Date: August 26 2022 9:07 PM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
Father - Daughter one is so good. Especially the ending.

Date: March 19 2022 7:58 AM Title: For the Picking (Part 1)
Out of all the short stories in size matters, For the Picking was my favourite 🙂

Date: March 19 2022 7:56 AM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
I think it is really creative how you wrote a group of short stories that are related to each other to create a large story collection with a common theme.
Date: August 17 2015 4:17 PM Title: Daddy's Not-So-Little Girl (Part 3)
I enjoyed it a lot.
Author's Response:
Glad to hear!

Date: August 08 2015 1:11 AM Title: Daddy's Not-So-Little Girl (Part 3)
I enjoyed reading this.
Author's Response:

Date: August 07 2015 5:59 PM Title: Daddy's Not-So-Little Girl (Part 3)
That's so cute! Loved the happy ending!
Author's Response:
Thanks for reviewing! Glad you liked it.

Date: August 07 2015 4:36 PM Title: Daddy's Not-So-Little Girl (Part 3)
A wonderful twist considering what usually happens to tinies in your world.
Well done and I'd like to read more of the girl and her in-shoe sister at some point.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading/reviewing! I will certainly keep it an open possibility to return to the in-shoe twins.

Date: August 07 2015 10:27 AM Title: Daddy's Not-So-Little Girl (Part 3)
Well, sad to see this end but it was certainly a fun ride! I am pleased there was a happy ending for the last one, as much as I enjoy dark cruelty fluffier bits are also satisfying in their own way. Would be interesting to see a return to the setting eventually.
Can't wait to see what you come up with next!
Author's Response:
Hey, thanks. Certainly there will be a majority of dark cruelty in future stories; I just decided a little fluffiness was needed to give the ending a twist here. Appreciate you reading.

Date: August 07 2015 8:13 AM Title: Daddy's Not-So-Little Girl (Part 3)
Another great shrinker story and i like that Julie and Richard got a relatively happy ending.
Author's Response:
Thanks! I figured at least one shrinker in this set should get an okay ending...
Date: August 07 2015 5:19 AM Title: Daddy's Not-So-Little Girl (Part 3)
Damn it, I should have bet on it lol, you got me great (happy) ending!!!
Author's Response:
Hehe. I can be tricky sometimes.

Date: August 07 2015 4:02 AM Title: Daddy's Not-So-Little Girl (Part 3)
Fun to read al those different stories of different type of people and situations. Twilight Zone type of feel to it.
Author's Response:
Glad you've enjoyed it. I appreciate the TZ comparison.
Date: August 03 2015 8:37 AM Title: Daddy's Not-So-Little Girl (Part 2)
good new chapter, and about the 180 massive happy ending twist, I wish but I won't bet on it!
Author's Response:
It can be a big risk to bet on happy twist endings with my stories.
Date: July 31 2015 8:55 PM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
Nice new story. Richard looks like he is in trouble. What will Julie do? How will her friends act? Will Julie's mom support her decision on what she does with Richard? Enjoying this story. Can you do another part on shrink smart again, please.
Author's Response:
The characters in those first two ShrinkSmart chapters are probably done, but I may use the store again in a future story.
Date: July 30 2015 5:04 PM Title: Daddy's Not-So-Little Girl (Part 1)
Great use of body language to express emotions
Author's Response:

Date: July 30 2015 1:34 PM Title: Daddy's Not-So-Little Girl (Part 1)
75 reviews! I'm so jealous. :(
But in all seriousness, really like the shorts. Can't wait to see where this one goes!
Author's Response:
Thanks much. Glad you're liking it!
Date: July 30 2015 9:36 AM Title: Daddy's Not-So-Little Girl (Part 1)
What? Its over? Aw... I was kind of hoping Prodigial Daughter would be elaborated upon.
Author's Response:
I thought about continuing Prodigal Daughter but decided I liked it best with the ominous insinuation of the end.
Date: July 30 2015 7:24 AM Title: Daddy's Not-So-Little Girl (Part 1)
I can already tell this one is going to be heartbreaking.
Author's Response:
Well who knows, maybe I'll turn a massive 180 swerve by the end. ;)

Date: July 30 2015 4:04 AM Title: Daddy's Not-So-Little Girl (Part 1)
*is quietly rooting for a shrunken mother too*
Author's Response:
Hehe. Unfortunately, the mother is a very normal height.
Date: July 02 2015 2:09 PM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
Super dark Universe. It's mostly the parents who are pure evil.
Author's Response:
It's definitely very dark, yeah. Plenty of pure evil people.
Date: June 19 2015 6:01 PM Title: ShrinkSmart (Part 1)
So why is Amelia so well behave? Was she always like that or was she more rebellious at first?
I'm guessing Sally no being cruel like other regular sized people probably helps.
Author's Response:
Probably a mix. She may have been the more docile of the twins, but also she's logical enough to know from history that rebelling in this world does not get you anywhere.
And yes, it helps Sally isn't as overtly cruel.