dialogue to come I'm afraid...

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: June 30 2016 11:03 PM Title: Tom's Story

@TomSpeedy: That's a bit of a reach, Raphaella is clearly not abusive and clearly cares for her son.


You also forget that Tess did want to inform her mother from the start, remember?  But Tom talked her out of it. So Tess didn't, even though she clearly wanted to. 

She'stelling her now because it has become obvious that her instincts were proven right, Tess probably wishes she had told Raphaella from the start. 

Author's Response:


Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: June 30 2016 10:35 PM Title: Tom's Story


Maybe Tom knows what he is saying. After all he was crazy enough to sneak into Janine's party all shrunken like that. His motivation comes from his fantasy, and it is what influences him to stay with Casidy. As for his well being,
Cassidy will know when he is healthy and I trust her to make the right choice.

Yeah, Tess has quite a convincing argument. Hard to overturn. But it makes me wonder why she took so long to discuss this with mom. If Raphaella was the best choice, surely Tess would've talked to her earlier. I think something is up.

Plot twist: Maybe, Tom's mom has physically abused Tom in the past and Tess was unsure about letting their mom know. Tess only tells mom this just to get it off her chest, not for the sake of Tom. Lina also asks Tess of she is doing this for herself or Tom which hints that this could be a selfish maneuver becuase Tess is responsible for Tom's predicament in the first place by taking him to the party.

Perhaps this is what Lina's lawyer has to do with this story. I think her purpose is charge Tom's mom for abuse and Lina gains custody of Tom afterwards.

I totally made that up, but who knows, anything can happen.

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: June 30 2016 9:28 PM Title: Tom's Story

@TomSpeedy: I also don't want her to be overturned because i really want to see some Mother-Son bonding. 

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: June 30 2016 9:20 PM Title: Tom's Story

@TomSpeedy: Except at this point it's clear Tom doesn't know what's good for him. He's like an addict that thinks they can handle it, but they obviously can't. 

Regardless of what you think of her, Tess is in the right here and the the only one that cares for Tom well being 100%. Especially since if Lina has her way, Raphaella will never see her son again and Tess will never see her brother. 


@Carycomic: Problem with that is that Lina wouldn't just kidnap someone and she doesn't know Raphaella's sister has Tom's shrunken Grandpa with her. 


Why are you making Lina into a bad guy anyway? When in reality there are ways she could resolve it amicably with Raphaella. 

Like you know, coming to some sort of compromise with Raphaella. That seems far more in character than deciding to just kidnap someone. 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 30 2016 8:15 PM Title: Tess

Well? It looks like we're back to one of two alternatives. Either Jessica running back to her college sorority (Tom and all); or Lina and Tom's aunt shrink-napping his mom.

Of course, if Duggernaut can formulate a third alternative, then he's even more of a literary genius than we previously thought!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 30 2016 7:35 PM Title: Tess

Aw, Tess. Don't be a party pooper. Tom is just having some fun. No need to worry about it.

Well, Tess does have a point. Tom is being passed around from girl to woman and I bet that she feels morally wrong to let Tom have this life.

It reminds me of the party for Janine where all the girls were asking about Tom and Tess kept shrugging it off. She knows that Tom is an attractive piece for these girls and I think this situation reminds Tess of that.

While Tess is right, I hope her decision gets overturned. I just can't suppress how much I love Tom to be this awesome toy passed around.

One issue that these characters gotta deal with is Tom's mom. I mean, it feels like the mention of her name gets people worried and see her as a wall between them and Tom.

Also, if Tess tells the truth to her mom, then Lina loses her credibility for her word. Now, Raphaella will be suspicious if she knows that Lina lied to her.

Cassidy also has an interesting take. She seeks desire through Tom, but also as a nurse, she seeks the need to help him recover. This conflicts her decisions and now to add Tom's mom to the plate may stress Cassidy out on what to do with him.

It seems at this point in the story, the character are also determining where should Tom go, just like us readers. We all have our own opinions for Tom, and these characters are also debating it.

I put my self in Tom's shoes and I think that I am fine and that these scars are nothing. )But that's just the inner Tom talking.) I really have no idea who gets Tom.

So many possibilities, I cannot wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: geeman Signed [Report This]
Date: June 30 2016 7:03 PM Title: Tess

Looks like Tessa cares more about Tom's wellbeing

than Tom himself does.

Reviewer: Ancient Relic Signed [Report This]
Date: June 30 2016 6:53 PM Title: Tess

Tom raised a hand and waved, “Giant Tess,” he greeted. Clever.

Otherwise, it looks like we're seeing people starting to rein Tom in, and put a damper on his adventuring ways. Let's see how that works out.

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