Date: April 23 2022 9:27 PM Title: Unknown Passenger
This is really good, I'm really hoping for more of Chris and Cody!
Date: May 03 2015 3:10 PM Title: Crunchy
Oh man that bum part was awesome, I hope you do more unaware bum stuff soon! Keep up the fantastic work!
Author's Response:
Glad you liked it. You asked so I thought I'd work something in haha
Date: March 03 2015 10:41 PM Title: The Party Begins
I love the story so far and I just wanted to say that, all though giant males are my thing, thus was a great story. All though, I wish you would add some vore scenes with a girl. Great job.
Author's Response:
Don't worry that is coming :)
Date: March 01 2015 7:03 PM Title: The Party Begins
Personly I dont like Gaints on this website but oh well.
You are very descriptive with the female sections and would love to see a chapter about a Tiny female getting stuck between a Giantesses Bum checks as she walks around the house.
I also just want to confrim the size of the tinys because I am thinking they are the size of dust particles, is that right?
Author's Response:
They're an 8th of an inch so pretty much yea haha
Date: March 01 2015 1:34 AM Title: The Party Begins
I'm really enjoying this story so far. It's fun that you can get straight to the good bits quickly. I hope to see more in the future =)
Author's Response:
Thank you!
Date: February 14 2015 1:20 AM Title: The Party Begins
Anything new coming soon?
Author's Response:
Sorry, I've just been really busy with other things. I've started a new chapter that's in the works and thinking of how it will play out haha
Date: January 22 2015 9:09 AM Title: A Giant Perspective
I can't wait for the continuation of this chapter, and the story overall. Unaware and male interaction? Quite rare and I'm loving it! Keep up the amazing work.
Author's Response:
Thank you! Brainstorming at the moment. I know a few things I want to happen in a couple chapters but gotta get other people's journey's going as well!
Date: January 21 2015 10:36 AM Title: A Giant Perspective
I'm giving you a higher score on a sliding scale because youre writing has been improving with each chapter. Great detail. Keep it up.
Author's Response:
Thank you, I actually am kind of a writer and tend to be very descriptive, maybe too much sometimes haha. This however, is my first crack at fetish type stuff.
Date: January 18 2015 10:14 PM Title: The Party Begins
Hey, UnawareFan this is your first story, too? I also just started writing. I have to say, I'm quite enjoying yours so far. I'm having trouble remembering all the names but I like what I'm reading so far.
Author's Response:
Glad to have a fan! Been wanting to do a story for a while so created an account yesterday morning. Fan of some stories on here, that have unaware of course, and started working on one myself.
Date: January 18 2015 7:13 PM Title: The Party Begins
I saw the note in your story summary, so just thought I'd say you can choose more than one category by holding the control key and clicking whatever ones you want.
Author's Response:
Thank you haha I have been trying to figure it out