Date: November 01 2012 6:46 PM Title: The Lab Partner
Why is Michelle such a raging bitch, and why is Nick such a raging douche?!
Author's Response:
Could you clarify? Do you mean, you don't like them as a raging bitch and douche and want to see something different, or do you like them this way but want to see more of a reason for them to act this way?
btw -- any plans to continue "Slavery"?
Date: November 01 2012 4:29 PM Title: The Lab Partner
Please don't wait.
One of the best stories I have ever read.
Get to the meat. The last chapter was boring.
Author's Response:
Good to know. Thanks for the honest feedback. I definitely do tend to drag things out. This story's going to be over 100,000 words for sure. But I'll try to focus as much as possible on the meat of the story and keep the rest of the content short. (relatively speaking...)
Date: October 28 2012 4:06 PM Title: The Lab Partner
This might be my favorite story on the entire site. There's little risk of me losing interest between now and the updated, but is there any chance of you offering us a chapter or a preview to tide us over? ;-)
Author's Response:
haha...sure, I'll post a little preview soon :)
Date: October 01 2012 7:39 PM Title: The Lab Partner
i bet ur taking a long time to build up suspense lol.
that ending better be one happy mind blowing finaly.
Author's Response:
Yeah, well, if I really wanted to build up suspense, I'd post it in little half-scene segments here and there to keep you all on pins and needles. But waiting a few months to post, like I'm doing, is only gonna make people lose interest in the meantime, lol. But it can't be helped.
If all goes to plan, though, the ending's going to be epic. ;)
Date: September 24 2012 11:31 PM Title: The Lab Partner
Any status as to the update? I'm anxiously awaiting! :P
Author's Response:
Thanks for keeping interested :)
I've decided to hold off on posting any more until it's all finished. There's just too many things I may go back and tweak, because I really want the final product to be as good as it can be.
But I am writing nonstop. The new stuff yet to be posted is about as long as what I have posted so far. And there's still plenty more left to write. I can't say exactly when it'll be done, but somewhere in the ballpark of a few months. Sorry for the delay ... but I promise it'll be worth it.
Date: September 04 2012 2:11 AM Title: The Lab Partner
I'm at a loss for words on how good this story is. Seriously. Most GTS stories revolve around unrelastic or unrelatable characters but I am really drawn into this.
I'm also REALLY hoping that Nick can achieve his catharsis and that this is all michelle's way of testing him....because as much fun as it can be to have him get stepped on, I would love to see this have a real resolve where michelle isnt so heartless. Despite everything that's happened (and yes, she has become pretty awful), I have faith in her and him.
The writing is superb...really hoping for a good ending for both main characters!
Author's Response:
It's truly awesome to read a review like this. Never expected people to enjoy it so much.
Hope you don't mind if I refrain from sharing my plans for the ending. But it's still a ways off.
Date: September 02 2012 10:42 PM Title: The Lab Partner
i havent read the whole thing yet but i like what i see a lot, i know u update slow but plz keep going
Author's Response:
I was gone on vacation all summer and suddenly I have a reputation for updating slow. Go figure. I was posting more than once a week before summer started. lol, I just think it's funny, is all.
True, in the near future I won't be updating as frequently as I used to. I'm writing faster than ever, but I want to wait until more towards the end when it's more finalized and then post it in big chunks.
Meanwhile, hope you enjoy the rest of Ch. 1-7 :)
Date: September 01 2012 9:03 PM Title: The Lab Partner
This is the best story on the entire freaking site and I await every single new chapter. This is great so far! I'm very interested to see just how tall Michelle ends up growing... she seems to just never stop now.
I would like Nick to eventually reach a very small know, down to inches. The fear effect is fantastic.
Overall though I love this, and will be following it to the end! Hope it updates more often, but I'd rather it kept up with quality over quantity :)
Author's Response:
Many thanks, cordell. It's great to hear feedback like that.
I will say that I'm planning to focus on the few-feet-tall range for Nick. That's what I tend to prefer. But I certainly won't rule out the possibility of dabbling in the inches range towards the end.
Also, I've been writing frequently since returning from vacation, but I might hold off on posting chapters for a while until it's closer to completion and I'm sure I have it how I want it. The 'quantity' will be plenty, though. Hope the quality ends up good too :)
Date: August 19 2012 5:28 PM Title: The Lab Partner
Any New Chapters coming soon???
Author's Response:
I'm in the process of writing them. I'd like to hold off on posting the next chapter for a little while because I might change something. Shouldn't be too too long, though. Thanks for keeping interested :)
Date: June 10 2012 2:24 PM Title: The Lab Partner
Author's Response:
Working on it as we speak! Should be out fairly soon ... glad you're taking such an interest :)
Date: May 31 2012 8:00 AM Title: The Lab Partner
You really have something great going on here, I especially like the role reversal here of how Michelle has taken Nick's school role, and how Nick is in Michelle's place now as an outcast.
Author's Response:
Thanks! Hope you enjoy how there relationship begins to evolve in Chapter 5.
Date: May 26 2012 4:49 PM Title: The Lab Partner
Another great episode. Keep it up.
Date: May 24 2012 10:51 AM Title: The Lab Partner
Loving it so far.
I cant wait to see what Nick's social status will be like when he goes back to school, and the meeting with his girlfriend.
Author's Response:
Thanks, DarcKage. I promise, he'll be returning to school soon, in chapter 4. Stay tuned!
Date: May 24 2012 8:59 AM Title: The Lab Partner
Please continue.
The quality of your writing and plot development are among the best.
Author's Response:
Thanks! Don't worry, I will be posting plenty more, as time allows.
Date: May 23 2012 4:34 PM Title: The Lab Partner
So far, excellent writing, characters, and everything else. This story is a real pleasure to read, and I am very excited to see where it goes from here. I can't wait for the next chapters, I hope you can get them out as soon as possible.
Keep up the great work, you truly are a great writer.
Author's Response:
Wow, many thanks! I've greatly enjoyed writing it so far but I hesitated to post it online since I wasn't sure if others would enjoy it as much. Hopefully you continue to enjoy the story as it progresses.
Date: May 22 2012 10:36 PM Title: The Lab Partner
quality stuff, i like the effort you put into having just enough backstory to develop the characters while still keeping things moving. your dialogue flows very well, also, and helps maintain the illusion
Author's Response:
That's high praise from the legendary jack smith! I always find myself getting drawn into stories more when they have a solid backstory, and hopefully mine is decent enough to keep things interesting. Thanks again.
Date: May 16 2012 12:57 PM Title: The Lab Partner
Great story so far, can't wait for more!!!
Date: May 15 2012 4:42 AM Title: The Lab Partner
Very good start! I like the potential endless teasing! :) Curious to know how Nick will be forced to take the red substance now - maybe the strongest version will shrink him down by stage...? Maybe other guys will have to taste this substance... cannnot wait!!