Reviews For Julia
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Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 19 2011 8:29 AM Title: Chapter 13: The Job Begins

Oooooh! Good ploy; making her think he feels not good enough to be seen in the company of a pretty giantess. Even though it's guaranteed she wouldn't be showing him off to any of her normal-sized classmates.*

*And, might I add, that's a refreshing change of pace, in itself, from the usual cliche'.

Reviewer: Hollow Signed [Report This]
Date: November 18 2011 6:38 PM Title: Act I: Prisoner, Chapter 1: Good Morning

dude (or chick), you have a seriously good story here, I just started and i'm already hooked, I'm not the best author on here, not by far, but I definetely know that this story is gonna turn out great!

Reviewer: aaron Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 18 2011 5:06 PM Title: Chapter 13: The Job Begins

wow, lol. jacks playing with fire

but what choice do they have

Reviewer: aaron Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 15 2011 9:35 PM Title: Chapter 12: The First Time

great story. hope there will be more.


Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 15 2011 2:16 PM Title: Chapter 12: The First Time

Rats! I thought sure she was going to take him with her (to real-world school).

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 14 2011 3:13 PM Title: Chapter 11: Master Plan

In other words, Jack is going to be taught how to charm the pants off Julia? Interesting mental picture!


Author's Response:

oh geez hehe well, to start, how about just charming her guard down?

Reviewer: aaron Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 13 2011 6:48 PM Title: Chapter 10: Sweat Sock Hop

awesome story. love the characters as well as the realism. an the fact that they have to tell julia about the baby. cant wait to seewhat happens next. im really into this story now.


Reviewer: Aborigen Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: November 13 2011 6:40 PM Title: Chapter 3: Misbehavior

It's pretty good writing, I'm following the action, but it's hard to be attracted to mathematics lessons from a gigantic teenage girl. What's with her fixation on class lessons?

Author's Response:

well, first of all, everyone has their own attraction, so if this isn't your thing that's fine, but the point then isn't even on the lessons, it's on her unique madness and how controlling she is

Reviewer: Aborigen Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: November 13 2011 6:38 PM Title: Act I: Prisoner, Chapter 1: Good Morning

I would've liked a little more attention to Jim's experience, slipping from the glass into Julia's mouth. It went kind of quick!

Author's Response:

i think you entirely missed the point of jim; he was meant to give a crash course in what julia was willing to do, the main and important characters are the ones being focused on now

Reviewer: Parrot Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 13 2011 2:15 PM Title: Chapter 10: Sweat Sock Hop

this story is excellent.  thank you for the effort and creativity youve put into it thus far,  you are talented

Author's Response:

thanks for reading

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: November 13 2011 1:25 PM Title: Chapter 10: Sweat Sock Hop

P.S.---sorry. I sometimes get long-winded with better-than-average stories.

Author's Response:

an interesting theory; really, though, the tossing is meant to imply very different things: annoyance for brian and her attraction to jack

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 13 2011 1:24 PM Title: Chapter 10: Sweat Sock Hop

The same way she tosses Jack around, huh? Maybe he no longer has a monopoly on her affections, then. Maybe she's become interested in Brian _because_ she can get a more immmediate response from him (even if its incorrigible defiance). Or, could she really be trying to make Jack finally take notice of her by _pretending_ Brian is her new favorite?

Reviewer: AdamX Signed [Report This]
Date: November 13 2011 7:42 AM Title: Act I: Prisoner, Chapter 1: Good Morning

This was one of your finest chapters.


The Bratiness came through beautifully as the did the humiliation of the task. Well done.



Reviewer: Ace Corona Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 12 2011 9:32 AM Title: Act I: Prisoner, Chapter 1: Good Morning

Good story, I liked the vore scene. I think it would be interesting to know how Julia got the shrink-ray. Do they live in a time when that technology is available, or is there some other explanation?

Author's Response:

it's a time where the tech is available, although expensive (which julia can handle b/c her parents are rich). this probably raises the question of "well, wouldn't this kind of thing happen a lot more often, then?" to which i would answer, don't think about it too hard ;)

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 12 2011 8:13 AM Title: Chapter 9: Second Detention

This proves just how modest Jack normally is. He doesn't notice what was perfectly obvious to everyone else(even me!), regarding the source of Julia's concern for his "skinny-ness."

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 11 2011 3:21 PM Title: Chapter 8: Volatile Situation

Like shrimp, huh? I wonder if Julia would christen such a delicacy "tiny human cocktail?" On second thought; nah! It doesn't have quite the same ring to it. ;-)

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 11 2011 3:18 PM Title: Chapter 7: Almost Someone's Lunch

This girl has more issues than a doctor's waiting room. :-(

Reviewer: aaron Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 10 2011 10:42 PM Title: Chapter 7: Almost Someone's Lunch

great chapter. please comtinue with this story.


Reviewer: AdamX Signed [Report This]
Date: November 10 2011 3:37 PM Title: Act I: Prisoner, Chapter 1: Good Morning

I have to say this is an excellent stop over while waiting for the escapes of Carly and hopefully down the line Alison...

I enjoy the fact you added the bit of realism with the pregnancy as taboo as it is in a fetish format it adds a bit more sympathy to the two characters directly involved especially Brian.

Excellent work.

Author's Response:

thanks! i felt like it would be an interesting risk to take to toss in that part of the story. carly will return soon. alison i'm not so sure about; i'm not sure if there's a ton of interest there for people

Reviewer: aaron Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 09 2011 9:05 PM Title: Chapter 6: System Failure

great story. even though it will probably be awhile before there is more. i cant wait.


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