Date: June 03 2018 7:46 PM Title: Chapter 3: Not alone anymore
I just found this story, but it's really great. I love Vicki's assertiveness :)
Date: March 15 2012 1:33 PM Title: Chapter 1: The Way Things Are
Love this story, can't wait for more!
Date: March 12 2012 4:26 PM Title: Chapter 3: Not alone anymore
I felt it was very out of character what Eva asked Jessica to do at the begining of the chapter. She's just been shrunk so wouldn't her first thoughts be on trying to esapce, seeing as Vicki was asleep at the time? I didn't think Eva would want to behave that was around Jessica.
I hope Eva is alright though... She didn't deserve to be crushed...
Author's Response:
Hello again stubbornstain!
I do have an explanation for the way that Eva is acting which i will get into later in the story. For now the story will mainly be focused on their perils and the relationship between Jessica and Eva. thank you for reading my story and reviewing, i shall be posting a new chapter later tonight!
Date: March 12 2012 4:19 PM Title: Chapter 2: Eva
So Jessica has a new friend. This should be interesting. Vicki is very nighmarish I would rather killl myself than be killed. Don't her parent's worry about her beign shrunk? Surely people would notice Jessica and Eva are gone.
Also, the ladders and holes in the walls you mention remind me of some of the maps of a game I play. It's called Garry's Mod and you can download player and oject re-sizers for it. For example, I have a map of a huge kitchen, and other of a top floor of a house which makes me appear really tiny or very large depnding on which map it is, but unfortunately the computer players I insert into the worlds tend to be very stupid though since I have nobody to play with I have no choice.
I have a YouTube account called "thestubbornstain" if you want to have a look. There also guides on how to get it there, in the description of my channel if you're interested.
Date: March 12 2012 11:11 AM Title: Chapter 1: The Way Things Are
Hi Jen, welcome to giantessworld,
I don't want to be too harsh, because I don't with being overly critical (it's happened on my stories in the past); but at the same time I don't feel people give enough feedback on here, merely fapping and running, so I will attempt you give you a helping hand, if you will. In addition I hope my review won't be too lengthy. Brevity is something I have to work on. :/ Anyway, moving along...
From the first chapter of your story I've noticed a number of things with your writing.
I don't doubt you have a good story, but I think the main problem for me would that you need to work on breaking up your paragraphs. I'll tell you why.
Your paragraphs are awfully large and there are a few reasons for why they should be smaller. I know this isn't of concern for the majority of fetishists but if you are to take writing seriously it is something to consider. Each paragraph is supposed to present, one perhaps tow ideas at most and then you move onto the next paragraph. At the end of a paragraph I feel as if I can have a brief pause before I continue reading. If a paragraph is too long a reader can lose their place and I personally, often have difficulty with very large paragraphs because I feel like I cannot take a breather, well metaphorically speaking, because I'm scared I might lose myself.
So one idea could be a description of a character. Seeing as Jessica is the tiny person, and so not as important, well fetishly speaking (I tend to make up words but you know what I mean I hope) only a few lines should be enough. On the other hand, your giantess, Vicki is very important because the story is mainly about her and what she does. So as the main character more emphasis needs to be put on her.
I saw that you described some of her appearance but other things can also have an effect on the readers view of a particular character. These things would be facial expressions/emotions (of which you have some), their environment (more on that in a second), clothes they wear, things that important to them (such as make-up or perhaps they have a particular interest in a sport or other hobby, if relevant) and how they behave around other characters.
In terms of environment, if a character lives in a dirty house they can give a reader a bad impression of them. Likewise, if they bedroom is completely spotless it could show that they are obsessed with being tidy and this present to a reader certain aspects of their character that helps to build a profile and helps to make them different from other characters. In the same way, the clothes that a character in your story chooses to wear would be another factor. Someone who is dressed all in black is going to act differently to someone who is dressed in many different bright colours.
Also, I should mention that good use of punctuation can help to guide the reader. For example, some sentences can have a completely different feel if a comma is used at different points. A comma is a chance for the reader to take a slight breath, unlike a full stop/period which signals a move to the next idea. A paragraph will present a set of similar ideas such, as the appearance of a character, the objects in a room or the world around a character at a particular moment in time.
I should also mention that the speech of characters should be on different lines to the description and that of other characters as it would make your story so much easier to follow as I'm finding I'm having to re-read certain parts to grasp what's going on. Maybe I'm just an idiot, who knows? But in published books you noticed that ease of reading is taken into consideration and authors have split everything up so that the reader doesn’t get lost.
If you've reached this far down then, thank you for taking the time to read my review. My E-mail is on my profile page, so if there is anything you'd like to discuss then, please, don't be shy.
The above sentence (and this one potentially) is an example of where commas can change its feel, well I personally feel that it is anyway.
Date: March 12 2012 1:59 AM Title: Chapter 1: The Way Things Are
Nice! I love indestructible stories! One of my "things" is to be eaten alive and spend time in a girls stomach before coming out. I also like the idea of solitary confinement being up between a girls butt cheeks!
Look forward to reading more!
Date: March 11 2012 11:24 PM Title: Chapter 3: Not alone anymore
Excellent, just caught up on all 3 chapters. Finally another story I can get into. I like the indestructble theme, offers unlimited scenarios. This is going to be a fun story!
Date: March 11 2012 8:12 PM Title: Chapter 2: Eva
Very nice!
You introduced your big bad nicely as-well as her pets peril. I may have something to tide me over while waiting for Jacksmith lol.
Good work.