Reviews For A Fly On the Wall
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Reviewer: LostSoul Signed [Report This]
Date: May 08 2014 5:47 PM Title: Chapter 1: Magical Snails

This might be an interesting story depending on how it goes. I'll give a rating when I see more, but I might like it depending on how descriptive you are with the main character in his environment especially with his now giant sister, mother, and whatever else characters you put in you. Look forward to seeing more.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review. The next chapter will start some in-depth giantess interactions, just wait!

Reviewer: TheSilentOne Signed [Report This]
Date: May 08 2014 1:48 PM Title: Chapter 1: Magical Snails

Looks like this may be an interesting story.  I do have an opinion on the rating though.  At minimum, I'd say this was PG, even at chapter 2, but judging from the summary, I'd expect this to reach an R before it's finished.  Very few stories are legitimately G on a site like this.

Author's Response:

Yeah, so far it is PG. I already have a good chunk of this story done, just have to proof read a bit, and it does get more graphic.

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