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Reviewer: smoki1020 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 30 2015 4:50 AM Title: Chapter 42

Great chapter, Maria & Dale will be like Tom & Paul in Lamptower!  I deeply tht Paul will have revenge on Carla (like Bill got revenge on Sandra in the end of season 1) I started to hate her! 

Author's Response:

Revenge is always possible, but we are nearing the end now!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 30 2015 1:39 AM Title: Chapter 42

What happened to posting every 2 days? I was getting worried that you forgot again. 5 days feels like a long time, but I'm glad you remembered. :)

First off, I know Jerry and Vera will get money but will Carla get money too?

Second, I like how Jerry asked if the massages were cheating. Ha, no. If Sherri carried you while riding her motorcycle, then that would be cheating.

You said last chapter that this chapter will reveal the winner. And now you are gonna add a new chapter about something to spice things up. Hmmmm. Could this be the sexy chapter we are all waiting for?!! I hope so, Carla seems to be ready.

Back to the last 2 contestants, I thought about what Jerry said and how he talked about Betty not likely to have super tiny cameras in the tents. Well, it seems like she absolutely can, and probably did. She probably shrunk down the cameras and put them on the tent. It explains why at the end of the chapter Betty tells everyone to watch the monitors.

Also, Dale and Marie are doing something for the competition? A show? Sherri suited them up? Now this seems like cheating. Lol. Then again, I have no idea what's gonna happen.

Haha, Vera. She was so confident that she was gonna wake up early and get a head start on Jerry. Then she wanted to sneak a peak at what she hoped was Sherri and Jerry sleeping name together. Her reaction was priceless, and I know I'm reading her reaction based on your writing so props for giving a good line to describe it. "The blood drained from her face". Man that's perfect, becuase I can picture it. If I was writing the story, I would've said "Vera opened the tent cover and looked inside. She was shocked and realized that she was behind." Yeah, your descriptions are far better.

Now for Carla:

So she woke up with Andy, and we all know they had fun that night. But then when Carla felt a tiny person, I was like no way, a SPY! Carla's goons get revenge! Yes! was just Hailey acting as a messenger. I mean couldn't Betty just drop a note or something instead? Was Betty really counting that Hailey was guaranteed to reach Carla, and also get her attention? Seems like an 'of course' that happened scene. I kinda wish it was like Tom instead. But that might get Andy upset. Hmm.

Yeah, what is with Carla flirting with Paul. In this chapter Andy is fascinated by Carla's actions, but isn't he kinda jealous of his treatment. (Carla's diologue was freaking sexy). Carla has been flirting with everyone. She got Tom inside her, kissed Sherri and stuck her hand in Sherri's pants and also wanted to have a 3 some in Betty's dollhouse.

So does Paul get to eat pancakes or does he just get to eat Carla out? Because I don't think Paul will ever swallow Carla's juices since it's like a dishonor to him.

However, Andy is going bananas with what Carla is doing. Squirting people with syrup, licking them, sucking them, making cutout a of people, and then dropping one inside her. Andy just stood in one spot the whole time. I expected him to get involved, but he just got a show as if he is like me watching episode 42 of the shrinking show (season 2).

Also, Betty seems to enjoy Carla a lot, even getting aroused by all of Carla's actions and ways of handling these tinies. A fusion of sexy cleverness. Betty's like "No not all all, I don't mind", but then her true intentions are revealed, "you may keep him" then she remembers that she wants to try it soon too, so she's like "only a bit". Yep, Carla has gotten Betty's mind twisted with sexy ideas.

For a second there, I thought that Carla would cover Andy with that syrup and stick him to her panties. Talk about breakfast on the go. Andy will be moving super fast while trapped with Carla and he wil get to eat lots of syrup.

Carla is so damn creative, mocking Paul by devouring an actual sized pancake that looks like Paul and then eating it slowly, which then made Paul get an erection! Ha, who wouldn't? Carla is a sexy woman and it's funny, becuase in my first review of this story in chapter 1, I mentioned that Carla seems like my favorite girl, and I'm so glad that she is a sexy, confident giantess who loves to dominate others sexually.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Wow, wait a minute! I now realized why you didn't post this chapter right away. I think you made a new chapter this week and decided to insert it into the story, so you can post the new one next time. That way in this chapter, you put in the end notes, something about a spice up rather than a chapter about the winner having sex with everyone. If you did add a new chapter, thank you! If you didn't, well I hope the next chapter then comes in the next 2 days to mantian consistency. (I'm just hyped).

Ok, now I can't wait for this next spicy chapter!

Author's Response:

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I didn't actually write a new chapter--I am just lazy in uploading, lol!

Reviewer: Alman01 Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 26 2015 9:12 PM Title: Chapter 41

Alright, looking good :D
Having Carla elliminated wasn't so bad after all, hell if anything it worked out great for both her and Andy, so that was a neat conselation prize. Good for them! ^_^


Sherri making a surprise visit for Jerry is kinda sweet too, though surely it's a little cheating for him to get outside help with his stress and nerves? ;)
Not that I'll complain, I am simply loving the contestant shipping that just seems to be going on in this chapter xD

Can't wait for the finale! :D 

Author's Response:

Sherri visiting Jerry might be seen as cheating, but as we know the Shrinking Show is not the most honestly run program!

Reviewer: smoki1020 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 25 2015 5:26 AM Title: Chapter 1

@ Benton, I forgot a word in my last post. so i meant to say that I want Jerry to be the winner even if Betty keep HIM at 4 inches.

Author's Response:

AH, I see.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 24 2015 11:50 PM Title: Chapter 41

Haha, my guess was kinda close. Instead of a present, it was a shoebox. (To be honest, I got it right.)

Whoa, whoa, whoa! How is 5 feet tall that short? Some of my friends are a little over 5 ft. tall but they dont get strange looks. Harry Potter is 5,5. I dont think being 5 feet tall would gain attention by being strangly short. Yes, they are short, but not that short.

Wtf Carla? Renouncing andy's sexual partners and baptizing him with her vagina? She is not a priest. lol

However, Im glad that Andy finally got submerged inside Carla's vagina. Thats like an achievement right there. One of these next few chapters just has to be like a sex scene coming up between the two lovers. only thing in this chapter was the initiation.

Let me guess, was that game "monopoly?" Game pieces and dice. (Thats all i could think of at the moment.)

I wish you made an extra sentence describing which parts of Betty's shorts that she deposited the 3 men into. I wanted to see who was the lucky one.

I cant wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

lol the whole shrinking Tom and Hailey by one foot was an insurance measure to make sure they didn't sneak away. Also, I would imagine that people shrunk to 5 feet from a larger height would look a little off as compared to people who were naturally that height, hense the looks.

The game might have been Monopoly, I honestly forget after all this time.

Reviewer: smoki1020 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 24 2015 2:01 PM Title: Chapter 1

Giantess fantasy apart, I want Jerry to be the winner even if Betty keep at 4 inches! 

Author's Response:

Betty likes to be large and in charge, so I dowbt she would let herself willingly be shrunk for any reason. However, I do like SW as well as GTS, and it is entirely possible that he may win, and if he does, there are several shrunken women with which he could potentially have a good time!

Reviewer: Nhencjnde Signed [Report This]
Date: March 23 2015 10:38 PM Title: Chapter 1

Hi. It´s me again.

Solo escribo para comentar que, depues de haber leido la respuesta de mi anterior comentario, volví a tu blog para buscar el pequeño resumen de la historia que me podría interesar al que haces referencia en tu respuesta, y debo decir que me tope con más de lo que pude haber imaginado. Primero debo aclarar que si no comente antes esto, fue porque la primera vez que revise tu blog (uno que tiene buenas ideas y buenos argumentoas debo añadir) no encontre nada deferente al la historia que señalabas, solo fue hasta que decidí implementar una busqueda más exaustiva (que en realidad se trato de acer click por los diferentes vinculos de cada título) y descubrí el resumen al que te referias, y en serio que me dejo anonadado.

No quiero sonar como si menospreciara tus demás proyectos, pero este en especial es el que más me ha llamado la atención. Tus demas historias tiene ideas muy buenas y, sobre todo "Las Viudas Negras" y "La Mujer Dragón" (otro proyecto que espero con febril entusiasmo) son las que más me han atraído por su premisa: hombres siendo tratados como meros objetos sin más valor que el que las mujeres les dan. Soy fan de este tipo de historias, y basandome en tus anteriores escritos, puedo decir que, aunque no traten los conceptos más apetecibles que con frecuencia se tratan estas historias (y por la respuesta a mi último comentario puedo decir que estas implemntando algunos cuantos de los conceptos clasicos o darle alguna especie de matiz dentro de la obra), si que sabras mantener al lector al borde de la pantalla. Pero la razón por la que creo que "The Strand" estará por ensima de estas obras, desde mi punto de vista, son por los siguentes puntos:

-Primero. Una vieja clasica: "El Bien contra El Mal". Esto supone mucha especulación de mi parte y solo me hace pensar ¿qué clase de enfrentamiento se llevara a cabo entre los dos bandos?, ¿comó se desarrollara toda la historia hasta el atercado final? ¿en qué circunstancias se veran envueltos los personajes para verse involucrados en todo esto? Una trama contestando este tipo preguntas ya es más que suficiente para sostenar una historia por si sola.

-Segundo. Trama poco convencional. Un virus encogiendo el 99,5% de la población mundial es algo que por si solo ya es poco convencional, pero que es de esperarse de historias de este tipo, Pero lo que más llama la atencion desde este punto de vista es la referencia que haces para señalar tu obra: "Stephen King". Soy un gran admirador del autor. De los libros que ha mi país han llegado, solo he leído algunos pocos en un país tercermundista (la lectura no parece una prioridad relativa en el tiempo libre de las personas y los libros terminan siendo un mal negocio si no te hubicas en el areá geografics sdecuada), y aunque no he leído su obra "The Stand" (creo que en español se conoce como "Apocalipsis"), con todas las demás referencias que tengo de el, sus historias son muchas cosas, pero no convencionales. Personas combirtiendose en extraterestres (Tommynoykers). Demonios habriendo tiendas de articulos ("Needful Things"). Autos habriendo portales a otros universos (Buick 8). Este hombre sabe como dejar al espectador con la boca abierta, y tu historia basandose en una obra de él me ayuda a saber con que clase de trama puedo enfrentarme.

-Tercera, y creo que la más relevante para mi. Ambición. El resumen solo me hace suponer una cosa: quieres contar una historia. En ningun momento parece que la premisa satisfacera ningun fetiche y eso es algo por lo que siento que es algo que la esta historia tracendera. Algunas solo quieren compartir una trama superficial donde los personajes apenas se pueden sentir como personas reales y todo se desenvuelve en circunstancias tan iverosimiles que nadie puede tomar enserio, y ver historias que rechazan este tipos de tendencias es apuntar más alto. Estas son las historias que dejan un estado melancolico y una sensación de vacío porque sientes que dejas algo atras tuyo entre las paginas, como si enrealidad haigas compartido una experiencia real con los personajes o sido testigo de importantentes acontecimientos de sus historia, de sus vidas.

No quiero hacerte sentir comprometido a entregar una historia solo por mis palabras. Solo comparto mis pensaientos de lo que ahora siento por tu proyecto basandome en lo que logre entender del resumen. Todo esto esta señalado desde mi perspectiva.

También quisiera agregar un comentario rapido de tu pequeño proyecto "La Mujer Dragón". Como ya deje claro anteriormente, la historia me tiene emocionado, sobre todo el como planteas la premisa: hombres siendo engañados, capturados, encogidosy vendidos y mujeres para hacer de ellos lo que les plasca. Casi puedo decir que me suena a la premisa de "Hostel", solo que en vez de pagar para torturar, pagan para poseerlos. Lo unico que quisiera preguntar es ¿qúe clase de trama manejara la historia? Tu pequeño resumen no aclara mucho esta parte. Solo quisiera saber como planeas manejar este pequeño proyecto.

Si mi comentario te ofendio de algun modo, de antemano te ofresco una disculpa.

Sin nada más que añadir, me despido.

Bye :)

Author's Response:

Don't apologize, I love long comments like this! Once again I'm sorry if Google Translate butchered your comment and anything was lost in translation, but as I don't know Spanish it's the only way I can understand what you've written. My two years of high school Spanish are a long way in the past by now :(

I'm really glad you checked out my blog! I try to direct people over there every now and then, but I don't want to be obnoxious and spam my blog link on every single chapter so I only put it up every now and then, usually when I have just written a new entry.

I really like the premise for my Dragon Women story, but I'm still working out the details for that one. At this point I have several characters and situations developed, but I don't have a concrete idea about the direction I want to take the plot in. I have a few ideas, and at some point I will work it out into a cohesive story. One idea I have for the story is taking a leaf out of SomeRRight's "Power" and have every other chapter flip back and forth in time, with the odd chapters telling about the protagonist's life with Hu (or whatever I'm going to have her name be), and the even chapters telling the story about how he got in this situation: how he came to China, what life was like in the Shrunken Man store, and so on. I might not get to this story for a while, but it is definitely one I want to write.

I've gotten pretty far with "The Strand", by which I mean I've written about 100 pages but still feel like I'm just starting. As The Stand itself is a very long book (over 450,000 words in the uncut edition!) it is very likely that The Strand will surpass Season Two in length. I have tons and tons of characters planned out, many original, many gender-flipped "expats" from The Stand. Since you are familiar with Stephen King you might have heard about Randall Flagg--I am writing a female Randal Flagg-like character who is going to be the leader of the forces of evil! The leader of the Good forces will be an elderly black man, as opposed to an elderly black woman as in The Stand. I am also very fond of the Evil character who is the analog of the Trashcan Man--I call her either "Trash Bin Lynn" or "Garbage Pail Gail", but her actual name is Phyllis, and I've already written her introduction. She is a strange and intreaguing character and some might find her somewhat sympathetic--but she's ultimately a twisted and evil character and I absolutely love the introduction I've given her.

Speeking of things already written for "The Strand", I have written the introduction of Ashley, the main Good character, a normal 16-year-old schoolgirl who has found herself thrust into a horrible situation and then one of leadership following the events of the "Great Shrink". Her introduction is possibly my favorite thing in the GTS world that I've written so far. I might actually upload this chapter (which is about 30 Microsoft Word pages, a.k.a about the length of 3 Season Two chapters) on its own because it actually can stand on its own as a short story. It was my first foray into the darker world of the GTS fetish and is filled with domination, humiliation, crushing, and vore, and the more I wrote the more I felt myself sucked in. I might upload this chapter after Season Two is done and before I start uploading "Shrink U", my current project.

Unlike the Dragon Women and even The Black Widows to some degree, I have a very good idea about the plot of The Strand and I know how it's going to end, which characters are going to survive the end of the novel, etc. Along with The Black Widows it is my maginum opus, and I want it to be good. And yes, almost every aspect of the fetish makes its apperance in this story, most multiple times. I'm looking forward to sharing it with everybody! As you pointed out the story is very ambitious, and even if I worked on it regularly it would take many months to finish. But I will work on it!

Thank you again for your comment and your words! They really do motivate me to keep writing!

Reviewer: Ancient Relic Signed [Report This]
Date: March 23 2015 5:06 AM Title: Chapter 40

"she couldn’t take a piece of it home with her." Do I see a bit of foreshadowing?

Author's Response:

Maybe ;)

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 23 2015 12:29 AM Title: Chapter 40

JimBob, thats a fantastic idea and I think there is a good chance that is gonna happen.
In response to your response to my review:

Wow! 8 more chapters! I thought it was going to be just 3. this one where where we find the winner, the next one where the winner uses the other contestants and the last one(epilougue) where it details how every contestant leaves the compound and recalls their memories. This is even better. The more the merrier!

With Carla back at the compound, yes, this is definatley much more interesting than the competition. That also means that she is fullsized for atleast 5 more chapters and it almost seems obvious that Andy will be given to Carla now. Its like an equation that is bound to be applied to this situation. Full-sized Carla plus 4 inch tall Andy equals possibly the sexiest chapter that will happen in this show. It has to happen, and I cant wait!

Also, I really wonder what that twist is going to be... unless that was the Hailey dating Tom thing, cuz that was totally random to me. lol

Speaking of Jerry having a disadvantage, the goal is to get inside a victory cup. well, obviously if Jerry and Vera travel together, Vera will physcially beat Jerry to the cup and she will be the winner. Last year, the 3 contestents were decided on a winner by the way they survived outdoors. This season is more like "the amazing race" and it favors fitness. Its just hard for me to find a way that Jerry could win. he doesnt have the pack, and he is not as fit a Vera. However, you have surprised me Benton, so its not always obvious. I did not expect Carla to give up that easily, but it gives her that full size that I always wished for. In other words, I would be surprised if Vera like gets caught in a bush becuase of the pack and Jerry wins. haha, that would be funny, but its very unlikely.

Lastly, the two day intervals between chapters brings back great memories of when this story started. Once again, im glad you are back.
Back to this chapter's review:

Betty told Andy "Now you will get to do something very special in a few minutes". The key word is "special" because it seems that Andy having fun with Carla is kinda typical this late in the competition, so I wonder what this 'special' thing is. Will Andy be wrapped up like present and given to Carla? Will Betty tie Andy up to Carla's panties so when Carla gets out, she has a sexy surprise? Will Betty toss Andy inside the bath with Carla? Anything is possible!

Is Tom that horny? Or is he just trying to get into multiple vaginas before this competition ends, i mean geez! He seems more horny than Andy this chapter and thats not something that you would see everyday. I thought Andy and Hailey would have a fling, but since Carla is back, now I can put the puzzle pieces together.

Speaking of Carla, espcially since you visited her in the story first before catching up with Jerry and Vera means that soemthing important was gonna happen. Either Carla wins first, or loses first. The good news is that its a win-win! Im glad she is back and confident again!

So what happened to Sherri? does have a say in Hailey having a date with Tom? That conversation could be interesting, but I think sherri doesnt mind anymore. They each had sex with like everyone so its not a big deal anymore.

Quick note: I totally forgot the Carla put Tom inside her vagina. (I think he was the only one inside her). Andy was never completely inside Carla so I was wondering when you mentioned that Carla had two guys inside her, I only remembered Tom. Andy was never small enough to fit inside her. I may be wrong, but who else did Carla put inside her?

Typical Betty, Dale and Marie in her bra and Paul in her panties and claims that his position is "enviable" so only Andy can witness it. Notice the order and how Andy was last. He was given a show on purpose and that definately turned him on, but for what? Well I hope it has soemthing to do with Carla!

The dream: After the shower, Carla finds Andy in her room as Jimbob as mentioned. Then Carla smiles remembering that she was just that size a few moments ago. Andy is about to have a heart attack since its the first time that he sees her being like 200 times larger than him. Carla takes it slow, fondling him, and using a sexy tone to say how she missed him, and is happy to play with her toy. Then Carla sexily adresses Andy's size and describes all the things that she can do with him, which makes Andy tremble. Carla kisses him, and then slides him down her shirt and he is stuck in her cleavage. Carla takes this oppurtunity to strip and take off her clothes and she is giving Andy a show as she then is left with only a bra and panties on. Carla then sits down on her bed and begins to gently squeeze her boobs together, massaging Andy and he slowly is slipping to the bottom until his arms remain stuck in her cleavage. Carla sees the rest of his body dangling from her boobs and she begins to lie down on the bed. She squeezes her boobs once more and Andy is right below her bra above her stomach. Carla then gives a seductive smile and quickly rises, as Andy tumbles down toward Carla's waist and he keeps tumbling and Carla then pulls open her panties and lets the tiny Andy roll in. Carla releases the elastic and lets the fabric seal Andy to her as her vagina embraces its next prize. Andy just stares at the beautifl hole, knowing that this was his dream, and Carla couldnt wait any longer and brought her hand to her crotch and began pressing down onto the little lump down there, and soon, the lump was gone. Andy plunged down inside and ran a marathon in there was Carla produced numerouse orgasms and decided to keep Andy there inside her as she took a nap. Andy meanwhile, in the heaven that it was, he was getting somewhat bored and wanted to get Carla's attention. So he crawled out of Carla's vagina and Carla was almost going to wake up, but she fell asleep again. For about 20 min, Andy struggled to get through the elastic of Carla's panties and finally made it through and rested on her navel. Thats when Carla woke up and saw that Andy had freed himself, she smiled and wanted more. Andy was a bit tired, but reluctnalty said yes. Carla took extra measures and tied up Andy to the interior front side of her panties and tied up loops of string around his limbs so he couldnt get free. Andy didnt mind, he is now forced to experience heaven as Carla began to dress up and put on an extremely tight pair of skinny jeans on. As she put them on, she could feel the body of Andy hugging her, and she patted her crotch as if to say thank you. Andy was no upset, he was proud to serve Carla, and he never wanted to leave this position. Carla then rejoined Betty back at the compound where Betty asked where Andy is. Instead of giving a straightforward response, Carla sat down on a chair, crossed her legs and gave a wink toward Betty. Betty then smiled back. Its a great time to be on the shrinking show.

The end.

Man, I cant wait for the next chapter!!!!

Author's Response:

I enjoyed your little Shrinking Show fanfiction story, it was quite nice!

Vera and Jerry both have a chance of winning at this point. As you probably saw in one chapter a ways back, I do indeed like both SW and GTS so the idea of a male winner--or a giant male in general--is very possible. I'm not going to give any hints as to which of the two will win!

Sherri only has some control over what goes on behind the scenes--it is ultimately down to what Betty wants. Tom and Hailey are having a bit of a thing, but will Sherri be jealous or just see it as another part of the experience? I don't want to give anything away, but all three of these characters do return in some capacity during Season Three.

Carla is now large until the end of the competition! Carla's been all kinds of sizes, but a giantess Carla is the best kind of Carla, and it's fun to see her in form again!

As always, thanks for your review!

Reviewer: Jimbob Signed [Report This]
Date: March 22 2015 8:22 PM Title: Chapter 40

I'm half expecting Carla to find Andy in her bedroom when she's done with her shower.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 20 2015 4:23 PM Title: Chapter 39

At this point in the story, these group sex scenes are far more entertaining that the competition.

I love the insertion scenes especially with more than one person. It just makes these experiences more memorable to these questions.

Hailey likes being a giantess so I guess that's why Betty chose her. Hailey abused Dale, but he was like whatever, so I lost interest quickly.

I love how Andy just worships Betty now similar to how he worshipped Carla. He looked up at Betty as if he was asking for permission and that just shows how Carla has changed Andy into being obedient to dominant women.

I remember the days when Marie was all cheerful and she was tiny and everyone liked tiny Marie and Andy was jealous of her. Now it's the opposite. Marie is nervous, and Andy is confident and in this case, Marie is jealous of Andy, because do how he is taking this all in.

It seems like this competition is about money or sex. If u win, u get the money. If you lose, you get to have sex. As Antitee pointed it out, Andy would make a great prize for Carla.

Speaking of Carla, her pun was sexy. She wants to put people inside her, but guess what?!!! She has not inserted anyone inside her yet! Marie was close, but she never went inside Carla. Andy was close, be he was too big for her at the moment.

If the competition ends next chapter, I think there should be a bonus chapter where we get to see Carla full sized and Andy as 4 inches tall, and they spend an entire chapter! (Or two chapters :D) having some fun!

I would consider Jerry very lucky. Vera is a physically fit girl, and Carla is sexy and aggressive. I think I would take my point back that Jerry has a chance of winning. There is no way a man would win. It's a female dominated competition and men are just a seasoning to spice this game up.

If Vera wins, it would be like a romantic ending story where we reuinties with Paul. But will Vera use the other contestants to please her...? Hmmm. I guess not. It's not in her.

That leaves one option: Carla!!!! She is a sexy woman who loves taking charge and would love using the rest of the contestants to do as she pleases. Remember Sherri and Tom from last season? Of course u do. But when Sherri used the contestants, she spent extra time having fun with Tom. It's not just a coincidence that Carla has her little man destined to be used. Carla is going to reserve plenty of time for Andy and both of them enjoy it similar to Sherri and Tom.

I just had a random thought of what if a random woman finds Carla, Vera and Jerry In the desert and then keeps Jerry for herself? A sequel can start from that! I doubt that would happen, but what else besides animals will encounter this little group here? Anything can happen.

Maybe instead of straight up sex, Betty and Sherri can get a little kinky. One memorable scene from season 1 was Sandra tying up Dave to her panties with half his body inside her! I would love to see something similar happen. Oh wait, I forgot you already finished this story way back, but perhaps next time. Betty or sherry can tie up Andy to the front of their panties. I take that back. Carla should do that! Carla could use a sewing kit and tie loops around Andy's wrists and ankles and sew him onto the front of her panties so when she puts them on, Andy is literally forced to please her!

I wish this story was like a DVD where I could click on bonus clips and find sexy stuff like that. (Perhaps a bonus chapter) Hehe.

Great stuff Benton and you posted this chapter like 400 times faster compared to the last one. I miss your long chapters too. A typical chapter on this site would be half the length of yours. Keeps it up and I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Believe it or not there are actually seven more chapters to be uploaded, eight if you include the epilouge! I agree that towards the endgame of the Shrinking Show the more interesting action tends to take place back in Betty's compound rather than in the competition itself, but the drama to see who the winner will be is still on. In fact, there is still one more twist left to be seen in the final competition!

Jerry certainly is at a disadvantage, but don't count him out just yet. Vera is the most fit so on paper she is the most likely winner, but that might not be the only thing that matters. Carla isn't quite as fit as Vera but she is crafty as well as stubborn--that could help or hinder her at this point! So the field is still wide open! Remember, there is still one final twist to come.

It's interesting seeing your predictions for things that can happen in the endgame and after the end, and I have to say, you are very close on a couple of them, though I'm not going to say which ones. There are a couple things that will happen at the end that will tie into Season Three if I ever get around to writing it, so there's that to look forward to.

So only eight more uploads to go, and I don't think I'll forget for five months this time!

Reviewer: antitee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 19 2015 4:53 PM Title: Chapter 38

Very happy to see you back! I was worried this story would be forgotten.


I'm still rooting for Carla. She's tried the hardest and suffered the most, at least out of the remaining contestants, I don't think anyone has suffered as much as Dale in this competition.


If Carla loses, here's hoping she gets to take home Andy as a consolation prize.

Author's Response:

Anything is still possible!

Reviewer: Ancient Relic Signed [Report This]
Date: March 19 2015 8:55 AM Title: Chapter 38

Welcome back! Women always win, so Jerry's out. I want to see Carla win, so it'll probably be Vera.

Author's Response:

I'm glad to be back!

Reviewer: Alman01 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: March 18 2015 9:33 PM Title: Chapter 38

Jerry! I'm rooting for Jerry, character wise ^_^

Though the winner doesn't get shrunken down for the final orgy (assuming it ends the same way for the last victor...) still then again, Sheri does have control over his size anyways so maybe that won't be a problem.... XD

so on that logic I guess I'm biased in wanting the winner to be Vera if not Jerry XD


It's great to see you're still live and kicking btw :)

Author's Response:

I'm glad to be here. Anything is possible for the ending!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 18 2015 9:09 PM Title: Chapter 38

Welcome back!!!!

Man, I thought you retired! Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy St Patricks day which just occurred.

I had to reread the whole story just remember the details!

I still want Carla to win, but I think Jerry is going to win. This is actually a hard choice since Vera and Paul would have a good feel ending to this story. Jerry and Sherri seem likely a good returnng couple to the show for season 3.

I like Carla's aggressiveness but chapter 38 made her look like a rude bossy woman. For a second I felt like a coach and wanted to pull her and say "knock it off" and send her back in.

I'm still hoping for a full-sized Carla and a 4 inch tiny to spend a night together. That's like the dream.

Well, I'm glad you are back and I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

I'm glad to be back, TomSpeedy!

Reviewer: Nhencjnde Signed [Report This]
Date: March 18 2015 8:52 PM Title: Chapter 1

I´m sorry for my language but my english is limited and I can´t communicate my ideas fine. I hope you understar.


No hay palabras para describir la cara de anonadamiento que las premisas de tus nuevos proyectos me han dejado en el semblante. 

No finjire diciendo que he seguido tu trabajo efusivamente. Sería hipocrita de mi parte. Ley tu historia "Shrinkuccino" y consiguientemente "The Shrinking Show", y aunque, practicamente las considero un diez, mentiria si dijiera que más de una vez mi atención se desenfocaba y mis ojos vagaban hacia la nada.

No es que no fuesen buenas. Pero, desgraciadamente, me resulto tedioso cada nuevo capítulo al carecer de mis conceptos preferidos, o, en concreto, concepto: los pies.

Tal vez la razón principal fue que las leí en la epoca en que las primeras historias que leí que ofrecian una trama trabajada, con personajes con identidad y conflictos propios, fueron historias donde el concepto de los pies tenia una participación profunda en la historia, tales como "Homunculo" de Cayce o "A Little Blackmail" de Jacksmith, donde el autor le daba una justificación creible al concepto sin terminar pareciendo exagerado o colocados a la fuerza. Y tus historias, al carecer de conceptos atractivos como estos, en realidad parecian pasar por debajo de mi radar. Fue con la llegada de Zanderas y su historia "After Shrink High " que me desprendí por completo de este concepto y comence a abrir mi mente a nuevas horizontes.

Si volviera a leer tus historias, y viendo que has vulto para terminar la segunfda temporada de "The Shrink Show", es muy posible que lo haga, estoy seguro que encontraría con algo totalmente difrente a lo que vi por primera vez. 

Ahora, tal vez esten surgiendo algunas preguntas respecto al timpo. Para tratar de esclareser esas pequeña dudas, te comento que yo soy del tipo de persona que espera a que la historia haiga terminado para comensar a leerla y "After Shrink High" termino de escribirse 17 dias despues de que terminaras las tuyas; y cuando publicastes la nueva temporada, al haber leido tus historias antes de mi nuevo enfoque de perspectiva, y siendo esta nueva temporada solo una nueva historia, usando el mismo escenario, no senti la necesidad de retomarlas. Solo ahora que has retomado la segunda temporada, y estas embarcado en nuevos proyectos, uno de ellos siendo una secuela, me han hecho mirar en restrospectiva y cavilar sobre ellas.

Ahora que ya termine con esta... "pequeña introducción", quisiera continuar comentando que estoy emocionado con tus nuevas historias. La premisa de tu primer proyecto es la que más me ha llamado la atención, aunque decir que el enfoque que tendra la trama no es muy llamativo para mi. Me gustaria que fuese la hisoria de un hombre tratando de huir de esta secta maligna. Pero de una mujer entrando a formar parte de ella, debo admitir, suena interesante, sobre todo si ella es descripta como un alma gentil y transformada en un ser cruel. Y sobre todo, tratar de darle una justificación a los actos tan moralmente cuestionables de estas mujeres hacia los hombres, es una historia que merece la pena explorar.

La secula de "Shrinkuccino" es algo que también espero con apenas controlable emoción. De lo poco que puedo recordar de la primera parte es también lo que considero la parte más atractiva de la trama: la relación entre Jackie y nuestro narrador anónimo. En serio, lo que recuerdo de esta mujer es lo juguetona, cariñosa y atractiva que puede llagar a ser. Ansio ver a donde llegara a parar su relación, si es que hay una; recuerda que recuerdo poco de la historia.

La tercera es, ironicamente, la que esta al ultimo de mis prioridades por leer, pero no por ello no la leere una vez que sea publicada. Tu resumen no enclarece demasiado de ella, pero estoy seguro que sabrá atrapar al lector de princio a fin.

Antes de terminar, quisiera añadir una ultima pregunta. Se que, basandome en tus escritos anteriores, tus historias no se enfocan en los conceptos clasicos: como los pies, el vore, butt, etc. Pero retomando el resumen de tu primer proyecto, me ha venido la pregunta ¿trataras este tipo de conceptos en tus nuevas historias?, más en concreto, la primera y la tercera.

Si mi comentario te ofendio de algun modo, te hizo sentir incomodo o lo sentistes como fuera de lugar y nada tiene que ver con los comentarios que tu esperabas resivir, por favor hazmelo saber, lo ultimo que quiero es incomodarte y me disculpo de antemano si fue así.

Sin nada más que añadir, me despido.

Bye :)

Author's Response:

Hi, thanks for your detailed response! Unfortunitely, I don't know Spanish so I had to run your comment through Google Translator, which probably mangled it, but I still think I got the gyst of what you were saying.

It is true that my older stories don't include much if any feet, crush, or vore. I was never much of a foot person starting out. However, having said that, I must admit that having spent years in the GTS community since then Feet are starting to grow on me a bit. Now I'm not saying that I'm going to go out and write a story that's entirely foot-based, but feet are definitely starting to play a bigger role in my more modern stories. Also, I was a quite different person when I was younger; I couldn't get into the more brutal parts of GTS. However, I went through a major personality shift a couple years after the Shrinking Show was written, and now I fully embrace the darker sides of the fetish. Crushing and Vore are definitely things that pop up a lot more frequently in my stories than they used to.

I'm glad you liked the ideas for the stories I'm working on! I'm very excited to be doing them. Your idea about focusing on a little man escaping from an evil cult is an interesting one, however, in the case of the Black Widows, none live long enough to make that a viable idea, lol. The transformation story of Emma is something I find very compelling to write about. As for Shrinkuccino two, I'm glad you feel basically the same way about Jackie as I do, and I am looking forward to writing more about her. And Shrink U is coming along quite nicely--in fact I'm going to get back to writing after replying to these comments!

To answer your final question, yes, feet, vore, even butt, are going to start appearing more in my stories. One thing you might like is "The Strand", which I summarised in brief on my blog. I haven't worked on it actively in a while, but I can tell you that there is much written for it already, and those parts already contain at least one butt scene, multiple crushing scenes, and some vore. There are some pretty crazy people in that story! There might also be some "gentle" foot scenes in there as well later on.

Thanks for your comment! It's pretty much impossible to make me feel awkard or uncomfertable talking about any of this, and I don't mind of the comment goes off the expected tract--in fact, I welcome it, because I like talking about the broader ideas and concepts.

See you!

Reviewer: Ancient Relic Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: October 15 2014 2:51 PM Title: Chapter 37

Paul's note to Vera was a sweet thing to do.

This story is doing pretty good for fresh situations with good variety, and this chapter is a good example.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed [Report This]
Date: October 15 2014 1:55 AM Title: Chapter 1

Sorry, I think my review looks painful to the eyes.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 15 2014 1:54 AM Title: Chapter 37

Wow, what a fantastic chapter! We got good amounts of dialogue from both inside the house, and in the room with Sherri.

There is so much to talk about! There was drama, comedy, sex, girl talk, dreams, stealth, awkardness, joy, love, surprise, embarrassment! It was all there!

Let's start with Jerry and Vera.

Vera is obviously focused on the competition since there is no one to talk to. She knows it's a physical competition, so she should have an advantage next chapter.

Jerry is on his own, but he went straight to his room waiting for Sherri. First off, does he have anything else to do? Haha. Second, he should be doing some push-ups instead. Actually I take that back. He might get sore.

Then we have Carla and Marie. Now this was a deep conversation. Carla wants to claim Andy but is curious to know what Andy has gone through with Marie. She knows what Betty is doing to him. Marie is the one that Carla wonders about.

Marie has that motherly approach that makes everyone feel good. Exhibit A: Dale and Marie in the bathtub. Marie basically massaged Dale and he desired her after that. Exhibit B: Paul and Marie. Paul would carry Marie and do push ups with little Marie on his back. Sure, Paul was don't the work, but for Paul to make a girl enjoy what he was doing made him feel special. Exhibit C: Marie and Andy in bed. Sure, they kinda met by accident becuase Andy stumbled into Marie's room, but Marie made him feel welcomed and Andy found that irresistible. Andy also learned about love, no not sex, but to care for one another and I think Andy needed a bit of that. Exhibit D: Marie washing Carla. We just saw that Marie cares for everyone, including those that she holds a grudge against.

Then things got serious when Carla asked Marie if she could pusue him. All I gotta say is that Carla, if you want some men who are interested in a giantess dominant woman, then visit giantess world. You won't regret it. :)


Now back in Sherri's place.

When Sherri and Tom discussed how Andy was stupid and how Betty can scare anyone, I hope Sherri is wrong. I don't want Andy to be scared of Carla. It's funny becuase in many giantess stories, the shrunken guy is afraid of the giantess, like Dale, Paul, and Jerry. Just imagining Carla to pursue Andy and all of a sudden, Andy is scared as ever. You would think that Betty is tired of scared men, and wants something different; nope, she just has to put every one in their place.

Now the best part. The highlight of this chapter was Tom's idea of hiding in Sherri's ear, and telling her what to do. I mean that scene was hilarious. I was laughing so hard, I could see why Tom was snickering. You made my day Benton. Just watching the reactions of Paul, Hailey, and Dale was amusing.

Now sexiness. Is it me, or just imaging a hot woman reading those lines that Sherri said was the hottest language I have ever heard off? I mean Tom is a genius! I wish every guy told a hot girl what to do to attract a man. I mean "take Paul and lower him down your body. Now put him in your pants". Wow! The success rate for hooking up would go up exponentially! Funny how they term a sex party with the contestants as a 'Betty'. Haha.

So Sherri knows when to call it quits for sex. Now that's control. The ability to stop yourself even if it's tempting to just go with it. That's what Sherri did. Probably why Sherri was chosen as the co host. Makes me believe that Marie is gonna win cuz she has control too. However, Betty might want a creative person now and might prefer Carla.

Paul wrote a note to Vera. Now that's a manly move. Not something physical, but something that a good man would do. Something that Hailey has been wanting all competition.

Well now Hailey has Tom. Ha, during the sex scene, I thought Tom was gonna go inside Hailey while Hailey was inside Sherri. Then Tom could add another record. Being in two vaginas at once!

Chapter 37, fantastic! There was so much to discuss! I can't wait for the next one!

Reviewer: riczar Signed [Report This]
Date: October 13 2014 4:07 AM Title: Chapter 36

If season one is any indication, its usually the most unlikely person and one of the least competitive.  It's not going to be Carla, she's the most competitive and aggressive.  Not Jerry, because he's a dude and with Sherri he's already won really.  Marie would be likely, least competitive and goes with the flow.  Vera would be the dark horse.  She's competitive, but not mean and doesn't think too much about shrinking which like Sherri, could change her mind about it in the final days.   Plus we haven't seen a giant Vera make out with anyone yet.  It might be a nice night with tiny Paul at the end.

Author's Response:

It is an interesting point you make about people who are less competitive and agressive that do better. It is true: people who are too agressive make themselves targets too easily in this game!

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