Date: April 09 2015 11:55 AM Title: Group Assembly
Id like to see a continuation of this.
Author's Response:
I'm very tempted to make a sequel to this story and while writing it I've had ideas of what I'd do for a second story. It's definitely in the realm of possibilities in the near future.
Date: March 28 2015 4:20 PM Title: Meridith
And now comes the part where she realizes that she accidently brought an innocent bystander into this chaos.
Date: March 14 2015 7:52 AM Title: Anderson
Gotta say that from the beginning I've been anticipating her reaction when she realizes that she accidently brought an innocent person in on this revenge of hers. I can't wait to see what she does in that situation.
Date: April 25 2013 1:46 AM Title: Xavier
Great new chapter, I wonder what eill happen next. Will she kill everyone or just the ones who messed with her. Cannot wait for the next update.
Date: February 25 2013 6:29 PM Title: Leslie
Love the story hope this one isn't abandoned. Seen to many stories that were great just stop. I really hope you contiinue.
Author's Response:
I promise I will, I'm just pretty drained from college and what not that I can barely find the motivation to write by the time I'm done. But, spring break is coming up and hopefully that free time will allow me to get some more writing done.
Date: February 15 2013 6:16 PM Title: Leslie
FUCK do continue.
Date: January 27 2013 11:23 PM Title: Leslie
Very nice!
Looking forward to more.
Date: January 27 2013 10:13 PM Title: Leslie
I really like this story, you've definitely got me following it to the end! Hope to see from friend of foe as well too!
Date: January 27 2013 7:38 PM Title: Leslie
Poor Leslie, what a drop! Oh, well,... Next! I love it, that Leslie what a mess, Huh?
Well, at least no mucus got in her hair! Ha, ha, ah, ha,ha,hah! Ah-! Chooo!....
Lookin' forward to next chap......
Date: January 26 2013 6:14 PM Title: Travis
I love this! The revenge factor, and by a tiny, little, Leila'.....yeah, that's the stuff!
May I ask what inspired you to write this? (just curious) I really like the little guy finally getting some respect! And, stomping on bullys.....
Author's Response:
Thanks. Uh, to be honest my writing is pretty hot and cold. Some days I can write a lot and ideas pour out, some days I can barely write a page worth of material before coming to a block.
As far the plot, it was something I thought of before going to bed one night and I have read a few stories of the very petite girl becoming a relative giantess to someone or a group of people. Normally though the girl tends to be rather bashful or soft-spoken but for now I want to make Leila very stoic performing a vigilante style of justice in her mind, and having no qualms in being very violent considering who are targets are. The violence aspect is something I wanted to mainly see if I could write well.
Date: January 22 2013 10:03 PM Title: Session Begins
This is going to be a good story, I can tell!
Date: January 22 2013 6:52 PM Title: Group Assembly
I like your 'Friend or Foe' stories, but this is a nice distraction from them. It's nice to get away from a long time story and just think up fun ideas in another story. I am looking forward to the session.
Date: January 22 2013 5:29 PM Title: Session Begins
Hmm, I dont know, Im kind of on the fence about this one. I have liked some of your previous strories, but not so sure as of now. I think I'll hold off on a rating until you write a bit more, and I can grasp where this story is going.
Author's Response:
That's fine, it is a fairly big deviation to what I usually like as well. But, every now and again I do like a more violent giantess.