Date: May 05 2015 7:24 AM Title: For the Picking (Part 1)
I'm kind of conflicted here as how to feel on the girls, I know you but they do seem kind of sweet in their own way.
Author's Response:
Not everybody in this world is necessarily the kind of psycho I often write about, though that doesn't mean these girls can't still have fun. ;)
Date: May 04 2015 11:54 AM Title: Prodigal Daughter
Looking forward to seeing nel's life unravel.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading. Nel's story actually ends here for now, since this is just a one-part story, but she could show up again elsewhere.

Date: April 30 2015 5:06 PM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
That's an interesting bit of information, i didn't think people of this world cared enough about shrinkers to put out rewards if they go missing. Or return one they find for that matter.
I mean, besides the story with the sister and her brother, it didn't seem like people cared enough about shrinkers to put much effort into finding a missing one.
Author's Response:
That would be true probably 90% of the time, however, in this case, Nel's family is looking forward to handling her shrunken with particular pleasure. So they just might be willing to shell out a little to get her back. There also are families that do care for their shrinkers enough to try to keep them safe, as we will see in one of the later stories of this set. But the majority would just shrug and move on.

Date: April 30 2015 1:28 AM Title: Prodigal Daughter
I gotta respect Nel for facing her family head on. I gotta wonder why she doesn't just runaway though, just so her family doesn't have the satisfaction of tormenting her i mean.
Author's Response:
Fair question; it's for a couple reasons. If she ran away and happened to be discovered by the right people, she might just be returned for a reward to her family, which would bring even more wrath down. The other reason is that she didn't want to give them the satisfaction of her being afraid. She intends to do her best to make them feel powerless, no matter how much control they have over her.
Date: April 29 2015 10:15 AM Title: Prodigal Daughter
Super interesting POV, I look forward to seeing if her new home life meets or subverts her expectations.
In Nel's defense, although she sounds like a manipulative person she doesn't seem to have actually done anything bad to Cindy. Killing her with kindness really.
Author's Response:
Thanks! Nel is really just interested in making shrinkers devoted to her, whether or not that means being cruel to them. Though she's certainly fine with it either way.
Date: April 29 2015 7:57 AM Title: Prodigal Daughter
Good chapter! Nel has taken her shrinking curse with dignity and fatalism. she even have somewhat defiance. Do you take a break froim this story after this last part? Start the Omega story?
Author's Response:
Nel's definitely tougher than a lot of her fellow shrinkers. I plan to post the short Omega story halfway through May.
Date: April 29 2015 6:03 AM Title: Prodigal Daughter
This one was rather depressing. The suicide rate of Shrinker's must be pretty damn high.
Author's Response:
This is probably an accurate guess about the world, though it's not something I plan to address directly, so it won't appear I'm fetishizing such a thing

Date: April 29 2015 5:22 AM Title: Prodigal Daughter
I love Nel but understand sometimes the brats need to lose
Author's Response:
I let them win pretty often, so I'm shaking it up here
Date: April 25 2015 9:02 AM Title: A Tough Sell (Part 2)
good ending, can't wait former the 4th, owner becoming shrinkers !
Author's Response:
Glad to hear! Do remember I said "sort of" what the 4th story is, so it's not exactly like that. But the emotional play of the characters is very much in that way.

Date: April 25 2015 6:31 AM Title: A Tough Sell (Part 2)
I'm kind of loving Kaye..she needs somehow to keep Annie and add Shelley...seriously well done on another amazing brat.
Author's Response:
Hehe. Well, the way property laws work in this world, if Shelly shrinks, she and all her belongings could be passed on to Kaye if her family gets sick of watching her...

Date: April 21 2015 6:09 PM Title: A Tough Sell (Part 1)
*can't wait to hear about the other stuff*
Great stuff as always.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading!
Date: April 21 2015 3:14 PM Title: A Tough Sell (Part 1)
Yay, a fun new scenario. Keep em coming.
This is a neat one. It really sounds like shrinkers are very common in this world to the point where they have low value.
The two girls gabbing like a pair of gods is certainly interesting, I'd love to see what would happen if one of them happened to shrink and fall into the other's hands.
Author's Response:
Thanks! And yes, shrinkers are very common, such that basically anyone can afford to own at least one.
And while we won't see either of these 2 girls shrinking, Annie is probably someone Kaye would've treated similarly to Shelly prior to her being revealed as a shrinker, so you'll still have that as a comparison point.
Date: April 21 2015 10:51 AM Title: A Tough Sell (Part 1)
It'd be hilarious if one of the shrinker owners ended up a shinker themselves.
Author's Response:
Actually that's sort of what the 4th story will be about...

Date: April 21 2015 10:12 AM Title: A Tough Sell (Part 1)
How long has shrinking been a thing in this world? For it to reach such a point where shrinkers are so immediately disregarded, it has to be in their very genes, a natural instinct, to just no longer see them as a person.
Although perhaps it's just because you only show us the more twisted individuals. =p
Also, do shrinkers have a naturally shorter lifespan, or are people buying pets that will live just as long as they do? Because I can see the appeal in that.
Author's Response:
It'll be shown more in later stories of this set, but shrinking has been around for a long time - at least several generations, and probably longer. So you're right that it would have to be the conditioned instinct to view them as inhuman. But yes, I do also tend to show the twisted individuals...
Shrinkers in theory could have the same lifespan as people if treated very well, but most, even if they're not physically tortured, go through a lot of trauma in their lives, and by nature of that will give out sooner.
Date: April 21 2015 9:10 AM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
Another fantastic sorry sir Im loving this anthology format. Just out of curiosity are shaye and Kelly in highschool?
Author's Response:
Could've sworn I answered this one already. Anyway, yes, they're in high school.
Date: April 21 2015 9:10 AM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
Another fantastic sorry sir Im loving this anthology format. Just out of curiosity are shaye and Kelly in highschool?
Author's Response:
Thanks, glad you're liking it. And yes, they are in high school.
Date: April 21 2015 6:44 AM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
Good chapter. Let's see what Annie can offer to Shelly. Besides it's a world which is scarier than PRMD's. A day you shrunk and yours rights r gone, yours family members n friends become your owner.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reviewing. This is meant the grimmest universe I've written in, definitely more so than the world with the PMRD.

Date: April 19 2015 7:19 PM Title: The Bigger Sibling (Part 2)
All things considered, it sounds like he's better off with his sister, going by how his parents have treated him.
Damned if he does, slightly less damned if he doesn't.
Author's Response:
Date: April 18 2015 2:43 PM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
It doesn't bother me, again, your writing is fantastic. I'm just teasing, no disrespect.
Date: April 17 2015 11:22 PM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
You're right about that. That being said, consult a thesaurus :D
Author's Response:
If it really bugs you this much that a word gets reused twice in 8000, there are other offerings on the site.