Date: December 04 2014 4:20 AM Title: Great Minds think alike
This is one of the best stories I read so far! It is what I want! f/f, slave and himulation, willing slave is one of my favorits too!
I'd like to see intrapments (in panties or asshole) it can himulate more of the tiny slave!
btw... I kind of feel that Lucy will become normal and she'll do the naughty stuff to another shrunken girl, right? I'd really want to see her do the same thing giminie did with all the sadistic play >:)
This is soooo hot! Great job!!!
Author's Response:
Hmm well i honestly was just going to keep lucy as the main person shrunk but i can understand that getting kind of boring after awile so expect someone else to be shrunk is all i will say. It won't be for a bit but none the less i hope you enjoy my story until it does.
Thank you for the review it always makes my day to see what my fans think so far :)

Date: December 03 2014 9:25 PM Title: Drinking's more fun with friend's
Thst was awesome, you did a great job. Thanks for taking my suggestions and making them into this great chapter. You really nailed how Cana would probably act in that situation.
Author's Response:
Thanks i appreciate your review and im glad you liked it ^,^

Date: December 03 2014 5:50 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
I'm a huge fan of fairy tail! Glad to see this here!
Hope you might consider some sort of shower scene where Lucy is used as a nice wonderful loofah for a fairytale member...
Or maybe have Juvia use her for trying to steal her love gray or Mirajane's little sister cause of how close she is to natsu....honestly the possibilities are endless....and I want them sooooo bad.
As for guessing the character I have no
Author's Response:
I can deffinatly do that, i can use ether one to. I'm happy your enjoying my story so far and i hope to make a chapter to your liking.
As for the guess a charactor, it was already guessed by one of my fans correctly and i didn't post a new one, but im not against it in the future so keep watching :3
Date: December 03 2014 5:27 AM Title: Great Minds think alike
I might not have got it, but I really like the show, so it came pretty easy. I wouldn't mind seeing Cana involved, she's a great character. Something involving feet or her butt maybe?
Author's Response:
Can do, i hope the upcoming chapter is to your liking. it should be posted tonight or early tomorrow. Once again congratz figuring it our first, i'll just have to make that challange harder next time :P

Date: December 03 2014 1:55 AM Title: Great Minds think alike
I'm really liking the story so far. I enjoy watching/reading Fairy Tail, and its cool to see a story like this based on it. I look forward to seeing more. I'm just guessing, but was the dark mage based on Saeko Busujima from Highschool of the Dead? Its another anime I like, and the description fits.
Author's Response:
Wow im shocked someone got it on the first try, guess i described her to well XD well as i stated before since you got it right i will update immidiatly. You can pick any charactor, and any situation you would like. Also im happy you enjoy my story and i am to please ^.^