Date: September 15 2024 5:19 AM Title: Great Minds think alike
I hope you continue this one day

Date: September 12 2017 2:38 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
I love this story! Are you going to update again soon? I really hope so, because it amazing!
Author's Response:
Thank you, Lucia, I can always appreciate a review and the thoughts of my fans. At the moment this story's on hiatus simply because I'm backed up on other projects. But, I do plan on coming back to it in time. Once again, thank you for your review, they always brighten my day. ^,^
Date: June 28 2016 8:18 AM Title: Chapter 16
He returns! XD Great new chapter my friend, and will love to see what you have planned in the future. Glad you added someone else to be tiny (Kinda gets boring with one person constantly shrunk and used), but I must ask: Will any girls outside of Fairy Tail be in on this as well? Have a great day friend!
Author's Response:
Hey SenatorWarlockLord :) it's good to see you again ^.^
I plan on doing a lot of fun things so i wont say who will be joining but i wil say expect to see some fun faces.
Also i'm glad you enjoyed seeing someone else shrunken, it might be a common occurance with them~

Date: June 25 2016 5:06 PM Title: Chapter 16
Hey, it's been awhile since you've added, welcome back. I gotta say, I missed this story. I really enjoyed seeing Levy shrunk, and Lucy normal sized. It was a nice change from Lucy usually being tiny, though I do prefer her being the tiny one. I'm looking forward to seeing who you bring in next, I know there a few more female members of Fairy Tail.
Author's Response:
Shall328 :D
Glad your still a fan of my work, that really makes me smile knowng you still enjoy my story after so long ^,^
I'll try to update when I can but like I said no promises :( working hard to keep active but finding the time is becoming harder and harder.
I wouldn't get used to Lucy being in charge. Levy is a special case, but don't worry, now she has a cute little friend to join her at that size from now on.

Date: July 13 2015 12:25 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
Lucy sure had a wild night. XP But I hope Gemini's actually planning to let her be big! XP
Author's Response:
I'm not sure what you mean by planning to let her be big lol
Date: June 14 2015 9:34 PM Title: Family Reunion
Franchise Writer, why you not consider me a fan! (Jk) Love how I predicted up till end fight scene. Mavis was a surprise and made it much better. I swear, if you had gone down my thought process only, I would have been disappointed. (That and also asking if you a Psionic Person from Space. Lol). Really great and hope to see Flair at some point. Also, see if you can add Sue and/or Millianna in. Would be interesting. Also, try to avoid Bisca (Please).
Author's Response:
I do consider you a fan senator, i'm not sure why i wouldn't xD
I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter, and i'd expect to see Mavis more if i were you >:P
I won't reveal who all i'm adding until i get to them. i hate soiling things, but i will say i didn't plan on using Bisca. it would be a bit awkward since she's married with a kid lol

Date: June 12 2015 1:57 AM Title: Family Reunion
Thank you, this story just helped me get over the bad day I've had. I just love reading your stuff, it always seems to brighten me up. I really enjoyed all the mixing and matching with the girls, it made for some great scenes. The Erza and Mira interaction was a nice touch, and the Wendy and Michelle pairing was awesome. The way they match each other, thanks to how you have set the terms of their sexual performance, made for great scene. I can't wait to read more, and see who you bring in next.
Author's Response:
I'm glad to hear you say that Shall, thats what i aspire for with my work. I love to know my stories brighten other's days when their down :)
I wanted to go all out on the bed scene mostly because i need to take a short break from this story for a few weeks, (yes i mean weeks this time) i plan on updating soon. I just have 2 commissions i need to do first, those take presidense. I'll update as soon as i can with chapter 16.
Glad to have you as a fan after all this time :)

Date: June 04 2015 5:46 PM Title: Welcome to the Family
i have a feeling michelle will be just fine during the infinity clock, part of the fairy tail anime michelle got her head bashed that see can look all the way behind her and she was able to put her head back to the way it was and just kept on fighting. what i would do to get a girl like that ;). and as for the challenge i have no frigging clue im not a anime fan i watch mostly fairy tail, and pokemon. but id rate this 7/10 for effort.
Author's Response:
I know right lol Michelle is special :)
I appreciate your review Reznam, and i'd like to know why you decided on 7/10 if possible. I'm not disappointed at all i'd just love to hear your views on it :)
Date: June 01 2015 3:23 PM Title: Welcome to the Family
Hellooooo! (^_^)
Not very good at guessing as I have either gotten it either a: Exactly Correct by Scene; or b: Look like a imbecile trying to understand. So no guessing will be heard from me. I approve the Chapter completly for your first time back in a while. Really good. On the point of Angry Reviews because of Ending... Huh? If someone gets angry at you over it, I would simply ask "Where is the problem?" because I do not see one.
Also, NOTICE ME SEMPAI! <(T___T)> => (-____-)
I also have a feeling on the planning of Michelle but silent I shall be about it.
Keep doing the good work.
P.S.: If you are looking for ratings, I have a strict policy of only giving them out when asked for.
Author's Response:
It makes me happy to hear your views on my chapter after so long and i can't thank you enough for taking the time to review, it really makes my day :) So far i've gotten no angry reviews so i'm in a good state of mind for the upcoming chapter xD
And as for the ratings i don't really ask for them. I kind of feel like thats a hand out. I like my stories to earn there rating from my fans, and so far all of them have been 5/5, so im doing something right :)
P.S. I notice you ^(*,*)^

Date: May 29 2015 1:29 AM Title: Welcome to the Family
Wow, now that was a heck of a chapter. You hit all the right points, emotional scenes, steamy sex scenes, plenty of laughs, and even a short action scene at the end. It was definitely worth the wait. I didn't remember a lot about Michelle after you brought her in last chapter, so I went back and watched the episodes she was in. It seems like you got the character down pretty well. As for the previous challenge, you definitely got me. It never occurred to me to look at WoW. After going back and looking up the monster and castle, it was pretty spot on. I'll try to redeem myself this time though. Here are my guesses:
Ms. New Year's Eve/Ms. Doublefinger/Paula - One Piece
Jan Valentine - Hellsing
Adalbert Von Grantz - Kyou Kara Maoh
Author's Response:
Adalbert was supposed to be the tough one and you get it in one shot >.>
I fail at charactor guesses ;-;
"Sigh" Alright a deals a deal, i'll start working on next chapter today and try to post it sonner then before.
I'm glad you liked the chapter Shall, your reviews are one of the reasons i love to write ^.^

Date: February 12 2015 11:30 PM Title: Lost Magic part 4
That was an awesome ending to this arc. The castle fight was epic, and written perfectly. I could easily see that playing out on the show. The Celestial World chase for the keys was also done great, a very funny series of events. You really nailed all of the different spirits personalities and reactions. And of course, the sex scene was just as good as I'm used to seeing from you. Plus, Michelle showing up is a perfect cliffhanger to end on. There was just so much quality story, I see why the chapter is so long. You've done an amazing job so far, and I'll be looking forward to the continuation when you are ready to come back to it. Until then, I'll enjoy your upcoming stories.
P.S. I'm not so sure about this times challenge. The castle sounds vaguely like Cagliostro Castle, but I can't place the creature.
Author's Response:
Thank you Shall, its a pleasure to read your review and i thank you for taking the time to do so ^,^
As for the Challange it is not Cagliostro Castle sadly. The other thing i mentioned it being called was a School by the Dark Mage, i hope that helps :P Same goes from the creature, it comes from the universe i took the castle from.

Date: February 12 2015 1:04 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
Ah. I'm a really fast reader when I need to be, so I've been watching the subs myself. I think they're up to 175 at the moment.
Author's Response:
Nice, i hate watching subs only because im so used to the american voice actors it just sounds strange to me. That and it takes away from the scenes when im reading the text only.

Date: February 12 2015 12:42 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
Damn, when you write a chapter, you really write that chapter XD, this is amazing, and I enjoyed every moment of it, definitely a lovely chapter, and I'm sure everyone else reading it will agree. Up to episode 160 myself so far, so almost up to date.
Author's Response:
Glad to hear it ^,^ sadly the dubs cut off at 164 but there going to release the next batch soon :D
Date: January 29 2015 8:58 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
What episode is everyone on if you watch this
Author's Response:
Hmm well i've only seen up to the grand magic games in season 1 episode 164 so i guess right around there.

Date: January 22 2015 10:41 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
I can't have enough of this story :P I always come back to it XD
Author's Response:
Glad i can please hehe ^.^

Date: January 22 2015 1:12 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
"It's finally time for punishment, Princess!" :P
Author's Response:
Lol right along the lines i was thinking

Date: January 21 2015 3:47 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
Heh, I wouldn't worry too much about that. I have a tendency to wiki-hop when I start watching a show, so I know of a lot of the things coming up, including what I believe they're trying to do here :p. Bit of a long shot, seeing as it seems to be gentler stuff for the most part, bur is there a chance of any messy AV, with Virgo or Aries? Just thought I'd ask.
Author's Response:
Hmm i think i can manage a play date with Lucy and her Spirits, since gemini has been sharing all her naughty details with them i can imagine they would want to play to :P

Date: January 21 2015 11:45 AM Title: Lost Magic Part 3
Heh, another great chapter. I'm slowly making my way through the series (on episode 73 now) so it's been great seeing how the characters act in the anime, compared to how you've been portraying them. Really looking forwards to seeing the closure of this arc, as I bet it'll lead to some very kinky encounters.
Author's Response:
Indeed it will, i can't wait for you to read it ^.^ i'm glad your getting into fairy tail and i hope you get farther along or my next chapter might not make as much sense as it should XD

Date: January 21 2015 3:46 AM Title: Lost Magic Part 3
Just as I was about to go to sleep, I see that you had updated the story. I decided to read it right away, and it was definitely worth it. Lots of fun stuff going on this chapter. Awesome fight scenes with Erza, a great sex scene with Lucy, Gemini, and Wendy, and the heartfelt conversations with Mira and Makarov. Just a ton of great things to love about this story. I really liked the way Wendy was affected by the magic, it was an excellent way to do it. And I love that you brought in Laxus into the fight, he is one of my favorite characters.
P.S. Was that Elsie from The World God Only Knows, and Akari from Karneval?
Author's Response:
LMFAO xD YES, YES THEY WHERE. I was hoping somebody would notice :P should have expected you to.
If your a fan of Laxus like i am then your going to enjoy the next chapter even more, i have a great fight planned for him and Erza just you wait >:P
I'm glad your enjoying my story and as always its a pleasure to read your review Shall ^,^
Date: January 20 2015 11:10 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
I prefer NALU orGRUVIA or GALE but this is cool too
Author's Response:
thank you? i think.