Date: June 05 2013 3:21 AM Title: Chapter 1
For the sake of realism I feel the need to point out that in the part where the giant picks up Isley by her head, one of two things should have happened: either her head pops off, or her neck gets broken. Either way, she should have ended up dead right then and there. The human neck simply is not capable of supporting the weight of the body. That's why hanging makes for such an effective form of execution.
I guess you could explain around that if the shrinking made them more durable somehow.
Author's Response:
Shrinking also makes you weigh significantly less, moreso than you'd think! Just like a gts couldn't really support her own weight, a tiny could do incredible feats involving being beaten around with their own weight (falling from relatively immense distances, for example) and walk away with hardly a scratch!
Also, if you were really tiny you wouldn't be able to communicate with giants, much less see them crisply. I guess we're all sticking our heads in the sand to one degree or another!
Date: November 24 2012 6:03 AM Title: Chapter 1
Well, I must say that this was a pretty interesting story. Quite cruel, but I have no doubt that if shrunken people were actually real, there would no doubt be people like the young man in this story who would use, abuse, and kill the tinies just for their own amusement.
Date: October 09 2012 11:03 PM Title: Chapter 1
Should continue, of course. :)
Date: October 07 2012 7:48 AM Title: Chapter 1
I actually counted three lives that were ruined in the span of about ten minutes! Seriously, though, I enjoyed this, even though I go for giantess fare more often.
In the same vein as another reviewer, I’d be interested for you to share more stories in this universe, but perhaps at least some of them could take place prior to this one. After all, it would be one thing if this were just about some isolated lout who’s going around terrorizing the “Infected,” but when no less than the Supreme Court (of the United States, I’m assuming) declares that beings that had only seven months prior been their friends and co-workers—and maybe still are in some cases—are suddenly less than human, I’m curious to hear some of the stories behind that; especially the stories that swayed the Supreme Court to the majority (unanimous?) decision to revoke personhood for the Infected. Like the public outrage over a loving wife charged with manslaughter because she woke up one morning to find a creature crawling on her, only realizing after putting in her contacts that she’d flung her husband against the bedroom wall and killed him. How can something so small be given the same rights when it can so easily be injured or killed?
Does the disease strike a completely random 20% of individuals across the world (which would mean billions, not millions), not favoring any sex, ethnicity, or class over others? If so, then the Supreme Court would have been lucky for all nine of its members to escape infection. The fact that all three members of this poor family have shrunk seems to suggest a genetic factor.
This tale worked for me as a quick, standalone story, but I can see lots of potential for further development.
Date: October 02 2012 12:29 AM Title: Chapter 1
I liked it just would like to know whats gonna happen to daughter
Author's Response:
She gets raped, abused, neglected and dies.
Date: October 01 2012 8:37 PM Title: Chapter 1
Your style of writing is great to read. It's a great blend of details and being straight forward. The idea you implemented was an interesting one. I was skeptical when I read Giant Men and Feet in the categories. I don't mind reading about giant men, but men's feet turn me off. However, the feet aspect wasn't overbearing or disgusting to read. Overall a very great short story.
If I can give a suggestion, you started an interesting universe. I would add in a couple of more short stories even if the surviving characters aren't used again. You can really dive into the moral, and maybe political, aspect of the law that was stated. Again just a suggestion.
Author's Response:
Hm. Not a bad idea. I may flesh that out, could be pretty fun.