Date: April 06 2015 3:17 AM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
Will there be a story on how the manager trains the little ones to behave for the customers?
Author's Response:
I wasn't planning on it, as I'll be trying to write about different sets of characters/situations in each story, but I'll never say never
Date: April 06 2015 3:12 AM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
Love the set up. All 5 are great characters. A very realistic scene. The manager obviously runs a nice shrink smart (great name) . I hope the girl gets them and a cage.. Will the girl forget to clean up after them and maybe the mother gets annoyed that she has to reach in and clean up after the little things. You write very well. Putting this in favorites.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading/reviewing! There will be some answers about the fates of the characters in the second half of this short story

Date: April 06 2015 1:18 AM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
Quite a change, which isn't bad. It's going to be quite interesting see how this short stories collide. And there all good to be amazing story. Since that's all you write. Like black mail series or Julia.
Author's Response:
Thanks! The short stories won't really be colliding, so to speak, but they'll each be adding more information about this particular world, which may help with context for others

Date: April 05 2015 9:47 PM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
This story concept is great. I can wait to hear about more scenarios.
Author's Response:
Thanks very much! More will be on the way soon

Date: April 05 2015 7:14 PM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
Looking forward to your take on this angle.
Author's Response:
Thanks man

Date: April 05 2015 7:14 PM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
oops, forgot to rate.
Date: April 05 2015 7:13 PM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
I'm definitely excited to see more unaware from you. You're a great writer.
Author's Response:
Thanks! One of the episodes of this story will be primarily unaware, so hopefully it delivers.
Date: April 05 2015 2:38 PM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
The title could've been better but i like so far the concept. and i hope you update soon julia
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading. I did not want the title to be too restrictive since it has to contain a lot of very different stories, plus I enjoy double-meaning titles.

Date: April 05 2015 2:04 PM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
I'm liking it so far, and I'm definitely interested to see where this goes and what you do with it. I personally think the best part of the tiny population world is that it's loose enough to fit in several genres, and although worn, the right writer can make it work. There's something about normalizing the shrunken people that I really like, so there's that as well.
Also, I definitely wouldn't want to be left alone with the mom.
Author's Response:
Thanks very much. The normalization of shrinking completely changes the landscape of the universe in these kinds of stories, so I like to play with it. I hope to try to make this particular fairly-familiar concept new again for readers who've been around the block a few times.