Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 03 2016 4:51 PM Title: Janine and Tom

This was nice. Very nice after a week long break. I loved how Janine was still very sexy and she also seems changed since she was able to control her self.

Did Tom black out? What was that at the end? Tom gets pressed to the roof of his mouth all the time. Why was he seeing spots this time?

Very descriptive vagina navigating. It's like he was swimming, just moving his body around trying to get to where he wants to go.

I'm now wondering if Janine is going to keep Tom, or will she know that the right choice is to give him to Cassidy.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 27 2016 7:12 PM Title: Thursday Morning

I don't believe this kid. Now (to reference your punning response to my last review), he's in 3-DEEP!!!

Because I feel reasonably sure that she's going to smuggle him out of that apartment (with his hyper-libidinous consent) within the same intimate environment Cassidy and Katie subjected him to, just the other night. Which, in a hind-sighted way, is ironic, as it makes truth out of what was initially a lie. Namely; Janine and Tom, running off together.

Yo, Tom! If you're that masochistic, why not just arrange for Jessica to abduct you and take you back to college with her?*

*Might as well make it an even dozen times, TS. ;-)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 27 2016 5:43 PM Title: Thursday Morning

Wow! And I thought the threesome from last night was enough. I think Tom is addicted to giantess sex. And that's a good thing.

He used the same arguemrnt with Cassidy and Katie, stating that his mom would show up and it will be their last chance. He convinced two responsible adults. No surprises here that Janine couldn't resist.

This reminds of when you ask your girlfriend to tie you up, gag you, blindfold you and then you tell her to let her do what every she wants to your body. There is no safe word and the fun stops when she wants it to stop. It's dangerous, but also erotic. That's how I felt.

So why did Janine arrive? To say hi again? We know she had some emotional breakdown last time, and I think she wanted to apologize, but now Tom is telling her not to apologize and .....yeah. They fucking now.

If I was Cassidy, I would have said "ok, here use this room. 5 minuntes, that's it. After that, I'm coming in." That way Cassidy has some leverage in case things go bad.

We also know Tom can be seduced by Janine's beauty so I wonder if he allowed Janine to hold him only becuase she dared him to.

In addition, it's been a while since we had a Janine scene. Not that I'm a super fan of her, but it felt like the second half of the story was dominated by Cassidy and Katie. (That's a good thing also. They are my favorite giantesses so far.)

I love this new pattern in your chapter. Sex scene, then a chapter that has Tom given to another woman. Then another sex scene. I know some people dislike having Tom being passed around from woman to woman, but I enjoy it. I bet Tom enjoys it too.

Once again, Tom makes the mistake of teasing Janine. He knows that she is a aggressive beast and that she can control him like no other woman. Even when other women insert Tom inside them, he remembers flashbacks of Janine, and he shudders in fear.

I think this Tom redeeming his fantasy and wanting to make it a reality. He wants Janine so bad and he doesn't want to see Janine as a nightmare. Also, he said it's his last time before his mom shows up. I think this is salute to the world saying "fuck my life" and he is ready to die at the hands of this goddess. He probably doesn't give a shit anymore becuase he probably thinks being in his mother's care is like prison.

Yeah, I like this chapter. It reminds me of some of my fantasies. I wonder if Janine will be different while they fuck, or will she be the same girl who kept Tom as a sex slave.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 21 2016 6:52 PM Title: Between Scylla and Charybdis

Egad! First, he was in Cassidy. Then, he was in Katie. Now, he wants to be in both of them, simultaneously???

The guy is "in"-satiable. ;-D

Author's Response:

In-sane, in-trepidation,  wait for it... in TWO deep. It's like Tom has gone to nursing school and is cramming for finals... I could go all night! :)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 21 2016 5:27 PM Title: Between Scylla and Charybdis

Another awesome chapter. It's like they were made for this kind of fun.

Loving the variety of ways they use Tom. It's amazing how they but go back and forth and so on.

I'm still wondering where Tom will end up next. I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Because you have diligently followed all my stories I am compelled to find new and inventive ways for the ladies and the Littles to spend some quality time together. That's a good thing because I wouldn't want it to get stale. :)

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: July 19 2016 10:27 AM Title: Sisters

@TomSpeedy: the 11th time might be the charm.

"One never knows! Do one?"

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: July 18 2016 7:41 PM Title: Tom's Story

@Caycomic, I opened the chapter before it went down and it must have went down while I was reading it becuase when I clicked submit, the site wouldn't let it go through.

Also, you keep bringing up Jessica's college for like the last 10 chapters or so. I'm beginning to think that it's a bit of a reach now.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: July 18 2016 7:37 PM Title: Tom's Story

@Carycomic. Actually, I was here first, but the site was down and it wouldn't let me post my review. I tried refreshing the site, but it wouldn't load despite other websites loading for me.

Otherwise, I'm usually first becuase I think I'm memorizing Duggernaut's upload schedule since this story is about a year old anyway.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 18 2016 7:35 PM Title: Sisters

Hmm. I did not expect a chapter of this magnitude to show up.

Also, I didn't expect these sisters to be the sisters talking. When I saw the title, I thought Janine and Jessica. I forgot about these two.

Donatella is back! And fancy! I bet Tom Sr. Bought all that stuff for her. Donatella is lucky. Gets her own sex toy that brings in money.

So there is a cure! (Personally, this isn't a good thing, because I want Tom shrink forever.) I hope Donateela keeps Tom Sr. Away from the device as long as possible so they prolong the cure from being created.

Ella thought Lina would abduct Tom? Haha! I wish! The funny part is that Lina is the most gentle giantess ever and Ella seems furious about it!

I hope Tom Sr. talks to Ella saying that perhaps Tom enjoys being a tiny. Then Tom Sr. can list off his many experiences of fun and say how it's wonderful.

Now since Ella knows about Tom shrinking, will she play dumb when she arrives at Amina's house? Test Lina to see if she is lying? That might be interesting, but I would love to see Lina control that situation.

I think Donatella should visit the young Tom and show Tom Sr. to him. Then they could have a tiny to tiny talk.

Or Donatella should visit Lina, show off Tom Sr. And then Lina will desire Tom again.

Why are they checking on the device now? Wasn't Ella freakin out about Tom and wasn't she ready to go visit Tom? What happened? Did Tom Sr. distract her with his smile too? Man, it runs in the family. This gives more time for younger Tom to play.

3 years?!! Tom Sr. has been a sex toy for a hot 30 yr old for 3 years?! What?! That's heaven right there! I mean you don't even have to go to work. You can still watch Netflix and HBO and have sex and do all the fun you want and sleep with a hot model and you did this for 3 years? No one can be luckier than this man. Meet the luckiest man in the world: Tom Sr. (I'm so jealous.)

I love these surprise chapters that I wouldn't expect. Such a big plot reveal and important.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 18 2016 6:55 PM Title: Sisters

I'm first for once? YAY ME!

Okay, for starters? You've once again pitched something from left field that nobody was expecting. Donatella and Tom Senior showing up out of the blue to confess all to Elle? Brilliant!! It makes the fifteen minutes I kept getting "site unreachable" worth the wait.

But, this raises the question: what's Lina going to do once she's confronted with the truth by both sisters? She sure as heck won't be able to continue with wanting to adopt Young Tom as a pet. Not after hearing about the near-disaster of introducing Jessica to him!

Of course, you'll probably say that Lina is both pragmatic and stubborn. She might have Janine hide Young Tom somewhere other than Kate and Cassidy's apartment. And who could be more trustworthy with such a unique secret than a lawyer like...Serena? ;-D

Of course, Jessica--being just as stubborn as her mother--could still be a wild card player in this deal. And spirit him away to someplace unexpected. (like, say, her out-of-state college) without anybody initially aware of it.

So many confusing possibilities.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 18 2016 11:24 AM Title: Tom's Story

Holy Crap! TomSpeedy was right (for once).


Author's Response:

Thanks for being such a wonderful supporter of thisd tale. It is humbling to see that it still has the ability to entertain!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 17 2016 9:34 PM Title: Tom's Story


Tom's story is 1 year old!!!!!! Happy birthday Tom and his lovers! It's been a wild year!

We are breaking records with this story and this story never ceases to amaze me!

I can't believe how far this story has come and I can't wait for what you have in store for us!

Author's Response:

Thanks Tom, couldn't have done it without you!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 15 2016 7:09 PM Title: A Night to Remember

Usually, this is where I'd make some bad pun like "Oh! A three-way game of 'squash.' " But, if you seriously believe I'd ruin the erotic poignance of this chapter by stooping that low, then with all due respect, sir, you...

...are out of your gourd. X-D

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 15 2016 6:04 PM Title: A Night to Remember

Now this is what Im talking about!

Round 2 of Cassidy and Katie has begun and they seem very prepared as if they have been planning to do this for a while.

Yes, this is definately a night to remember. I still think the first part of round 1 was more intense then this round 2 so far.

The cucumber makes a surprising twist. I was thinking maybe both ends could be in both women. Like a double sided dildo.

It's itnereting to see Janine always strike him when he is having fun. She was Tom's first giantess and it showed him what reality was living with a giantess. Now it's stuck in his head forever.

Next chapter is sisters? Like Janine and Jessica? You mean part 2 of round 2 won't be next chapter? I hope you meant that Katie and Cassidy are close to each other like sisters.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: July 13 2016 10:00 PM Title: Tom's Story

@Carycomic, Bravo! :) that was pretty good.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 13 2016 9:23 PM Title: Damn the Torpedoes

Sorry! I was just trying to imagine him as one of those jailhouse poets. Given the (ahem!) solitary confinement his mother is most likely going to subject him to, in the next chapter.*

*Unless, of course, you twist the plot, yet again! ;-)

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 13 2016 9:20 PM Title: Damn the Torpedoes

"I cannot live each moment...
In fear..trying to anticipate
Every...threat that might appear."

"I do not like green eggs and ham.
I prefer Janine, Katie, Cassidy, and Sam."

Reviewer: AprilJoinerWeb Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 13 2016 6:14 PM Title: Tom's Story

Oooh! Big chapter coming up! But the real question is when do Tom and Tess "go a round" with each other? Tess has been holding back, but how much longer can she keep doing it? Maybe the night before their mother comes? Hope Tom doesn't get lost in a bum next chapter :)

Author's Response:

Honestly not sure Tess and Tom will tangle up in this one, particularly after the characterizations between them thus far (though she might not be above giving him a dutch oven for all the trouble he's put her through.)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 13 2016 5:05 PM Title: Damn the Torpedoes

Tom has a great point. While he is still kinda injured, he will be resting for life in a few days, so I agree that he might as well make these next 2 days memorable.

It's funny, that even though Tom is injured, he still has his charm. Sometimes the injury, especially in the face might just make that charm not that powerful, but Tom still knows how to look attractive even with a scar on his head. Maybe he looks more badass with the scar. Maybe the scar is what attracts these ladies.

Heck, yeah! Round 2 with the sexy nurse/teacher coming up! This duo is my favorite and I don't blame Tom for taking this chance. Both of them are sexy, know how to take control and also these two have great chemistry which makes the fun seem perfect for Tom.

Haha! Now we actually get to see Katie "screw the living day lights" out of Tom. I can't wait for that.

I really can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: bartek21 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 12 2016 12:16 PM Title: Four's a Crowd

please more

it seems everyone is tempting Tess says Tom is capable of

the question whether tess will be able to protect (hide) toma front line.

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