Date: May 11 2013 2:08 PM Title: Welcome!
I just wanted to say how much I like you writing.
Date: October 17 2012 3:03 PM Title: Love Triangle
I like the interaction between the character, though I feel there could be more description.
Date: October 17 2012 2:55 PM Title: Welcome!
A nice introduction.
Date: July 31 2012 1:23 PM Title: The Waitress
This story is ridiculously awesome, if only because its premise is so original. I'm not sure how our world would be like if people were different sizes like this, but this story is both believable and fun. Keep it up, I'd love to see more.
PS I'd be about 2' tall, which is a good size, I think. However, my mother's side of the family would be almost 90' tall.
Date: July 30 2012 11:41 PM Title: The Waitress
Aw, you skipped the best part. Granted, that little guy was being creepy and violating poor Sofi. But we giantess fans do love a good interaction scene.
Would love to hear more about the Mixed-Size Bar. I've done stories in that type of setting. It offers a lot of great scenarios. Interesting glimpse we got of it. Putting the miniature tables at ground level seems awfully risky.
Author's Response:
Yeah, sorry about that. I knew some people would be a bit disappointed about that. The thing is, I don't like those scenes. I mean, the graphic, erotic stuff just isn't my thing. I just hope you can still enjoy the stories, even without that.
Also, about the Mized-Sized Bar.. I agree, it does have potential. I've read your stories about that, and I find them really good. The thing is that I don't want to seem like I'm stealing ideas. I read your stories a long time before writing this, so I knew I shouldn't do the same. Still, the Bar scenario is good, I just don't think I'll be using it the way you have. But thanks for the thoughts, too. I always appreciate the backup. Thank you very much.
Date: July 30 2012 7:39 PM Title: The Waitress
Like some of the other commenters, I like these scenarios where pronounced size differences are a part of everyday life. Somehow, a woman seems most awe-inspiring when she can wreak havoc just going about her job and other daily business that would normally seem mundane.
You went into quite a lot of detail on the average heights! Are you only showing the nationalities that you plan to feature in your series? I ask because I noticed that one of my ancestral homelands is not listed, among other omissions.
I'm thinking the order of the heights is based on the real data of average national heights, correct? That's certainly a logical way to do it, though spreading out Europe and other "first-world" countries slightly more so they don't dominate the top of the list would make things a little more interesting, in my opinion.
That being said, averages are just averages. They say nothing about the diversity that may exist within each population, and I think this series will be especially fun if you keep that in mind as you imagine future scenarios. It's like saying the average man is taller than the average woman: that doesn't mean there aren't women out there that most guys will be looking up at.
Beyond the effects of immigration--countries like the United States could be home to people of Dutch ancestry and Cambodian ancestry alike, and people of different backgrounds could have children together--in a world with such a wide disparity of sizes, heights must vary much more from person to person, even between siblings born to similar-sized parents, so even in a family with a “pure” lineage, a girl might be twice as tall as her brother, who is three times taller than another sister, and so on. That's to say nothing of unrelated people of similar ancestry, so although a Brazilian waitress nearly crushing a Swedish man might be more unlikely than the opposite, is it impossible?
Food for thought.
Author's Response:
First of all, thanks for taking the time to read the stories and writing the comments. I really appreciate that. That being said, I'd like to answer some of your thoughts.
Sorry about missing so many countries. I'm aware that there are others that I didn't include, but I just found it harder to do. The list is not based on the ones I'm going to necessarily use, as many will probably never be included. It's a list I found in the Internet, and I thought it had overall a good variety. I might include later some countries that are not on the list. Who knows, really.
I was also aware about the lack of variety in countries like Europe, which are most of them on the bigger side. However, considering the variety, I believe it's possible to make people from South Korea, for example, giant compared to others, so even if the Europeans are the biggest, that doesn't mean they get to be the only giant-sized.
About the averages, that's true. Averages are just averages. Of course many people are beyond the "rule". However, in a world with such a disparity of heights, even a short Dutch would be massive compared to a tall Colombian. If you meant that the averages used in the original list aren't always the rule, then you're right, again, but said list was just a guide. I know there are many Colombians taller than Dutch, using the previous example. But for the sake of the stories, I just took the average as a rule. It might be interesting to mix sizes a bit more, throughout the countries, but then the original idea would be lost.
Finally, the ancestry part. That is true in the world as we know it. Many people have different bloodlines, which could cause a different variety of sizes in these stories. But, again, this might get rid of the original idea, as people would be big or small, no matter their countries of origin. Plus, if the world has been this way for so many years, then it'd be kind of difficult to be half Cambodian, half Dutch, for example. I just thought that the kids of different (yet close enough) sizes would end up being in between.
Anyway, this was just to explain what I had in mind when doing this. I really liked your comments, and I'll surely think about them more. Thanks again for taking the time.
Date: July 26 2012 7:36 PM Title: Welcome!
This is awesome. I love multi-size settings, especially ones where the size discrepency is normal and accepted. It opens up so many interesting possibilities. The fact that this is tagged "Gentle/Kind" sounds like this will be right up my alley too.
My only criticism is that maybe the size differences are a bit too extreme? When you have groups that are less than an inch and groups that are hundreds of feet tall, it strains credibility that they can interact without harming each other. Or that their cultures developed over the years without the weaker ones being wiped out. Maybe that's injecting too much reality into this though. Bottom line, I like what I see so far.
Author's Response:
Thank you.
I appreciate your criticism. And I agree, it would be difficult in real life to keep cultures so different size-wise from having troubles with each other. I guess I kind of assumed that in this particular universe, they would be more or less tolerant and nice. The size differences might be a bit too extreme in certain scenarios, true. However, I tried to keep it so that the smallest are, compared to the biggest, around 1/8'' tall. It is a lot, indeed, but I was hoping not too much to make it impossible to interact in any way. Plus, in these few stories, I didn't use the most extreme sizes, trying to make it easier to interact.
Still, again, I appreciate the criticism. And I'm very glad you're liking it so far. Thanks again.
Date: July 24 2012 9:46 PM Title: Welcome!
Great idea for a story an it's very entertaining to read.
Date: July 23 2012 1:35 PM Title: Welcome!
All I'm going to say is.. whoa. I liked that you took the time to explain the whole thing at the begginning so there was no confusion. Somepeople might say "No boring intro-get to the gts already!"but I like knowing what the hell is going on basically in a story. And that first story chapter was really good! I like how everything blended so that it was obvious this was a normal, accepted part of society that people of different sizes got aalong without killing smaller ones. I would love to see more!
Author's Response:
Thanks a lot, really! I was actually worried about what you just said. I wasn't sure if all that explaining was going to be boring or annoying. I'm glad you even liked it. Thanks again.