Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 13 2016 6:08 PM Title: Airport Shuttle

Whoa!!!!!!! Wait a minute!

Tom Sr. Is back??? He is fullsized? Wtf! So the shrinking machine can operate both ways? I have so many questions! And excitement!

So Donatella has allowed Tom Sr. to grow back? She wasn't afraid of him telling anyone? Does Raphaella know? Will Donatella shrink Tom? Will Tom Sr. tell Tom about his tricks on making a woman keep him captive for years?

Is there a tiny shrinking device in his pocket? Will Donatella and Tom Sr. have shrinking games in Lina's house?


Why did Raphaella bring these 2 other than the fact that these two have some sexy giantess fantasy reality?

Lol, what if Raphaella allows Tom to be shrunken and used becuase her sister does the same with Tom Sr.

So many questions and possibilities! I absolutely can't wait for the next chapter! This story got so much better!

Author's Response:

SURPRISE!!!So apparently the device works and tom's restoration imminent but it does raise a whole new line of possibilities! 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 13 2016 5:12 PM Title: Airport Shuttle

P.S.---Happy 700th review! I honestly don't think any other story, here, has that distinction. At least, not prior to this.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 13 2016 5:10 PM Title: Airport Shuttle

And, let the awkwardness commence!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: September 10 2016 4:20 PM Title: Lina and Tom, Reacquainted

Sexy chapter. I never knew that so many descriptions could be used for such an act.

This was like an art of erotic play with Tom as the painter, creating a masterpiece inside of Lina that amazes her to the point of wondering what is the meaning of life.

Next chapter is the showdown! Raphaella and Lina meet! I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Becasue you have diligently followed all my stories I have to get creative to keep from just repeating the same old scenarios. kind of fun...

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 10 2016 10:49 AM Title: Lina and Tom, Reacquainted

I'll just give you the five stars, okay? Right now, I'm too thirsty...


Author's Response:

Ah grazie, grazie

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: September 08 2016 1:53 AM Title: Business Before Pleasure

She's not that good though, since she doesn't know Raphaella already found an alternative way to restore Tom. More to the point, it's pretty obvious Lina is using this as a cover to keep Tom, which will backfire once Raphaella mentions she has an alternative that won't require her to give up her rights as Tom's legal guardian. 

Author's Response:

She's struggling to try and gain the upper hand but feels her grasp slipping. Make no mistake, lina is brilliant, but she is running out of time...

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 07 2016 7:09 PM Title: Business Before Pleasure

Man! It's no wonder she's such a successful businesswoman. She's got a plausible-sounding answer for everything!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 07 2016 4:55 PM Title: Business Before Pleasure

Wow, this is really happening. An end is in sight. I was wondering if restoration would be involved in this story, but I guess this answers me question.

Also, I thought this deal with Serena was just about custody. Turns out it was just for this temporary trip to take Tom to this Helena girl to be tested on.

I like how Lina just assumes that since Helena is pretty, that Tom would have a great time with Helena. (It's probably true.)

Duggernaut, you read my mind. By private moment, I was thinking pleasure, but then your chapter title was "business b4 pleasure" and I was thinking, "of course" haha!

Hopefully, by "reacquianted" it's not some foreword for another business thing. Maybe this time it's the intimate play we have been waiting for about 80 chapters.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: September 03 2016 9:58 PM Title: Tom's Story

Addison has been covering for Tom, even after she lost him, so i'd disagree on that. 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 03 2016 4:50 PM Title: Friday morning, Lindholm House, Discovery

Somehow, Hector, Addison doesn't strike me as the apologetic type.

Author's Response:

She was put in her place by Janine, which is more than likely the source of her silence

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: September 02 2016 9:52 PM Title: Friday morning, Lindholm House, Discovery

Nice chapter, i do hope his mother arrives soon and she spends time with her son. Nothing sexual, just that i'm sure she's been worried sick.


Also, i'm sad Addison hasn't had a chance to apologize to Tom, like Jessica did.

Author's Response:

Don't count Addison out yet, I have a meeting coming up between her and Tom,...

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 01 2016 6:55 PM Title: Friday morning, Lindholm House, Discovery

OK! So, now, everyone has seen him. Serena, the lady lawyer, included. But, what about that sultry Russian babe, Tatiana? Was her inclusion simply (no Cold War pun intended) a red herring?

Author's Response:

I have something yet planned for our gorgeous little Russian doll, :)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 01 2016 6:15 PM Title: Friday morning, Lindholm House, Discovery

So many characters in the same room! So much tension and excitement.

I love how Lina just cruises in and just takes him for a private moment. By private moment, more like, intimate moment.

Serena needs to use her imagination. The more sophisticated someone is, the more likely they get shocked by tiny Tom. I wonder if Lina is convincing Tom to please Serena.

Hopefully, everyone leaves except Lina and Serena with Tom. Then we can see how Lina will use this experience to convince Serena to help her.

This is going to be great! I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 30 2016 9:29 AM Title: The Wee Hours

Well, at least, none of them smoked.*

*I'll never understand how that stereotype started. Who in their right mind would want to ruin great sex with a nicotine stinkweed?!

Author's Response:

I have kissed ashtray mouth...Ewww not sexy, at all

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: August 29 2016 6:56 PM Title: Tom's Story

Congrats! Tom's story is now the 3rd most read story on this site!

Author's Response:

Thanks. Holy cow that's a lot of reads.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: August 29 2016 6:22 PM Title: Tom's Story

I think what needs to happen next is the journey to Lina's place and then Lina finally gets her fun after like 80 chapters.

While they are waiting for Tom's mom, Lina can have her fun with Tom and maybe the lawyer can show up too. Just a thought.

While I love Katie and Cassidy, I believe it's time Tom should travel soon. (However, I would love to see Lina and Katie have fun with Tom at the same time. Now that would be something.)

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

I know you've missed Lina, but miss Harwood has filled in admirably i'm sure. :)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 29 2016 6:19 PM Title: The Wee Hours

Miss Harwood just keeps getting better and better. I love how horny she is and how dominant she is over the situation. She took that tense scene about Tom's piss and made the chapter fun. I would love to be her pet.

Cassidy has the role of the nurse in her character. She just naturally tries to take care of things and when things go out of place, like Tom's piss, then gets a bit upset which is actually kind of cute. I like how she gets upset with Tom over little things.

Also, I love how Miss Harwood doesn't give a shit about Tom's bad behavior and just wants to play with him. What an amazing giantess teacher.

This might be gross, but if one of them let Tom sleep inside them, Tom could've pissed in there and they wouldn't feel a difference. I bet Cassidy would be furious and list a bunch of medical excuses, haha!

Author's Response:

Miss Harwood will haunt your dreams for a long time until another giantess displaces her and fuels your fantasy.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 25 2016 7:23 PM Title: Thursday Night, Getting Dirty

"O" dear!

Seriously, though: will Cassidy realize what is happening in time? Or will Tom be rescued (most ironically) by Jessica?*

*If she's anything like her mother and sister, I wouldn't put it past her to have stalked Cassidy and/or Ms. Hardwood.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 25 2016 5:47 PM Title: Thursday Night, Getting Dirty

Yay, you have returned! And wow, I forgot that this chapter was next! You blew me away once again!

One thing that stood out to me was the teasing that Katie did in the beginning. As it was getting Cassidy all excited, let's say I was also excited. The way Katie just pointed at Tom's destination made me smile. I love how she controls the situation.

Haha! Did it really take that long to know its a sex toy? I knew once Cassidy brought the black and pink box out. Of course it looks naughty, it's a dead giveaway. Tom should've seen that coming way earlier.

Ok Tom. If you were going to die, might as well be inside Miss Harwood's vagina while strapped onto Cassidy. It would be a great way to go.

Duggernaut, you mention "Wait" way too many times when Tom or some other character is about to get inserted when he doesn't want to. Maybe I just read too many of your stories, but it's always the same thing. At least change the word or something.

Please tell me that Cassidy and Katie have round 2 when Tom wakes up. Last thing we want is Tom waking up in the morning ready to go meet his mom.

Also, if he does wake up before the night is over, I think Tom should stay with Miss Harwood. Miss Harwood could either take him home with her and return him early morning, or Katie can stay over and she keeps Tom with her for the night.

A bit bummed that he blacked out. I don't want to see Cassidy and Katie get worried. I'm in love with their confidence and I don't want to see them break down. Otherwise, superb chapter!

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 20 2016 7:21 AM Title: Thursday Night, Coming Clean

Love the chapter title: "nuff said."


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