Date: June 18 2015 8:46 PM Title: These Shrinkers Were Made for Walking (Part 3)
Way to kill her moment your jerk!
But it was played beautifully and a fiting end to the arc, also you mean the brother sister duo of Jane and Dean right?
*is still young enough to not know anything about them beyond the names but is happy the other duo is returning*
Author's Response:
Hehe. Thanks for reading. I hope my trademark duo can put on a show.

Date: June 18 2015 12:11 PM Title: These Shrinkers Were Made for Walking (Part 3)
Nice way to close out this. Wonder if her mom still has her shrunken sisters and cousin?
Looking forward to a continuation of the blackmail series.
Author's Response:
Thanks! The mom does still have her sisters and cousin. And I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the new Blackmail if you're so inclined.

Date: June 18 2015 3:29 AM Title: These Shrinkers Were Made for Walking (Part 3)
Poor Amanda, being denied even that. Was Sally being mean or did she just genuinely didn't like Amanda's choice?
Author's Response:
She just genuinely didn't like the choice. Sally really doesn't do anything purely out of cruelty to her sister, though many of her impulses for fun lead to it anyway.

Date: June 13 2015 9:31 PM Title: These Shrinkers Were Made for Walking (Part 2)
Love Sallys treatment and attitude towards her sister, thoes are going to be some comfortable shoes!
Author's Response:
They definitely are. Thanks for reviewing!
Date: June 11 2015 7:40 AM Title: These Shrinkers Were Made for Walking (Part 2)
Well said Adam, Jacksmith is great writer but i dont want go inside his head ! lol
Author's Response:
Here's what's inside my head at all times:

Date: June 11 2015 5:17 AM Title: These Shrinkers Were Made for Walking (Part 2)
God, I'm enjoying this one so much. Their terrible people but their the kind who use the guise of still be caring somewhat enough to get away with it.
Author's Response:
Hehe. They're definitely not the pleasantest people in this universe, and that's saying something.
Date: May 29 2015 1:50 PM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
Love the way the little ones try to hide as the giantesses slowly look for them. The tension and the fear only grows with each step they take.
Author's Response:
Glad to hear!
Date: May 29 2015 11:44 AM Title: For the Picking (Part 3)
For the picking was great. Well writen and exciting. A shrinkatorium is a great idea. Would love it if Savannahs mom would take her back out to teach her not to be afraid to catch them. Maybe a story where she talks like the mother in the twilight zone episode about putting away her pets.
Author's Response:
Thanks very much. It's definitely possible that Savannah's mom did that. Most people in this world don't take kindly to being outdone by shrinkers.

Date: May 27 2015 3:24 PM Title: These Shrinkers Were Made for Walking (Part 1)
Great chapter, it's my favorite so far.
Author's Response:

Date: May 27 2015 5:28 AM Title: These Shrinkers Were Made for Walking (Part 1)
I'm crossing my fingers at some point there is a backstory on the sister/aunts..to hell with it ALL of the tinies mentioned.
Great idea and well written.
Author's Response:
It's always a possibility. Just about every shrinker of this world probably has at least one sordid story to tell. Thanks for reading!
Date: May 19 2015 7:49 AM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
Thanks! I am not quite sure what you're asking about though. The girls were hit in their feet by weapons made by other shrinkers on the ground; Garth and Tom did not do anything.
Author's Response:
Sorry I just mis readed!

Date: May 19 2015 12:58 AM Title: For the Picking (Part 3)
It was nice to see the shrinkers win one, even if it means having to find a new home.
I do feel bad for the girls. They had good intentions, even if they didn't understand the shrinkers didn't want to be pets. They also weren't cruel like other regular sized people in these stories.
Author's Response:
Feeling bad for the girls is a fair reaction. At least a few stories in this collection are meant to show there can be negative effects on everyone, tiny or not, because of the cruel hierarchy. Thanks for reading!
Date: May 18 2015 10:03 PM Title: For the Picking (Part 3)
Dude, I envy your work ethic. Another great story. It's actually pretty interesting to see the shrinkys win this time around. If you call losing your home and being forced to flee for the umpteenth time winning. It beats the alternative though.
Author's Response:
Thanks! You're right that even though I let the tinies "win" this one, no one really "won." There don't tend to be many real victors in this story's universe.
I can't say whether or not my work ethic is actually that great, but I would transfer some of it to you in a heartbeat if I could; I'm dying a little bit inside waiting for more Junebug. :')
Date: May 18 2015 5:31 PM Title: For the Picking (Part 3)
Is it strange that I kind of feel sorry for the girls? I mean they wern't exactly evil and really did think they were helping even if they were a bit playful. I guess they just weren't mean enough for me to feel good about them getting hurt. Meanwhile the main character was a moron who almost doomed his colony. I don't know who I should have been rooting for!!
Author's Response:
I definitely see where you're coming from. I intentionally didn't make these girls evil; you don't necessarily have to root for one side, even though the story is told mainly from the tiny's perspective. I had hoped the stories of this collection would have some shades of gray to them.

Date: May 18 2015 4:57 PM Title: For the Picking (Part 3)
That was a little unexpected, the girls while bratty didn't seem too evil but nice to see the little ones get the upper hand even if for a brief moment.
Author's Response:
I do very, very occasionally allow the little ones to have the upper hand!
Date: May 18 2015 7:22 AM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
good end, just to be clear both shrinkers planted their stick on the girls's hands, Right?
Author's Response:
Thanks! I am not quite sure what you're asking about though. The girls were hit in their feet by weapons made by other shrinkers on the ground; Garth and Tom did not do anything.

Date: May 18 2015 5:51 AM Title: For the Picking (Part 3)
Hahaha wasn't expecting that at all. I have no idea what the next chapter will entail but I'm sure I'll be delighted to read it.
Author's Response:
Glad to hear it! I always appreciate your commentary.

Date: May 12 2015 4:20 PM Title: For the Picking (Part 2)
Now the classic Jacksmith brattiness is rearing its head!
Author's Response:
Well, we were almost 2 chapters into this short story without any brattiness; it was probably starting to scare the readers.
Date: May 06 2015 6:38 AM Title: For the Picking (Part 1)
Holding out hope for some gentle action here with this one. Looks like it might be just that, but their casual handling of them may be a danger.
Date: May 05 2015 11:39 AM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
Will you be going back to the mother and daughter from the shrink mart?
Author's Response:
Probably not, since that was just a 2-part, but I never say never.