Date: December 17 2014 10:53 AM Title: Great Minds think alike
Heh, nice to know I was missed XD. I've not really seen fairy tail, but I decided to give the story a read once I saw who the author was, and I've really enjoyed it so far. Obviously, being me, I'm looking forwards to some nice internal butt stuff :P
Author's Response:
I think i can manage something special for ya, ^.^
I have a chapter i need to finish up now but keep watching

Date: December 16 2014 9:48 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
I just watched Fairy Tail Movie and I couldn't look at Mira and Lucy like how I used to XD
It feels like in private they do stuff like how you discribe it XDDD
Author's Response:
I Welcome you to my mind, have a plesent stay

Date: December 16 2014 6:19 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
All I can say is ''I love it''! I was so happy to come back home and find a new chapter!
This is the best christmas gift I could ever :P
Author's Response:
Well im glad you like it because this gift keeps on giving ^.^ stay tunned i'll have anouther chapter up soon.
Date: December 16 2014 2:38 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
Magi guessed what I was going to guess. Was the girl Shiroyasha?
Author's Response:
Seriously im thinking of some freaking obscure charactors here and people still get them XD do i need to be even less informative???
Anyways good guess shall :3 I'll have my next chapter up soon so stay tuned.

Date: December 16 2014 12:55 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
Really enjoying everything so far, with all the interactions between her and the different forms gemini is taking, and really looking forwards to seeing what else happens.
I'm not overly knowledgeable when it comes to animes, so I had to do some searching, but it wouldn't happen to be Nanatsurao from monobeno would it?
Author's Response:
Man it's good to see your review man xD haven't seen ya around my stories for a bit was afraid you didn't like this one.
Anywasy thanks for the review but sadly it is not Nanatsurao. Really close look though nice guess :)

Date: December 16 2014 3:26 AM Title: Great Minds think alike
I really enjoyed this chapter as well! I know I already said it with Mavis, but you are really nailing the various personalities. You write the characters how I expect they would act, based on the anime. The sex scenes are also great, lol. Also, the twist was very nice. I actually thought it was still Gemini there for a bit. If you wanted to, you could go with three of Lucy. Mirajane is an expert in transformation magic, and at one point in the anime she transforms into Lucy. Just something to think about.
You really went out of your way with this chapter's mystery character. I knew it was familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. It took me awhile to remember the anime and her name. I'll wait till at least this time tomorrow to post my guess, to give everyone else a chance.
Author's Response:
Well i still have a day so thats still to be determined :P
I'm glad you liked my chapter its always a pleasure to read your review shall.
Also i have hundreds upon hundreds of unique writing ideas i like to think about when ever i make a chapter... your idea didnt even cross my mind ;-;
i feel ashamed its such a fun idea i don't know why i didnt even think about it, 3 Lucy's sounds amzing to me XD
Date: December 13 2014 11:28 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
I just wanted to tell you that I'm really grateful that you listened to my request.
Sadly I can't read it that best way right know because of my roommates so I had to stop just before the good part but I will do it when I find the chance.
Thanks again.
Author's Response:
Your quiet welcome, It's a pleasure and an honor to write for fans and i thank you for taking your time to review even under your circumstances :)

Date: December 13 2014 7:24 AM Title: Great Minds think alike
I didn't think Mavis would join the fun by herself XD I really love it!
When I read you're story... I can imagine and picture the events really easy! And I like that!
Also, the parts where Lucy is thinking about how she like her situation gives me tinggling sensation!
Awesomely done overall! I can't wait for the next chapater :))))
Author's Response:
Thank's a lot :D it makes me happy that people can enjoy my story even if it doesn't just jump straight to something. i tend to build things up slowly usually xD

Date: December 13 2014 2:57 AM Title: Do Fairies Have Tails?
I know you said the argument was a pain to bwrite, but I think it was worth it. The whole thing brought a lot of comedy to the story. You also seemed to capture Mavis' love for her guild very well. Add to that some more great butt/foot action, and this was another great chapter.
Author's Response:
Thank's i was really worried i made there reactions to OC. i was trying to capture Mavis's emotions but there wasn't a lot o could really go off of. I'm happy you liked it ^,^
Date: December 12 2014 12:34 AM Title: Great Minds think alike
Ah, it was Riza I was thinking haruka from fooly cooly
Author's Response:
Lawl it does kind of look like her after i reread it

Date: December 11 2014 8:59 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
I was wondering who'll shrink when Lucy is back to normal... She srunk again XDDDD
I can not have enough of this story! I love the anime and I love this fan story! It has everything I like in this fetish! I also like how Lucy is starting to give in to her desires! This is one of the things I love and hardly ever see!
It is even written in a way that makes me itching to draw it!! It is so tempting!
I know it is impossible to ask for more right away XD I hope I see more anytime soon!!
Author's Response:
Just stay tuned i'll have anouther chapter out in about a day since my challance was awnsered XD I'm happy my story is to your liking and i hope i can keep you intrested :) If you want to draw it some time i would also love to see it ^,^ i think it would look amazing.

Date: December 10 2014 10:48 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
Even though this is not my cup of tea. I just wanted to say. That fairytale is a amazing anime. It on my top 5 list. 10 out of 10 for fairytale.
Author's Response:
Glad you liked it.
Date: December 10 2014 5:32 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
Okay. Is it Riza Wildman, from Princess Resurrection?
Author's Response:
Damn i am genuinly suprised. I'll had no one ever recognize that anime when i told them about it. Congratz on guessing it right ^.^

Date: December 10 2014 4:22 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
Dude all I can. Say about this chapter is.....I LOVE YOU!!! Seriously thanks for listening to my request. That shower scene was sooo hot! But more importantly than that. That little bit you put in at the end where Mira and lissana role play got me thinking. If Gemini technically has unlimited magic power then maybe it's possible for him to take on the form of more than one person. One form for each of them. Might be an interesting idea you might want to consider down the road. Anyway thanks for a great chapter!
Author's Response:
Well that has crossed my mind actuelly but i don't want to spoil anything XP
Thanks for the review and im glad it was to your liking.

Date: December 10 2014 3:46 PM Title: Great Minds think alike
NICE~~~~~ *Satisfaction*
Author's Response:
I'm glad you enjoyed it, it makes my day ^.^

Date: December 10 2014 3:35 PM Title: Some Cat's like water
Another great chapter, good job. I really liked the shower scene, I love when the shrunken person is used to wash the giant person's body. I'm pretty confident that I know the mystery woman, but I don't have a particular request. I'm just enjoying what you're writing. If you'd still like me to guess however, I can. I agree with KentaRyu, I wouldn't mind seeing Mavis eventually. Maybe after some of the others brought up so far, like Erza, Mirajane, Juvia, and Levy.
Author's Response:
by all means try guessing. If there's not anyone you specificly want i can just continue with what i had planned next. Besides im eager to see if you know >:P
Thanks for the review ^.^

Date: December 08 2014 1:22 AM Title: Great Minds think alike
This is a pretty good story, I'm really looking forward to the next chapter.
I'd really like to see something with Mavis. Especially something with sweat, butt, feet and armpits. Hope you consider it.
Author's Response:
Will definitely consider it, am a huge fan of Mavis and i think i will enjoy writing about her. Thank you for your review

Date: December 07 2014 1:54 AM Title: Great Minds think alike
I meant Virgo ha ha. I just seen that you wrote that, was letting you know that type of magic did exist. I didn't know if you watched that far ahead
Author's Response:
Yea i know it did but i wanted to add my own little twist to it :3 Thank you for mentioning it though i appreciate it.

Date: December 05 2014 11:21 AM Title: Great Minds think alike
Lucy does get shrunk by a lance that can control sizes of objects and people. Also you need some interaction with Virgil.
Author's Response:
I know she does its in the "Key of the starry sky" arc, second to last in the first season, whats your point? i actuelly mentioned it in the first chapter. Also i don't know anyone named Virgil in Fairy Tail, do you by chance mean Virgo?

Date: December 04 2014 4:21 AM Title: Great Minds think alike
I forgot to rate! Tehe :P
Author's Response:
Thank ya ^.^