Reviews For Julia
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Reviewer: AdamX Signed [Report This]
Date: June 19 2012 2:21 PM Title: Chapter 30: Ultimate Make-out

Ah yes, godspeed brave soul.


Five lieves are counting on you...well six counting his own if she finds out.

Reviewer: Orr4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: June 18 2012 11:42 AM Title: Chapter 29: Catching Bees with Honey

I LOVE this story.

The story revolves around a psychotic teenage girl who shrunk and kidnapped five different personalities and the thoughts of our hero, Jack, as he attempts to exploit the young, naive heart of this giantess who could end his small life in so many ways just so that he can save his fellow inmates before it is too late.

Spoilers :::::::::::

I love the suspense you add and actually enjoy the plot chapters more than I do the so called 'fetish' chapters because of that suspense, not to say those sexually themed chapters aren't delicious >:)

Jack is  somebody who is easy to relate to and the differences in personalites with the other fellow prisoners adds more tension especially with him being younger. Then there is Julia who is indeed crazy (I love crazy giantesses :P) or psychotic might be better but is also very smart but her young teenage naiveness shows sometimes despite this. Her not only liking Jack but being obsessed with him makes the situation even crazier! Julia thinks she controls Jack's heart and is guiding the relationship but it's actually the tiny Jack who is taking advantage of the girl's first love. What will happen when he shatters it? I hope we don't find out anytime soon because I don't want a story like this to end anytime soon :D

Then there is even more stress with Brian starting to lose his mind and Anna being pregnant which causes there to be that sense of having only a little bit of 'time' left before Julia finds out and all hell breaks loose! There is the idea that Jack takes responsibility which would be insane!

Even more intriguing to me is the relationship with Gina and Jack. Gina obviously likes Jack and he obviously likes her to where he risks his life a couple of times for her but with Julia not only liking Jack but loving to the point of obsession, she is a smart girl although young and crazy, she will eventually see Jack's liking/love of her and maybe she will she get jealous eventually and use Gina's 'fear' to her advantage for revenge, will she use that to get Jack's true feelings out? Will she simply try to kill her tiny competetion or even get her involved? So much possibilities XD

It's all your story and honestly no matter what you do, you won't mess this up for me. I'm into everything there is when it comes to giantess fetish so anything you like, I damn sure like. So don't feel any time of embarrassment or think, will they think this chapter is too boring or over the top? Your skills come natural to you and your work might not seem much to you but to me, it kept me going yesterday as I took my time reading to savor the chapters you had. Please keep adding and I will continue to be on the look out!

Thanks for the fantastic read,


Author's Response:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and I'm glad you enjoy the story so much. You raise some good questions that will, indeed, have answers by the time the story is over. It's nice to hear that someone likes the plot chapters so much, since I do tend to worry that this story is too plot-driven to be thoroughly enjoyed by all readers.

Reviewer: The Critic Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 17 2012 5:43 AM Title: Chapter 29: Catching Bees with Honey

Love the recent chapters, really looking forward to seeing what she has in store for him.

Author's Response:

thanks for the review

Reviewer: AdamX Signed [Report This]
Date: June 17 2012 3:57 AM Title: Chapter 29: Catching Bees with Honey



Moar cried the crowd.

Author's Response:

"Okay," cried the author in response to the crowd.

Reviewer: aaron Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 15 2012 5:54 PM Title: Chapter 28: Date Night

So glad to see this story back. Really love your writing style.


Author's Response:

thanks for reading!

Reviewer: AdamX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 15 2012 2:56 AM Title: Chapter 28: Date Night



Thank you very much for also continuing this one, I've been wondering about our fateful crew since we last left them.

Author's Response:

i appreciate your enthusiastic welcome backs to these two slightly older stories i've decided to give another go. :)

Reviewer: Afroking Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 15 2012 1:30 AM Title: Chapter 28: Date Night

whatever you write it will be great. 

Reviewer: Afroking Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 15 2012 1:19 AM Title: Act I: Prisoner, Chapter 1: Good Morning

wow u brought it back. this was one of my favorites when i first started reading here. thank you for bringing it back.

Reviewer: deviant Signed [Report This]
Date: December 04 2011 6:00 PM Title: Act I: Prisoner, Chapter 1: Good Morning

so eagerly awaiting this date.

also, I love how you're treating Julia's feet.  judging by your other stories I'm awaiting for the impending carnage they'll inevitably cause.  on top of that Julia is a fantastically realized character, maybe the best SM genre character ever.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 04 2011 2:29 PM Title: Chapter 27: Game Ender

Whew! She (and you) had me fooled there for a minute. I thought for sure Gina was exiting the story, permanently!
In any event, you have renewed my determination to read this story to the literal end. So, by all mean; enjoy your holiday break. You've earned it!

Reviewer: slave4ever Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 04 2011 11:00 AM Title: Chapter 27: Game Ender

Sorry I haven't commented on the chapters as you post them like I usually do. But I havent been feeling well.

I actually reaf the whole thing in one sitting today. Sunday Dec4. Another excellent story that has been very well written. I cant wait to see what happens next.


Reviewer: QMajor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 03 2011 2:48 PM Title: Act I: Prisoner, Chapter 1: Good Morning

Uh-oh, I think we're seeing the consequences of Jack's little rebellion earlier.  I guess she's not happy that Jack would defend Gina like that. Hopefully this should make it clear to Jack that taking credit for Anna's pregnancy would be a freaking terrible idea for everyone involved. :)

Man, this story is addictive.  Good job!

Reviewer: aaron Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 03 2011 11:16 AM Title: Chapter 26: When Stuffed Animals Attack

this story is very entertaining. an i love reading it. im starting to feel immense simpathy towards these shrunken little people. an i hope poor gina doesnt fall to her death..
an at any rate i love the direction this story is moving, forward. lol

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 03 2011 8:11 AM Title: Chapter 26: When Stuffed Animals Attack

Hmmmmm! It looks like Julia is on to Gina and Jack's feelings for each other.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 02 2011 9:23 AM Title: Chapter 25: Playtime Begins

Uh-oh! The first on-set of morning sickness? There's _definitely_ no way to keep Julia from noticing that!!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 30 2011 3:54 PM Title: Chapter 24: Heartfelt Audition

Oh-ho! She's doing "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman" times ten in an urban setting. Pretty quirky; even for a giantess wanna-be!

As for this story, as a whole? You're really churning out the chapters, now. I'm lucky if I can do two or three in the space of a month!

Author's Response:

Well I'm not actually writing these now, this is an old story I've just had sitting on the computer

Reviewer: Atrus Signed [Report This]
Date: November 29 2011 9:37 PM Title: Chapter 23: The Morning Of

Wow, you really have a huge amount of this story written already! But you say it's unfinished? This is a silly question, but how much is unwritten, would you say? Although, given your "A Little Blackmail" series, I guess this is still in its early stages...



Anyway, I wanted to highlight a story on Giantess City which I'm reading at the same time as I eagerly await more tales of Julia and friends.


It's "In Fran's Hands" by Micro Ozzy.


I feel like Julia and Fran are sort of similar in that I get the impression, especially from recent chapters, that Julia really doesn't have a lot of friends, or good social skills with people her own age and size. The school nerdette having a "private hunk" at home is really intriguing.


Micro Ozzy's style is actually rather similar to yours as well. Much less words, but still... certain key phrases that are especially evocative.

The line this chapter: "As Julia reaches for me, her tongue pokes outside her mouth, not in a licking kind of way, but almost in a greedy, thoughtful way."


So good.


Please continue!

Author's Response:

I'm not sure how much is unwritten. I have major plotpoints planned in my head, but I'm not sure how long those will end up being in words.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 29 2011 5:50 PM Title: Chapter 23: The Morning Of

It could be worse, Jack. She could have the five of you singing "It's A Small World, After All!"

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 29 2011 5:48 PM Title: Act II: Spy, Chapter 22: Gina

To paraphrase Sean Connery (from THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER): "A little plot, now and then, can be a healthy thing."

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 29 2011 5:44 PM Title: Chapter 21: Relationship Woes

Mondo bizarro (but, in a good way).

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