Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: Tigernach Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 27 2016 6:56 AM Title: The New Pet Rock

Just finished with Ch. 132; this story only gets more & more fascinating! I am happy to notice that your grammar and spelling have greatly improved since I started to read your writings. Congratulations and keep up the good work!

Author's Response:

Thank you for the review. I hope fascinating equals interesting :) I have made an effort to be more conscientious about the English, thank you for noticing. 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 27 2016 5:57 AM Title: The New Pet Rock

Ooooh! Fore-shadowy!

Author's Response:

Dun dun dun

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 26 2016 8:32 PM Title: The New Pet Rock

Voodoo dolls? lol, really? Next person to invent the vibrating doll will be rich. Why use a voodoo one, when you can get a soft, rubber, firm, vibrating doll to put in your panties. Pleasure 24/7!

I wonder what the dolls look like? Do they look like Tom? That would be funny.

I wonder what is the purpose of introducing this little segment, Duggeranut.

Either way, I hope Tom gets back to his class with Miss Harwood. (Could we get a story just on Miss Harwood? Or a sexy teacher like her? You could finish your other storie first.)

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

They're little clothes dolls, you see them just about everywhere (google little voodoo dolls). I do like the idea of a malleable little silicon figurine...I just may have to use that in another story :)

Reviewer: Ancient Relic Signed [Report This]
Date: October 26 2016 5:05 PM Title: The New Pet Rock

I bet this chapter is setting something up...

Author's Response:


Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 22 2016 3:53 PM Title: Nocturnal Emissions

Well, the answer clearly is Tom needing to shrink back down again. It's obvious that it is his destiny and he has to do something about it.

Or maybe he has to have normal sex with Janine so his dreams become normally sexy and for Miss Harwood, either sign up for her yoga class or spend a week in her detention.

I like how the 2 hottest women in this story are still in Tom's head. And not just a pretty face, but a giantess for both of them.

I remember when I really wanted Lina to be that sexy giantess, but Miss Harwood just stole the show for me. Give that treacher a promotion.

You know what I'm thinking? A threesome with Janine and Miss Harwood. Now that would be awesome, but I know it's unlikely.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

A threesome with Janine and miss Harwood, hmm, that might be interesting...

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 22 2016 1:15 PM Title: Nocturnal Emissions

In the immortal words of Rod Stewart:

"Some guys have all the luck. Some guys get all the breaks."

Author's Response:

Yep, I hate those guys!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 19 2016 6:05 PM Title: Monday Night

Still trying to get used to normal life, huh. Much easier being shrunk and abused, lol. Now the new normal is the new strange.

When Tess asked where was he, I was hoping Tom replied "inside Miss Harwood" or something like that.

The librarian is interested in Tom too. He has become quite the celebrity in this school.

Tom dorms? Fuck yeah. Parties all night. Shrink fest coming soon!

School fun. I can't wait for Tom to find Miss Harwood again. Especially in that yoga class.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Good analogy for Tom transitioning back to being big. We'll see how well he copes

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 19 2016 5:59 PM Title: Monday Night

A hottie librarian? Please! No!!

No more red herrings. :-(

Author's Response:

Lol. Patience...

Reviewer: licktoy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 15 2016 11:51 PM Title: Not Feeling Lunch

I am "afraid" Tom feels bad because something went wrong in his resizing and his molecules may collapse again - this time forever ;-)

Author's Response:

Hmm that just might be an issue...

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: October 13 2016 1:15 PM Title: Tom's Story

Congrats on another achievement!

2nd most read story ever on this site!

Now let's take this to number 1!

Author's Response:

I am just glad people have found this story entertaining. Given the wealth of contributors it is very humbling to have risen to this point 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 11 2016 9:33 AM Title: Not Feeling Lunch

Daunting? I'd say it's a "little" overwhelming!


Seriously, though: it's nice to see that you're devoting more than one or two chapters to his respite at normal size. It shows you're not selling out to the "Just-give-us-some-wham-bam-thank-you-giant-ma'am" crowd.

Author's Response:

I'm not quite done with our intrepid hero yet...he's still a little shaken up

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 10 2016 5:45 PM Title: Not Feeling Lunch

I know what's wrong. He is addicted to pussy and he ain't getting it. He has an addiction problem and he is suffering without it.

All the girls know how to cheer him. Tom just doesn't know that sex is what makes him feel better.

Interesting how open Janine is. I remember in the beginning of the story, Janine despised Tom despite his grin that he threw at her. Now she wants him. Awesome turn of events, having the prettiest girl in school go after you.

I think Tom needs to rest in bed and let some girl do all the action next time. Then, Tom can take control next time. Maybe, we can see some hot after school action, like those stories you hear all the time like some guy is doing it with a teacher in the closet or something.

Man, I want Granmps to stay. He seems so joyful and his enthusiasm toward shrinking is incredible. It's like when you have a fantasy and you find someone with the same fantasy and you share ideas.

Hopefully Tom gets better soon. I believe there is still lots of fun left for him.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Aren't we all? Yes Janine has transformed herself into an emoting human being after starting out as quite a self absorbed she devil. This story isn't quite done yet

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: October 05 2016 3:03 PM Title: Tom's Story

Really glad to see Miss Addison again and glad there is no hard feelings between them. Kinda wish they could have talked though. 


Because i'm still curious what Miss Addison would have done had Janine not shown up. Would miss Addison have returned Tom had Tess or Raphaella shown up instead? 

I don't think she's a bad person, but she didn't get much focus,  so i can tell for sure what she would have done.

Author's Response:

I'm not sure how I would have fleshed her out. In all honesty she was used to demonstrate Janine’s ruthlessness and cunning. 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 04 2016 6:05 PM Title: Tom's Story

Well, imitation is alleged to be the sincerest form of flattery. Although, technically speaking, what you and I put poor Duggernaut through was more like a pair of fanfic abstracts!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: October 04 2016 12:46 PM Title: Tom's Story

Lmao! I don't know what's more surprising:

Carycomic still pushing the Tatiana/Jessica/sorority story or the long review.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 04 2016 9:59 AM Title: Tom's Story

It will probably be more like:

"After lunch, Tom went over to the campus library to work on some of his back-logged homework. He therefore chose the most secluded study carrel he could find. But, alas! It did not prove secluded enough."

" 'Hi, Tom,' whispered a familiar voice: 'Long time/no see.' "

" 'Tatiana!' he excitedly whispered (still mindful they were in a library): 'What are you doing here?' "

" 'Looking for you! Samira told me what really happened to you and, naturally, I didn't believe her. So, she told me to ask you, myself! Which I'm doing, right now. Is it true? Were you really shrunken down to...this size?' "

"She held her right thumb and forefinger barely a quarter inch apart."

" 'Actually, no,' he replied: 'It was more like this size.' "

"He stood up and held the palms of his hands about an inch or two apart. Whereupon, she grabbed his left hand..."

"...and twisted it behind his back in a half-Nelson. While simultaneously putting a chloroformed handkerchief, over his nose and mouth, with her right hand!"

"When he finally woke up, it took Tom a moment or two to stop seeing blurry images. Yet, when he did, he immediately regarded that as a mixed blessing. Because, looking down at him were two women who now looked like three-dimensional New York City billboards. The treacherous Tatiana..."

"...and Janine Lindholm's older sister, Jessica."

" 'Hello, again, Tom' said the latter (with a chilling smile): 'Welcome to your new home. The Kappa Alpha Tau sorority house. Better known as KAT House!' "

Note: The rantings and ravings of these last three reviewers do not reflect the official policy of Duggernaut or yada-yada-yada.

Reviewer: bartek21 Signed [Report This]
Date: October 04 2016 4:11 AM Title: Monday Morning Blues

tom may shrink by sexual arousal?
And this happens in front of janine
janine hide it very deep vagina to keep him safe
  (Accidentally she pulls him into her womb and gets stuck for 2 days in it)
Then all they are looking for Tom janine asking where he is. She tells them that he does not know
where is . and in fact, Tom is very close
it would be without the price hehehe

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 03 2016 10:42 PM Title: Monday Morning Blues

I wish I was Tom right now. Visiting your giantess teachers as a normal sized person. It must be fun to share your experiences. It's like in porn sessions where after the session, you and your partner describe how was it and what you liked. Awesome.

Miss Addison defiantely has something special with Tom. Perhaps, she will pass Tom since he pleased her. "Miss Addison, I'm failing! Is there anything I can do to pass?" Miss Addison smiles. "Well, there is one thing...." and that's how Tom was the only student to pass that class. Ever had a hot teacher that was strict? Try this method. :)

Miss Harwood is so darn like able. Even as a regular teacher, she moves like she wants to tease Tom. I, too was mesmerized by what she was doing. Love how she whispers to him. Love how she leaned over his desk to show power. Love how she specifically wanted him to be between her lips and inside her pussy. So naughty, Miss Harwood. I love it! I hope she gives him detention again!

Insert detention scene:

Tom was the only student in for detention that day. He was stuck with Miss Harwood and that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Miss Harwood isn't your average teacher. She blended beauty and power into one powerful body and you almost wanted to be in detention just to see her. Tom sat in his seat wait for detention to start. Moments later, Miss Harwood arrived. She locked the door behind her and looked over at Tom. Tom's eyes locked on to her and she embraced his gaze. She licked her finger and traced it down her body, emphasizing her curves and figure. Her heels clicked on the floor, the sound becoming louder as she approached his desk until he was looking way up at her. Miss Harwood leaned over Tom's desk and smiled. "Time for detention, Mr. Wentworth." Tom just stared back at her. She smiled and walked around Tom's desk. "I miss you as my little plaything" she whispered in Tom's ear. "Your little body sent shivers down my spine". Miss Harwood stroked Tom's back as she said this. She then reached her arms around Tom and she was sliding her hands around Tom's front. She then lowered them to his crotch and she squeezed with Tom letting out a small whince. Miss Harwood then removed her hands and pulled Tom's chair back from his desk, dragging Tom with it. She then walked in front of Tom, smiled and sat on his lap. Tom's dick got harder. "Do you miss my body, Tom? My smooth, cuvaceous, sweet smelling body all over you? Did it make you hard?" She then began grinding on his lap making Tom's erect member ready to erupt. Once she felt it, Miss Harwood stopped grinding. Tom expected her to get up, but she didn't. She just sat on his lap, almost motion less. Miss Harwood then leaned back, her smooth hair covering Tom's face. He could smell something sweet and knew that it was from her hair. As she let Tom fiddle with her hair, she decided to use this to her advantage. "You know Tom, you will always be my favorite. In fact, I think I am going to keep you once again." She chuckled. This got Tom's attention. "What do you mean? I'm back to my normal height." "Not for long little man" she smiled and stood up, and only then did Tom realized that he was indeed shrinking again, but how. Not instantly like he did in his grandfather's basement, but slowly, enough for Miss Harwood to appreciate the fear in Tom's eyes. Even though Tom dreamed about being small again, he wasn't ready yet. Not like this. And no one knows about his whereabouts! Once Tom reached 3 feet tall in his chair, Miss Harwood sat on the front end of the chair facing him, her legs blocking his sides and her fit core blocking his front. She leaned in and pressed her firm breasts into Tom, whose head fit perfectly in between them. "I convinced your grandfather to let me have some of the shrinking formula. I washed my hair with it. Enjoyed the smell?" She giggled. "Of course you did. It wasn't hard to get it knowing your grandfather's fantasy. He happily offered it to me, and it wasn't hard to seduce him. He thinks you are a lucky boy Tom. He said that you are lucky to have me, and he was right. But more importantly, I am lucky to have you". She smiled. Tom tried to scream, but it was muffled as Miss Harwood was smothering him. He was breathing in throughly the fabric of her top but his voice was nowhere to be found. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He knew that his grandfather was aware of Tom wanting to shrink back again, but a surprise shrinking was not what he expected. At least someone knows that Miss Harwood has him, but he wasn't sure if his teacher has promised him to keep it a secret. Miss Harwood defiantely knew how to get what she wanted. Once Tom reached 1 foot tall, Miss Harwood scooted herself forward, restricting Tom's space. He was facing her midsection, very flat with no signs of any bulge. On his sides were her muscular thighs, where they were like walls to him. "It won't be long now." Miss Harwood giggled as her body came in closer. Before he knew it, Tom was small enough to be held and Miss Harwood then grabbed him and lifted him up to her face. "My little Tom, back with Miss Harwood. Come back for more?" She giggled. Tom couldn't help but get hard. He knew what she was capable of and he wasn't sure when this would end. He reached his final height of 3 inches and the shrinking stopped. Tom knew what time it was. "Playtime!" Miss Harwood cheered. It was almost as if she could read his mind. With that, she kissed his face, Tom, unable to protect himself as the soft lips enveloped his face, covering him with lipstick, and a scent of feminine beauty. She then placed him in her cleavage, rendering him immobile. He looked at her and she gave a sexy grin back at him. Miss Harwood then began to shake and Tom felt himself getting hit by her massive boobs. Soon, they separated and Tom slipped out. "Not so fast" Miss Harwood chirped as she caught Tom. "Now for my favorite spot. It's time to take you home with me Tom. We will be spending a lot of quality time together, just you and me." Tom noticed her hand lowering and she pulled open the waistband of her panties, revealing what he once called heaven. "I hope you like it down there, I made it extra cozy for you. Don't worry, you will only be down there all day" she giggled. Tom let out a yelp as Miss Harwood let go of him and he began descending, straight into the dark abyss which he was well familiar with. He landed smoothly as he always had and he stopped right in front of her glistening sex as it shined in the light. Before he had any chance to admire it, Miss Harwood let the waistband snap back, sealing Tom inside and leaving him in darkness. Miss Harwood took her time getting home. She knew that she was in no rush and she had all the time in the world to play with Tom. He was her and she liked it that way.

End detention scene. Best ending ever. :)

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 03 2016 8:37 PM Title: Monday Morning Blues

Proof, once again, that absence makes the heart grow fonder...and abstinence makes the part grow harder.

P.S.--First, again, TS! X-D

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 30 2016 8:46 PM Title: Tom's Story

Those stories from Tom Sr. Should have been dirtier. I bet Tom doesn't care about the smell and taste of her aunt, especially since young Tom knows well how pussy taste. Tom tasted 6 vaginas. (Felt like more, right?)

I think Tom Sr. Should have described the actions that Dona did. Where she put him, how did they sleep, how they had fun, how she hid Tom Sr. And so on....

Also, Dona should whisper in young Tom's ear about ideas that she will tell the other women. Example: "Tom, your grandfather has told me of your adventures, and I in fact am friends with Lina and Katie. I'm going to share with them, all my crazy ideas on how to keep you as a toy for years, just like how I have treated your grandfather. Enjoy being normal sized, because you time is running out." Tom looked at his aunt with new found fear. She smiled a grin the looked similar to what he would use on the ladies. It made him shiver in fear. She left the room, leaving Tom in shock.

When Dona squeezed Tom's foot, little did Tom know that she inserted a needle filled with a shrinking substance. Her squeeze disguised the pain and Tom has no idea. The question is why would Dona want to shrink Tom. Dona is interested in older men, so this is not a selfish move. Someone must have hired her to do this. Lina? Miss Harwood? Janine? Man, this is crazy. I bet Dona didn't even put anything into Tom's foot and I just keep expecting surprises from Duggernaut.

I love how honest Tom Sr. was with his fantasy. I would love to go to some discussion board meeting filled with former shrinkees and listen to all their stories.

This story is growing on me. I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

I know seems like a lot more for our hero though it's still more than his grandfather tee hee

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