Reviews For Megan and grace
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Reviewer: Midora Signed [Report This]
Date: December 14 2014 6:00 AM Title: My sisters

will there be a continuation ?

Reviewer: tjnova Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 16 2014 6:24 PM Title: Grace

Keep up the good work!

Reviewer: julieshrink Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: August 09 2014 4:08 AM Title: My sisters

continua bem 

Você decidiu ir para a sala da Graça chegou, ela está na cama com seu laptop, você é obrigado a subir, mais como? um pouco cobertor está no chão, você decidiu subir até alcançar o cobertor sobre a cama, depois de um bom tempo, chega-se na cama da Graça, que você admira seus pés que estão na frente. se aproxima de você e começa a cheirar, quando de repente:

Author's Response: If I knew what you said tha would be great

Reviewer: Giantess_Lover124 Signed starstar [Report This]
Date: August 08 2014 5:47 PM Title: My sisters

First thig first is that if your goig to do more stories atleast finish your other ones. Second of all this first chapter could have been longer by alot. Third, you missed simple conjugation rules. Going along with the second one is that this first chapter was rushed and went by too fast. Slow it down and take your time writing stories and they will improve. If you read this please use these ideas and process them through any other chapters and of stories. Thanks and have nice day.

Author's Response: Well when I start focusing on one story I'm asked by loads of people to continue on another

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