Reviews For The Temple of Megalympia
Reviewer: angeloflife Signed [Report This]
Date: February 19 2015 6:52 PM Title: Chapter 1: The Path of Regret
Author's Response: Thank you and yes I wanted to add a sense of something a little different and incorporate some masculinity along with the feminitity to make it a story for both genders or of any sexuality.
Date: February 19 2015 6:52 PM Title: Chapter 1: The Path of Regret
Its good to see somemore enjoy having male giants in their stories, it gets a bit tirersome with all female giants in it. So don't stop wrighting because some don't share your ideas and likes.
Author's Response: Thank you and yes I wanted to add a sense of something a little different and incorporate some masculinity along with the feminitity to make it a story for both genders or of any sexuality.