Reviews For The origin of DE
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Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: December 03 2012 2:56 PM Title: Chapter 1

I just tried to read the first chapter of the Youtube version. But, the images were incurably blurry. I guess Youtube and Hi-Def don't mix!

Author's Response:

I find the best way to read "giants and the City' is to download the comics from the web site. it's a web site I have grown to love. 

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 03 2012 2:49 PM Title: Chapter 1

Well, as this is absolutely THE VERY FIRST I've heard of Drenic Earth, I'll have to dispute the aforementioned web comic's popularity. But, I might give it a cursory glance out of morbid curiosity.

Author's Response:

Drene Earth is a newly created world of mine. A world I call DE. 


Reviewer: angeloflife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 02 2012 9:26 PM Title: Chapter 1

Did you get tired of mega world so you made a world that is even bigger? I wonder if the ones from Drene Earth are going to look down on smaller ones as man bugs like the ones from mega world do or will they be nicer to them?


I wonder if you are open to having other peoples characters crossing over to yours?

Author's Response:

I'm not tired of mega world. As for how they (DE) will treat people from smaller worlds. For the most part in will be nicer than the megas. But there will be some that will be mean. But the majority will be gentle.


As for other peoples characters crossing over to mine, I'm willing to consider it. What do you have in mind?

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