Reviews For Tom's Story
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Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 29 2015 11:56 AM Title: The Adventures of Tom

Being in your girlfriend's room when you are just a few inches tall, yep, thats paradise.

What makes it more exciting? She has no idea!

Wow! Janinie over food and water! Now thats commitment! If it was me, I would go for food, becuase, well, you kind of need it. Well, time flies when you are having fun, and Tom definately is having fun.

The unaware scenes are great! First Tanita, and then the maid. I also get nervous at these encounters.

This is getting exciting!

I cant wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Glad you're still on board Tom, it's starting to get good now :)

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: July 27 2015 7:09 PM Title: The Party

Loving it! Can't wait to see what happens to Tom later on!

Author's Response:

Thanks GiantessLover122, hope you continue to enjoy as this tale unfolds!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 27 2015 6:58 PM Title: The Party

Heck yeah! Now this is what I'm talking about!

Tom in a party with 12 hot girls and a hot mom. Not to mention his sister adding a bit more fun to the story as she tries to hide his presence.

Karolina? Hmm. I kinda like it. You said it was gonna be close to the ones I've mentioned and the closest was Carla. Well......I guess they are close.

I already like Karolina's behaviour. She is powerful and has authority and has command over the entire party. Not to mention that she is beautiful in Tom's opinion which makes her that much attractive to him.

Lucky Tom. Able to hear girls talk about how hot you are. That's when you know you are doing something right.

When Tess told Tom of her gift to Janine, my heart was pounding! I mean, that was freaking sexy! A miniature version of Tom, with a bow around his waist and dangled by a key chain! That sounds like some kinky ideas right there.

Tess tucked Tom into her purse and the she was "careful in how she closed it". So if Tess closed it, how did Tom get out? Could it be open from the inside, or was there still an opening for Tom to crawl out of? Might need some clarification on that.

I wonder why Tom got out of the purse? To explore the giant girls, or to see his favorite band play? Or both? It's interesting, becuase if he wants to see the concert, then he better climb something to get a good view. I wonder who is the tallest person in this house......? That person may be Tom's best choice.

I'm so happy that the party has started! Karoline is better than I expected and Tess is doing a great job (attempt) at trying to control Tom. Also, now Tom is out on the run! Things will be really really interesting now, especially without the protection of Tess.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 27 2015 5:23 PM Title: The Party

To paraphrase that old sing-song warning: "He'll be SAAAAAAW-RHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

*Phonetically misspelled similar to the semi-ebonic version of "sweet."

Author's Response:

The idiom 'be careful what you wish for' seems to spring to mind

Reviewer: sarashrunk Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 25 2015 7:20 AM Title: Back at the School

Very good!


Author's Response:

Thank your for the kind words and for taking the time to share them with me. :)

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 24 2015 5:53 PM Title: Back at the School

P.S.---I hope Samira turns out to practice belly dancing in her spare time.

Author's Response:

Mmm, might be interesting, Dance of the Seven Veils and all. 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 24 2015 5:51 PM Title: Back at the School

Actually, if you believe those Japanese anime series, it's not gnomes who steal teenage girls' underpants. It's dirty little old men!

Well, that's what I've heard. I don't watch anime, myself. ;-D

Author's Response:

Not much into anime myself, my reference was South Park - don't know if the address above will link or not.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 23 2015 9:21 PM Title: Back at the School

Hmm. This story has a greater number of reviewers compared to your other stories. Maybe it's becuase it's a fresh topic. I don't know, but I like it. Interesting to see what others think of it.

Back to chapter 5.

I'm amazed at how Tom kept his composure after that compact ride in her sister's shirt. He was all giddy. I thought he would be grumpy.

A phone keeps you busy for some time but not forever. Tom got so bored, he went for Sam's underwear. Haha. Perhaps he has been thinking of girls too much; especially Janine.

Speaking of girls, I can't wait for that all girls party coming up! And a dozen girls!??! Wow! That should be fun. There's a lot of room for error if Tess makes a mistake there.

When Tess said "crazy stupid idea", I thought of the movie "Crazy Stupid Love" and in this story, that love is quite crazy and could be seen as stupid. I, however, think it's a brilliant idea to smuggle him in there.

What I wonder is if Tom is gonna jump off Tess right once they enter Janine's house, or if Tess will let Tom go in a safe place? Either way seems like a good idea, becuase there will be plenty of time to have fun, as well as find Janine.

If Tom wants to spend time alone with Janine, he has to wait for everyone to leave the party including Tess.

The question now is, will Tess allow Tom to stay in Janine's house? I hope so, becuase I think this is his only opportunity to get into her house.

Great transition from the plane to Tess's place and now to the party all in one chapter. Now the real fun begins!

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Hey Tom, get ready because it's about to get interesting, :)

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: July 23 2015 7:50 PM Title: Tom's Story

When he goes to that party , I imagine he will wind up with Janine or one of her less stable friends. 

Reviewer: BigJames Signed [Report This]
Date: July 23 2015 7:37 PM Title: Back at the School

i really like the story so far, please keep it coming, id like to see more of the interaction with tess and tom, i think it would be cool for tom to mistakingly take tess's underwear into his box and get caught by tess, responce could be you like underwear so much lets see how you like a day inside them etc.

Author's Response:

Thanks BigJames, the story is starting to take on a life of its own, not sure how i want to play the dynamic between Tess and Tom yet. 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 23 2015 12:30 PM Title: Holiday's End

Don't do it, Tess. Otherwise, you might as well start taking banjo lessons!


Author's Response:

Only time will tell, da-da-dum-da-dum. Sibling realtionships can be perplexing under the best of circumstances, we'll see where this goes, not really sure yet.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 22 2015 8:22 PM Title: Holiday's End

(I'm playing into character.) Tom's thoughts:

I didn't plan on some sister fun, but I guess I can let it slide. After all, she did save my life.

If this wasn't my sister, I would've loved to be staying in her panties. I really hope my sister doesn't do what I think she is gonna do. Any girl but her.

Back to TomSpeedy:
Why is Tom's mother's name Raphaella? It reminds of the ninja turtle. Lol.

I like the name Tess, and Janine. I hope you have a good name for Janine's mother. I hope her name is one of the following: Carla, Lisa, Mary, Rachel, Rebecca, (Or Selene.) I've always liked the name Seleine from your other stories. Also, Selena is a nice name too. Surprise me. :)

Man, I remember that chest bursting creature from Aliens. That was crazy! I never saw it coming. So, Was Tom really about to burst like that? That must be a lot of pressure in her bra. Other people might notice a bulge if it's that ready to burst.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Tom is just antagonizing his sister to be a bratty brother. Her body is responding automatically to the stimulus, the complication is how the stimulus is occuring. you'll meet Janine's mother soon enough, the name is close to one you've listed coincidentally. No Tom wasn't going to burst out, being he's too tiny and wouldn't be able to tear through the fabric, however Tess is on heightened alert fearing they will be detected. Again, i know I've been meandering around the story line you requested, but I hope I am still on track and you're enjoying it. cheers.

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: July 22 2015 8:00 PM Title: Tom's Story

So it starts, Tess' engorged nipple the indication she is enjoying having her shrunken brother so small and within her boobs. 

Author's Response:

The physiological responses are predicated by her autonomic nervous system, it's her cognitive battle that is the one to watch

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 21 2015 9:36 AM Title: Tom's Story

I've heard of mandatory silent reading. But, mandatory silent eating??? How stuffy can a boarding school get?

Author's Response:

An old Rodney Dangerfield bit, "The school i went to was tough, oh it was tough, after the football team sacked the quarterback, they went after his family." That's a tyough school. :)

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 21 2015 9:35 AM Title: Home for the Holidays

As they used to say in _my_ maternal grandfather's hometown in Slovakia: "Oh, Shitsky!"

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 21 2015 9:34 AM Title: Tess to the Rescue

Smart girl, that Tess. She's her grandfather's granddaughter!

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: July 20 2015 10:47 PM Title: Tom's Story

Every time the shrunken guy is found by his kid sister I wonder if the author will make the sister into some horny or vengeful sibling. I dont get this yet so it is refreshing although Tess couldn't resist taking a shot at him. 


Good stuff , very well written scenes!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 20 2015 9:59 PM Title: Tess to the Rescue

Man, you're right. I got way too ahead of myself thinking that the focus should be on Tom. He needs Tess to help him, so I see what your are doing.

Tess is freaking smart, like Dustin smart. Ok, maybe not Dustin smart, but nearly on the same level.

The scary part about this story, is how real it seems. (That's a good thing.) I feel like it can happen to me at my grandpa's house. The characters have great personalities and they know how to react.

Tess gonna hide and take care of Tom. Hmmm. I bet Tom will start making some adjustments about his new life. Perhaps even take advantage of some situations. He can start dreaming of that other girl.

Tess making excuses to their parents. Going to school with some other kid. She better start making a lot more and some creative ones for a permanent dissapearance soon. :)

The "dissapearance" act is forming and I can't wait to see it all unfold.

With Tom shrunk, it will be interesting to see Tess carry Tom in the party and sneak him in there.

I'm getting excited just thinking about it!

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Reviewer: jonnyjames9 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 20 2015 5:19 PM Title: Tess to the Rescue

You're one of my favorite authors on this site, and that's a fairly exclusive club. This is shaping up to be a great story.

Author's Response:

Thank you very much for the high praise jonnyjames9, I hope I am able to continue producing work that you enjoy!

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: July 17 2015 11:00 PM Title: Home for the Holidays

This is looking interesting , his younger hotter and now BIG sister will come down to find her teeny brother!

Author's Response:

Hi Nostory, thanks for the review. Hopefully as the story unfolds there will be something here that'll continue to be of interest.

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