Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: September 30 2016 8:29 PM Title: Tom's Story

I was seconds late

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 30 2016 8:28 PM Title: The Wisdom of Age

I'm sure TomSpeedy (who will probably claim technical difficulties, again, for not being first) will call it "wishful thinking." But, I have a bad feeling that Young Tom is going to have a relapse from those residual isotopes his eponymous grandfather hinted at.

Author's Response:

Hmm one never knows...

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 27 2016 9:18 PM Title: Mother Knows Best

Private tutors........ :D

Man, I can't wait to see who those tutors will be. (Please be Miss Harwood).

Must be very weird to see this beautiful girl who has had sex with you as a giantess gently stroke your cheek and kiss your hand in a caring manner. Boy, it's amazing what Tom has gone through.

I am eager to listen to Tom 1 and 3 discuss. I hope they share fantasies of stories! "Hey gramps, what made you stick with my aunt?" "Oh, well, let's just say that she knows how to handle small things." Young Tom saw it all coming together. When his aunt saw him all little, he saw the look on her eyes, as if she was eager to do something. Then it hit him. His grandpa shrunk too and his aunt was his giantess. A grin appeared on young Tom's face and the older Tom grinned even wider. "I think you know why I favor you aunt now, don't you my young Tom?" "Gramps, you got to tell me everything. How long? What did she do? What was your punishment..." "Slow down, Tom. Not here. I'm not ready to share everything in this strangers house. But I can give you a few tips on how to enjoy it more." "How? Young Tom replied. "You will find out next chapter. Isn't that right Duggernaut." (From beyond the story, Duggernaut gave a nod of approval.)

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 27 2016 8:40 PM Title: Mother Knows Best

That-a-boy, Tom! Stick by your guns.

It would've been all too easy for him to yield to his mother's desire to over-compensate. But, I think this bizarre experience--I won't say "unique" as he now knows his grandfather went through it, too--has shown him that he is mentally and emotionally stronger than he previously thought he was. In which regard, he might be more like his mother than even she is willing to admit.

I just wish Jessica, Tatiana, and Serena could have had some quality time with Our Hero, as well.

Reviewer: Shiron66 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 25 2016 1:38 PM Title: Zapped

Well, I just hope that Tom shrink again..... and maybe Lina run away with him..... "the last one is only a dream of my...XD"

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: September 24 2016 11:17 AM Title: Tom's Story


What do you mean by broken?

You mean that both Tom's are stuck as normal? Will they shrink back after 24 hours?

Is that why Tom sr is grinning? He knows that Tom will shrink? Maybe you shrink while having sex?

Did Lina hack it? Miss Harwood hacked it? (Now that's scary and hot.)

I thought your response would be a spoiler, it kinda is, but I'm trying to figure out how it is broken. I mean, it seems fine to me. Both Tom's are normal sized.

I'm curious what you got up your sleeve this time.

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 23 2016 3:28 PM Title: Zapped

Great chapter. 


I look forward to seeing Tom trying to return to a normal life, especially running into Miss Hardwood and Miss Addison. Especially Miss Addison since she helped cover for Tom even after Janine took Tom away from her.


I also kinda hope Addison and Hardwood bond over their shared experience with Tom. Maybe Hardwood can help her loosen up. 

Author's Response:

Those are a couple of the loose ends I referenced in another response to a review.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 23 2016 11:35 AM Title: Zapped

Whoa! What a minute!

They already enlarged him? This chapter? Duggernaut, I'm used to you using every detail to sneak in a chapter. Such as the "the car ride" or "the facility" or "Dr. Harrison" and then "the machine" and finally would be this chapter. Instead, you cut straight to the enlargement which is something that I did not expect from you.

Well, now that he is big, do the ladies still want a piece of him? I can tell Tom wants a piece of them. It must feel great to be normal again. It's like waking up from a dream of giantesses and all of a sudden, they return in your normal life.

Like, what if you dream of some imaginary hot girl, and then you wake up and she is in your life. I bet that's how Tom feels with some of these women.

Also, Tom has to deal with responsibikty again. Eating, going to the bathroom, homework, school. Maybe being tiny was better?

I can't wait for Tom to go meet Miss Harwood and Miss Addison. I want to see the looks on their faces. Especially Miss Harwood! I wonder if she will put him in detention.

My original plan for this story was to have Tom shrunk forever. But seeing how far this story has come and how many people look up to at as inspiration, I think a classic storybook feelgood ending would be nice.

Being normal and living life as a regular kid again shows that this was Tom's story of his adventure of being tiny.

By loose ends, I hope this means that Tom meets every giantess and grins at them knowing what they did to him. It's like they have their own secret that the rest of the world is oblivious to.

Well, this machine has no side effects, so we might as well use it every night to have some fun. Isn't that the dream? Deciding how to get kinky just got a whole lot more interesting.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Glad I was able to step outside your expectations and surprise you. Yep Tom is big again and you'll soon find out the machine is broken...

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 23 2016 6:32 AM Title: Zapped

An excellent blend of poignancy and medical plausibility (re: his post-enlargement reaction). But, I now have to wonder what's ahead for chapter 126? The re-shrinking of Grandpa Tom by Donatella? If only for a quick "auntie climax?"

Author's Response:

Nice! I've a couple of things up my sleeve still so don't ring the bell just yet :)

Reviewer: Ancient Relic Signed [Report This]
Date: September 20 2016 3:16 PM Title: Mother Child Reunion

Well then, it looks as though this story is about to start winding down. But, then, Lina's here, and no doubt she's scheming to turn this situation to her advantage.

It also looks like I was wrong earlier: it looks like Serena won't have a round with Tom.

Author's Response:

It certainly has that feel doesn't it?

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: September 20 2016 2:44 PM Title: Tom's Story

@TomSpeedy: then again, what if Grandpa Tom's re-enlargement doesn't work? Will Lina get to take Little Tom to Sweden, after all? if so, will Jessica have another chance to steal him for herself? Maybe even with some help from Tatiana (who might be a Russian Mob princess)?

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: September 20 2016 12:49 PM Title: Tom's Story


I was wondering the same thing! We have no idea what he is feeling because Duggernaut just disguises emotional as what Tom is feeling.

Tom could be happy that he will be restored, or he could be sad that he can't get inside a vagina anymore.

Also, Tom could also be surprised to see his mom not offer to take care of him, but instead propose a solution that he thought wasn't possible.

If that was me, I would be sad. I liked being small. It had its ups and downs but Tom was living the dream with all these lovely women. While being restored is great, it just goes back to normal. An average life again. From awesome to average. That's how I see it.

Perhaps it's a combination. He is overwhelmed with emotion so maybe it's a bunch of thoughts together. Getting restored, not trapped with mom, not getting to be intimate with a giantess, actually having to do homework again, and so on.

So many possibilities. And if Tom thought this was a lot to take in, then wait until he hears his grandpa's story! I can't wait to hear that! (And see young Tom's reaction.)

Author's Response:

So many possibilities. . . 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 20 2016 7:23 AM Title: Mother Child Reunion


Like Lina, I didn't expect Little Tom's mom to be so calm. Despite what her sister had already shown her! I mean; let's face it. A shrunken father-in-law is one thing. But, a shrunken son?! I wouldn't have been surprised at still seeing some kind of histrionic occurrence. Raffaella is truly stronger than most people (even her own kids) give her credit for.

I have to wonder, though; is Little Tom crying tears of joy and relief? Or disappointment?

Author's Response:

We know Ella has the ability to undo the shrinking and is competent as a parent but we aren't quite finished with her maternal instinct yet. As for the tears perhaps a bit of both

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: September 19 2016 6:18 PM Title: Mother Child Reunion

"I'm not sure what to say about the next chapter". Oh no... Could it be?? Why do I think the story is ending. Tom getting restored, his tale is ending?? No!!!!!

Well, if it does end, it's been a great run. Breaking records, 124+ chapters, 700+ reviews, top read and favorited. It's been an adventure.

I still hope there is more to this story. Maybe, Tom gets some fun before he gets restored. Maybe, Tom refuses to grow back and he is forever a little guy ready to be with a woman.

Maybe this Harrison Kinsley person can't get Tom to focus, so they bring in Miss Harwood to keep him in check. :)

Honestly, I'm just taking my best memories of this story and trying to squeeze some more fun into the rest of this story.

Back to this chapter.

Wow, Ella was so chill with it. I knew that she wouldn't freak out, but it was odd to see Tom's mom just think that it's no big deal.

Lol, rip Lina's plans. While it seemed like a good plan, it seemed a bit far fetched. Too good to be true.

I kind of like this Tom Sr. situation in the background. By the way he keeps smiling, I imagine that he can shrink anytime he wants. He probably knows that Donatella is going to fuck him later tonight.

This also brings up the question of whether Tom will be restored and which giantess gets the shrinking machine. (What if Miss Harwood gets the shrinking machine???!!! She can shrink Tom during private detention and no one will know!)

I love how Donatella thinks about keeping the young Tom as a pet too. I bet Tom is horny with all these gorgeous women all around him.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Still some unanswered things and loose threads. It's been a helluva of a run and a lot of fun. 

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: September 17 2016 2:13 PM Title: Tom's Story


I believe the end notes are to describe what happens in the next chapter. That would be the 2 mothers with their own agendas for what to do with Tom. The older Tom is just a bystander, and he isn't the focus. These two mothers are focused on the little Tom which I guess is why only 1 Tom is mentioned.


Tess has had thoughts about it, but she has refused to let those thoughts come to her. Even Janine early on has tried to lure Tess into some fun with Tom but she declined. If anything, Tess might be interested in women anyway, especially since Janine and Tess were kissing each other. I think Tess and Raphaella also are aware that Tom is part of their family and don't find the intimate behavior as attractive as the other ladies.

Reviewer: tinyman91 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 17 2016 1:07 PM Title: Tom's Story

I'd like to see Tess finally get to have some "alone" time with ol' tommy boy. Ain't fair that everyone else gets to play around with the boy toy and she has to be left out.

Reviewer: Darkness2399 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 16 2016 8:10 AM Title: Airport Shuttle

Just spent the last few days reading the story from start to now, a very good read. Though I must say, shouldn't the end notes say 2 Toms? Unless you mean 1 tiny Tom, the Tom Sr., Is back in the picture.

Author's Response:

Thanks Darkness2399  both for the read and review! Glad you are enjoying thus far. I suppose I could have ended a little more clearly but the primary focus of the story is on Tom 3. 

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: September 14 2016 7:40 AM Title: Tom's Story

@TomSpeedy: Yes, Raphaella knows Tom Sr was shrunk, Dona told Raphaella, remember? Dona and Grandpa Tom even told her it was possible to restore Tom to fullsize.

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 14 2016 7:37 AM Title: Airport Shuttle

Called it! It seems Raphaella found an alternate way to restore the Toms, kinda puts a monkey wrench in Lina's plan. Can'twait to see Lina's reaction to finding out Tom Sr. had been shrunk too.

Author's Response:

Bang on the money. I inferred it as opposed to describe it and now we know Tom can be restored.  

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: September 13 2016 8:31 PM Title: Tom's Story

@TomSpeedy: let us keep in mind the immortal words of Wm. Fakespeare.

"To snooze or to lose? the question."

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