Date: April 28 2015 11:02 PM Title: Prologue
Its a real slap on the wrist but it does keep Chloe around long enough to have more fun with the tiny Mexicans.
Author's Response:
Thanks for your comment. It's the best I've got since last chapter, hehe. I hope you still like the story, because it seems I lost a couple of readers. Thanks again!
Date: April 28 2015 8:17 PM Title: Chapter 9: Legal Issues
Bullshit. That slap on the wrist is complete bullshit. I refuse to believe that nobody she harassed and assaulted the previous day filed a report.
Author's Response:
Thanks for your comment. I'm sorry to hear that you think it's bullshit. But like I said before, if you have problems believing this story, then this probably isn't for you. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read it.
Date: April 28 2015 2:45 PM Title: Chapter 9: Legal Issues
I knew deportation is excluded but I meant, you could've made her pay financially or make her apologies. Letting her actions on mangrove be unpunished is not credible sorry to say that. However, i like the story, just hope for more justice!
Author's Response:
The story itself is not credible. Like people have pointed out before, this whole thing about countries with such different sizes would never work in real life as I'm putting it in the story. It's supposed to be fun in a silly way. I'm sorry if you don't like that, but I'd have to fix much more things if I was aiming for credibility. That said, thanks for taking the time to comment and I'm glad you at least like the story.
Date: April 28 2015 1:33 PM Title: Chapter 9: Legal Issues
When I read the title chapter, I thought chloe was gonna what she deserve but you let her go with just a warning pfffffff. unfair.Or chloe will faces complaints about her action on mangrove?
Author's Response:
Thanks for your comment. I'm sorry if it wasn't enough punishment for her, but being deported or the like would have make the story a bit hard to continue, wouldn't it? Anyway, I hope you still like the story.
Date: April 21 2015 5:33 PM Title: Prologue
I don't care about what anyone says about JJ, he and Chloe sleeping in the bed togehter, and her cuddled up on him was adorable!
Author's Response:
Thanks for your comment. I'm glad you liked him. I think he's a nice addition to the story.
Date: April 20 2015 8:12 PM Title: Prologue
@smoki, I really hope something like that happens. They were throwing people hard enough to make them skip on the water... that has got to be painful and terrifying. They need to know there are consequences for their actions.
Author's Response:
Thanks for your comment. Like I said before, I don't want to reveal any spoilers. But again, thanks for reading.
Date: April 20 2015 12:22 PM Title: Chapter 8: The Room
good chapter, poor Pablo lol Donna is lucky he didn't run away. Donna would kill Chloe ! Freckle, watch out american are crazy lol. PS: Will police invovle after chloe & J.J. actions on mangrove? It will weird if tourists who was victims don't complain.
Author's Response:
Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately, I can't reveal what will happen next, but stay tuned to find out.
Date: April 20 2015 10:19 AM Title: Chapter 8: The Room
Any other hijinks for our girls to get into ? Seems done to me. It was fun and I am for one relieved that Freckle made it without getting squished, I'd have stopped reading if you did kill the dog.
Author's Response:
I can't kill a dog. It's, like, against story rules, hehe. Anyway, thanks for reading and commenting.
Date: April 16 2015 8:06 AM Title: Chapter 7: The Date
Predictable and her roommates aren't as sympathetic to tiny people. I hope the dog makes it through.
Author's Response:
Thanks for your comment. Second person rooting for the dog, hehe.
Date: April 15 2015 9:21 AM Title: Chapter 7: The Date
Oh i hope thye dirty n gangster couple otherwise it wont look very good for Pablo n Freckle.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading and for your comment. And we'll see how good or bad it looks for them in the next chapter.
Date: April 15 2015 9:18 AM Title: Chapter 7: The Date
Hope it isn't Chloe but you never know...Pablo and Freckle might just be in for a big surprise!
I hope you don't squish Freckle, I got a little Chihuahua of my own at home and I would hate it if anything happened to her.
Author's Response:
Well, I don't want to give any spoilers. But you're right, they're up for a big surprise, whoever it is at the door.
Date: April 08 2015 1:38 PM Title: Chapter 6: The Mangrove
I read this story in one sitting. I was about to review when I saw this chapter added. I'm liking it so far even though 'gentle' stories aren't my thang. The little world you created is intriguing in that different nationalities are certain sizes. I don't understand the method to the madness though. Like, why neighboring nations have drastic changes in their size. That, and the whole resort catering to different sizes while the locals come to visit the same beaches as gigantic tourist. ANYWAY, I can always overlook that kind of stuff if the story is entertaining -- and it is. Oh, and Chloe's playfulness in this chapter was awesome. Also, introducing a giant companion is even better. I love me some giant couple scenes. Good job, hope to see more from ya.
Author's Response:
Thank you very much for your comment. It's very flattering that you like the story even when gentle isn't your thing. I know that some stuff doesn't make much sense. All this has been addressed in another story. I know what you mean. For example, as someone else pointed out in that other story, countries like North Korea and South Korea being different size wouldn't make any sense. I'm not really focusing on how it all came to be. It's just a hypothetical scenario where every country has a different size. I know I'm asking the reader to overlook a couple of things, but if you think about it, all these stories are doing the same. For example, how can a giant person not be crushed under their own weight? There are a lot of size mechanics that wouldn't work in real life, so I don't think it's such a big deal if it's weird that neighboring nations have different sizes or stuff like that. That's just the scenario.
Anyway, thanks a lot for taking the time to comment all this. It means a lot that you care enough to write a whole paragraph about it. I always appreciate this kind of comments, whatever they say. I'm very happy that you liked this new chapter, and that introducing a male giant was actually positive. The whole idea of this story is, like you said, entertain; so it's great to see it's working. Thanks again for your comment and hope you like the rest of the story.
Date: April 08 2015 1:19 PM Title: Chapter 6: The Mangrove
Wow... what a bitch. I am honestly hoping that Chloe gets what's coming to her. Attacking innocent vacationers like that... definitely can't be legal.
Author's Response:
Of course that's not legal. And yeah, she's a bitch. Stay tuned to see what happens to her next.
Date: April 08 2015 12:20 PM Title: Prologue
Oh my Chloe, that is pushing it! SHe really deserves to get her ass kicked!
Author's Response:
Hehehe, yeah, she does. Thanks for your comment.
Date: April 08 2015 10:10 AM Title: Prologue
good chapter with chloe on top of bitchness lol anyways there no need of report of tiny guard to expel 2 troublemakers from the hotel. If people that they took as stone complaint all together, they are gone. Can't for the next Linda vs Bianca!!!!!!!!!!
Author's Response:
Thanks for your comment. Glad you liked the chapter.
Date: April 02 2015 1:17 PM Title: Prologue
Please let those three giant girls get what's coming to them, or at least feel incredibly guilty. They're being bitches and bullies, and I find myself actually rooting for Bianca.
Author's Response:
Thanks for your comment. I don't think Donna is being a bitch. She's more like a childish girl. Linda and Bianca are sort of being bitches to each other, although Linda has the upper hand. Chloe is totally a bitch, though. I guess we'll have to wait and see how things end up for them. Anyway, I appreciate you telling me what you think. Thanks again for commenting and hope you like the rest of the story.
Date: April 02 2015 12:13 PM Title: Prologue
Damn Bianca, let it go. Linda may have been a bit of a jerk at the start but this is pushing it!Loved the contest and how Linda was able to beat the defending champion with her final routine.
Author's Response:
I think this is more about a rivalry than just the first encounter. Still, thanks for your comment and I'm glad you liked it.
Date: April 02 2015 11:40 AM Title: Prologue
Loved the t-shirt contest, so much fun
Author's Response:
I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for your comment.
Date: April 02 2015 9:20 AM Title: Prologue
good chapter!even if Bianca should have won the contest because she's more skilled but hey it's gts story ! Can't wait for the next chap!!!
Author's Response:
Oh, I agree. Bianca is more skilled and deserved the win. But wet T-shirt contests usually are for fun and to please the crowds, so it makes sense they picked Linda, I think. Still, I appreciate your comment and I'm glad you liked the chapter. Thanks!
Date: March 28 2015 12:31 PM Title: Chapter 4: Wet T-shirt contest (Part 1)
great chapter. can't wait next the one.
Author's Response:
Thank you for your comment.