Reviews For A "LONG-LOST" TALE
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Reviewer: timescribe Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 07 2012 6:10 PM Title: Chapter 6

Looks like Carycausen and Harryhomic are doing a good collaboration here.

Author's Response: Insert good-natured facepalm, here. ;-)

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: November 17 2011 9:06 AM Title: Chapter 5

*English foot: the present-day standard of twelve inches was first established by royal decree of England's King Henry I.

Reviewer: F_G_F Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: November 16 2011 12:18 AM Title: Chapter 4

This story continues to interest me, especially now that we have a giantess making her entry.

Good detail in mixing the historical and mythological happenings.  It is a fantastic background for a giantess story.  I am looking forward to seeing where this will take us next.

Author's Response: Well, chapters four and five are now posted, for your convenience. ;-)

Reviewer: F_G_F Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: November 13 2011 3:02 PM Title: Chapter 1

A very good start.  Seems like this one is going to be epic.  I'll look for the regular updates.

Is "the land of the apples" Kazakhstan?  The name of their largest city Almaty literally means "full of apples."   

Author's Response: Right the first time! :-)

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